#i don't think the purple is Too out of place. and fragment is supposed to look a bit at odds to the surroundings either way. so yayyyy!
caracello · 1 year
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okay, okay. after testing a bit with a piece i have of them both together, i think i like the purple bandana. the browns in fragment's outfit still pick up on dg's design well enough to tie them together. i tried shifting the blue as well, but found it didn't really make much of a difference against such a red background. and considering the majority of these games take place on mars...
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sapphire-weapon · 6 months
I've seen some discourse on it and since you are the only person i know who has played alan wake AND is really smart i wonder what your take is on the whole "is alan supposed to be a good writer or not" thing.
So there's two parts to this. There's the in-universe justification for the events of the game happening, and then there's the actual commentary from the writers.
In-universe, it's said that Alan can weave a good plot but his prose is kinda meehhh. It's purple-y and heavy with metaphor. That's what makes him so attractive to the Dark Presence, because so much of his prose is open to interpretation.
Out-of-universe, Alan Wake is supposed to be the Stephen King of that world, so it's basically however you feel about King's writing. If you like Stephen King, you'll probably like Alan's writing. If you don't, you probably won't.
That does serve for a fun overlap of: the writers of the game are saying Stephen King uses too much purple prose and metaphor lmao
If you're asking me how I personally feel about the writing in his manuscript pages, I'd say that his writing has diminished in quality from the first game to the second.
The writing of Departure and The Sudden Stop was coherent and -- this might sound weird -- had a good rhythm to it. He was the voice of the narrator in my own stories for years.
The writing of Initiation and Return, though, is... markedly worse, and I think that's the point. It feels scattered and relies too much on sentence fragments in an attempt to be punchy and just comes off as lazy.
But I think that's meant to be a reflection of Alan's mind fracturing after being in the Dark Place for so long, so. It still works.
Basically, I think people who are fighting over this are completely missing the point. It's not about Alan being a good or a bad writer. It's about how his style lends to being bent and manipulated by the Dark Presence -- which is a wider commentary on how a writer loses ownership of their work once it's made public. It's no longer theirs to explain; it's the audience's to interpret.
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beybladefanfictions · 3 years
Ryuga’s Return - Chapter 2
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(Description: AU where Ryuga survives Metal Fury but loses L-Drago. He reunites with Kenta and struggles to figure out what he’s supposed to do without Beyblade, his purpose in life for so long. Character’s thoughts are in asteriks.)
Kenta’s POV (Yes, I know, odd choice, but bear with me)
Kenta followed Gingka and Madoka into the shop. The others trailed after them, filing into the store after them one or a few at a time. Kenta and Gingka placed Sagittario and Pegasus respectively on the counter then stepped aside to allow the others to do the same. The shop had never been more crowded. Kyoya, Tsubasa, and Yu put their Beyblades on the counter followed by Yuki, Masamune, and several others that Kenta knew to be the Legendary Bladers. They all looked completely beat and worn out. Everyone's hair was sticking out in several directions while their outfits were torn and ragged. Some even had scars or other marks on their skin.
Madoka began collecting the Beyblades on her counter. A few people filed out of the shop. Masamune and his friends, Zeo, Toby, and a blue-haired kid Kenta scarcely knew, left together, chatting and amongst themselves.
“I’ll show you guys around the city,” Masamune was saying, “Since we’re gonna be here for a few days at least.”
“We should get some food,” the blue-haired kid replied, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”
The four kids laughed as they left. Some of the other Legendary Bladers followed their lead and left as well. With a start, Kenta realized he hadn’t seen Ryuga in a while. He looked around then spotted him. Ryuga looked just as dishevelled as the others. His skin was covered in cuts and scrapes, he was missing his white jacket and the rest of his clothes were in tatters. It made him look like a homeless person, which of course he was, but it wasn't normally this obvious. 
Ryuga was leaning against the wall, his gaze intent on the display Beyblades in the glass. He was noticeably far away from the others. Two of the Legendary Bladers, a little kid and a tall purple-haired man, stood on the opposite side of the store talking. Meanwhile, everyone else was near the counter with Madoka.
