#i described them somewhere in that tag as 'two realists and their favorite idealist'
beingatoaster · 2 years
reading back through the calls you home tag for... reasons... and I really love that trio and really want to write more for them someday...
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theimpossiblescheme · 5 years
More Cats OCs!  Last time we had a set of three sisters--this time we have four brothers!
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1. What is their name? Gender? General age?
Ulyssess, Cavalcanti, Orsino, and Prufrock (left to right)—all male.  The first three were from a first litter, so they’re all mature adults around Munkustrap’s age.  Prufrock was from a second litter, so he’s closer in age to Admetus and Plato.
2. What are three adjectives to describe them?
Ulysses—finicky, protective, dignified Cavalcanti—supercilious, prim, imaginative Orsino—dramatic, timid, responsible Prufrock—cheeky, lighthearted, idealistic
3. Do they have a human home or are they a stray? 
The four brothers live with a novelist in Cheshire, a young woman who writes detective stories and is currently attending night classes to become a teacher. 
4. If they have a human home, what is their home life like? If they are on the streets, what is life like for them?
Their owner, Eleanor, is a dyed-in-the-wool “crazy cat lady” who adores her pets and takes very good care of them.  Sometimes she gets distracted in her writing so much that Cavalcanti and Orsino have to paw and meow at her door to remind her to feed them, but she does her best to look out for them.  And on days she knows she’s going to be exceptionally busy, she has lots of toys and a cat tower for each of them to keep them occupied.  Sometimes, however, Ulysses thinks it’s more fun to keep her company by walking on her typewriter.
5. What is their ‘role’ within the tribe, or what are they known for? (Ex: Tugger is the curious cat/rockstar, Gus is the theatre cat, Mistoffelees is the magician, Munkustrap is the Jellicle Protector, Jelly is seen as a caretaker, etc)
Ulysses, Cavalcanti, and Orsino are exceptional co-protectors, Ulysses especially so.  He gets along the best of the three with the kittens, even if he’s easily flustered by their wilder shenanigans (he’s nowhere near as patient as Munkustrap, but he tries), and the other two work best as messengers who talk to cats outside of the Tribe.  Prufrock, however, is a charmer, but not in the same way Tugger or Alonzo are.  While those two are more Casanovas with hearts of gold, Prufrock is a Prince Charming who loves sweeping queens off their feet more than playing with their hearts (and causing a little trouble on the side with Pouncival and the gang). 
6. Who are their best friends? You can include characters from the show or tag other people’s OC’s. How popular are they?
The three eldest brothers tend to be a bit standoffish, but Ulysses genuinely likes Munkustrap and Asparagus and has a soft spot for all of the kittens (Etcetera kissed him on the cheek once for rescuing a toy mouse she’d been playing with, and he was mush all day afterward, though he tried very hard to hide it).  And Prufrock loves hanging out with Plato, Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, and Admetus, but occasionally he’ll follow Alonzo around and see if he can learn anything from him.
7. What is their favorite food? Do they prefer human food or something they’ve hunted?
Ulysses and Cavalcanti both love fish, particularly haddock if they can get it.  Orsino’s a frog hunter who likes to see if he can stake them out at the local pond, and Prufrock loves human food.  He is absolutely that cat who will sit by your chair and stare at you until you throw him scraps, and he’ll be your best friend if you let him have jam or marmalade.
8. Do they have any accessories? Scars? Why or why not?
Ulysses has a bad left eye, thanks to a run-in with an alley cat who didn’t take kindly to anyone snooping around their turf, so he wears a little cat-sized monocle on that side.  Cavalcanti wears a tiny black bowtie, and Prufrock has a red collar with rhinestones on it.
9. What style of dance do they work best in?
Cavalcanti isn’t a great dancer—he was born with Cerebellar Hypoplasia, which makes him wobble when he walks, so he sticks primarily to singing.  Ulysses and Orsino are very athletic ballet dancers, and Prufrock specializes in a mix between ballet, modern lyrical, and hip hop.  And they are all very supportive of their wobbly brother.
