#i can't think of any better explanation rn so i'm just going to pretend this is exactly what happened
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Currently working on “The Curious Case of the Phantom TLC Spot”, better known within the scientific community as “What the Actual Fu Heck Ended Up in My Test Tube (Other Than What Was Supposed To)?”
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Janis & Grace
Janis: Idk if you're still up but I need that favour called in whilst we're in Spain okay Grace: No drama Grace: Within reason, anything, obvs Janis: Yeah, nothing big, I swear Janis: just...if Jim contacts you, just say I'm crazy busy, alright? Idk, you know the bullshit, but fob him off and don't tell him anything more than you have to Grace: Okay Grace: He'll buy that, we've been here, there and everywhere on our end of this exchange Janis: Yeah, idk if he will Janis: and idk if he'll even bother coming to you but if he does Grace: What's wrong, babe? Grace: What did he do? Janis: Nothing, he didn't do anything wrong Janis: but I fucked up big time, never a better time for scheduled running away though fuck knows it ain't long enough Grace: Yeah tbf whatever else is off your timing's not Janis: I'm such a bitch Grace: I'm not gonna kick you when you're obvs down, but like Grace: I know Grace: What happened? Janis: Yeah Janis: pretending I was capable of anything but was my mistake Janis: He told me he loved me and I just fucking Janis: ran away Grace: Fuck Grace: Okay Grace: That's bad, but it could be worse. I mean, I know you love him back Janis: Obviously not or I wouldn't have done that, would I Grace: Sure Jan Grace: Getting scared doesn't mean you don't Janis: You don't get it, Grace Janis: his Mum ain't dead, alright Janis: she left as in she's missing and they don't know where she is, still Janis: now do you see how bad it is Grace: Oh Grace: But he knows you, he'll understand Grace: I mean, yeah, it'll have hurt Janis: He shouldn't have to understand Janis: It was fucked up Janis: I can't be that, what he wants Grace: Give him some credit though Grace: He knows about Edie Grace: He just knows Grace: And he wants to be with you. Obviously Janis: Having a dead sister isn't a free pass or an excuse Grace: You aren't trying to use one Grace: You're torn up like Grace: You wouldn't care if you were just hiding behind that stuff Janis: Whatever Janis: doesn't change the fact it happened Janis: got to own it Grace: And talk to him Grace: I owe you one and I'll do what you asked me if that's really what you want but I don't think so Janis: It isn't but it's what it is Janis: I can't change how I am Janis: that was me trying and it fucked up Janis: shouldn't have dragged him into it in the first place Grace: Please! You've never dragged that boy anywhere Grace: Whatever you do next you probably owe him an explanation for what you did Janis: I could've kept him away if I had wanted to Janis: do it with everyone else Janis: I know but Janis: what'll it change or achieve Grace: And how's that worked out for you bitch, I'm right here Grace: And he still would've caught his feelings, can't control that Grace: Like you can't let him think whatever he is right now cos OMG Janis: I know Janis: but I can't turn 'round like oops now Janis: he ain't gonna want to see me rn Grace: Why? Grace: You've run before Grace: And he'll wanna know how you really feel Grace: Plus if you're okay cos lbr he's one of the good ones Janis: yeah but Janis: not like that Janis: there's no coming back from that Grace: didn't you think that after Skerries? Grace: I'm not trying to be a bitch, but genuinely Grace: You can't say that until you speak to him Janis: I know Janis: I can't though Janis: not right now Janis: maybe not ever Janis: I don't know what to say Grace: I get it Grace: It's hard to be honest Grace: especially if you've already fucked up Grace: Don't rush tbf cos that might be worse Janis: Should I just go Janis: or explain as much as we've said here Janis: like, I'm sorry and I need time and all that shit Grace: I think so Grace: even if its a text Grace: just say what you can Janis: Alright Janis: I will Janis: Thanks, Grace Grace: Anytime, you know Grace: If you need to sneak to his I can cover for you Janis: Cheers Janis: I just can't Grace: I know Grace: you've made it this far though, like that's a thing Grace: Like you said, you push everyone away but he's lasted Janis: 'til now yeah Janis: ah fuck Grace: I can't keep a lad ever Grace: you've been together ages Grace: you havent done everything wrong, babes Janis: That's the lads you've picked, though Grace: not an excuse if yours aren't Janis: alright well, we aren't here to drag you and your life choices rn Janis: so you're okay Grace: 😌 Grace: Do you want me to come in, I can shoo my boy back to where he should be sleeping Janis: nah Janis: not trying to ruin your good time Janis: i'm fine Grace: do you wanna go tomorrow? we could say you're sick or something Janis: nah, i've got to go Janis: can't stay here Grace: 👌 Grace: do message him or whatever though Janis: 'course Janis: anyway go get some sleep Janis: or whatever Grace: I can't Grace: lowkey stressed about tomorrow Janis: why? Grace: I'm not making rn about me Grace: you don't need to hear it Janis: feel free Janis: any distraction Grace: okay but just know it's stupid and cringe in comparision Grace: I'm freaking out cos I have to meet his family and friends like I know he did ours, but we weren't a thing, then Grace: idek Janis: you'll be good Janis: just let him set the tone and follow his lead on that one like Janis: that way, you can't go too hard Janis: or undersell it and look like a bitch Janis: be the least of our worries if his fam are psychos, running for our lives, like Grace: can they even be as weird as ours Janis: they'd struggle Janis: no offence, like, but that trophy is ours Grace: 😂 Janis: drafting the text now Grace: you've got this, babes Janis: how do I even put this in words Janis: I so don't Grace: start with sorry Janis: yeah Janis: just spam him with that 'til he blocks me, like Grace: and don't ask him if he's okay cos like obvs not Janis: 😖 Janis: i want to die Grace: I know Grace: not that I've been here myself but Janis: I know I'm whining Janis: I'll just do it Janis: stop being a pussy Grace: oh honey Grace: I've whined to you so many times, it's 👌 Janis: [Sends the text] Janis: is that Janis: i mean, that's alright, yeah? Grace: Yeah Grace: I think so Grace: It's sounds good Grace: Ugh not like Grace: It sounds right Janis: Okay Janis: That's all we can aim for right now Janis: not like it'll suffice Janis: already fucked it up, no avoiding that Grace: not to be that bitch but let me know when he replies Grace: not if cos he will Janis: yeah, sure Janis: i wouldn't normally drag you into my stuff but Janis: i didn't know what to do Janis: still don't but yeah Grace: I know Grace: but I'm happy to have still been up Grace: can't do much but anyway Janis: nah, you've helped Grace: 🤞 Grace: I want to Janis: anyway, blatantly not going to bed but no need for us both to be sat here waiting for the response Janis: you at least try, yeah? Grace: Sure Grace: Won't be that many hours until we have to be going anyway Grace: my concealer will be earning it's price tag Janis: right, might be needing to borrow that Janis: or some ridiculously oversized shades Janis: very european Grace: whichever you go with, I've got you covered Grace: 💋
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