#i dont know if i would classify this weeks adventure as 'Fun'
braintapes · 1 year
I deeply enjoy Doom Patrol’s method of separating characters for the Plot Of The Week by having one of them go off to deal with a serious, sometimes kinda sad/bittersweet personal matter while everyone else has Shared Group Zany Magic Shenanigans. Like it’s so fucking funny seeing Rita and the Gang in doofy ass sci-fi costumes but also about to be burned to death and then we cut over to Vic playing laser tag with his old friends (but which also turns into a serious emotional moment) like. like I can’t explain it it’s just so good.
And then this week we get Larry separated from the Magic Shenanigans Of The Week once again by going off to find his missing son and having this really grim (at first) sequence of reliving not just his own torturous backstory, but this guy that his son’s trying to hook him up with’s torturous backstory. Which ends really sweetly but like the contrast between THAT and, say, Cliff and Jane and Vic fucking around at some teen party getting high, doing keg stands etc is just. it’s so Doom Patrol and i love it dearly
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Jade Harley, Kanaya Maryam
Act 5, page 3314-3320
GG: ok, here is a frog on the screen
GG: on no, is it trapped in ice?
GA: I Would Conjecture That Most Of Them Are
GA: And Will Stay That Way Until The Forge Is Brought To Life
GA: I Think The Event Is Designed To Trigger Drastic Planetary Upheaval Wherever The Forge Is Stationed
GA: It Did On My Planet As Well
GG: was your planet covered in ice too?
GA: No Mostly Water
GG: cool!
GG: anyway, i will try to rescue this frog
GG: so i push this button to appearify it?
GA: Yes
GA: It Probably Wont Do Any Good But You Can Try
GG: ok........
GG: oh god, it is still a frogcicle!!!!
GG: this will not do
GA: The Problem Isnt That The Frog Is Still Frozen
GA: The Problem Is That You Were Able To Appearify It At All
GA: Ectobiology Is Based Entirely On Your Inability To Appearify A Subject
GG: i dont understand!
GG: but i am intrigued...
GA: If That Frog Were Destined To Do Something Else
GA: Such As Become Ensnared In Your Net Later
GA: You Would Not Be Able To Appearify It Because That Would Cause A Paradox
GA: So Instead You Would Appearify Its Slime Imprint
GA: The Paradox Slime Is What Is Important Here
GA: You Can Mix It With The Slime From Other Paradoxically Appearified Frog Imprints
GA: Study The Genes And Selectively Combine
GA: And Then Create Resulting Paradox Clones
GG: ok, that makes sense i think
GG: how can i appearify some frog slime?
GA: You Will Need To Direct The Terminal To Another Frog
GA: And Then You Must Be Sure Later To Interfere With That Frog In Some Way
GA: For Instance By Planning To Venture Out To Capture That Exact Frog As I Suggested Earlier
GA: That Way It Will Be Impossible To Appearify The Frog Before Your Interference Has Taken Place
GA: Only Its Slime Will Arrive
GG: so it is like
GG: a sort of backwards frog breeding
GG: clone first, catch later?
GA: Yes
GG: ok, i will try this
GG: heheh, look at this handsome guy here, hiding in the woods and being sneaky
GG: he looks frozen solid too
GG: so if i go bother him later, that means if i try to take him now i will only get slime right???
GA: Yes That Should Work
GA: Make A Note Of The Coordinates
GA: When You Travel To Interact With Your Cloned Subjects You Are Also Taking The Opportunity To Explore And Discover New Habitats
GA: As Well As New Species Of Frogs For Your Terminal To Track
GA: Its Efficient To Go Adventuring In This Fashion While You Are Waiting For Your Young Clones To Mature
GG: that sounds like fun!!!!!!!
GA: Yes Its A Lot Of Fun
GA: It Is Also Extremely Time Consuming
GA: Unlike Some Appearifiers In The Veil This One Is Locked To The Present Moment
GA: You Cannot Use It As A Window Into The Future Or Past And Isolate Frogs Whose Futures Are Certain And Therefore Most Paradoxifiable
GA: Means Of Expedition Are Limited
GA: I Suppose You Could Use Time Travel To Accelerate The Process
GA: But You Would Need To Establish Weeks Worth Of Stable Time Loops
GA: I Think It Would Be An Overly Elaborate And Dangerous Undertaking Personally And Anyone Who Would Attempt Such A Thing Is Reckless
GA: I Wouldnt Advise It
GG: hmmmmm
GG: k hang on while i clone this fella.....
