#i can show you the wip if you'd like but...it's literally just peter rambles and short dialogue bits going nowhere
tunesscribbles · 1 year
hi lovely, i just read love run + i loved it. not sure if you’re taking requests but id really like to read a fic where peter tells magneto he’s his dad. we were robbed of that moment in the movies + im looking for my happy ending 😭😌
Hey, thank you so much and I'm so sorry it's been like 3 years since I received this ask and I'd love to write that happy ending and I've tried, I do have a wip for this, but i keep getting stuck on it, first when wandavision happened and briefly gave me hope and then killed off any motivation, then i was distracted writing a different fic and finally the big road block, which is why i'm answering this without a fic attached because frankly idk if or when that's gonna happen, because i realised i just have no idea how to write Erik. he stumps me and idk why, but i'll type up Peter chattering and have absolutely no clue how to let Erik respond, and the times i do get something out, i'm mostly kind of reproducing what i've read and loved from elsewhere, which isn't the point because like. plagiarism.
tldr: I'm so sorry i haven't answered this, but i can't figure out how to write erik. (on that note: Go read the building of the house if you haven't, it's my favourite dadneto fic and the link should be somewhere in my 'cool things other people wrote' tag)
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birlwrites · 2 years
Perhaps you could ramble to us about the musician au you posted about a week ago? Goodluck with your assignments/projects!!
for those of you who don't know, i study western classical music, which means sooner or later i come up with music aus for every fandom i write for. (they tend to remain in tumblr text post format though because i already have so many wips afjslghjdkfd)
i also very much love the juxtaposition of multiple *types* of music which was why my mind immediately jumped to sirius dropping out of his uptight classical-music-ONLY conservatory in favor of a rock band
most of the instruments that i've talked about so far in this au are ones i have some degree of personal experience with (except the violin. i don't understand violin and i never will, i've been informed it takes finger strength and my Distinct Lack Of That And Also Unwillingness To Improve It is part of why i never got very good at guitar) - i don't know a ton about vocal technique for tenors and below but it's similar enough to soprano/mezzo technique that i can fake it ajflshgskdjfd
it's entirely possible i will decide over the course of making this post, we'll see. ANYWAY. so i'm already very sure that the two of them will be on drums and bass in some configuration. less flashy instruments that keep the other ones on track, which mirrors their roles in the friend group
benefits of putting remus on drums include: ba dum tss whenever someone makes a shitty joke, cognitive dissonance of *remus* who you'd probably expect to play a more chill instrument sitting down and picking up drumsticks and just going absolutely wild
benefits of putting peter on drums include: the same kind of cognitive dissonance, he's not as talkative as the rest of them onstage so putting him in the back removes some spotlight and the other three focus more on engaging with the audience, could be persuaded to also do the ba dum tss
benefits of putting remus on bass include: moving him downstage where he can interact more with james and sirius, very tall = long fingers = could probably do a bar chord SUPER easily
benefits of putting peter on bass include: wait okay i've decided afslghsdkfjd I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN
okay so i'm going to put peter on drums and remus on bass. both of them are in a position to push the tempo and in general set the pace, peter's in a position where he can hide a little from the audience if he so desires, and we get the cognitive dissonance effect, while downstage, remus hangs back a little from the james-and-sirius banter but jumps in quite frequently with his own sarcastic comments
lily and sirius suffered through music theory together and are friends for life as a result. she keeps in touch with him and sometimes goes to their shows - the marauders are not super well-known at the moment and they basically just play locally, so this is easy enough
regulus, meanwhile, is in the practice rooms performing feats of insane technical skill with pretty much zero feeling behind them. he's not really sure how he's meant to get *emotion* out of a *piano* so he compensates by working on literally everything else. he'll do all the phrasing correctly but there's still something very blank and rote about it
barty has the opposite problem - his number one worst habit is getting really into whatever he's doing and completely failing to watch the conductor. fortunately he is extremely capable of counting and as a result he gets away with this like 95% of the time (maybe the conductor is professor babbling fjsgkhsdjkfd)
OH MY GOD okay this gives me an idea. if peter's the drummer for the marauders, that naturally opens up the possibility in the plot of him being indisposed for some reason. i don't want him to betray the marauders or anything like that because i don't want to do that to them afjslghdsjf but if regulus and sirius have reconciled and peter happens to get sick or injured, there's a fabulous opportunity for regulus to be like 'hey barty. how quickly could you learn a 15-song setlist' and barty to be like 'regulus what the fuck have you gotten us into. give me a day and a cheat sheet'
i suppose there are non-betrayal reasons that peter might leave the band as well
hmmm now my brain is filling up with ideas about peter's terrible stage fright that he deals with because he wrote a lot of these songs and they need drums and the others really want him to perform with them but he's really *not* getting more comfortable with being onstage and just wants to write songs and work behind the scenes and maybe get into producing, but when he brought up maybe looking for a replacement the others kind of got sad about it and he hasn't really steeled himself to bring it up again and explain that it's not that he doesn't want to be part of the band, it's that he doesn't like performing live
then he comes down with the flu and it's not *bad* but he's in no shape to perform, regulus gets wind of this and is like 'hmmmm'
and barty subs in and it goes fabulously well and peter goes 'PLEASE make this permanent and let me write you songs full time' and the marauders have a looooong conversation about that and then ask barty to perform with them
barty, obviously, being a full-time student at Uptight Conservatory™ and also genuinely enjoying being in the orchestra and not wanting to drop out, will be under some time pressure because of this - peter sends him a lot of recordings for memorization purposes
and now regulus HAS to go to all their gigs MWAHAHAHA
goodness gracious i think this post is long enough jaflhsjkfdf
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