#i dont know. i'll probably remake this in a year or so and say that this version is actually shit but for right now i love it
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Death comes... dressed in leather!!
Remake of the comic cover art
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megan-loves-surveys · 2 months
Do you have a large dog? If not, are you afraid of them? No, and it depends on the dog.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you didn’t say it back? No.
Who is your favorite photographer? No idea.
Were you shy in high school? Somewhat.
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? Yes, my boyfriend has an earring.
Do you actually love your parents? Yes.
Do you know anyone autistic? Not that I know of.
Do you like your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s parents? Unfortunately, both of them have passed away so I'll never get to meet them.
Do you like Polaroid photography? Not really.
Who was the last family member of yours that died? My Grandma.
Do you have any gay family members? Yes, one of my cousins. I'm also bisexual myself lol.
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No lol, I watch it too xD
What is your favorite type of cat? Any, cats are adorable.
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? My boyfriend... and my Dad.
Were you raised by someone other than your parents? No.
What’s the last chore you did? Just cleaning up in general.
What is your favorite jungle animal? Dunno.
Is your father injured? No.
Are you part Native American? No.
What are your pets’ names? -
Have you ever worked two jobs? No.
What are the names of all the dogs you’ve ever owned? I've never owned a dog.
Would you ever get a face tattoo? God no.
Who in life have you felt the strongest need to protect? Dunno.
What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you? That I looked retarded.
Who have you most feared in your life? Dunno.
What is your strongest reason for your opinion on abortion? I dont want kids, so I always want the option if I accidentally get pregnant.
What one natural thing would you most like to see? Hmm.
Do you like the game Tetris? Sure.
What’s the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done? Oh, don't ask, I'll get in trouble.
Have you ever wanted to be a model? No.
Do you like your name how it’s spelled? Yes, it's the proper way :P I don't like when they add all the extra letters to it, like H and A and that.
Who was your first online friend? Zoe, probably. Not the Zoe I knew in NZ, she was from the UK and was a Blue fan - we met on a Blue fansite haha. We were friends for years! I wonder what she's doing these days.
Your last ex: how did you two get together? We were set up by friends of ours.
Does your mom dye her hair? Yep, her hair is currently like a pinkish red xD I get my love of dying my hair from her.
What’s the best kind of video game? (Adventure, shooting, etc) I love Pokémon, adventure games, strategy games and those 'choices matter' games, plus games like Cyberpunk 2077 & LA Noire that is open world but has a storyline to follow.
Do you know anyone who has road rage? One of my friends lol, he swears constantly when he drives, we get into a small traffic jam and he's like "GET OUT MY WAY CUNT!" out the window lmao.
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
Have you ever tried to break up anyone because YOU liked the guy/girl? I don't do shit like that. I have had a crush on a friend's boyfriend before but I kept it to myself and didn't do anything about it cos I'm not an asshole.
Do you draw fanart of anything? No.
What was the last music video you watched? Did you like it? I watched Ladies Night by Atomic Kitten cos it's one of my faves and I hadn't seen it in ages.
What’s a condition you have that you haven’t been officially diagnosed with? Dunno.
Which one of your parents do you think is smarter? My Dad. My Mum is smart, but I think my Dad outdoes her.
Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? Yes, I'm currently backing a Kickstarter for a Broken Sword remake! I can't wait to get my bonuses for it.
What band has the power to make you cry by splitting up? None of them, cos they've all split up and got back together so I'm used to it.
Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? No.
Can grills be sexy on a guy? No.
What’s your favorite comic book/graphic novel? That's not really my thing.
Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? I like both.
Do you find it easy to pass the time or do you get really bored? Depends.
Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? No.
Who was the last non-relative you rode in a vehicle with? My boyfriend.
What was the title of the last song you listened to? "Bad Kind Of Butterflies" (by Camila Cabello)
Who is the lead singer of your favorite band? They're all the lead singer.
Do you expect to be married in the next 2 years? No.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? No.
Who IMed you on Facebook last? My friend.
Is there an item that you bought on a whim, but now consider it a crucial part of your life and you would or have purchased it again? TBH, I decided out of the blue I wanted a FitBit and now I can't live without mine.
What flags do you have in your room, if any? None.
What was the last thing you ate? A banana.
What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Tornados.
Do you or your parents rake your yard? We don't have a yard.
If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Friends online.
What do you think of the ‘Healthy At Every Size’ movement/philosophy? It's stupid.