GG: yaaaaaay!!!
GA: Youll Need Somewhere To Keep Them While They Grow
GA: Like A Pool Or A Tank Or Such
GA: Or At Least Something Temporary
GA: Water Wasnt Very Hard For Me To Come By But For You I Dont Know
GG: i will think of something...
GG: i wont let the poor little guy suffocate!
GG: so i am supposed to wait for him to grow up, and then breed him with other frog paradox clones?
GA: Yes But This Isnt All There Is To The Cloning Process
GA: A True Paradox Clone Is An Exact Genetic Duplicate Of The Subject
GA: Later That Clone Will Be Sent Back In Time To Become Itself
GA: In Fact If It Is An Exact Duplicate This Is Guaranteed To Happen
GA: This Is What Classifies It As A Paradox Clone
GA: Any Duplicate Which Genetically Deviates From The Original Is Not
GA: It Is Simply A Mutant
GA: And For Breeding Purposes Mutation Is Desirable
GA: Within Reason
GA: You May Adjust The Settings On The Equipment To Promote Genetic Anomalies
GA: But Its Very Delicate And You Can Go Too Far
GA: Responsibly Guiding The Evolution Of The Genetic Code During The Breeding Process Is Very Important
GA: In Fact It Is The Most Important Thing About This Of All
GG: it is?
GA: Yes
GG: huh...
GG: so what is the actual purpose of all this breeding?
GG: am i trying to make one really special frog with just the right genetic code or something?
GG: sort of like the ULTIMATE FROG :O
GA: Actually
GA: Yes
GA: Thats Exactly What Youre Doing
GG: oh!
GA: Your Objective Is To Breed The Genesis Frog
GG: why?
GA: You Cant Complete The Game Without Doing So
GA: Your Entire Mission Depends On Breeding Him
GG: him?
GG: so he is a boy frog?
GA: Yes
GA: He Will Begin As A Tadpole Like You Have There But Considerably Bigger
GA: And He Will Mature To Become The Speaker
GA: A Deity Like Figure Idolized By The Consorts Who Wait For Him To Come
GG: the speaker?
GA: Hes Known As The Speaker Of The Vast Croak
GG: hehehe
GA: Yes The Croak Really Is Quite Vast And Is Something To Behold
GA: Its The Most Amazing Thing I Have Seen
GG: then the speaker is like a god, but there are a lot of them?
GG: like one for each session, kind of like the kings and queens?
GA: Yes There Will Be One For Every Session Should The Players Be Successful
GA: And Each One Is A Unique Product Of Their Quest
GA: The Kingdoms Are At Odds Over His Creation
GA: Prospit Worships Him Much As The Consorts Do
GA: Derse Reviles Him And Outlaws Frogs Wherever They Can
GA: Even The Iconography
GA: Their Agents Mock His Name With Slurs
GA: Like Speaker Of The Vast Joke
GA: Or Bilious Slick
GA: Although To Be Honest That Is What We Ended Up Calling Him
GA: Not To Be Disrespectful Though It Was Just A Catchier Name
GG: it is pretty catchy...
GG: if i call him that i will be sure to say i mean no offense!
GA: I Doubt Its Even Possible To Offend Him
GG: thats good
GG: ok then what?
GG: what do we do after i make this big god froggy?
GG: does it have something to do with the new universe we create?
GA: Most Certainly
GG: you said he was a genesis frog
GG: does that mean we bring him into the universe and...
GG: he makes new planets or life or such?
GA: No
GA: Youre Not Really Understanding The Magnitude Of His Role
GA: He Is Not Responsible For Just One Aspect Of The Universe You Create
GA: Hes Responsible For All Of Them
GA: Bilious Slick Is Your Universe
GG: really???
GA: I Dont Mean Hes The Universe You Are From
GA: We Engineered That Incarnation
GA: He Is The Universe That You Are Trying To Create
GG: yes i got that!
GA: Sorry
GA: I Thought It Was Obvious But Then Wasnt Sure
GG: you mean he is LITERALLY a universe?
GA: Yes Literally
GA: That Statement Was As Literal As You Can Possibly Make Words Be
GA: I Know Your Species Is Frequently Insincere For A Variety Of Reasons
GG: but your species is too!
GG: especially karkat, he is incredibly sarcastic
GA: Thats True But When We Do It Its Usually Just Because We Are Trying To Be Jerks
GA: Rather Than By Way Of A Mild Manner Perpetually Dispatching Little Puzzles Of Rhetoric Without Apparent Purpose
GG: but i dont do that!
