#i don't have ideas they just chase me with a net and pin me down until i write them
yanderes-galore · 2 years
could you do a event scenario for TigerClaw hunting the reader? Not on his normal way of hunting (using guns and nets), but in a more animalistic and psychotic way.
Sure, I can try! This is like an AU, where his mutation turns out more feral.
So sorry for the long wait and how this never got out on Halloween, health issues kinda made things harder ^^;
Yandere! Tiger Claw Scenario
(Halloween Event - Feral)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Hunting, Feral behavior, Torture, Sadism, Manipulation, Blood, Licking, Drinking blood, Obsession, Biting mentioned, Clawing, Body horror (?)
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Cats love a hunt. It's thrilling to them when they play with their prey. Especially when the scents mix in their nose, dilating their eyes in excitement.
Tiger Claw had grown to obsess over these feelings. The smell of fear... the smell of blood. The chase isn't even the best part!
It's seeing your prey underneath you. Blood coating your claws and maw as you make them beg for mercy.
Then you let them go! You let them run off, thinking they're all safe and okay.... Then... you rinse and repeat.
He loves to chase them down again. The smell of blood only making it easier to find them again. He grew to love playing with his prey...
He grew to love playing with you.
Tiger Claw has access to all sorts of equipment. Yet, he felt the best way to hunt you was without it. It was much more rewarding to him.
"Come out, mouse. Aren't you getting tired? The cat wishes to reap his reward!"
Large scratches run down your body. Blood seeps from every wound like your own form of stripes. Your face is untouched, although that may not be for long.
The blood loss makes you struggle in your running. The mutant had already caught you once tonight and many times before. He loved to just open old wounds....
What was this to him? A game, obviously, but why does he enjoy this so much? Did he not have a shred of humanity left?
Perhaps not. Mutation can make even the most innocent person sinister. You never knew this tiger before the mutation, but you can bet he wasn't much better.
"You have no idea how much I enjoy it when you run...!"
You can hear him. Low growls echo off the walls as he runs at you on all fours. How many people do you know can outrun a tiger?
It certainly isn't you.
With a roar, you feel a heavy weight collide into your back. You're met face-to-face with concrete, your once scrape free face now bleeding. You cry out in more pain, your wounds getting worse.
The hunter only laughs.
Oh how you hate it.
"The mouse can never get away from the cat, don't you know that?"
You try to flip over, his large claws keep you still. You're pinned to the ground, bleeding with a large mutant staring you down. You're an unfortunate victim.
A sandpaper-like tongue licks across your wounds slowly. It only feels like they're being cut open more with how rough the muscle is. You grit your teeth, a whine leaving your lips.
Just when will you pass out?
"You're great exercise... a delightful treat, too!"
You hear rumbling in his chest, a purr of delight. You then feel his claws on your face, turning your gaze to look at him.
"You're even cute... couldn't ask for anything greater."
You don't move under the purring tiger, hoping if you keep his mood pleasant, you can at least have a faster death.
"Then why must you kill me...."
"Kill you...?"
The tiger snarls before laughing, flipping you so you're on your back. It looked like he was slobbering, teeth ready to maul. You feel your heartbeat quicken. Why did he seem so confused about killing you?
"If I kill you, the fun ends."
"Is that not what you want? Then you can find new... prey-"
"Blood loss getting to you? I could always get new prey."
You feel him squeeze you, a grin slowly forming on his face at the noises you make.
"But no other prey would feel the same... which is why I plan on keeping this game going."
He licks at your wounds more. Pain keeps igniting your nerves with every long lick. Your vision is finally failing you.
"Is the weak mouse finally giving in?"
Tiger Claw purrs, nuzzling your blood stained neck before pulling away. Gold eyes dilate at the taste and smell of your blood, causing the purr to deepen. You barely had any energy left.
Sirens pollute the air with their noise. Lights flood the area, alerting Tiger Claw to who was coming. Police.
"Right on time.... Until next hunt, mouse."
Tiger Claw stops his purring, licking your injured forehead before darting to the roof tops. You would be taken care of here. Then you'll be ready for the next hunt.
The cat watches from his perch while his mouse gets their help. His gaze is cold, predatory, yet holds a satiated hunger. For him, this hunt was fruitful.
All hunts with you feel fruitful.
