#i don't need the sycophantic goons on my ass
jlf23tumble · 1 year
i have to say, as a closeted person who chooses to stay closeted for a myriad of personal reasons, i too would be very fucking resentful of a group of people who just won’t stop talking about or trying to shove “evidence” of me and my partner’s relationship on everyone’s faces when that is so clearly what we don’t want. so yeah i agree, he hates them, at least the very loud ones like [redacted] and [redacted]. and i’m saying that as someone who believes they’re currently together.
Yes to allll of this, I think it would be aggravating as fuck if they were together, apart, or anywhere in between (ESPECIALLY anywhere in between, like, can you imagine trying to navigate your messy ever-changing in real-time relationship status amongst all the noise, signs at concerts, incessant mentions on SM all the way down to your friends/family/arrangements to maintain that closet, etc etc, and these are your quote/unquote supporters, lmao)
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