#i can't remember kjgnjdshgk oh well
vocakincentral · 4 years
Lucrecia anon here! TYSM for the icons!! :00 can I ask where you find or how you make transparents? I've always wondered!!
it’s no problem! :D like i said, they were pretty fun to make.
and i coulda sworn we had a post about transparents before, but i can’t find it, so i’ll try my best to explain! :3 under the cut (since i ramble a lot + there’s some pics jhasjg)
when it comes to taz, transparents are pretty hard to find in general, so i took some of the pics from this post! they’re pretty pixelly/rough, though, so i threw the screenshots into waifu2x (weird name but it’s GOOD i SWEAR), which sizes images up and/or reduces noise!!
it’s really helpful, especially when you wanna get a Better Quality Version of a really pixelly image. see? it’s nice n smooth (and 2x bigger!)
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anyways, onto the Actual Erasing!
first, of course, you gotta put your character on top of whatever background you want. (UNLESS you wanna just straight up make a transparent! in that case, just feel free to start erasing!!!) for example, here’s a kido that i put on top of a lesbian flag (which, of course, you can’t see atm)
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i use firealpaca, so i set the “color” to transparent and i just use the default brush and erase stuff! 
though you could totally just use the actual eraser tool in whatever program you use! i just like using the brush tool for some reason.
i just kind of go along the edges of the character/lines and erase it (and the background of the image, of course)
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some of the lines look sharp/a bit yellow, so sometimes i like going over those (with the pencil brush in firealpaca) + making them look a bit nicer!
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it’s a pretty small difference, but i think it makes it look a bit better! if the lines still look sharp, feel free to add the tiniest bit of gaussian blur! (like .50!) i think the lines are fine in the kido icon i just made, but, just for the example, i blurred it a bit!
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also! most people know this, but, just in case! always save your transparents as a transparent png!!!! otherwise, all your hard work’ll be gone! 
ONE LAST THING. mekakushi-edits’ tutorial is helpful as well!!! i stole the gaussian blur tip from his tutorial, actually, hehe...
...this kinda turned into a “how to make a pride icon” tutorial, huh? well, i hope it was still helpful when it comes to transparents!! ;w; sorry i rambled on so much, and other mods feel free to add on if you want! 
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