#i can't believe hanjoon just left his mom in the hospital like that after just finding out she was there
ellsieee · 1 year
I wish Star Struck was given a longer runtime because I feel like this series had so much potential, but tried to fit too much into a short runtime which made it feel very rushed. I wish we could have had more character development/backstory so that I could understand Hanjoon and Yoojae's (especially Yoojae) motivations better and connect with them emotionally.
That being said, Yoojae giving Hanjoon a silver twist tie ring was super cute.
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I think it's Hanjoon's happy smile that really sells it.
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This final scene was sweet and made me smile.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Star Struck Eps 7 & 8 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Let's finish this one. Last week, our leads reunited in college and it has been so awkward. Yoojae feels possessive and jealous of Hanjoon, and Hanjoon is unable to find any comfort because he can't just bee Yoojae's best friend anymore. It's been kind of sad to watch, because this is rather common for friends when one of them wants more than the other can give.
Episode 7
And now Hanjoon is trying to avoid Yoojae again. I feel bad for both of them. They both lost their most meaningful relationship.
Hanjoon said they had a bad kiss! Oh my god. Except, Yoojae doesn't believe him at all.
Look at Yoojae suggesting they date. I think it's the right call regardless. The only way out is through.
We don't have a lot of time left, so I'm curious what the final role this fight club will play in this.
Gays on bikes? Definitely dating.
Okay, where is Hanjoon's mom?
This divorce scene with Yoojae's parents is so uncomfortable. This show has had an underlying commentary about wealth that basically says no one is happy.
Episode 8
Oh no. Something tragic happened to Hanjoon's mom.
Oh, great. Hanjoon is rushing to the hospital the night of an anniversary date and is so worried about his mom he didn't message Yoojae, who also just had a huge fight with his parents. Pain.
Go Eunha loves her son, and tried to shield him from her illness. Of course she'd encourage him to salvage the date.
That's probably all the money she had left. Man, this show hurts in lots of really small ways.
Oh, I do hate when we flash back to conditions after they're broken and it's new information to us. I get that Yoojae doesn't want to be abandoned or ghosted again, but still.
This is almost Japanese with him running across Seoul to fix his relationship.
Hey, I'll give this show points for Yoojae not being obnoxious about this.
Bonus points to this show for acknowledging #LipWatch2023 because those lips were chapped.
Ehh.... I just don't feel like this rings scene is earned.
Final Verdict: 7, Feels Unfinished. I'm getting a bit tired of the refrain that these K-BL outings should be longer. Studio Winsome is telling complete stories in their limited run time. This show has some incredibly good ideas that need three times as much runtime to develop. I'm dissatisfied.
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