“You know, most of us are gonna be without our Beyblades for a while…” Gingka was clearly fighting to keep his voice cheerful. “What should we do with all that time?”
“I don’t know,” Madoka replied with a shrug. “What do you guys normally do when your Beyblades are damaged?”
“Wait for you to fix them,” Yu answered, pleading with his eyes.
Madoka let out an exasperated sigh.
“It’s been so long since all this stuff with Nemesis started,” Yuki spoke up, adjusting his glasses. “I barely remember what life was like before it.”
“Yeah…” Gingka nodded. “I got so used to travelling around. It’s gonna be hard to take it easy again.”
“It’ll be nice to take it easy again!” Benkei exclaimed, his eyes wide. “All that travelling was exhausting.”
“I agree,” Madoka replied with a nod.
Gingka suddenly glanced up, meeting Kenta’s gaze.
“What do you think, Kenta?” he asked with a smile.
“Huh?” Kenta froze for a moment. “Oh, uh… I agree with both of you,” he replied, taking a nervous step toward the others. “Travelling was exhausting but I got used to it. It’s gonna feel weird not travelling with Ryuga all the time.”
Kenta cast a glance at his friend. Ryuga didn't seem to be paying attention, his gaze still intent on the Beyblades. *Should I try to talk to him?* Kenta wondered.
“Oh, yeah!” Yu exclaimed. “You were with Ryuga!”
“That must have been…” Yuki gulped, casting a glance at where Ryuga was. “Interesting. It must have been interesting.” Yuki faked a smile.
“It was just a bunch of walking,” Kenta replied, casually. “And entering some tournaments here and there.”
*And sometimes talking if Ryuga was in a good enough mood,* Kenta added silently to himself.
“But enough about me,” Kenta insisted, “I wanna hear about your journey!”
“Uh… that would take a while to explain,” Gingka replied, resting his hand on the back of his neck.
“I’ve got time!” Kenta insisted, leaning forward over the counter. “Please! I wanna know!”
“Yeah, me too!” Yu added, stepping beside Kenta. “You guys must have had so many cool adventures! I wish I had been there with you!”
“Okay, okay.” Gingka smiled as he gestured for Yu to quiet down. “Well, first we went to China…”
Kenta and Yu listened intently as Gingka and the others recounted their travels. Suddenly, the bell at the door rang.
“Huh?” Kenta looked over his shoulder.
Ryuga was walking away from the shop, his head hung low.
“Where’s he going I wonder?” Gingka asked, tilting his head to the side.
Anxiety rose within Kenta, *Is he leaving town? Am I never going to see him again?!*
“I’m gonna find out!” Kenta replied, rushing toward the door. “Ryuga!”
“Hey, Kenchi, wait up!” Yu called behind him.
Kenta pushed the door open and ran down the sidewalk after Ryuga.
"Ryuga!" he called.
Ryuga stopped and turned to him.
"Where are you going?" Kenta asked, struggling to catch his breath.
"Aren't we leaving?" Ryuga grunted, though he didn't quite seem angry. "You gave her your Beyblade already."
Kenta froze. *'We'… He still wants to stick with me?*
"Well yeah, but there's no rush!" Kenta insisted, "We can stay and socialize."
"Socialize?" Ryuga asked, sounding as if he had never heard the word before.
"Yeah, talk to them, like friends do!"
"Then do that." Ryuga turned and started to walk away again.
"Wait, Ryuga!" Kenta called, reaching out to him.
Ryuga whipped around. "Why do you want me to stay with you when you're just talking to your friends?!" He demanded.
"Because you're my friend too."
Ryuga let out a sigh, his gaze faltering to the ground. "Kenta, I need some time alone." His voice was oddly quiet, almost distant.
"R-Ryuga…?” Kenta stared at his friend for a moment. *Is he okay?* However, Kenta didn't want to push him, so he just nodded. “Okay, can you come back to the shop at sunset?" 
Ryuga looked up at the sky. The sun was in the middle of the sky, giving them about a few hours between now and sunset.
"Fine," he grunted.
"Great!" Kenta faked a cheerful smile to mask his worry. "I'll see you then, Ryuga!"
