#i don't think there Is a tw tag for bug eating GVIYEAGVA
quirkle2 · 2 years
Wars Headcanons? (If you want?)
bit of a weird one but wars will eat pretty much Anything, actually. you'd assume since he's a city boy and just seems kinda fancy and well-to-do in general that he'd like the ,,,Richer side of the menu. and while he Has had some of the most expensive meals u can find during dinners w the queen and other Big Figures, he's also had some of the cheapest and grossest foods imaginable. he's been in the army for years, and the food there isn't amazing i've heard GVEAGIYUV if it's edible, he's willing to eat it. he surprises quite a few of the chain w that one when he's perfectly willing to eat bugs without so much as a grimace at the idea
when wars is reading his silly little books with his silly little glasses on he has a habit of like . humming to react to whatever happened in the book. a character says smth sassy and he goes "mh :|" and it's SO funny for the rest of the chain to hear. he seems to be completely engrossed whenever he reads and doesn't know he's doin that at All and they adore him so bad
wars has a habit of trying to juggle things. yes he's a goon no he doesn't succeed ever
caaaaaaan't recall if i've mentioned this but i like the idea of my wars bein hard of hearing :)! his right ear is mostly burnt off and there's definitely some damage in there. he can only hear a little bit from his right—speech is mostly muffled and quiet—so he relies a lot on his left to hear and lip reading. he Does know a good bit of sign !
wars doesn't actually flirt w people and when other people flirt w Him he is almost Always incredibly uncomfortable. hot take
he's veerrryyyy clingy when he's sleepy. he's affectionate by default but he gets so touchy-feely when he's tired and it's the cutest shit actually . literal grabby hands at people. leanin on the chain and yawning obnoxiously in their ears. he's usually an early riser so he typically goes to bed early too; when the chain stays up to tell stories he's usually one of the first to drift off and ends up w his head in legend's lap. pillow,,,,,,,,,bestie
he can't sweem
wars secretly knows how to tap dance. yes, he's good at it, and yes, he will bring that secret to his grave
i actually think the Only way to get wars to shut up at the dinner table is if ur serving apple pie. if u hand him a slice of apple pie he will be Transfixed by it and will spend every ounce of his energy devouring that goddamn slice and savoring every bite. if u give him a slice of apple pie he'll die for you.
wars is also very clingy when sick . if legend or Somebody isn't hugging him or next to him at all times he gets very pitiful and miserable. human equivalent of what a sad, wet dog looks like . luckily tho legend and the others care abt him very much and they let him fall asleep on them so he can rest comfortably ,,,family :)
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