#i don't want to have unrealistic expectations ! i dont want it to be intense but also i kinda want to hold myself accountable
machineryangel · 1 year
my goals for summer 2023 🧿
read lots of books
consume some of the media girlies are crazy about (yellowjackets, succession..etc) sorry i'll be late to the party besties...
get registered into local natatorium
eat! more! greens!!!!!!
reach out to people you haven't been able to for sometime & make more friends & more time for your current friends <3
take daily walks at the beach early in the morning!! bring snacks for pubbies
spend much less time on tumblr (i have like 900+ posts queue'd for 90 days, 10 posts per day so my blog will still be active)
make art!!!! quantity beats quality!!! make art everyday!!! if you're not in the mood for drawing, then write or make clay sculptures!!!
start a substack, try to write at least weekly
travel !! make small trips !!!
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1111jenx · 3 years
Hello! I hope you're doing well, I finally got my dad's birth time and I'm kinda freaked out. I was wondering how lilith aspects could manifest in a parent/child relationship? My dad has his lilith and pluto square my ac and his lilith, pluto and uranus fall into my 4th...😣
Hey baddie🥰
I hope everything is good with you too!! I'm glad that you got your dad's birth time so that you can look into your chart and his to see how your dynamics play out in astrology🖤 When I got mine, I was so excited and fascinated on how accurate our synastry was haha
As for your questions, Lilith in my opinions especially when looking at a parent and child chart, if there are significant aspects( if one person is Lilith/Pluto heavy or the orbs between Lilith aspects are 2° and under and when there are a lot Lilith aspects) then this might signify a lot of restraints and power struggles, the child might feel that there relationships with the parent is "difficult" and usually don't want to discuss too much about it as it may trigger some unwanted memories. I'll explain:
Lilith square ASC in, Lilith and Pluto in 4H: I'd say that the Lilith person had a lot of psychological power over the child or the child's mother when younger (4H) The child(ASC) might have felt that the father rejected the idea of who the child was as a person or he didnt try to see the ASC's way of seeing things for what they truly are. Might try to psychologically manipulate the child to keep them all to himself since 4H also briefly discussed fixed possession. Either this ^ or could have rejected the child's birth and/or wanted the mother to have an abortion. (4H=the womb, termination) (Pluto=abortion) The child then despused the father for this, they felt that they couldn't change him or get to him even tho they're his own blood, this action would only trigger Lilith(father) more.
Lilith square Pluto 4H: This aspects scream power trip, guil tripping and mind games. Lilith felt that Pluto is trying to leave them or reject them, this psychologically affect Lilith hidden fear or rejection, hence Lilith may try to dominate Pluto(psychologically or if there are worse placements or rly tight orb, physically). Lilith is disappointed with Pluto way of life and there are clear domestic(4H) conflicts. Lilith sees themselves in Pluto but also despised Pluto for this, Pluto is also intense so they don't give in easily. Pluto might lie a lot to leave Lilith and feel that Lilith is putting all of their hatred and burden on them. Disconnected. Lack of foundation.
Uranus in your 4H: Unusual family connection, ups and downs. when its good its good but when its bad its so bad. constant relocation. Uranus feels that they couldn't give the house person what they wants, they'd rather go chase after freedom and spontaneity. However, Uranus can be very commanding of the 4H person and usually can be unrealistically idealistic (Uranus=command) I'm sorry i dont know if i should say this, but Uranus also talks about "bastards"(again i'm so so sorry for this information) so the mother and the father could have their relationships when younger or had the child without planning early on, unexpected birth. The Uranus person didn't expect the child's birth. Was not ready too .
Here are a few observations I can think of for now. I'm truly sorry if you can't relate to this posts but also so glad that you're so brave to do something as such! So proud of you queen! I'm recommend checking @armetor's page for more info about Plutonic synastry! She has some amazing post about this:)
saint jenx🐍
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