The two of them turned and went their separate ways. However, Kenta couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Kenta hadn't known Ryuga long and during the time he had known him, they had been on somewhat shaky terms. However, Kenta had never seen him like this before. Ryuga always had an air of confidence, even arrogance in some cases, but since reuniting with him, Ryuga spoke as if he wasn’t fully sure of his own words, or even fully sure of what he was doing anymore.
Kenta looked over his shoulder. Yu was walking toward him, a bewildered look on his face.
“Oh, hey Yu,” Kenta replied, waving.
“Wow…" Yu stared at where Ryuga had been. "Ryuga really does seem to respect you.”
“What do you mean?” Kenta asked, tilting his head to the side.
Everyone kept telling him that: that Ryuga respected him but Kenta had yet to hear it from Ryuga himself. It made him question whether it was true. Of course, Ryuga had to care about him, enough to not let him die on their journey and to give him his star fragment but… respect? Kenta wasn't a fool. He knew Ryuga was just humouring him with that challenge. Ryuga didn't take him or anything he said seriously until he was proven wrong and nearly died.
“He barely talked to me at all when I knew him," Yu explained. "Let alone talk like a normal kid.”
“Well, he is a normal kid.”
That’s what Kenta always told himself, ever since he started following Ryuga. Even though he led a very different life than Kenta and his friends, that wasn’t a reason to fear him. He was just a normal kid like them.
“Not really." Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed. "To be honest Kenchi, I don’t really get why you put up with that guy. I mean, considering everything he did."
"Well, you and Benkei weren't exactly nice to me at first, but I'm friends with both of you now."
"Well, yeah, but you were travelling with Ryuga for soooo long before he even acknowledged you. At least, that's what I gathered." Yu shrugged a bit.
"That's not exactly true…"
"Huh?" Yu tilted his head to the side.
"He did kind of ignore me at first but he never let any real harm come to me," Kenta explained, smiling a bit as he remembered his travels with Ryuga. "We were in it together. Whatever we faced, we faced together."
*That's how I saw it at least…* At first, all Kenta cared about was getting Ryuga on their side, and never faltered in that motivation. However, travelling with the same person for months on end had a way of making you grow attached to them.
Yu raised an eyebrow. "You're really sure you can trust him?"
"Yu!" Kenta gasped, defensively.
"I just don't want you to get hurt, Kenchi!" Yu insisted, his eyes huge with worry. "Like I was." He looked away. "I thought Ryuga was my friend once too but he turned his back on me when I needed him."
"He didn't do that to me," Kenta insisted, remembering how even before their promise, Ryuga didn't let him die. "And I know he won’t."
"How do you know that?" Yu tilted his head to the side.
Kenta gazed off in the distance. In his mind, he recalled a very specific moment from his travels.
It had been mere minutes since Kenta had stopped Ryuga from stealing a legendary blader's power. Once they were away from the others, Ryuga turned and glared at Kenta.
"What were you thinking, getting in my way like that?!" He demanded.
"You were stealing their power!" Kenta snapped back, clenching his fists and glaring up at Ryuga. "I had to do something!"
Whatever fear Kenta might have felt was completely drowned out by his anger.
Ryuga let out a growl. "If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll-I'll…”
"You'll what, Ryuga?! You'll what?!"
Kenta knew the exact intent behind his words, though he didn’t say it directly. He was asking Ryuga what he would do to retaliate. Ryuga's eyes went wide. Kenta knew that if anyone else talked to Ryuga this way, they would immediately be attacked. Instead, Ryuga seemed frozen with shock for a few moments. Then his eyes narrowed.
"Don't forget who I am, kid," Ryuga growled, "My goal is to take all of the legendary bladers' power for myself and nothing you do or say will ever change that."
Ryuga turned and walked away. Kenta froze before chasing after him. At that moment it was clear to Kenta: Ryuga couldn’t bring himself to intentionally hurt him. The very idea had shocked him.
“We’ve just been through a lot together," Kenta finally answered Yu's question. “If he was going to hurt me in any way, he would’ve by now.”
“Well…” Yu still looked somewhat doubtful. “I guess you have a point.”
“Now, come on.” Kenta gestured for Yu to follow him. “Let’s go listen to the rest of that story!” The two of them walked back to the shop side by side.
