#i can't let bartender krystal go
ya-ya-sestrahood · 10 months
Krystal and Sarah, E. :)
Krystal + Sarah (featuring Sarah/Rachel and Krystal/MK) - Sharing a drink (set in Kat's rock band AU)
Sarah steps out of the elevator and saunters toward the hotel bar. The pre-show drink hasn’t been a strict necessity for her in years, but it would be a shame not to at least stop by and say hello. She briefly considers the possibility that the woman she’s looking for might not be working tonight or might not even work here at all anymore, but somehow, she just knows. When she turns the corner and spots her behind the counter, it feels like coming home.
“Hey, Krystal,” she says, slipping into the seat in front of her. “Y’alright?”
Krystal’s eyes flick up to meet hers.
“Do I know you?” she asks.
“Cute,” Sarah laughs. “This because I didn’t come to see you last time?”
Krystal shrugs a shoulder.
“Yeah… sorry,” Sarah says, swallowing. “Things with Rachel were a bloody mess. I know you were at the show that night.”
Krystal nods.
“It sucked.”
“It was shite,” Sarah agrees. “Guess that’s why you don’t shag your bandmate.”
Krystal sighs, turning and grabbing a bottle. In a blink, she’s sliding a bourbon across the table.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Sarah gratefully grabs the glass and takes a swig.
“Only if you’re drinking too,” she says.
The corner of Krystal’s lip curls upward.
“I’m working,” she says.
“I’m buying,” Sarah says.
Krystal grins.
“You win.” 
Sarah then watches in awe as Krystal begins throwing together the most elaborate cocktail she’s ever seen. She flits between shelves, her hands moving with blistering efficiency, and somehow, an effortless grace. Sarah feels her heart start to beat faster. She curses herself under her breath.
The final product consists of all the colors of a sunset in one glass. Sarah could swear it gives off its own light.
“The hell’s that?” she says.
Krystal raises her glass and clinks it against Sarah’s.
“It’s $75.”
“We’re doin’ better now, but she’s not always easy. I’m not always easy. Sometimes, I just… I feel like I’m countin’ the days ‘til it falls apart again.”
Sarah draws in a breath, runs her fingers through her hair. God, she does not want to cry right now. Krystal places a hand over hers. Her eyes are kind.
“Sorry,” Sarah says. “You don’t need to hear about my problems. You doin’ alright? How’s Veera?”
“I’m good. She’s good,” Krystal says, her eyes lighting up at the mention of her partner. “She can’t wait to see you tonight.”
“You’re bloody lucky, y’know,” Sarah says into her drink. “The way you two are with each other. You make it look so easy.”
“Please,” Krystal laughs. “You think it’s been easy? Have you seen us? We’re like, totally different people. We don’t think the same, you know? We used to hurt each other a lot. We still do sometimes. We’re still figuring it out.”
She pauses, taking in a shaky breath.
“But I love her. I love her mind, and I love her laugh, and I love her smooshy little face. If I didn’t have her, I’d just… die. And I can tell you and Rachel are the same. It’s like, super obvious.”
“I know,” Sarah mutters. “I’m not used to it. Before her, whenever things got hard, I’d be gone.”
“But she’s worth it, right?” Krystal says, a knowing smile on her face.
“She damn well better be,” Sarah says. “I’m not havin’ you two show us up.”
Krystal grins. She leans forward and drapes her hand over her glass, revealing a thin band on her ring finger.
“Oh,” Sarah says. “Fuckin’ hell.”
“Yeah,” Krystal says. “Fucking hell.”
“That’s… that’s amazin’. I’m happy for you, Krystal. Both of you.”
“I mean, duh,” Krystal says with an excited squeal. “We’re pretty cute.”
Sarah rolls her eyes, but she can’t keep the smile off her face.
“Hey, cheers,” she says, raising her glass. “To you and Veera.”
Krystal happily accepts the toast.
“We wanted you at the wedding, you know,” she says. “But like, how do you even get in touch with the Sarah Manning?”
“Seriously? Why would you want me there?” Sarah asks, confused. “Didn’t know you were that big a fan.”
Krystal stares back at her for a moment, frozen in disbelief.
“We’re friends, dummy. Didn’t you notice?”
The revelation hits like a kick to the chest. Every time she lost track of time at the hotel bar and was late for soundcheck, every afterparty spent at the back of a busy club, whisper-shouting to each other until the sun came up, the fact that she could name half a dozen cities with better venues and livelier crowds, and yet this was always the tour stop she looked forward to most.
And goddammit, now she really is crying.
“Aw, babes…” Krystal says softly, taking Sarah’s hand in hers.
“Shit, sorry,” Sarah mutters, desperately wiping her tears. “It’s embarrassin’, but I’ve got the band and… that’s it. Dunno how to do friends.”
“Well, lucky for you I’m like, the best friend ever,” Krystal chirps. She pulls out her phone. “Gimme your number.”
