#i don't care about anyone else (sorry manow and pruek)
aliceisathome · 1 year
Team getting all shy after a forehead kiss - ADORABLE! That recognition of emotional intimacy rather than sexual. And pretending to be asleep while Win's talking to his mum? Also adorable.
Team's parents are the opposite of Win's - observant, empathic and sweet. Nice clock of the driving by his mum.
There have been many wet boys needing many wet towel baths in Between Us. Nice to see the uke looking after his seme for a change though.
Loved the chats between the besties. Tell him Pharm! Tell him Dean! All the boys using their words and talking about their feelings EXCEPT Win and Team to each other. FFS . Gah.
Ep 11 of doom incoming and doesn't look like we get the iconic mosquito bite...
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aliceisathome · 2 years
So here I am in Thailand and I had a bunch of things lined up to binge and haven't watched ANY of them because there's so much to do and see (sorry The Eclipse, Vice Versa, Big Dragon et al - maybe once I'm at the beach bit of my holiday). And I haven't started anything new or kept up up with anything I had already going (sorry My Tooth and Why You, Y me?) except for Between Us.
Because those two boys own me at the moment. They just own me. They are both strong but fragile, they've fallen so hard but aren't admitting it to each other - but at least Win's now definitely admitted it to himself. I'm a bit confused about who died - was it Team's brother or his friend? Or half brother?
I'm afraid I remain utterly uninterested in the alphabet and Waan and Tul are also verging on the unmemorable. No Dean this week except in flashback - Ohm must have been busy. And for anyone that's interested (i was - I rushed straight over to Wabi Sabi's uncut version) there's no more of the bathroom scene at the end. Boo.
Roll on next week - where Ep 8 will be a nice Christmas Day treat.
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