#i don't really expect anyone to read this except maybe one person but i haveTHOUGHTS
essegigi · 4 years
(More Untamed stuff, sorry not sorry) Since I just finished reading MDZS, I just wanna ramble about my drama vs novel thoughts.
Short non-spoiler version: Novel is worth reading to fill in some plot holes and missing information, but imo the live action did better with characters and relationships. I really only recommend the novel if you’re looking to understand the plot better. If you’re looking for decent queer content...maybe not.  
More rambling (and probably spoilers)  under the cut! 
So my main frustrations with the live action are mostly plot-related, some are small things but others are kinda major. I know they had to make a lot of adjustments due to censorship (besides no explicit lgbt there’s also no reanimation/ghosts/etc...which is a huge part of the plot) and on the whole they did pretty well...but there are so many instances where they kept certain dialogue or other details accurate to the novel but then the follow-up changed so it suddenly made no sense. Or there was no follow-up at all! For example, WWX says he will participate in a hunt blindfolded, and then just...doesn’t. They could have just cut those lines, they serve no purpose without the relevant scene. Then there’s a whole explanation about the blood pool but then it literally plays no part? Even later when WWX’s like “I’m gonna lure them to the blood pool,” they go the complete opposite way??? And they never actually reveal what was supposed to be in the coffin that JGY dug up? And when the Wen clan remnants were supposed to look after WWX but then immediately just leave with the siblings instead? They could have cut a single line and it would be less contradictory, although...
...That actually leads into my biggest plot pet peeve with the drama. The Wen clan remnants sacrificing themselves along with Wen Qing and Wen Ning...why??? There wasn’t even any dialogue that supported it, the scene leading up to it was accurate to the novel in that the siblings were the only ones required to give themselves up in order to save the others. Instead they needlessly throw away everything WWX has given his life to save? UGH. I know they had to change some things leading up to WWX’s death, but that was such a lazy and unnecessary solution. 
And of course I also have to talk about the main pair. So I know I’m not the only one who is very impressed with how well the live action was able to keep the feel of the relationship between WWX and LWJ even without being able to explicitly say it (though it’s not like they were subtle). They were so faithful to a lot, and imo even improved upon some if it somehow? Also...ironic, unexpected upside to the lgbt censorship is wayyy less homophobia. I didn’t really care for the constant "ewwww gay” from so many of the characters in the novel. Reading WWX try to take advantage of “gay panic” as MXY was also super uncomfortable. Thank goodness we didn’t have to suffer through that in the live action.
And ok, yes, I’m ace, and I don’t care for sex scenes in general (I knew what I was getting into and was able to skip most of it) so I may be biased, but even without that, the relationship between WWX and LWJ in the novel gets really uncomfortable because so much is shown through jealousy and non-consensual situations. No. Thank. You. I’ve seen people claim “ahhh but it’s their kink, don’t kink-shame” like...y’all realize they’re characters written by a (presumably) straight woman, right? They’re not real people, and she deliberately wrote them that way? For an audience of mostly straight women? Thankfully in the live action that’s mostly gone, while all the protectiveness and pining is still pretty much intact! It actually seems more romantic imo...
The only live action scene between them that makes me uncomfortable is early on when WWX makes LWJ drink alcohol. While yes, drunk LWJ is funny and cute, the situation itself is suuuper uncomfortable and I wish they hadn’t added it, or had come up with different circumstances. (Later when he makes the conscious decision to drink, that’s much better! ...except in the novel when it leads to them having sex for the first time. Not great.)
Oh, and I was surprised to find out how much the live action had added to Wen Ning, Wen Qing, Jiang Yanli, and even MianMian! That was an excellent decision, imo. It added a lot more to certain character relationships, plus...it’s a bit lacking in lady characters, anyways. And Wen Ning is one of my faves in the show.
On that note, they also added a TON to the flashbacks, to the point where it takes up 30 out of the 50 episodes, haha. But! I can totally see why they did, and having it as a more complete story really helps flesh out the characters and relationships. It would have been far more confusing to jump in and out of flashbacks like the novel, I think. Though personally I was anxious to get past the flashbacks...it really did add a lot to character relationships and motivations.
Anyways, I will probably rewatch the show again at some point, and having the plot holes mentally filled in will be nice! I don’t plan on reading the novel again, though.
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