10. Do they have any sort of magic? Do they fear magic?
None of them have any magic of their own.  Ulysses is healthily cautious around magic, Cavalcanti and Orsino flat-out don’t trust it (the only reason they aren’t scared of Misto is that he’s so small and sweet when he isn’t throwing lightning bolts), and Prufrock loves it.  
11. Any fears?
Ulysses is afraid of losing his brothers, especially Prufrock—he knows the kind of trouble they can get into and hates the idea of not being around to protect them.  Cavalcanti and Orsino are both horribly afraid of knives.  And Prufrock has an irrational fear of being kicked out of the Tribe—every time he does something vaguely mischievous, he’s terrified that Old Deuteronomy is going to throw him out onto the street to die.
12. Do they believe in love? If so, what is their “type” and how do they act when they are in love? If not, then why?
Prufrock is the kind of cat who falls in love with roughly five different people every day—he doesn’t so much have a set “type” as his “type” is always changing depending on who he meets.  He’s very generous with his affections and tries to make anyone he’s involved with feel special.  Cavalcanti and Orsino consider themselves too “busy” to settle down with anybody, and their views of love are quite cynical (Orsino in particular likes to go on long tangents about the more “important” things in life than romance).  And in the middle, there’s Ulysses, who certainly believes in love and that anyone can find it, but thinks of himself as a “realist” who waited too long to find anyone special and is now married to his job.  He does get a little wistful watching the younger kittens with their partners, and he thinks the older couples in the Tribe are incredibly lucky.
13. Do they personally know anyone who has gone up to the Heaviside layer? Do they believe in the Heaviside layer?
They don’t know anyone personally who’s gone there, but they certainly believe in the Heaviside Layer.  Prufrock has his moments of doubt, though, but it’s usually whenever he gets scared of being shunned.
14. Any passions or hobbies? (Ex: Dance, hunting, etc)
The three eldest brothers take their jobs as protectors and messengers very seriously, but they all love to dance.  Ulysses likes entertaining the young ones if he has the time for it, and Cavalcanti and Orsino are avid hunters who use their outings as an excuse to go somewhere they’ve never been to hunt for new prey.  And whenever Prufrock’s not giving his brothers a headache, he likes to just sit and talk with someone he likes as they watch the goings-on in the Junkyard.
15. If a song was sung about them at the Jellicle Ball, what would it be about?
Ulysses gets a song to himself about the duties he takes on for his Tribe and family (maybe Munkustrap sings with him since he can relate so much!), and it sounds like a cut song from A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder—classical-sounding, but with a sense of humor.  Cavalcanti and Orsino get a Gilbert and Sullivan meets Cole Porter buddy song about the places they’ve been around the country and are constantly trying to one-up each other.  And Prufrock gets a “Corner of the Sky”-style I Want Song about the love and adventure he wants in his life away from what Jellicle tradition expects of him.
16. What are their thoughts on some of the main characters in the show? (Ex: Tugger, Munk, Jenny, you get to choose!)
They have generally very high opinions of their Tribe family, even if Cavalcanti isn’t Tugger’s biggest fan.  But they do all have mixed feelings about Grizabella—Cavalcanti and Orsino absolutely refuse to accept her as one of their own after the betrayals the Tribe has suffered (they tend to value loyalty above all else), Ulysses thinks she’s regrettably made her bed and now has to lie in it, and Prufrock is just curious as to what makes her so terrible.  Nothing can be worse than Macavity, in his mind… right?
17. Do they have any secrets they are hiding?
Prufrock couldn’t hide anything if he tried—he’s the sort of cat who always wears his heart on his sleeve, and he’s not nearly as sneaky as he thinks he is.  And as dramatic as Orsino can be, it’s hard for him to keep any secrets as well.  Cavalcanti, however, has a much richer imagination than he lets on, and he likes to mockingly imitate cats he doesn’t like… when their backs are turned because he doesn’t want to get in trouble for disrespect.  And Ulysses privately envies Prufrock’s defiant streak and wishes he could get away with the same things, but knows he must set a good example and would never dream of making Old Deuteronomy angry with him.
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