#i don't care so much about signs we see in the friendsims/hiveswap
desnayy · 4 years
I kind of made some fantrolls! And by that, I mean I have signs and classpects for the main group and their potential dancestors... I tried and hopefully succeeded to not use any classpects we see in the story...
Burgundy: Arcen "The Companion", Derse, Bard/Maid of Blood
Bronze: Taurra "The Transient", Prospit, Mage/Bard of Mind
Gold: Gempia "The Perspicacious", Derse, Knight/Rogue of Light
Lime: Canrist "The Vehement", Prospit, Heir/Sylph of Time
Olive: Leiborn "The Paradox", Derse, Seer/Witch of Rage
Jade: Virnius "The Fierce", Prospit, Witch/Heir of Hope
Teal: Liblo "The Inescapable", Prospit, Maid/Seer of Heart
Blue: Scorga "The Deviser", Derse, Page/Knight of Space
Indigo: Sagiun "The Journeyman", Derse, Thief/Mage of Breath
Purple: Caprimino "The Enduring", Prospit, Sylph/Thief of Doom
Violet: Aquasci "The Charitable", Prospit, Rogue/Prince of Life
Fuchsia: Pittarius "The Philosopher", Derse, Prince/Mage of Void
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