Where did you meet the last person you swapped numbers with? Work.
Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook? Some random.
Did you enjoy high school? Yes, mostly.
What’s an unusual food combination you like? Hmm, not sure.
What’s the longest stretch of time you’ve spent completely alone? A few days over New Year's once, my Mum went to stay with my Grandma and I stayed at home, I didn't even go out lol.
Did your parents allow you to drink soda when you were a kid? Yes, but only on occasion.
Did you ever go through an emo or goth phase? No.
How many times have you stayed at a hotel in the past year, and where? None.
Do you take a walk every day? I try to.
Who was your favourite musical artist when you were 15? Do you still listen to them? Blue and Girls Aloud, and yep still a huge fan of them!
When was the last time you ate at a food court and what did you get? Last week, I had KFC haha.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Poached or fried.
What’s your favourite place to go on vacation? The USA, but I haven't been since 2019. Thanks Covid.
Have you ever done your own compost? No.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your hand or foot? Nah.
Do you open your doors and windows on warm days? Windows, yes. I feel like I'm suffocating in the warmer weather with them closed.
Are the blinds/curtains in the room open or closed right now? Open.
Were you mean to anyone in high school? No.
Have you ever accidentally started a fire? No, the closest I got was doing popcorn in the microwave and it exploded lol.
What is the last note you edited in your phone’s notes app? My shopping list of things I need to get.
Who is your favourite coworker? You can tell me about one from your past if you don’t have one right now. Hmm, probably Elaine, she's an older woman who is at the next desk to me when I do data entry. She's hilarious, she bakes a lot and always shares with me and doesn't mind swapping shifts with me - this week I wanted Monday off so she switched with me, I took her Friday shift and she took Monday.
Do you know anyone who’s adopted a child? No.
What was the last video game or board game you purchased? I bought a bunch off Steam a bit back.
Are any of your siblings taller than you? -
Name a song that reminds you of a past relationship: Hmm.
Have you ever seen a building on fire in real life? Yes, I remember in our last house, one of the houses down the street caught on fire and completely burnt down.
Have you kissed anyone and their first name started with an F, D, or L? Yes.
Have you ever been in therapy for anything? No.
Is there any part of your sexual/romantic history that you have not told your current significant other about or that you will not tell future partners about? No, my boyfriend knows everything.
Have you ever developed feelings for someone whose sexual orientation was incompatible with yours? Yes. One of my friends is sooooo damn hot, but he swings the other way lol.
How many relationships have you been in that actually got sexual? Most of them.
Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know? Lynnette probably.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? My boyfriend.
Last person to tell you that you smell good? My boyfriend xD
Last person you told that they smell good? See above haha.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were? His name was Cameron, and I think they were blue but I'm not sure.
Which edible flowers have you tasted? None.
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? Not sure.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? Yep.
Is your favorite animal endangered? No, it's cats xD
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? Daniel.
Have you ever come close to drowning? No.
What’s the cutest thing your S/O does, but denies it’s cute in any way? He pouts, and then denies he pouts LOL.
Have you ever dined alone at a restaurant? Not a proper restaurant but at like cafes and stuff, yeah.
Have you ever changed in front of the last person you kissed? Yes.
Have you experienced any severe side effects of medications? Yes - I took antibiotics a few years ago and they gave me a super bad rash and diarrhoea. Found out I'm allergic to that kind!
Have you ever had a big YouTuber reply to a comment you left on their video? Yep.
Have you ever given a lap dance? Yes, as a joke xD
Do a lot of people tell you that you are funny? Not a lot, but on occasion people have said I am haha.
Have you gone to a tanning bed lately? No.
What did you do on the Fourth of July? I'm not American.
Do you have nice legs? I like to think so. I have a short torso so I'm mostly leg haha.
Have you ever been to Ohio? No.
Do you like The Goonies? Never seen it.
Do you prefer hardly toasted at all or burnt toast? Not burnt, but very toasted.
Do you have any unusual skills? Depends what you consider 'unusual'.
Do you have any bug bites right now? No.
Is there anything annoying you at the moment? Yes. I had caffeine in my Starbucks and now it's making me weird lol, I keep forgetting to ask them not to add any.
Are there any forms of art you personally find pointless? Nah, some of it isn't my thing but it means a lot to other people.
Do you have any projects on the go right now? No.
Are you a hat person? On occasion.
