#i can't believe i made a whole post breaking down namelessshipping in the legendverse
a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Going off what I said earlier about when Red comes down from Mt.Silver, it just became more apparent that Red and Blue are probably not gonna be a couple by SM. Just so you know, namelessshipping is canon in the Legendverse but Arceus it takes them a while.
Red comes back from Mt.Silver a year before BW. This means that in my timeline he and Blue go to Alola in 7 years from the time Red finally comes home. Now your probably thinking: 'R that's a whole lot of time for these two to get together, what's the hullabaloo?'
You do not understand. This is Red and Blue we are talking about here. These boys are fucking stubborn. Not only does Red and Blue have to repair their broken relationship ( Blue for how the way he acted, Red for just up and leaving and not coming back even after being found). Then, after the reconciliations and when these two ( three, Green is part of this too. She was both hurt as one of Red's best friends and on behalf of a heartbroken Blue), both of these idiots ( affectionate) both adopt the mindset of " okay, so things are better now, do not screw this up we must remain friends because anything more than that could ruin everything so I do not have any feelings for that guy nope nada none-".
The boys' worry isn't dumb though, they have a right to worry about loosing their friendship that they just got back. But this went on for years and it became painfully obvious to those in the know that these two are head over heels for each other. Blue is more himself when around Red, Red generally clings to Blue when going out, Blue is the only person other than Green, Daisy and Red's mom to understand what Red is saying when he just doesn't speak( it took Daisy a while to learn the ropes), the accidental flirting, the red faces. Let's not forget that these guys were teenagers for the majority of these years so misunderstandings and jealousy stuff ahoy. They grew out of it as they grew older and learned proper communication, but still you get the pain of all these years of just pining.
And again, you would think that one of them would just break but again these two are stubborn. However. Alola just has that air to it. Everything is more relaxed and while Rec and Blue are working on the Battle Tree,they still are in a tropical setting with an amazing culture to learn about. I feel like that , and just the general newfound maturity that Red and Blue has by SM would really help these two to finally break their stubbornness and talk about how they feel. Or sign in Red's case. Well he can talk, but he's selectively mute/ generally doesn't like talking. Anyway! These two are idiots in love and I love them for that.
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