Sarah hesitates for just a moment before doing so.
“Y’know, there’s a million women out there who’d kill you for that number,” she says.
“Yeah, yeah, international sex symbol,” Krystal teases. “I’m soooo impressed. Don’t you have to be somewhere anyway?”
“Shit,” Sarah says, scrambling to pull her phone out. Four missed calls.
“Go on,” Krystal says, snickering. “You can pay me back after the show.”
“I love you, you know that?” Sarah says.
She’s halfway through the lobby when her phone buzzes with a text from an unknown number.
> Play drive tonight or I’ll beat your ass
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idkyeol · 8 years
Chubby Girls can't Date Idols 2 (Minseok)
Minseok x Reader. Appearances by OT9 & Other SM Artists.
TW: Fat Shaming.
Word Count: 1.9k
As you and Sehun made your way to the door you were still thinking about why Minseok would look sad. You wondered if he might like you. Then you shook your head and laughed at your insane thoughts. Kim Minseok dated cute, petite girls. Girls who were quiet and always respectful. Not chubby, sarcastic girls who didn’t know when you keep their mouths shut..“What’s so funny, noona?” Forgetting Sehun was there You jumped and he laughed. “Nothing! Just lost in my thoughts, Sehunnie.” You both get in and locate his sweater. “Here ya go!” He smiles. “Well I should get home. Goodnight Noona!” He hugged you and you walked him to the door. “Sehun, I wanna order lunch tomorrow. What’s your favorite?” He gave you the number to a place. After he left your made your way to the shower and bed. Still kicking yourself for thinking that you could ever attract an idol.
The next morning, as you made your way to the office you stopped for coffee for you and the boys. As you entered the cafe and made your way to the front, you heard laughing. You paid no mind to them and placed your order. The girl taking your order was familiar with your usual order. She was adorable and would make small talk when it wasn’t busy. “How are you today, Nari?” She smiles. “I’m good. School is a little rough but I’m getting through it.” Before you can respond you hear a voice behind you. “Can you please get your fat ass out of the way? Other people want to order.” You wince and Nari notices. You see her furrow her eyebrows. She starts to talk but her manager speaks over her. “Actually sir, you can leave. We don’t want business from disgusting assholes.” You turn and smile at the man. “Such a big ego, for such a tiny man. I can lose weight. You’ll always have a small dick. There’s the door.” You watch as his face tuns red and he storms out. You thank Nari and her boss, take your drinks, and get to the practice room. You instantly run to Sehun to tell him what happened. “Hun, I thought he was gonna burst into flames. It was so funny.” Minseok walks up to you guys. “What was so funny?” You tell him the story and he looks pissed. “Minnie, it’s okay! I’m used to it now. I promise.” He smiles at the nickname. “Okay but if you ever don’t feel good, please tell me.” You nod and smile, not trusting your brain to make any coherent sentences. You really needed to purge your body of this crush. It was going to kill you one day.
The rest of the day goes by pretty quick. You were getting all of the promotions ready for exordium in Singapore. While you’re finishing up there is a knock at your door. “Come in!” Amber and Krystal walk in. “Hey Amber! Oh! Krystal, right?” She smiles. “Yup! Amber and Jongin have told me so much about you! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to come and meet you.” You laugh. “No no it’s okay! I know you’re busy. But I’m glad because Jongin talks about you constantly.” They stay with you for a bit before Amber makes a comment. “Girl, have you lost weight?” You laugh at her. “A little. Mostly because I’ve been so busy. And I’ve been stuck with the boys and eating mostly Kyungsoo’s cooking.” They both laugh. “Well you look good. Are you going to the SM Valentine’s Day formal?” You look at her puzzled. She continues “basically it’s a huge party, formal dressing of course, and we all get drunk. If you’re single, we bash the couples.” You smack her arm. “Well I guess we’re getting wasted on Valentine’s Day together!”
There was exactly one week until Valentine’s Day and the SM formal. Krystal had invited you to go dress shopping with her. You were a little scared because you didn’t know if they would carry anything in a size 12. “Krystal, I’m having second thoughts about going. I won’t be able to find my size.” She smiles. “Girl. We’re just looking for styles. We have a seamstress that will make them!” You sighed in relief. “Thank you for this Krystal. You and Amber are the only Girls I’ve gotten close to. Everyone else looks at me like I’m an alien.” This causes her to laugh out loud. “I don’t understand why everyone is so judgmental. I’m sorry you have to deal with it.” You agreed and the search began. By the end of the day you guys were able to both find dresses. As you made your way back home, you see a note on your door. It’s from the boys asking you to meet them at the dorm. Shaking your head, thinking about how these nerds can’t even use a phone. You walk over there and run into Nari. You call her over. “Nari! How are you?” She hugs you and smiles. “I’m great. Just got out of class. Where are you headed?” Before you can answer your phone rings. “Sorry Nari, its for work! I’ll see you in the morning?” She nodded and went on her way. You see Chanyeol is calling. Before you can say hello you hear you. “NOONA! Where are you?!” You laugh at his impatience and knock on the door. “Outside!”