Has anyone ever approached you in the street and asked to take your picture? No haha.
What song’s stuck in your head? Cody Rhodes' entrance theme cos he was on SD earlier and it was playing for awhile haha.
Do your feelings get hurt easily? Not really.
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? No.
When was the last time you took a selfie? The other day.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? No.
Do you have a good relationship with your cousins? i don't see them much, but we did get along.
Are there any upcoming events for you to look forward to? Sure.
How many siblings does your significant other have? He has two brothers.
Have you ever done three or more shots in a row? Not in a row xD
What was the last zoo you visited? I think the one in Washington DC.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
i cant believe im saying this, but i actually enjoy playing re2 (remake). i havent played an actual video game in years so i think i'll probably fiddle around with a bit, watch some hurt/dying scenes, and stop touching the game after a week because i couldnt play. but i really really like it! not just for leon. one thing i like most is the atmosphere.
its been a long time since i got properly jumpscared, maybe in 2020 when i watched i am sophie, so this is a welcome surprise. i like getting scared actually, i just find it hard to be spooked or surprised in most situations. i love it when the zombies suddenly grab you from behind, i love it when they ambush right after you turn back from a door, i love it when i enter a dark hallway and shine a flashlight only to find a zombie that has been standing completely still and so close to me without noticing suddenly comes alive. i love it when im in a room exploring and the steady thumping suddenly erupts into a sound of breaking glass and a zombie stumbled in to fight me. i love it when dead bodies are dangling off the ceiling. i love it when i have to dread going up the stairs because a zombie would throw itself at the window nearby and you can never tell how long will the wooden boards would hold up.
and especially, that creepy thing with no skin. with all the brains and organs out in the open. its sooo scary. the terror i felt when i set up the c4 and the noises just came at me. i actually forgot that room actually has those creatures roaming around and i only remember AFTER i set up the bomb! i instantly ran to the corner near the door to shield myself from the blast, make sure none of those fuckers are creeping up at me from behind, and have close access to the exit just in case i have to bail. well, apparently those unholy perversion of human flesh decided to jump at me from the open ceiling! awesome! i love it when leon frantically stab at the creature and wasted half of our shotgun ammos just to make sure its dead! not a good decision in hindsight but we were spooked! the immersion of this game is top notch! it was sooo satisfying to get all of the puzzles. ALL OF THE PUZZLES.
have i told you how much i like the puzzles? i purposely try to not read any game walkthrough and blindly feel the museum / police station so i can fully explore the place on my own terms and it was just. so much fun. guys this is just like homestuck! aksnksxnzns anyways! ugh. it took a lot of backtracking and getting lost but i do adore the feeling of being confused amidst a sea of gore. it get me to look at things a lot closer because i dont know which one are relevant game clues and which ones are just props. it feels so satisfying when i solved things on my own and its just. SO PRETTY. the visuals! not to be a horror freak but the art and sfx are just sooo beautiful. the blood splatters are exquisitely done, the corpses, the zombies, the body mutations, its so gory. i wish i can kneel on one of the downed policemen so i can take in the details of their gored neck! i kinda want to poke at it lol. and the environment art for the museums are beautiful too. but if i have to see this irl i would wonder what kind of budget mismanagement that happens in the city to repurpose a fucking cultural center to be a police office.
right now, im trapped in the parking lot. before that, i went to the hidden pathway under the giant sculpture. i was disappointed at first at the lack of sprawling rooms. there was only a bunch of handgun ammos and some herbs and some construction items barring the way. now where should i go next? and then, that giant mutated zombie came. FUCK.
look, that was the best but also the most horrifying parts i've seen yet. i only have a grenade, a handgun, and a shotgun with exactly five bullets. i ran circles trying to find an exit but i was trapped! and everything got foggier and foggier and i cant see clearly let alone open a fucking map to get my bearings! and everytime i got caught my health dropped from fine to critical! what the fuck! the scene was gruesome too! but i didnt die tho. just so you know. i did finish off that thing with two grenades and a handgun. this game is so fun. im excited to explore everything! and i cant wait to see more of ada. the first thing we see of her is saving us from a rabid dog! that is so cool. i like how she told leon off to stop minding her business. she looks cute but she is so cool and awesome... *sigh*
and other than that... haha. i have to admit leon is cute. i feel bad making him run when his health is in caution because he sound ragged and tired. i like the tiny details in his idle animations and, lets just say im a little bit flustered sometimes. i cant wait to get off work so i can play this game again!
anyway, anybody knows good nsfw resident evil fanartists? so far i only find @/IOHMzgd on twitter.
