#i can't be bothered tagging all of the bravermans
Hayley Watches Parenthood
Decided that I need to vent my feelings about Parenthood. Under the cut.
Okay so I started Parenthood for my beautiful bae Lauren Graham, but I’m honestly falling in love with them all. I’m having far too many feelings already (I’m on s2e7) so I’ve decided to vent them all out on le tumblr dot com. 
Sarah, Amber and Drew
I know I’m biased because I already love Lauren but Sarah is one of my favourites. I find her so interesting and complex and I love watching Lauren play this character who kinda fails as a mother sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, she’s really trying and a lot of the time she is an amazing mother. But it’s nice to see someone who is a bit of a mess and does make mistakes with her children. I think it’s realistic. Also am loving watching her career blossom. She’s beautiful, of course, and quirky. But I super love how she doesn’t remind me of Lorelai. Like, at all. Phew. Side note: CANNOT stand her with this Gordon guy (I just find all the Baldwin’s sleazy, sorry?) and I want her to get back with cute teacher guy. They had the best chemistry so far. 
Ok I am honestly so so so in love with Amber. She’s my little misunderstood queen and I love her. Sure, she can be moody and shitty and what not, but I just know that they’re setting her up for some beautiful character development and I genuinely cannot wait to see it unfold. I love her with all of my heart. And I love her even more for the fact that she wore a banana costume to a halloween party. I also really enjoy her relationship with Sarah. It’s interesting to watch Lauren act this role, where she’s not super close with her daughter and they butt heads a lot, but they do care for each other deeply and that’s shown every now and again. 
Drew is kinda in the background a little bit and I don’t feel a connection to him really? I feel bad for him because he obviously has daddy issues, but it was nice to see him connect with Adam as a fatherly figure. He always has time for Max which I think is super rad. That storyline where he kissed April Nardini was random though, and short-lived, and I don’t understand the importance/relevance of that entire storyline?? 
Adam, Kristina, Haddie and Max
OKAY SO the thing is I find myself kind of not liking Adam, and I don’t understand why?? Like, he is such a good guy. Not in a fake way, like, all the way down to his core he is just such a good guy. He cares about his family and he’ll do anything for them. It’s actually annoying how he basically always does the right thing (so far anyway). Like, he’ll be about to fuck up and I’ll be like ‘yas this will give me some sort of explanation as to why I don’t like his character’ and then at the last minute he goes and does the right thing! I can’t quite put my finger on why I don’t care for him too much -- perhaps it is because he slightly bores me? -- but all I know is, I try to not like him but I just /can’t/. That probably makes no sense. 
Kristina is also not one of my favs (she can piss me off ALOT sometimes) but I do have a whole heap of respect for her. She is one badass mum and she really takes care of her kids. She really is your kinda typical mum, and I love that about her. She reminds me of my own mum a little bit. I don’t like the way she treats Sarah sometimes (but that’s bc I Protect my favs). I really liked that scene she had with Gaby and she actually admitted how she’s been feeling about it all, and also in relation to her marriage and it was awesome to see her vulnerable that way. She’s absolutely stunning tbh and I envy her hair. (p.s. she was a badass when she was working on that campaign). 
Haddie can annoy me so fcking much oh my gosh. BUT also I was a 15 year old girl once so I can totally relate. She kinda portrays your typical but realistic storyline of young teenage girl pushing for more freedom, and how she deals with her parents resisting that. I know that feeling where you feel like you deserve more freedom than you’re getting, and how unfair it all feels. But in hindsight, my parents (and Haddie’s) were right. Fifteen is still pretty young tbh. I didn’t like how in the first season ALL of her storylines revolved around boys, namely Steve. I just wanted to see a bit of Haddie as her own person, as opposed to just this boy-loving teenager. It felt like a bit of a cliche. But now that her and Steve are over, I like her a lot more. She’s, like, cool. idk. 