As you're met with medical attention, Tiger Claw thinks of his next hunt. Your blood still stains him and the taste still lingers. He wishes he could hunt you forever, but fatigue proves to be an obstacle.
Each hunt only solidifies his mindset towards you. You are his mouse. He is meant to keep you in check as your hunter. This is your game the two of you play.
No one else can have his mouse. Even if you are taken or hide, he'll always find you. He could never forget the scent of your blood...
He will never forget the scent of you.
"See you later, my delicious mouse."
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Meeting the Man-Ape
So @sleepsentry made this amazing AU and my childhood Tarzan phase came back like a vengeful ghost and teamed up with my current GF obsession to deliver this ficlet and an entire outline. 
Anyway, here’s how I imagine Fidds’ and Tarzan!Stan first meeting. 
Fiddleford should have said no when his old college friend had invited him to a scientific expedition to study anomalies in other countries. Maybe if he hadn't been so disillusioned with his lap computers, or if he hadn't gone through a divorce, he would've had enough sense to stay at home.
Instead, here he was, in some god-forsaken jungle in the middle of nowhere on a tree of all things, hugging the massive moss-covered trunk for dear life.
The humidity was suffocating, making him sweat to the point where his button up stuck stubbornly to his skin. He felt wet in uncomfortable places, itchy in others, and overall decided he did not, in fact, want to be here. To make matters worse, he was sure he would stumble onto camp smelling like wet socks. The ominous chirping and roaring in the jungle around him did nothing to alleviate his stress  nor did the occasional shufflingnhe'd heard among the trees.
He'd gotten chased up a tree, lost his shoe and lost track of Stanferd and their incredibly untrustworthy guide, (a poacher of all things) and he was pretty sure he was about to fall to his untimely demise.
Wonderful. They'll probably never find his body in this unholy mess. His tombstone will read “Fiddleford Hadron McGucket, the Biggest Damn Fool to Ever Live”.
He huffed, holding onto the tree he was in the process of climbing. The tips of his toes were on the one he'd stood on. He stretched, pulled his weight up...and found himself stuck between both of them with no way to move.
"Well," he muttered. "It ain't like this can get any worse."
As if the Lord Himself had heard Fiddleford, a clap of thunder shook the sky, followed by a heavy torrent of rain.
"You know what? I shoulda known better."
He slumped, hanging his head between his shoulder blades. Against his better judgement he decided to see just how high up he was to assess just how bad he messed up.
One can imagine his surprise, then, when another human face floated inches away from his own.
Fiddleford yelled, pushing himself away from the stranger. He immediately regretted the knee-jerk reaction when he felt his body swerve downwards. Apparently, he was high up enough that the trunks of the trees felt dizzyingly tall. He flailed his arms in an attempt to regain balance.
A single finger poked his nose, then gently pushed him back. The gesture sent Fiddleford toppling backwards, until his butt landed on a steady surface.
Oh thank goodness. He exhaled in relief, allowing himself a few moments to regain his composure.
The soft thud in front of him jolted him back to his current situation. Or rather, the person whom he was with.
A masculine figure with thick, long locks of brown hair and hunched on fours much like an ape, observed Fiddleford with curious, child-like wonder. The only thing this person wore to preserve their modesty was a loincloth. The rest of their body had impressive muscles, their fingers and toes wide-spread to better their grip on the trunk they were on. Which meant they not only climbed their way up, they must've done so quickly, because Fiddleford certainly would've noticed a person like this around him.
Right. The fabled man-ape. Of course Stanferd would've actually been right about this one thing, and of course Fiddleford had been the one to find them.
No matter. His momma had taught him manners, and he wasn't about to throw those away just because he was in unfamiliar territory. "Er, howdy," said Fiddleford, cautiously. "It's a pleasure to meet ya, the name's Fiddleford Hadron McGucket." He extended his hand to the stranger.
The ape-man cocked their head to the side. Fiddleford couldn't help but notice how eerily similar this person was to Stanferd. Aside from the fact that they haven't shaved, they still had the same broad nose, the bushy eyebrows, the brown eyes alight with excitement.
Please, this ain't some movie. Stanferd havin' some secret twin? That would be ridiculous. But back to the situation at hand--he probably don't understand a thing I'm sayin'. This'll be tricky…
The man-ape cleared their throat. They pointed at themself, and with a shocklingly deep voice, said: "Er...howdy. The name's Fiddleford Hadron McGucket."