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flowerslightning · 4 years
(Part 2) Cloud Strife and his Mental Illness
a.k.a Psychiatric Disorder
| 1. Memory | ⇦ Click if u havent read it yet
2. Hallucinations, Illusions and Delusions
Since these three things relate well with Cloud's troubled memories, I'll be talking about them first before jumping to his Confused Personality
This post will bore u a bit or maybe a lot 😂 it depends. If ure interested with psychiatric stuff, u'll find this enjoyable as much as i do
Disclaimer : I'm 21 and still a tiny meany student. During my intern at Psychiatric Department, I learned and witnessed psychiatric problems from real life patients. And since Cloud (my fav FF character) has psychiatric issues, I'll be sharing some of my knowledge and interpretation of Cloud's character. Im not diagnosing him, rather i'm giving my own opinion about his status
@nibelheiim created a post about dissociation, she explained about hallucination, PTSD and more. Come and check her out! Her words were more direct and easier to understand. She explained about Psychological matter and she's a real psychology student too!
While my explanation will be more focusing on Psychiatric Topic and words used will be more complicated (with grammar errors). My facts will be based on ICD 10 and DSM-IV
A lot of people were confused with these three terms - Hallucination Illusion Delusion - These terms associated with abnormalities of perception. It is important to understand that this abnormality holds two keys; ● 1. Perception is the process of becoming aware of what is presented through the sense organs. ● 2. Imagery is an experience originating within the mind that usually lacks the sense of reality that is part of perception.
Abnormalities of perceptions have 4 theme, but I'll be focusing on two major types that relate with Cloud: (i) Hallucinations ; (ii) Illusions. Some cases, perception can be normal in intensity and quality but has a changed meaning for the person who experiences it - it is called as Delusional Perception. It is not an abnormal of perceptions, rather it is a disorder of a person's thinking.
Try guessing, how many from these terms does Cloud has?
1. Hallucinations
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- A perception experienced in the absence of external stimulus to the corresponding sense organ. Eg - patient hears a voice when no one is speaking within a hearing distance or patient sees something approaching him when visually no one is there. There are 2 qualities to determine a hallucination: ●it is experienced as a true perception●it seems to come from outside of the head●
The above gif, where Sephiroth suddenly appear again before Cloud's eyes even able to touch Aerith's shoulder, it illustrate perfectly the 'Visual Hallucination'. No one can see Sephiroth, other than Cloud himself.
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Cloud [Remake] kinda had anxiety when he stared at the fire and later he saw Sephiroth surrounded with flames, then poof, that silver guy disappeared along with the images of fire. He said he was hallucinating stuff after the first bombing mission. Idk how Sephiroth could create fake images of fire around him, either Cloud was really hallucinating or it was really Sephiroth that came to see him. But, this is what we call as 'Visual and Auditory Hallucinations'. Cloud SAW Sephiroth and HEARD him talking when no one else did. I can also add in 'Tactile Hallucination' because he probably felt the burning sensation on his skin from the flame around him that caused him to feel hot and sweating, or probably it was his anxiety that caused him sweating upon meeting Sephiroth with the flashback of his burning hometown
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Hallucinations can occur in all sensory modalities; visual, olfactory, auditory etc. In the Remake, the Whispers could only be seen by certain people. To those who couldnt see it, they would be puzzled what was happening to u, and would've thought that u were hallucinating something, like in the case of Aerith.
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In Cloud's case, perhaps Cloud [In OG] had auditory hallucination due to his severe case of Mako Addiction. But then, that wasnt exactly a hallucination though, cuz the thing he said "'Coming.. They're coming" was actually true. A monster fell from the sky.
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Other 'hallucinations' that Cloud had was the images of Sephiroth that appeared in certain headache. Cloud may claimed it was his hallucinations, but i've read it somewhere that says it was really Sephiroth appeared before his eyes. Sephiroth was messing with Cloud's mind, trying to break his mental in order to control him. However, IF IT WASNT SEPHIROTH that came, Cloud's 'hallucination' would be known as a mental disorder that may lead to severe case - eg Schizophrenia.
2. Illusions
An illusion is a misperception of an external stimulus. It often occur in several circumstances: (i)level of sensory stimulation reduced (ii)attention is not focused on the sensory modality (iii)level of consciousness reduced (iv)being in a state of intense emotion- fear.