It was nearly sunset when the group walked out of the shop, chatting amongst themselves.
"I'm sooo hungry,” Yu complained, gripping his stomach. “I could eat, like, an entire building.” He gestured vaguely to the Beyblade shop behind them.
"Hey, why don't we all get dinner together?!" Madoka suggested, with a smile.
"Yeah!” Gingka agreed, bouncing like a rabbit. “I could go for a celebratory hamburger!"
"Same!" Benkei agreed, nodding vigorously.
Kyoya rolled his eyes. "You guys always eat hamburgers."
Gingka stopped in his tracks. The others stopped behind him, gazing at him expectantly.
"Actually…” Gingka rested his hand on his chin. “I can't think of the last time I had a hamburger." 
Madoka’s eyes narrowed at him. "Three days ago, Gingka. It was three days ago."
Gingka staggered back, letting out a shrill gasp."That was like forever ago! I need a burger now!” He turned to the others, holding his hand in the sky. “Who's with me?!"
"I!" Benkei replied, bouncing toward Gingka.
"I!" Yuki added, adjusting his glasses.
"Tithi, wanna come with us?" Yu asked, glancing at the shorter kid.
"Well, I wanna stick with you…” Tithi looked up at Dynamis. “But then Dynamis will be all lonely!"
Dynamis chuckled. "I'll come along. Though I must admit, I have never heard of these 'hamburgers' before."
Gingka let out a gasp of horror. "You've never had a HAMBURGER?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"
"The temple on Mist Mountain," Dynamis answered without missing a beat.
Gingka froze. "Oh... Well..."
Kenta chuckled. The others cackled as the colour drained from Gingka's face.
"So we're all going?" Tsubasa asked, gazing at the group.
"What about Kenta?" Benkei asked, turning to him.
"Huh?" Kenta stared at the group as they all turned to him.
"Yeah, do you wanna come and get burgers with us?" Gingka asked, a smile returning to his face.
"Oh, uh..."
Kenta glanced up at the sky. The sun had nearly set, casting it's orange and pink hues across the sky. He didn't see Ryuga around. However, he would probably come back soon, just like he said he would.
"That's okay," Kenta replied, looking back at Gingka. "I was actually gonna meet up with Ryuga. He should be here soon."
"O-oh!" Gingka sounded slightly taken aback but he still smiled. "Okay."
"Yeah, he's got no one else so I want to make sure he's not alone," Kenta explained, smiling. He kept the part about him being worried about Ryuga to himself.
"Why don't you just invite your friend to come with us?" Dynamis asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Uh..." Everyone stared at him with wide eyes.
"Oh, he wouldn't want to anyway," Kenta replied, flicking his hand dismissively. *Not that I know what he wants anymore.* "But I'll see you guys tomorrow!"
"Okay, bye Kenta!" Gingka replied, with a smile.
The group began to walk away.
"See you around Kenchi!" Yu called, waving as he followed Tithi and Tsubasa.
"Have a safe trip home!" Benkei added, walking beside Kyoya.
"I will!"
Kenta stood and waved until the group disappeared around the street corner.
Kenta nearly jumped out of his skin, letting out a yelp. He whipped around. Ryuga was standing a few paces away, having seemingly emerged from the nearby alleyway.
"Oh, hey Ryuga!" Kenta greeted, shaking a bit as he waved. "You, uh, you startled me. Uh…" Kenta straightened his posture. "Where did you go exactly?"
"Nowhere in particular," Ryuga replied, with a shrug.
"Uh… Okay.” *Why is he being secretive about something so simple?* “Well, I was thinking of heading home,” Kenta replied, “My parents-"
"Parents?” Ryuga cut him off, sounding bewildered. “You have parents?"
"Yes?" Kenta tilted his head to the side. “Did you think I didn’t?”
"Well, you were travelling with me for months."
"I told my parents I was going with Gingka and the others to find the legendary bladers. They were fine with me going… As long as I stayed with a group…”
Kenta's heart skipped a beat. He gazed expectantly at Ryuga who just shrugged.
"You were with me. Close enough."
"Is it?"