Now that was interesting. "Fascinating...ya even copied the inflection of mah voice."
The man-ape copied Fiddleford's sentence again, looking pleased with themselves.
"That still spells the question of whether or not ya understand--now hold on just one second!"
The ape-man had crawled over and admired Fiddleford's shoe-less foot, a process which entailed pulling Fiddleford closer for inspection. They were mighty strong, too, judging by how easily he moved Fiddleford.
The scientist slapped the ape-man's hand away. "See here, there is no need for that kind of tomfoolery!"
The ape-man grunted. The message didn't come across, because he went back to touching him, albeit more carefully.
"No, no, that ain't what I meant!" A giggle escaped Fiddleford as he touched each of his toes, soon replaced by full-on-laughter.
This startled his companion, who drew back for a moment, giving Fiddleford enough time to catch his breath. They stared, watching Fiddleford intently.
They suddenly widened their eyes. Approaching Fidds once more, he placed a hand on his own chest. Then he slowly moved his own to Fiddleford's, waiting.
Now intrigued again, Fiddleford placed the hand over his chest. Once a few moments passed, they brought Fiddleford's entire head to his own chest and good lord they were hairy.
They also smelled like a sweaty mess. Fiddleford was quick to push them away. "Yes, that's a...mighty fine heartbeat ya have. Very healthy."
If this is what the anomalies felt when they studied them, he couldn't blame some of them for wanting to rip he and Ford a new one. He himself felt more than a little irritated at the bold-faced intrusiveness.
They extended their hand, but this time stopped in mid air, and held their palm towards Fiddleford.
With some hesitation, Fiddleford went up and held his own palm up. They placed it right against his. When their fingers interlaced Fiddleford's, he felt his face flush.
He drew his hand back towards himself, coughing. "Well, I-I think that's enough of that."
Fiddleford blinked up at his new companion. "Say what now?"
They pointed at themselves. "Tarstan." They pointed at Fiddleford. "Er...howdy. The name's Fiddleford Hadron McGucket."
Fiddleford chuckled. "That's too much of a mouthful, I reckon."
"That's too much of a-"
Fiddleford shook his head. "No, it's. Now, wait, look at me," he said gesturing at their eyes and then himself. "Fiddleford."
"Fiddleford," they said, pointing at the scientist. They gestured at themself. "Tarstan."
Fiddleford nodded, his mouth split into a grin. "That's right! Now we're gettin' somewhere."
The sound of a gunshot had him jolt upwards, cursing up a storm. He was thankful Tarstan was too occupied glancing at the source of the sound to repeat any of it.
"That must be Bill." His lips curled into a disgusted frown. "Damn fool, shooting all over the place, he'll hurt somebody…"
Tarstan imitated the gunshot, an amused smile playing on their lips.
An idea formed in Fiddleford's head. "Do ya think ya can get me over there? To where that noise is?"
They grinned, which he took as a good sign as any. Tarstan looping his arm around his waist was considerably less reassuring.
"Er, what're we doing--sweet sarsaparilla!"
Tarstan leaped onto a vine,  keeping his grip on Fiddleford as he did so. He managed to not only keep his grip, but also swing them from vine to vine in the direction of Bill's shooting.
He couldn't describe it then, but later on he'd reflect on the ominous twist in the pit of his stomach as they approached the camp. If Fiddleford had known just what would've happened in the next few months, he probably would've never brought them anywhere near Bill.
Extra Ideas that I Have:
-Ford secretly has been hoping to find his lost twin, who “died” in the same area as the fabled “man-ape” because he was separeted from his brother at a young age when [insert whatever idea one may have to explain how Stan could end up in a jungle being raise by apes, because I don’t have one]. He is estatic that not only is his brother alive, he’s an anomaly just like him! 
-I imagine Bill’s motives being very similar to the Tarzan villain (whatever his name is) . Fidds in this AU is more suspicious, but is still unable to stop him alone.
-Fiddleford ends up falling for Tarzan!Stan and vice versa much like Jane does in the OG film.
-Stanford also is intent on having his brother return to civilization, but Tarzan!Stan is unsure about leaving.
-I imagine them having an ending similar to the film. 
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