#i don't think she and deborah were even speaking when deborah 'died'
anghraine · 2 years
Speaking of non-canonical headcanons and also GW2, here are some (technically) one-sentence non-canonical headcanon backstories for my human PCs:
Lady Althea Fairchild is a proud Ascalonian aristocrat born in Ebonhawke, then brought to Divinity's Reach and raised there for her and her older sister's safety—but Althea chose to give up her safe and frivolous existence after her sister found purpose among the Seraph only to be lost in battle.
Warmaster Xiulan Azar is a descendant of Canthan and Orrian immigrants who have scraped by in the Salma District for many years; she rarely speaks of her Orrian family history and few know about it, but it has impacted her sense of identity and legacy as powerfully as her Canthan side, and fuels the ferocity of her opposition to Zhaitan.
Agent Kate Sandford is no less Ascalonian in heritage or identity than Althea, but grew up in abject poverty and ended up in a bandit gang before becoming disaffected and joining the Separatists as a thief, scout, and sometime cook, returning home in frustration a few years later in search of a more effective way to help her people.
Lightbringer Gwen is, like Kate, a former bandit with a strong sense of her Ascalonian origins, though her hard-edged good sense prevented her from getting carried away to the same extent, all the more after the disappearance of her estranged Seraph sister led her to extricate herself and turn hero—but she remains tough and resolute, determined to do whatever has to be done.
Magister Isabel Batista is the orphaned daughter of Ebon Vanguard soldiers and was more or less taken in by her friend Petra's family, and happy to use her flair for necromancy to protect their tavern and homes while dreaming of acceptance into the Queensdale Academy—a dream she achieved, and then surpassed by joining the Durmand Priory's fight against her natural enemy, Zhaitan.
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disneyanddisneyships · 7 months
Family Reunion
Alastor x OC Human AU
Summary: Lilly takes Alastir to her family reunion.
Warnings: Google translate Spanish. Pls no hate if any of it is wrong-. Not proofread.
Alastor sat on the plane, lost in thought as he looked blankly at the seat in front of him. He had grabbed a book, trying to find some sort of entertainment, only for his mind to start wandering.
Lilly was next to him in the window seat, gladly looking out with headphones on, excited to see her family.
Gabriel, Lilly's brother, sat in the aisle seat, fast asleep and snoring so loud, alastor couldn't hear himself think.
Lilly's parents, Charles and Deborah Carlton sat behind the group, watching a movie on the computer they had brought.
Alastor wasn't a fan of computers... he hated new technology... in fact, he was working on getting a promotion at the local radio studio he worked at. He wanted to be one of the voices behind it, not just someone who figured out how it worked and did what he was told. He was 28. he had time.
Alastor glanced over to his girlfriend. She would be 20 in a few months and alasgor was excited.
The two had met at a rehab facility he volunteered at from time to time. She was a patient.
She told him that she had lost a baby from her abusive ex and then went down a spiral doing drugs before her best friend ultimately dragged her to the rehab center.
Alastor took an interest in her and after a year, the two began dating.
However, he had only met her parents. On this trip, he was going to be meeting her entire family... that made him a bit nervous.
When the plane landed they all made their way to where they would be staying.
The giant house full of people all of whom were related to his girlfriend.
"¡oh Dios mío! ¡mis bebés! ¡Qué bueno veros, queridos! ¡Oh, deja que te mire!" A friendly woman ranted as she ran out of the house.
"Hola abuela!" Lilly replied with a smile.
"Hola abuela!" Gabriel replied as the woman hugged both he and Lilly tightly.
"Mama! ¡te extrañamos! ¿cómo están todos?" Debirah asked as she gave her mother a hug.
Alastor stood there, not knowing a single word they said other than bits and pieces he remembered from high school Spanish class.
Charles nudged him before leaning down to whisper, "I don't understand most of it either. Deborah's mother is really nice about it. Don't worry,"
Alastor let out a breath and waited patiently to be introduced.
Lilly put a hand on her grandmother's shoulder, turning her attention to Alastor.
"Abuela, hay alguien que quiero que conozcas. Este es Alastor, mi novio," Aponinspoke in Spanish with a smile.
"Pleasure to meet you!" Alastir exclaimed, putting his hand out for the woman to shake.
But instead he was met with a giant hug that was so tight, he could've sworn he had died for a moment.
"¡Oh, es un placer conocerte, joven! Aponi speaks well of you!" the woman exclaimed.
"A-uh.. A-aponi?" Alastir asked, confused.
"Ohhhh it's a native American word! It means butterfly! She's always been our bright little butterfly! ¿No es así, hermosa niña?" The woman exclaimed, pinching Lilly's cheeks.
Alastor stifled a giggle at the blush that crept up on her face.
"Abuela, por favor! Not in front of alastor!" She complained before her abuela laughed and let her go.
"Well, come now, you have rooms! And then the reunion is on at 4!" The woman exclaimed as she walked into her house.
Alastor looked around the house. It was big. Big enough to fit two families. Maybe three if people bunked up. However, it was still full of life. Even thought it was empty.
"May I ask, where is everyone?" Alastor asked.
"Ohh! Most are outside setting up! Don't think we won't put you to work!" Lilly's abuela replied.
Alastor smiled to himself. She was quite spritely for an old woman.
Gabriel, Charles and Deborah had been bunked together, no suprise considering there would most likely be a lot of people who were coming..
However, Lilly and Alastor got their own room.
"Make sure to have lots of fun, ai?" Abuela exclaimed.
"Abuela! Dios mio! We're not even married!" Lilly exclaimed with a blush.
"Aiiii you're already almost 20, niña! You need a good stable husband with some kids!" Abuela replied.
Alastor gulped nervously, an awkward smile plastered on his face.
"Abuela, I-" Lilly was cut off by abuela shushing her.
"Unpack your things, dear. Meet us down in 10 minutes!" Abuela exclaimed as she made her way downstairs.
Lilly groaned. "I am SO sorry...." she muttered.
"Its alright, darling! If my mother were still here, she would act the same!" Alastor replied with a genuine smile before taking their suitcases and placing them in The room.
10 minutes passed and Alastor and Lilly walked down to help set up.
Everything looked wonderful, from the table cloths to the food.
"Is that my Pequeña lirio?!" A voice came from behind Alastor and Lilly.
Lilly turned around.
"Tiá Dahlia! Hola!" Lilly exclaimed with a large smile as she hugged her.
"You're so tall, niña!!! And so skinny! Have they been feeding you at that rehab center? Is it good food? Do they let you pick your own spices?" Dahlia asked as she looked Lilly up and down.
"Tiá, I've been out of the rehab center for 2 months!" Lilly replied.
Dahlia's attention turned to alastor.
"And who is this tall drink of water?" She asked.
"Tiá, this is my boyfriend, Alastor," Lilly replied.
"Nice to meet you my dear!" He exclaimed, holding his hand out only to once again be swept into a hug too tight for his liking.
"Welcome to the family, niño!!" She exclaimed before pulling away.
Alastor took a breath.
This would be a long day.
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