#i can't go on when people genuinely think harm reduction is either THE DEVIL'S WORK or the fucking end goal
lightningfilledsaber · 11 months
Man I'm just at the point where like. I can't. anymore. lmfao. There's absolutely no fucking nuance in the kink community. I can't stand it. Cannot trust a single fucking person because half of them think that anything but the more "mainstream" aspects of kink and fetish make you completely morally bankrupt while the other half genuinely believe everything goes as long as there's no "real" situations/kids/family/etc etc involved. For fuck's sake. I'm into hardcore shit and I recognize and practice that even things I'm personally uncomfortable with aren't inherently harmful. But that doesn't fucking mean there isn't a LINE. The reason these spaces, like any space for minority, marginalized, etc etc communities, are safe is because there is a level of gatekeeping. All "radical acceptance" does is permit actual abusers and REAL HARM into places that are SUPPOSED TO BE safe. In pursuit of harm reduction and destigmatization, we've been letting the line fucking deteriorate. You'd think for communities full of MINORITIES we'd collectively understand that the "majority opinion" is not necessarily going to be the best or least harmful one. JUST "no REAL __" is not gonna fucking cut it. I've been wanting to write an honest to god essay about this for the longest time but the more I see people stop giving a shit the more hopeless and fucking TIRED I become. There are some things that shouldn't HAVE to be explained for people to understand is fucking WRONG. We can all collectively understand this but somehow people stop giving a shit when it comes to confronting it about themselves and the things they've allowed themselves to become complacent with. "This is wrong" is not automatically fucking puritan """thought crime""" rhetoric JUST AS "this isn't wrong" is not automatically fucking ""evil depraved abuser"" shit. Come the fuck ON man. Not a single fucking one of you gives a shit about harm reduction OR survivors, whether it be on the anti OR pro kink end, and it fucking SUCKS because I refuse to be equated to the kink equivalent of a fucking centrist for trying to keep my own fucking community SAFE and SANE.
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