GG: i try to say what i mean as much as i can
GA: Yeah I Think Ive Been Discerning That
GA: Its A Nice Change Of Pace
GG: from what?
GA: Oh Its Not Important
GG: haha, you mean from rose?
GA: Well
GA: Not That It Wasnt An Enjoyable Exercise In Xenocultural Inculcation
GG: yeah, rose and dave are like that all the time!
GG: they inculcate that stuff like crazy
GG: so you have been talking to her a lot i guess?
GA: Sort Of
GG: are you best friends now??
GA: I Guess As Mutually Friendly As The Time Has Permitted Two People To Be
GA: I Wont Be Speaking To Her Anymore Though
GG: why?
GG: oh yeah, because you said she is blacked out?
GG: what the heck does that mean!
GA: It Just Means In A Few Moments From Your Perspective I Wont Be Able To See Her Through My Viewport Or Talk To Her
GA: I Dont Know Why Exactly But Its Not That Hard To Guess
GA: She Has Been Relying On The Powers And Counsel Of Dark Gods And Other Sources Of Ambiguous Intent
GA: And She Has Consequently Devised A Plan Which Sounds Very Dangerous To Me
GG: yeah, i didnt like the sound of her plan either!
GA: You Are More Sensible
GA: Its Probably The Influence Skaia Has Had On You
GA: Having Spent Much Of Your Life Awake On Prospit
GA: Like Me
GG: you did???????
GA: If Were Alike In Some Ways Maybe Its Because Of This
GG: yeah! :D
GA: I Woke Up A Long Time Ago
GA: I Had Trouble Sleeping When I Was Young
GA: The Sunlight Was Unnaturally Invigorating To Me I Guess
GA: My Lusus Could Do Nothing To Help
GA: And When I Was Supposed To Be In My Cocoon I Would Often Wander Out To The Desert
GA: Where One Day I Was Visited By A Stranger Who Dressed And Spoke In White
GA: He Put Me To Sleep And I Awoke On Prospit
GA: Where I Have Dreamed Ever Since
GA: He Said He Was My Guardian
GA: And Though He Visited Rarely I Did Regard Him As That
GA: Then Later He Stopped Coming
GA: In Time I Began To Believe He Was A Figment Of My Mind
GA: Like An Imaginary Friend To Give Me Reassurance When I Needed It
GA: But Then While Playing Our Game I Learned He Was Real
GA: He Had Spoken To Others From Our Party
GA: And Had Been Manipulating Us All To Advance His Schemes
GA: It Was Saddening To Learn My Fortuitous Awakening Had Been The Product Of A Nefarious Ploy
GA: Youre Lucky That Your Awakening Probably Had No Such Entanglements
GG: jeez, i hope not...
GA: But I Guess Its Only A Minor Contamination Of Something Otherwise Great
GA: I Was Allowed To See What Skaia Would Show Me
GA: And To Prepare For Dangers Ahead And Try To Protect People
GG: me too!!!!!
GG: wow kanaya i did not realize how much we had in common
GA: Youre Right We Do
GA: I Feel A Bit Silly That It Took Me So Long To Engage With The One Corresponding Closely With My Role
GA: It Must Be A Certain Madness Im Afflicted By
GA: To Orbit Those More Reckless And Dangerous Than I And More Daring For It
GA: I Guess I Want To Help Them But They Never Can Be Helped It Seems
GG: well, it sounds like helping people is something that is in your nature
GG: i can understand that
GG: are you saying rose is reckless and dangerous?
GA: Yes Definitely
GA: We Have Our Share Of Dangerous Players Who Seem To Do Nothing But Cause Problems
GA: I Believe She Is Yours
GA: And If Her Insane Plan Wasnt Alarming Enough
GA: She Has Been Communicating With The Stranger I Mentioned
GA: And Unsurprisingly She Has Not Been Forthright About The Nature Of Their Conversations
GG: you mean your guardian?
GA: Yes
GA: And Hes Not Merely A Guardian
GA: Im Very Sure He Is A First Guardian
GA: Like Your Lusus Was
GG: uh oh...
