#i don't have a metagross hc tag WHOOPS.
rockheadcd · 2 years
steven’s metagross lore dump while i wait for cs6 to run its import script:
> metagross’ evolution from beldum to metang to metagross is a series of joining brains working together, but they each remain unique. with four inputs, this is why metagross refers to themselves as ‘we’. 
> although not particularly a democracy at play when they make decisions, each original beldum retains it’s own specific memories that’s shared among the whole unit. one of these beldum is steven’s first one from when he began his adventures, which is why metagross has such a strong attachment to him. 
> metagross doesn’t have a nickname other than probably just ‘meta’, which they will respond to.
> when mega evolved, it’s very competitive. maybe too competitive. as a reigning champion’s ace, they take their role very seriously ( and have genuinely injured competition because of it ).
> steven has multiple metagross that he trains, seeing as he’s an avid beldum appreciator they kind of just....follow him home half of the time. however, this metagross accompanies him just about everywhere.
> metagross has multiple signs of wear and tear, where the edge between facets have been chipped away. their psychic abilities outweigh their physical abilities as they age, so long as they exercise the network between each of their brains.
> they love puzzle games a LOT. steven got a console just for them to play puzzle games online. watching two metagross play tetris is terrifying.
> all four brains adore wallace’s milotic, kireina. they’ve been together alongside their dads for years. i promise you they figured things out sooner than steven has. :^)
> saltwater is a weird sensation. it feels like erosion, so metagross tries not to be in the ocean very much. instead, they often float above it. droplets aren’t a bother, but they would not appreciate being intentionally splashed, nor would they choose to stand in saltwater if they can help it. freshwater is much easier to handle.
> they’re older than steven, technically. steven guesses metagross was at least a year or two old when he found them as a beldum.
> they speak funny because of the way they process information and how the assimilate a response. although more natural than a computer counterpart, they behave very logically. this is reflected in how they speak.
> meteor mash is one of their favorite skills. very cathartic.
> they enjoy carrying things and people and pokemon alike. they’re kind of jealous of skarmory for stealing some of their thunder in terms of who steven will pick if he needs to fly somewhere. otherwise, metagross doesn’t actually mind being a glorified table/seat.
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