#i don't think I've revealed simbar's kids names
weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
Random number here we go: 6, 18,11, 1, 15
Since you didn't specify any kids, I'm just gonna answer for the kids that fit the question.
1. What are their child's/children's name/s?
So, I guess I'm just gonna go with everyone.
First off all, I have hinted of a Pablangie daughter, but I have never really written her in anything, just mentioned in passing conversation. I think I have decided her name is Paula. She's born around 2016.
The Violetta next gens, oldest to youngest:
Kim Torres (Born late 2021)
Isadora Vargas (Born August 1st, 2022)
Diana Caviglia-Hernandez (Born around late september/early october 2022)
Stella Vidal (Born October 2023)
I've also acquired two new next gens that I came up with literally last night at 1 AM. They are twins, and this far I've just decided that one of them will be named Tommy. No idea when the twins are born, but I know they are gonna be younger than everyone else. Maybe born in like 2028 or 2029, or even 2030.
Plus: The Franletta kids, Elina, Carolina and Oliver Castillo-Caviglia. Born mid 2022 (maybe August 1st too lol), late 2024 and specifically June 2027 respectively.
The Soy Luna next gens, oldest to youngest:
(Note: There may be some inconsistencies with the ages if you have read some fics of mine, for example Lucia appeared to be older than Charlie in a oneshot. But, I have changed my mind about it now.)
Lola Sanchez (Born either December 2022 or January 2023)
Charlotte "Charlie" Sanchez (Born early 2025)
Lucia Valente (Born mid 2025) -She wasn't adopted until she was 1-
Lilith Alvarez (Born mid/late 2026)
Angelica Alvarez (Born early/mid 2028)
Also, I may have kinda thought about some Gastina kids? Can't elaborate on that a lot rn, but I think they're slightly younger. Maybe that one of them may be born in like 2027/2028, but that's a maybe.
6. Does the child/children have any planned romantic partners?
Isadora, Diana, Kim and Stella do ;) And depending on the universe, Lola and Elina do too ;)
11. How are their relationships with other relatives (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc)?
Isadora is extremely awkward around Germán, even though she loves him. She's always felt safe around Angie though, and looks up to Paula like a cooler older sister. Leon's parents spoil Isadora a lot, it being their only granddaughter, and they always make her food and give her gifts.
Diana has a jokeful relationship with Gregorio, she likes to prank him and tease him, but it's all in good fun. She's also the only grandchild of Francesca's parents, as Luca never had kids. Luca got to babysit her once when she was like 5 and he seems to have traumatic memories from it (although Diana doesn't remember it at all), so every time she meets Luca she jokes that he looks so nervous around her.
Franletta's kids get along with all of their relatives. Germán is instead the one awkward around them, because suddenly there's three of them running around and he occasionally forgets Violetta and Francesca are married. Violetta starts to wonder if he has dementia.
Kim gets along with all of Camila's relatives and always has fun with his aunts and cousins. Camila has a large family, as everyone agrees on.
Stella looks up to her aunt Lena a lot. Because Ludmila has a strained relationship with Priscila, Stella does too. She has met Priscila very few times, so there's barely a relationship there.
Lucia is adored by her grandparents.
I headcanon Ámbar mostly visiting Sharon herself without her kids. She tells them a lot about them and how they're progressing and growing. Lilith and Angelica have met her, but they haven't talked much with her. They are very very close with all of Simón's family, though.
The other next gens I don't have much to say about, but they have a good relationship with their relatives.
15. How is their clothing style?
I haven't gotten definitive styles for a lot of them, except that Lilith is a mix of a punk, grunge and Simón's clothing style. Lola is also kind of grunge.
Diana is, as I've always described her, "Francesca's looks and Diego's personality", so she dresses like a female Diego a lot of the time.
Stella has some galaxy themed outfits... she's been influenced.
18. Sexuality?
The ones I have decided on:
Lesbian: Isadora, Elina, Lola
Bisexual: Diana, Lilith
Asexual: Stella
The others I don't have much on, mostly because it's not gonna be relevant (I mean, it's very irrelevant with Lilith as of now, but I just thought about her as a teen and was like... bisexual...)
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