Ryuga smiled a bit. It wasn’t sadistic like he could sometimes look, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes either. “Well, you're alive so I clearly did my job,” he replied.
Kenta chuckled a bit. "If you say so…” An idea hit Kenta like a bolt of lightning and he couldn’t help but smile. "Hey, do you want to meet my parents?” he asked, looking up at Ryuga. "I bet they'd like you!"
Ryuga laughed wryly. "Me? The former Dragon Emperor? Don't be silly." He suddenly looked away, his gaze fixed on something in the distance.
Kenta raised an eyebrow. *'Former' Dragon Emperor? Why did he say former?*
"It's not silly! My parents like all my friends!”
“Did they see Battle Bladers?”
Kenta stepped back, his eyes wide. The two of them avoided talking about that infamous tournament, and only brought it up if they had to. Ryuga paused to take a breath.
“Did they see Battle Bladers?” He repeated, clearly realizing the weight of his words.
“I mean, probably…” Kenta shook his head clear as memories of that horrible tournament raced through his mind. “But that was a while ago! And you weren’t even in full control of yourself! I… I've forgiven you, a-and they will too!"
Kenta didn’t know if the last part was true, but he was willing to say anything to make his friend feel better.
"Whatever,” Ryuga grunted, crossing his arms. “I don't have anywhere else to go so I'll stick with you."
*Nowhere else to go…? So that’s why he’s staying with me? He doesn’t want to travel anymore?* Then Kenta understood. Ryuga had only been travelling to get stronger at Beyblade, and now his Beyblade was gone, so he didn’t want to anymore.
"Okay.” Kenta nodded, keeping his realization to himself. “I'll just let them know we're coming.”
Kenta grabbed his phone and dialled the number. His mother almost immediately picked up.
"Kenta!" She exclaimed cheerfully.
Kenta smiled. "Hey, Mom!"
"So you're back from your long trip then!"
"Yeah, I was just on my way home! Can I bring a friend over?"
"Of course, dear. Which friend is it?"
"Oh, it's Ryuga," Kenta answered, sounding completely casual. "I met him on the journey."
"Ryuga? As in... THAT Ryuga?" She didn’t sound scared, just confused.
"Yes, THAT Ryuga." Kenta rolled his eyes. "We're friends now and he doesn't have anywhere else to go."
Only after he said it did Kenta realize Ryuga might not have wanted him to share that information. He glanced at his friend. Ryuga didn't appear to be paying any attention as he gazed somewhere in the distance.
"Wow, you can make friends with anyone,” Kenta’s mother remarked, chuckling a bit.
Kenta chuckled as well. "Thanks, Mom."
"Well, he's welcome to stay over for dinner. Same rules as you and the rest of your friends, no Beyblading in the house."
Kenta bit his lip, remembering that L-Drago was gone now. "Oh, that won't be a problem…” he blurted out, then quickly added, “Sagittario's in the shop. You'll have to see it once it's fixed, it's completely different now! Uh, anyway, we'll see you when we get there."
"Bye, Kenta."
"Bye, Mom."
Kenta hung up, putting his phone back in his pocket. He turned to Ryuga. The older kid was still staring off into the distance, his gaze unreadable.
Ryuga met Kenta’s gaze. Without a word, he began walking. Kenta walked beside him. Ryuga’s gaze was fixed on the ground and his entire posture seemed slouched. *He’s clearly upset… but how am I supposed to bring it up?* Every other time Kenta had seen Ryuga upset, he had been angry and destructive. Kenta didn’t know if he had ever seen Ryuga sad before. *I don’t want to bring it up right now… but if I don’t bring it up, he might never talk about it. Ryuga doesn’t seem like he wants support, but he might need it…*
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Egsa (old english | scary)
Spell (old english | news)
The Biblical Patriarch Abraham (called the father of nations) had one wife and one sister- the same person- and several concubines and mistresses- each of whom begot him many children. Now, when these children grew up- he gifted them each with magical secrets and one by one sent them east as magi to gather initiates for the creation of Mystery Schools.
We know that, with the exception of Issac, the sons and grandsons of Abraham made their way through India, and even further into the Middle East where Abraham is credited as being the progenitor of Islam as is described in the Quran, though the religion did not officially begin until Mohammeds involvement many centuries after Abraham sent his sons away.
