#i don't know if zee would actually put himself at a disadvantage w an overlord he doesn't fully trust and
zestials · 3 months
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" i needn't remind thee of the peril. " spoken as a warning but void of the threat that often twined with the words. zestial's seated across from his fellow overlord , cards fanned out in a clawed hand. he wouldn't indulge his gambling habits , far too calculating to chance being bested by conditions outside of his control --- so he'd implored him to play a different game. the prize ? loser bought the next round of drinks. when asked for threes , a sharp tug of lips is the only tell he gives in the low light of the hall. zestial had all but cleared the other players with his very presence. lime green eyes rise to lock onto his companion , " go fish , @gamblins . "
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