The door swings open and you’re pulled inside. All the boys are there. Baekhyun starts talking. “So the formal is next week. The only person with a date is Nini. So we wanted to know if you would come with the rest of us!” You giggle at his enthusiasm. “Of course, Baek.” So that’s how you ended up on a date with 8 members of EXO. The next few days goes by pretty fast. The party was Friday. On Wednesday, you’re summoned to Krystal’s seamstress to try on your dress. When you get there, Minseok is getting his tux tailored. “Noona! What’s up?” You wave and explain you’re here to try on your dress. “Wanna stay and see it?” He smiles and nods his head. You head to the back to put it on. Once it’s on you’re happy about the fit. You walked out to get Minseok’s opinion. You’re wearing a floor length, empire waisted strapless dress. It had a v neck and it was little gray and accentuated all of your curves in the best way possible. He had an unreadable look on his face and his jaw was dropped. You started to get antsy. “Is it that bad, Min?” He shook his head. “You look gorgeous.” He says in an almost whisper. The air was getting awkward but the seamstress walked back in. “It’s perfect! I’ll have it pressed sent over to you.” You change and when you come out Minseok is gone. Thursday was pretty uneventful. You were finally introduced to sehun’s baby, ViVi. He swore that ViVi hated new people and was surprised when ViVi didn’t want to leave your office. So you spent your Thursday with ViVi.
Once the day of the party rolled around you were busy. You only saw the boys for a few minutes. Once your day was over you met Krystal to go and get your hair and makeup done. When it’s all done and you’re in the dress you go back to Krystal. “Holy shit. You are gorgeous! Hold on, I gotta show Amber.” You guys take a few pictures before you both head to the dorm to meet the boys. When you walk in, all of the boys freak out. The first to calm down is Jongdae. “Hot damn, our noona is a babe!” Once everyone is ready, you head to the party. The party is extravagant to say the least. Everyone looks amazing and is taking pictures together. After what seems like hours of dancing, you make your way to the bar. While waiting for your drink a few of the boys and Krystal walk up. You’re having a great time until you’re pushing rather hard into the bad. You see Yoona stranding there. “Wow. They let just anyone come to this party.” You try to ignore her but when you turn around to get your drink from the bartender, Yoona beats you to it and spills it on you. “Oops” she says with a smirk. You’re frozen. You can hear her friend laughing. You register a touch to your shoulder but don’t respond. You needed out. Now. You try to flee and just as you get past Yoona’s friend you feel yourself falling. Once your butt hits the ground all eyes are on you. As you’re getting up you hear Yoona spew out insult. You can feel the tears coming. You rush to the bathroom with Minseok chasing you, after watching the whole thing.
As you make it to the bathroom, you run in and lock the door. Not seeing the attendant sitting there. You get to a stall and let it out. Your chest is tight. You realize you’re having a panic attack. You hear the door slam open and some mumbled words. Then someone left. You hear a knock on your stall door. “Please open the door.” Its Minseok. You’re still gasping for air when you open it. He pulls you into his arms and lets you cry. Meanwhile, Yoona and her friend are still laughing. Krystal walks over and taps her shoulder. Yoona turns around and is smacked across the face. The music stops and everyone is watching. Krystal doesn’t say anything. Then everyone hears cheers. Baekhyun and Jongdae are cheering. “Finally someone puts that cunt in her place!” Baekhyun yells. “Yeah, she’s always been a huge bitch. I’m not sure why she’s even still here.” Jongdae adds. Krystal can see the panic in Yoona’s eyes. Before anyone else can react, security comes and escorts both of the girls. The music starts up and everyone keeps partying, except the exo boys and Krystal. “I’m over this, I’m texting Minseok. Let’s get out of here.” Sehun says.
Once you’re finally stopped sobbing, Minseok continued to hug you and rub your back. You start to speak. “I try so hard to be strong when people are rude. But it’s never turned physical.” He doesn’t respond. Just hugs you a bit tighter. After a few more minutes he finally speaks. “You are always so strong. It’s okay to be upset. I’m sorry this happened.” You laugh at him. “Thank you, Minseok. You’re amazing. Wanna get out of here?” He pulls away from the hug and grabs your hand. You run together out the door, into the cool night air. You both decide to walk to the dorm. Half way there you notice he hasn’t let go of your hand. Once you get to the door he stops and pulls you to face him. He stares for a minute and then presses his lips to yours. You’re temporarily stunned but start kissing him back. Before you know he pulls away and it’s over. You touch your lips. “Wow.” He gives you his signature gummy smile and walks inside. Leaving on the porch to collect your thoughts. What the hell did that mean? You were even more confused now but you knew with absolute certainty that you were in love with Kim Minseok.
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