#i didn't want to get that invested in her bc this gm doesn't usually do a lot of character based work
warlordfelwinter ยท 2 months
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you know, i really didn't expect to get attached to aster when i made her. she was kind of a goof character. i don't really like pf2e as a system but i joined the game cause i like playing things with my friends and i thought i'd give it another chance and just not play a spellcaster. i just picked whatever class seemed easy and fun, kept it boring and simple with the ancestry, and chose the amnesiac background so i wouldn't have to look up anything about the world or put any further thought into her
she was literally just a cute dumb punch joke and then i made one weird improv decision and then she got one of her memories back and now i am so incredibly invested in her. why does this always happen to the joke characters
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