#i don't really have ideas for how to work Husk into this yet tho? or Niffty
This Aladdin au is consuming me /pos
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softer-ua · 3 years
I have no idea what Bakugou would have done if Izuku died in the sludge Villain accident. They had a lot of strong unresolved emotions, I just can't fully visualize it, the only thing I have clear is him trying to latch onto anger, but that would burn out fast because the Villian was trapped and the heroes did their thing (Winning, which at that point he believed everything was) so I don't know what would he do. Sooo...could you please give us your insight? Please :D
I’d love to give my insight! Thank you for asking!!!🥰
It would depend on which sludge incident, the one where Deku ran to save Katsuki or the one where Deku was on his own? 🤔 I’ve got ideas on both lol
Buckle up this is gonna be a long one, and it’s not a fun ride
For the first I think Katsuki would latch onto anger and be a self hating righteous little monster for the rest of eternity. Because obviously he’s never getting therapy.
If he can blame himself for AM’s retirement and his parents can blame him for getting kidnapped than I have zero doubt the Entire Bakugo family would blame Katsuki for Dekus death. That family loves to victim blame, and Mitsuki would have a field day with chart topping world’s lowest blows like
If Katsuki hadn’t been hanging out in an alley and had gone straight home the villain wouldn’t have got him
If Katsuki hadn’t just been randomly blasting the heros wouldn’t have had to divert their attention to the fire
If Katsuki hadn’t been so weak(what’s the point of that flashy quirk if you can’t even save yourself)
Going with him to make him apologize to Inko (trying to imagine this feels like my brains touching a hot stove, it would be a thousand times more horrible and scarring than being forced to apologize to his Idol and teach for being kidnapped)
If hs Katsuki didn’t have the tools to block out his mother and broke down over a 50 year old man retiring, then poor ms Katsuki doesn’t stand a chance against being forced to bare the blame in someone’s actual death, especially not Dekus. Plus whatever destructive aftermath Katsuki created.
Did you have to blow up the entire alley way??
Katsuki would also never stop blaming those heros, even if the villain was captured they lost what really mattered, Dekus life.
They should have stopped the villain before Deku ever showed up
They should have never let Deku cross the line
They should have saved him
I think his fear of being weak would have been magnified by 10000. And it wouldn’t be a stretch for me to believe that witnessing that kind of hero failure so personally would be his villain origin. But even if it wasn’t, I think 10 months of stewing in grief, rage and self hate at such a young age would leave some very permanent scars
He’d habitually train to the point of self harm(reminder to check in on your fitness bros)
He’d never ever let someone close to him again (he didn’t want Deku close to him in the first place and look at how bad it hurt anyway)
He wouldn’t give a shit about any heros opinion anymore, if it’s not about how he can get stronger than any would be mentor can fuck off
His ego would have taken a massive hit, he’s no longer trying to prove he’s the best
Instead he’s insuring it because he’s never losing anyone again
Even with that in mind I think the sports festival actually would have gone a lot calmer because he no longer gives a shit about showing off, he’s just fighting to test himself and Dekus the one who pushed Todoroki to the point anyone even knew he had a fire side(I always wonder how much longer Aizawa was gonna let that go on for) so he’d except his medal quietly so it’s possible the lov would never have tried to recruit him
I think he’d be a lot more proactive in helping his classmates get stronger
Just not in a cute tsundere way anymore, but in a “if you can’t keep up with me I will keep attempting to murder you until you drop out” way, because B List heros are not allowed to be a thing anymore
Eventually he would grow up to be the top hero and he revels in that victory by hating himself, his job, his coworkers, his family, and everyone and everything else. The best part of his days are the adrenaline highs and that’s not even a happy high, in a bad headspace it just makes you ansty and aggressive, still better than being a hallow husk of resentments
I wouldn’t be surprised if he eventually did kill a fellow pro for not meeting his standards. Depending on what the hero did to earn his ire would shape wether he went on to be the new hero killer or simply stopped being a hero himself in custody or more permanently
Now if the villain had instead been captured after being caught hiding in Dekus flesh suit things would have been very different than the above
Katsuki would definitely be traumatized at this news, so would most of their class and they’d probably do some kind of memorial deal, and over the course of a couple of days Katsuki would slowly descend into madness at watching his class act like they have ever given a single fuck about Deku
Then he would speedball into it, because how dare they grieve over him, non of them deserve to especially not him
He’d be angry for as long as he could, at himself and everyone else, but eventually that’d putter out without anyone stoking the fire, no one else blames his class for feeling sad and no one blames the heros for not existing on every single possible street corner
Maybe he makes it through UA. He’s not as hot head, not as naive, but teens hold grudges like no other, he can be mad at the world a little longer.
Throws himself into the work so he doesn’t have time to think. He’s going to be the best because Deku always believed he would be and if he’s not allowed to be sad than this will be his only way to honor the nerds memory.
But the thing about pain is that it demands to be felt.
Eventually his regrets and grief would come for him, in a year or in ten years doesn’t matter they will eventually claim the time and space they need with interest.
He’d probably meet his regrets first so that he can be mad at himself for a little longer
He should have let Deku be
If he hadn’t held Deku up after class maybe he’d have made it home
His last words play on loop growing distorted and more malicious as the years go on(fun fact about memory ! It’s easily manipulated because each time you remember something you’re actually just remembering the last time you remembered the thing! Basically your brain reconstructs the memory completely each time! Fuck it up once and it’s all down hill)
He regrets not ensuring that he’d have more than his flimsy memories to hold onto Deku with, he never realized he’d want to, never could fully conceive that he’d actually have to.
He should have been kinder
He should have been less of a coward and faced his own insecurities
He should have talked to Deku about so many things
He can’t just focus on what he did and didn’t do forever tho, eventually he’ll have to recognize the hole Deku left behind, his regrets will paint the picture of his grief
Maybe he forgets the exact date of Dekus birthday but he knows it was in the summer, he regrets not going to his last one and grieves never going to a next one.
He regrets not going to the funeral, of course he was sad, he’d been an idiot to think he couldn’t be
He regrets not visiting Dekus grave, and grieves over how long he’s been gone now
He regrets that he had to learn what the value of saving is by having lost, god how he grieves that loss
Without Deku Kaminari never hears that nickname, Kacchan died with Deku. He grieves over never hearing it again
He wonders if Dekus hanging out with Kacchan wherever he is, he wonders if this makes him crazy.
He grieves over Deku dying so young, so alone, so horribly. It gives him nightmares, he can’t imagine the pain of having all his organs crushed down from the inside, and yet he’s some how intimately aware of its possibility. He debates looking for the autopsy results, maybe if he confirms it was asphyxiation and not internal blunt trauma the nightmares will stop. But you don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.
He grieves over the dreams Deku never got to chase, and regrets ever playing a part in taking away the happiness a dream is supposed to have
He grieves over the Deku shaped hole in his life that seemed to grow with him despite only ever getting to know the knobby knees version, he can’t help but think with every achievement and milestone “you should be here”
He doesn’t hate his life, it just feels half lived.
Without Deku pushing his buttons and no god complex shaped alarm bells people were slower to reach out to him.
Without Deku to vouch for his good qualities people were a lot more hesitant to see them.
He still did make friends it’s just a shallower connection and he doesn’t make time for them
He becomes top hero but the victory feels hallow like there should have been more of a fight for it. Maybe he is crazy but it feels like it should have been Deku fighting him for it.
His saves are legendary and numerous, he’s never able to shake the feeling that there’s someone out there who needs him just around the corner
Between the nightmares and the anxiety clocking off gives him he probably gets less sleep than any hero before him, even Aizawa.
It was a short career
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