GG: im not sure why, but the sound of that makes me really nervous
GA: I Feel The Same Way About It
GA: The Involvement Of Any Such Entity Strikes Me As Quite Inauspicious
GA: Even When Seemingly Benign
GG: she didnt mention anything about this when we talked
GG: but then she seemed preoccupied
GA: She Was
GA: Youll Have A Chance To Determine More Soon
GA: After Which Hopefully You Can Tell Me
GG: yeah, i will!
GA: In The Meantime I Will Go
GA: I Would Like To Return To The Core To Situate This Orb
GA: It Seems You Have Your Own Orb To Care For Now
GG: lol yeah i guess so!
GG: ok, you can go do that, and i guess i will check on rose, but...
GG: theres still so much i want to know!
GG: i want to know more about stoking the forge and breeding the frogs, and about your time on prospit and all that!
GA: Okay I Will Definitely Help You As Much As I Can
GA: The Young Prospit Wakers Ought To Stick Together
GG: yes! <3
GA: Ill Message You Again In Your Future
GA: And You May Reply If You Have Cause To
GG: if i have cause to?
GG: oh!!!
GG: that reminds me, i was thinking of implementing a system to keep some of these confusing conversations simple and linear
GA: Does It By Any Chance Have To Do With Passwords
GG: yeah! i guess someone told you?
GA: Yes You
GA: You Delivered News Of The System By Demanding A Password From Me
GG: aaaaa you see??????
GG: you nearly just gave me the idea for the plan in the first place paradoxically from my own future self!!!
GG: i just find that kind of thing annoying for some reason, it doesnt feel right...
GG: i would rather ideas came from the place they actually came from
GA: Thats A Reasonable Attitude
GG: ok lets put the system in play starting now!
GG: i will give you a password, and you give it to me in the future when you want to pick up this conversation again
GA: Okay
GG: the password is...............
GG: it must be in all caps, and must contain precisely ten Os!
GA: Ten
GA: Im Counting Eleven
GG: whoops!
GG: eleven then :p
GA: The Password System Is Already Paying Overwhelming Dividends Of Ease And Rationality
GG: kanaya :o
GG: that sounded
GG: just a weeeeeee bit
GG: sarcastic ;D
GA: Oh
GA: Wow Yeah
GA: I Hope Im Not Falling Prey To A Crisis Of Sincerity
GG: you are just becoming multicultural, thats all
GG: i think i am learning to be more multicultural through karkat as well
GG: it mostly involves saying fuck a lot
GA: Oh No
GG: heheheheh, its ok, hes really not so bad
GA: Yeah I Know
GG: ok! go hatch that orb!
GG: i will be waiting
GA: Yes Ill Do That
GA: Bye Jade
GG: later!
-- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] ceased trolling gardenGnostic [GG] --
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ajhhand1101 · 5 years
Wk 9
Favorite video game franchises and games PART 1
This is part 1 of 2 detailing my favorite video game franchises enjoy this list, IN NO ORDER.
Super Mario
Mario has almost always been one of my favorites for a long time now. I think everyone knows who he is because the series is just that big. I love platformers so I really like the games, also the characters are great. My favorite 3D mario game is Super Mario Odyssey and my favorite 2D Mario games are Super Mario Bros 1 or Super Mario World.
The Legend of Zelda
I really like the Zelda games because of the story and the depth and adventure of it all, it just feels so grand and it's like you actually are Link going on this big adventure to save the princess. The series also has great gameplay and lore so that's also really cool. My favorite 3D Zelda games are Breath of the Wild and Ocarina Of Time, and my favorite 2D Zelda games are The Minish Cap and Link to the Past.
Mega Man
The Mega Man series has been known to be notoriously Difficult and "hard as nails". Now I think the series is difficult but it's a fun kind of difficult if that makes sense. I really love the story of it, how it involves evil scientists and robots and stuff it's just sooo cool. There are different series in mega man such as the Classic series, X series, and Z/Zx series and I've played the 1st of each of the first 2 series. I would reccomend it if you like difficult and hard games.
Now for the total opposite of Mega Man its Kirby! While Mega Man was known for being a hard series, Kirby is known for being an easy series of games. I wouldn't classify them as just easy because they are more than that. There is some challenge to it like any video game, but for the most part it is relaxing and laid back. Oh and especially cute with the world designs and the design of the pink puffball himself. My favorite kirby games are Kirbys Adventure and Kirby in The Amazing Mirror.
Conclusion of part 1
I didn't expect myself to make a part 2 to this but I will, i dont want it to take sooo long to read because it's more of a list and not a telling of a story. See you next week for my Part 2 of my favorite Video Game Franchises!!
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