So, when during the birth of the Nazari
in Bethlehem he was visited by '3 foreign Magi from the East,' it takes a special significance in my mind that itches and begs to be tussed out.
That is why I am writing this.
It should be noted that there was never any mention in the original texts of exactly how many Magi attended his birth. It is thought that the authors were drunk. No. It is thought that the authors simply assumed that since there were three gifts..there must have been 3 magi to deliver them. Probably wrong. A supposed eye witness account of the magis journey popped up 300 years after the fact claiming that there were 12 or more traveling in the party.
This lends credence to the idea that this was an entire magical order (or at least its senior brethren;) that this order was almost certainly seeded by one of Abrahams sons or grandsons; and that they traveled not only to attend the Nazaris birth but also to examine the god-child and make sure it was of satisfactory health and temperament. The mother would have been looked at by a normal physician.
There are so many thing in just these two stories alone that I want to share with everybody. Things that would make a Southern Baptist stone my ass to death. Things that would make a Methodist very seriously consider leaving the church to worship Satan.
People just don't realize how fragmented the testaments have become. It was intended as a living document that existed in space but outside of time. There was a reason that the original Hebrew texts contained no punctuation and no vowels..at least until the Masoretes got ahold of it. Despite the scores of Southern parishioners taking absolutely everything they read in the Bible at face value- much of what is taken as 'Gospel Truth' has been either misunderstood, mistaken or even simply mistranslated. It isn't conjecture at this point.
Take the following example:
Go to Google translate and type in
"I am a peaceful man."
Now translate from English to Latin to Greek to Hebrew to Greek to Latin and then back to English again. (Almost exactly how we arrived at our most modern Biblical translation minue English at the begining..by the way)
Surprise, surprise. It now reads
"I have an airplane ticket."
The Nazari himself anticipated this ridiculous game of telephone, which is why he communicated his most important messages with parables. Because parables require deeper thought from the listener, deeper thought from the reader and thus deeper thought from the translator as well.
Moving on..
As mentioned in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas:
II. 1 This little child Jesus when he was five years old was playing at the ford of a brook / and he gathered together the waters that flowed there into pools and made them straightway clean [unintelligible] commanded them by his word alone.
2 And having made soft clay, he fashioned thereof twelve sparrows and nd it was the Sabbath when he did these things [or made them,] / and there were also many other little children playing with him.
3 And a certain Jew when he saw what Jesus did, making things upon the Sabbath day, departed straightway and told his father:
"Lo, thy child is at the brook, and he hath taken clay and fashioned twelve little birds. He hath polluted the Sabbath day."
4 And Joseph came to the place and saw: and cried out to him, saying "Wherefore doest thou these things on the Sabbath, which it is not lawful to do?"
So Jesus clapped his hands together and cried out to the sparrows and said to them: Go! and the sparrows took their flight and went away chirping.
5 And when the Jews saw it they were amazed, and departed and told their chief men that which they had seen Jesus do.
And Jesus smirked. [I added that last part in]
!! Astonishingly, at only 5 years of age the Nazari was demonstrating not only a latent understanding of magical systems but also an ability to apply that system to a PHYSICAL ALTERATION OF THE NATURAL WORLD. He was also showing signs of disdain towards the human beings for whom he had been created to protect. And that coupled with observations of the boys power had everyone in town, not least of all "his parents" deeply, deeply terrified and concerned.
Here again from the Infancy Gospel:
1 After that again he went through the village, and a child ran and accidentily dashed against his shoulder. And Jesus was provoked. He said "Thou shalt not finish thy course." And immediatelhetbe boy who provoked him fell dead at the Nazari's feet. and when some of the onlookers saw what he had done they wrenched at their garmets and said
"From whence was this creature born that every word of his is a great work or a miracle or an act of nature."
And then the parents of the boy he had slain marched unto Joseph, and blamed him, saying: "Thou who has such a child cannot dwell with us in this village unless he is taught to heal and not kill and to bless and not curse. For if he remains as is, he he will slayeth all our children / and then what of us?"