I like Max. I think the actor that plays him is outstanding and I also think it’s super important that stories like his are being portrayed in the media. I don’t really know what else to say about Max other than I just think it’s really cool to see his story, and the character’s that are affected by him, play out. 
Julia, Joel and Sydney
I LOVE JULIA. Julia is bae. She’s is so smart and passionate and stubborn and beautiful. Honestly, I get lost in her eyes during her scenes I s2g hahahaha. She is such an important character, honestly, like give me all the working mothers trying to balance their work and maintain a close relationship with their kid. I love how they show that it’s not necessarily easy but you can do it, and also it’s okay to be a working mother. You don’t have to give up your career. She’s so stubborn and I can understand the way other people in her life react to her sometimes, but all in all I love her to pieces. 
Joel is such a sweetheart like he’s just such a pure cinnamon roll so far. He has this real quiet confidence that I love, but also it’s adorable how shy he was around the family at first. I loved that scene when he yelled at Zeek about the roof, saying he was a certified trained contractor and that he knew more than him and I was like yes!!! go Joel!! He’s so cute and good with Sydney, but I also like how he’s not super praised about being a single father. I think there was only one line in the whole show so far where someone was like ‘you’re such a hero for being a stay-at-home dad’ and my eyes rolled SO FAR back it was unbelievable but thankfully!!! there’s only been one line like that. He’s just a sweetie and I love him. also sexy. 
Sydney is kinda just whatever the show needs her to be in that episode, like imo she doesn’t really have a character yet. I don’t know. She’s just the kid, you know? But she is considerably less annoying than most kids her age so that’s a plus. 
Crosby, Jasmine and Jabbar
I love Crosby with all of my heart. He’s the male I feel the most emotionally connected with in the whole show. At first I thought he was being set up to be the continuous loser failure and I was so exhausted at just the thought of him being a dropkick dad. I just feel like that storyline has been done before so many times, so I was so happy to see that they’ve actually done his character justice! Sure, maybe he’s not at the same point in his life as his siblings, but he’s killin’ it where he’s at right now. I love love love his relationship with Jabbar, I think it’s the cutest thing and it made me smile so much when he told Jasmine that he was falling in love with him. CROSBY IS CUTE. 
I like Jasmine. I think she’s really talented and a great mum and good for Crosby and she’s stunning, obviously. I’m glad she got to live her dreams, but am also glad she decided that her family is more important. I’m just like, I like her but don’t love her. A little indifferent towards her relationship with Crosby, could go either way and I wouldn’t mind (aside from it would suck for Jabbar if they split). They did just get engaged though and that was cute. 
Jabbar is cute and his personality is adorable! I love how much he loves Crosby and AHHH idk they’re just the cutest lil dad-son duo. It makes my heart so happy. 
Zeek and Camille
Honestly??? Can’t stand either of them. I just wanna tell them both to pull their heads out of their asses. Zeek is arrogant and stubborn and rude and cheated so yuck. And Camille is sooooooo annoying. Sorry. I don’t know. She just??? Like just fucking say something, stop playing the victim and take control of your life???? Really honestly can’t stand either of them hahahaha oops.
General Opinions
Where are the gay people? Why is everyone Straight™? Surely SOMEONE is lgbt+??????????? PLEASE?????? List of people who I want to be lgbt+: Sarah, Amber, Drew, Haddie, Joel, and Camille. I personally think all of these are possible? A GIRL CAN DREAM.
I love it with all my heart. I see flaws and it’s similar to Gilmore Girls in the sense that it’s very white and very straight, but I can acknowledge that and still enjoy it. although there is far too much yelling in this show for my liking. so many scenes are just five characters shouting at each other and it does my head in.
I found that I became invested in these characters very very quickly which was nice? nice and snuggly. I think the family aspect of it is very...comforting and it’s just like, a nice show to watch. idk, i just love it a lot!
so anyway here are my thoughts on Parenthood that nobody asked for. if you read them all then you’re a champ!
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