#i can't even load google searches like that's how bad it is in this house
nashishishi · 1 year
idk how to explain to people that the reason i haven't been online much is because the school i go to has barely any signal and the home i live in currently also doesn't really have any good signal and there is/was a typhoon passing through the country so it made the signal problem worse, so the only time i could get signal was when i went out on the weekends, but there's been a shit ton of smog in my area recently, either from the abnormally active volcano nearby or from the horrible pollution, both of which render the air quality unhealthy, meaning i get sick more easily because i'm either inhaling sulfur dioxide from the ashfall OR i'm inhaling sulfur dioxide from the pollution, meaning i'm stuck inside my house with horrible signal for most of the day
and the typhoon that is/was passing through the country means that it's also been raining quite a bit recently, and rain + sulfur dioxide = acid rain, meaning i REALLY can't go outside, meaning no signal for me. ever.
also, even when i Can go outside, it's usually just to run errands. obviously it's not advised to go outside if it's not necessary, so i only ever go out when i need to do my groceries or something like that, which means the only time i can get signal is also the one and only time in the entire week when all i do for 2 hours is cross a bunch of streets, run down supermarket aisles, try not to let my wallet get stolen, and then walk back home. none of which are activities that i can do while also diverting part of my attention to scrolling or messaging on my phone
so yk like if i could explain all that in like 1 or 2 sentences that would be great. it's just that if i say "the whole goddamn country (including me) is in a crisis rn srry" and it hasn't reached world news yet, it almost sounds like a non-issue (or just a straight-up lie) if i use it as an excuse
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(I don't know if this has already been asked but-)
How do you do your rips for LN? You make them look so good. I wanna learn so I can make them for another game I play!
I read a tutorial by askr. You can find the Drive link to the tutorial on their page if you /search/ for rips. I don't want to drop a direct link. It'll help a lot. There are two methods I can explain. I'm on Windows 10. One is using NinjaRipper https://gamebanana.com/tools/5638. This tool is no longer updated, but it works on Nox for LN at least, and the emulated Android device is default, so Android 4.4.2 is the version you're launching, or at least I launch. After ripping search for the DDS file extension and get them all out to the same folder. I batch convert the DDS into PNG via file globbing using ImageMagick https://imagemagick.org/. The command is: magick mogrify -format png *.dds (Of course do that after navigating to the directory you placed the .dds extractions, so: cd C:\Users\User\Documents\Images\etc\ ) (I don't know how to survive lots of image files without ImageMagick, it's a secret standard of batch image processing, it even has a rival spinoff or fork called GraphicsMagick that claims to be better, wow, image processing drama) Besides that, this tool Noesis was recommended as a game image conversion tool https://richwhitehouse.com/index.php?content=inc_projects.php , and has the same quality as ImageMagick. There are lots of ways to convert DDS → PNG so I think getting NinjaRipper to work is the hardest. Also, there is a successor, NinjaRipper 2, that I would like to try, and you can BUY the tool here. https://www.patreon.com/ninjaripper. My laptop has poor and slow processing power, like, 2 cores, but it gets by. A single rip takes up to 15 minutes for me. It's nice that it rips in order which is helpful for arranging the individual textures together.
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Yup, here's an example of a bad rip. Not every texture displayed was ripped. My educated guess is the animated background particles (I had animations enabled) caused the ripper to overwrite identically named texture files between display from frame to frame over the few second duration that the ripper was executed. The texture file names indicate the order of the layering. The flowers Tex_0019 were laid on top and loaded final. This is one thing helpful about the NinjaRipper method, compared to nefarious method #2. The second method involves File Manager+ on the same Nox emulator, possibly any unless it is a later Android version that File Manager+ can't handle. Download the app on Google Play or hm, APKPure possibly but it won't launch on Android 4 for the Nox version I was talking about earlier. It's good to know about APKPure. Anyways. The Nox emulated Android device is rooted, and what happens is File Manager + requests superuser access. Go into the system data.... and you will find... /res/ as well as /resupdate/ . There was a drama about it a year ago because this information caused game leaks (the thread is helpful), and the texture files have since been encrypted and PVRTextool doesn't read the .ktx files. KTX is just a container and the game actually stores the images as compressed png images, not in DDS format. There is a decoder that decrypts the scrambled png data, and that tool is for LN itself. Maybe your game texture files won't be encrypted yet and you can do a raw file extraction only. I couldn't use File Manager+ to access system on Android 9 when I attempted extracting JN game data some months ago, and that's because of recent security updates regarding scoped storage. Or maybe it was because of Nox being finicky with a beta version which, for Nox, Android 9 is. Solid File Explorer File Manager, the trial version you can use for 1 week, will successfully do that file extraction for you if your game requires the a more updated Android version. I can also say that in the system data files there are some unencrypted GIFs that are housing emojiis!
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I didn't explain perfectly on purpose, I hope this helps.
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jpn-arch · 7 years
Hello my name is İsmail and i'm an architecture student in Turkey . Last week my teacher gave me a homework about Atelier Bow-Wow's Terrace House. If it's possible , can you give me some information about this House . I've been researching it for a week but i can't find anything. I found only some photographs but it's not enough for my homework .
Hello Ismail
first off: i’m very sorry, you could've sent this message days or even weeks ago. Tumblr doesn't notify me (anymore) whenever I get a message. 
I’m afraid I can’t help you a lot. I’m not an architect myself, just amateur blogger. I’m sure you found atelier bow wow their site and the official images (which are bad, just like their site in general, im sorry atelierbowwow, but thats how it is) and have probably been to page 10 of google search results. 
when I was an architecture student, I also had an assignment on an atelier bow wow project, but it was a different one. I remember i also had a really difficult time researching (i guess thats why professors give you projects from them...).
I did find some articles in books, in which they cover their own atelier and house in depth, but i couldn't find anything about Terrace House. I’m not quite sure what you're assignment is, so i’m not sure what exactly your looking for. 
I once had the opportunity to go to a lecture from them, but that was about “commonalities”. you can find the whole lecture in their book named also “commonalties of architecture”. Maybe you could look for their catalogue in a library , or bookshop and see if there is anything interesting in there. I don't own any books by atelier bow wow (except for the lecture pamflet) so i wouldn't know if there is a lot of text explaining the projects. 
I don't know more about the Terras house than the official website lets me know (i can't even load pics bcs I have a bad wifi connection). I guess you could try looking it up in Japanese and see if anything pops up and ask your browsers to translate the webpages. 
good luck on your assignment !! 
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