1 Immediately Joseph called the young child apart and admonished him, saying:
"Why are you doing these things? Why do you inflict such unforgivable suffering upon these people? So that they hate us and persecute us? Is this what you wish? But Jesus said,
"I know that these words are not your own (!!??) nevertheless for your sake and for the sake of suffering I will hold my peace.
"But them" Jesus pointed to the parents of the young boy he had slain."Them that accused me.. Them shall bear the weight of their punishment, too."
And straightway they that accused him became blind / and they began to moan and to scream in confused horror until little else could be heard in the town.
2 And they that saw it became even more afraid and even more perplexed / and said that every word which he spake whether it were good or bad, was a deed, or a marvel. So they began to very carefully walk away / pretending not to hear the anguish of their neighbors.
And when he saw what the Nazari had done / he arose and took hold upon his ear and wrung it purple. 3 And the young child was wroth and said unto him:
O. "It sufficeth them to seek but not to find, and verily thou hast done unwisely: Don't you know that I am not my own? Vex me not."
I know what you're all thinking. I spent a year of my life going over this document and asking every difficult question that I could think of. So let me save you some time..
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1. The document is authentic. The narrative account matches those of others which which say the same thing in their own texts. Even with evidence, perhaps out of fear, I might have dismissed this manuscript if it weren't for similarly described behaviors by another, far older 'Son of God(s); Gilgamesh, King of Uruk- The (weirdly) 3/4 God King of Mesopotamian Sumeria. If you'll recall, Gilgamesh would routinely rape women in the streets in from of their Fathers and Brothers. He once enslaved a quarter of HIS OWN people....HIS OWN PEOPLE...to build ziggurauts in honor of the Gods- a pantheon to which he technically belonged.
Both Gilgamesh and the Nazari began their brief human existences as supremacists. Their distaste for humanity was oozing off of every word they spoke and off of every action they took. And both of them had to be 'corrected;' Gilgamesh by the Gods (through the creation of Enki-Du, a bizarre man-animal hybrid who challenged Gilgamesh to fight after fight until his rage and hatred subsided.) And the Nazari by his human keepers...though not NEARLY as successfully as Gilgamesh. Here is a link to something I wrote about Gilgamesh a few months ago. It may help to clarify whats happening here in case I miss something.
The Gospl continues:
VI. 1 Now a certain teacher, Zacchaeus by name, stood there and he heard in part when Jesus said these things to his father and he marvelled greatly that being a young child he spake such matters. 2 And after a few days he came near unto Joseph and said unto him: Thou hast a wise child, and he hath understanding. Come, deliver him to me that he may learn letters. And I will teach him with the letters all knowledge and that he salute all the elders and honour them as grandfathers and fathers, and love them of his own years.
"And Joseph chuckled." Is what I would have written, because..
3 And he told him all the letters from Alpha even to Omega clearly, with much questioning. But Jesus looked upon Zacchaeus the teacher and saith unto him: Thou that knowest not the Alpha according to its nature, how canst thou teach others the Beta? thou hypocrite, first, if thou knowest it, teach the Alpha, and then will we believe thee concerning the Beta. Then began he to confound the mouth of the teacher concerning the first letter, and he could not prevail to answer him. 4 And in the hearing of many the young child saith to Zacchaeus: Hear, O teacher, the ordinance of the first letter and pay heed to this, how that it hath [what follows is really unintelligible, but it disturbingly picks up..]
VII. 1 Now when Zacchaeus the teacher heard such and then so many allegories of the first letter spoken by the young child, he was perplexed at his answer and his instruction being so great, and said to them that were gathered there:
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Woe is me, wretch that I am, I am confounded! I have brought shame to myself by drawing to me this young child.
2 THIS CHILD IS NOT EARTHLY BORN: this is one that can tame even fire: this is one begotten before the making of the world!
WHAT BELLY BORE THIS? what womb nurtured it? Woe is me, He putteth me from my sense, I cannot follow his understanding. I have deceived myself!
Goddamn. GODDAMN. I mean what the fuck, man? I remember reading this for the first time and simultaneously remembering what the older version of this creature said to his people in Mathew 10:34;
'Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.'
I'll explain how truly terrifying that statement really is in part 2.
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