#i don't care if it looks like i reblogged the same gifset twice
ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Hi🥰 I'm sorry to bother you but I thought this was a safe place so ignore this but maybe you can help? I've been on tumblr for quite a bit now and although I have some friends and mutuals I still feel like I don't fit in, like I'm invisible to everyone. And I love Tumblr, I love the vibe and how everything is happy and positive, but I can't help and feel this way. I try to make something worth of this app, I write fic but still, nothing. What can I do? I'm sorry for bothering you❤
Hi 🥰🥰. This blog is definitely a safe space. 
I understand the feeling of feeling invisible. As a smaller blog, and pretty much all of my high school experience, I felt the same way. Even though I think I’m now considered a “big blog”, I can’t help feeling the same way. I have a lot of friends and mutuals and I talk to a handful of them regularly at times and it’s more social connection than I’ve ever had before. But, it’s still a feeling that can be pretty hard to shake. 
Tumblr is amazing and it’s so easy to share what we love with the people that follow us! But, it can also feel a little lonely. I know a lot of members of the wtfock fandom are perfectly fine with you sending them a direct message. Personally, I definitely don’t mind getting direct messages. For the first few days, I’m just really had to talk to because I’m nervous and don’t want to scare people away. Once I get comfortable, I relax and I’m much easier to talk to.
Writing fic is hard. Writing fic and being seen is very hard. Especially on Tumblr in a big fandom. 
Maybe, you can schedule your writings to post at a time where a lot of people seem to be on? I know that my notes always seem to fluctuate depending on when I post. For instance, if I post later in the night for me, all of my followers in Europe are asleep and don’t see it. In addition, I always try to reblog my stuff at least once (maybe twice) to make sure all of the followers who might have missed it would see it. There are a lot of factors in terms of posting that vary with how active the tag is that day/hour as well as if Tumblr decides to work (my Sander coloring gifset never made it into the tag until hours later—I think). I also haven’t been searching in the tag much lately so I’m sorry.
You could also post on AO3 (if you aren’t already). When I look for fics that I want to read, I’m generally in AO3. I’ve searched the “Sander Drisen/Robbe IJzermans” tag on AO3 so many times that when I type “a” into my search bar, it automatically comes up. Whenever a new fic pops up, I’m always reading it if I have the time, which I haven’t as of late 🥺. I’m notorious for not commenting (but mostly because I feel like I’m annoying and if I comment on everything, I’ll be extra annoying), but I’m trying to unlearn that. I promise. 
But, what I think is most important is: don’t give up. As someone who seeks validation, I understand how hard and difficult it is to keep going when you aren’t getting the feedback you want. Writing without getting anything is the worst—I have stopped writing multiple fics because I felt like no one cared if I posted or not—and I understand very well how demotivating it is not to get feedback.  
But, at the same time, write the story that you want to write. If you want to write some Sander/Robbe enemies to lovers with some specific scenario where they work together or they go to the same coffee shop, write the story because you want to write it. In addition, do not be afraid of being inspired by other writers. Sometimes, reading a fic is the perfect way to get unblocked. Plus, writing is a skill that you need to fine-tune and you continue to grow with each paragraph and story you write. 
I’m sorry. I don’t know if I was of any help. 🥺🥺🥺
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