#i can't even choose a couple of bits to put in bold text because everything is so fucking Correct
clarabosswald · 7 months
Time for bed and I've wasted a day arguing with seemingly every useless, part-of-the-problem, I-know-half-of-this-story shitmonger on this hellscape of a platform, and by that I mean every mook who thinks you can rationalize the barbarism of Hamas, or every scrote who thinks that the affront of the settlement policy and the increasing ruthlessness of the West Bank settlement policy is anything but a disaster for any peace process, or every submoron who thinks Jew or Arab, Israeli or Palestinian has a clean, clear purchase on this complicated history, or that either side can ever wash itself clean of complicity in trying to avoid the inevitable reality, that two wounded peoples need to share a land, that some portion will be a Jewish homeland for another 75 years, but not unless there is corresponding statehood for Palestine, and that any festering shitbag ideological rage-harvesting liar who wants to pretend that all this hate and violence will drive 9 million Jews into the sea or make their Semitic brethren ever concede that their national aspirations will not be realized, is simply another cell on a long, metastasizing cancer that devours innocent lives, well, add your trollery, anger and singular, one-sided imaginings to this thread and come morning, I'll wipe you all clean in one devoted burst of blockage. You're no good to anyone -- Israeli or Palestinian, Arab or Jew. You're just another small part of the great heaving, clogging fistula of shit that bars the way to the only plausible future that isn't caked in blood and gore. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Netanyahu. Fuck the Iranians. Fuck the settlers. Fuck everyone ready to monologue on one half of this long, ornate, tragic tale of a half century or more while magically forgetting every last shard of your brother's half. You will share the same narrative, and begin at least to contemplate the whole tale and everyone's shared complicity, or you will keep preaching to your rancid, rote-brained choirs and bleed together for another few generations. You will either learn to share the land, to cede some fair measure of a shared future or you will, every useless, hate-engorged squib on every side of this horror, learn to bleed into the same gutter. If you think you come away clean from your history, your religion, your ideology, you are a fool and you will never begin the long march back from hell. And there are so many of you assholes that, admittedly, it will be a long road indeed. But honestly, in the name of Yahweh and Allah both, and Christ himself if he's fool enough to show up, go fuck yourself to hell if you seriously think that you know enough to claim to be with anyone clean in this maelstrom. In the very claim, in your hunger to be singularly right and to have the other soul be singularly wrong, you reveal your amoral greed, your ahistorical stupidity and your corrupted, empty soul. Fuck you all. And to those remainder with the capacity to think in human-scale complexities and never let go of anyone's human spirit, I'll see you tomorrow when maybe I'll write exactly what I mean and we can coherently discuss. And, conversely, that everyone with anger, hate and cheap certainty in their soul is ever angry at me in equal measure, because again, you assholes at both extremes holding all of us and peace itself by the throat, can eat an overstuffed bag of stale, unsalted dicks. You're useless to any actual solution ever. You are the fucking problem. And that is enough sincerity for one man on the end of a bad day. 
-david simon
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