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Does Cloud has it? Urm, maybe? Well, it can be proven when he saw his 'noisy neighbour next door' as Sephiroth. As stated above, illusions occur in 4 conditions, and Cloud was in number (i) and (iv). When Tifa yelled him to stop, Cloud came back to reality and got really confused when the 'Sephiroth' that attacked him was actually a sick guy. We can also add in 'Hallucinations of Deep sensation' in this scenario bcause Cloud experienced the feelings of being pushed down by 'Sephiroth'.
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However, we all know that 'Sephiroth' was real at that moment. For Cloud, he thought it was an illusion, but for us the audience, it was a real thing.
If u want a better explanation and example, try watching Joker the movie. The main theme of the movie was 'mental illness'. There are lots of scenes that shows different type of hallucinations, illusions and also personality disorder.
3. Delusions
a.k.a fixed false belief. A belief that is held firmly despite evidence contrary. A delusion is nearly always a false belief but not always so. There are around 11 types of delusions according to the book. Half of it may suggest Shcizophrenia. Schizophrenia is certainly not in Cloud's case. I've studied one by one the type of delusions and none of them match with Cloud FF7.
I will surely give anyone a good punch in the face if they dare to say Cloud suffers from Schizophrenia. I've met with bunch of patients having it, and the way they see this world is totally different from us.
In some other cases, eg a spiritualist convince a person to believe in his spiritualism and he present with contrary evidence to the non-believer. This non-delusional belief is called 'overvalued ideas'
Overvalued ideas is an isolated , preoccupying and strongly held belief that dominates a person's life and may affect his action. One of the easiest example i can come up with; a friend who had skin cancer may be convinced to her roomate that cancer is contagious, and her roomate suspects any abnormal skin conditions she has is an evidence to show she too, may have developed the same cancer, when the truth is, she's just completely fine.
It is very hard to distinguish between a delusion and overvalued ideas.
I had a patient, he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. He looked like an ordinary man, but when he talked, it sounded so unreal. He said he had jumped off from 10th floor several times and didnt get a scratch from it. He believed he wont die bcause he had gained super power. He even convinced me to try his 'so-called-secret technique- on how to survive a jump. By doing that often, I will have a superpower like him - a strong physical body. Up until now, I still dont know if he was being deluded with his thought or he was overvalued his idea, bcause from his psychiatric record, he did try to jump off from the second floor of his apartment's balcony a few times.
So, Im not really sure of myself did Cloud [FF7] really had delusion or not. Well, he believed he made it to SOLDIER bcause he had mako eyes. But was it something we called as delusion or was he just overvaluing his idea? He didnt know the truth and his memory messed up. No one could explain to him why he had Mako eyes, except Prof Hojo and Zack who knew the truth
Besides, after Tifa helped with his memory, Cloud accepted the fact he wasnt in SOLDIER. For patient who deluded with their own thoughts, they hardly could believe what people told him.
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However, surely Cloud [in AC] had delusions of guilt and worthlessness due to the fact that he believed he had done something shameful and sinful - the main trigger of this theme was, he got infected with Geostigma while he was searching a cure for Denzel. Cloud got depressed with the loss of Aerith and the memory of Zack death had returned, but I think he was recovering very well in that two years time skip. The moment he got Geostigma, he became deluded he was worthless and his depression kicked in again.
Hallucinations and Illusions are normal to be experienced by healthy people, but it wont be if u encounter too many hallucinations & illusions in 2 weeks time. Believe it or not, a lot of people around us are actually mentally ill bcause some of them may have excessive certain delusions, such as delusions of jealousy, grandiose delusions, nihilistic, paranoid etc. Although 'it is consider as normal' in a few circumstance, a few cases need to refer to psychologist and in severer cases, must refer to psychiatrist. If u follow Dr Phil's show, u'll see a bunch of patients have different kind of crazy delusions.
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Overall from my statement above, I would conclude that since Sephiroth always appear before Cloud's eyes, this resulting Cloud to think he has both Hallucination and Illusion, when in fact, he's just a normal guy with amnesia and personality confusion. Cloud doesnt have Delusion like how many fans said, neither he has an overvalued idea, even with the evidence of Mako eyes supporting his reasoning + he's a great fighter. I will have to say that perhaps it is his brain defence mechanism that tricks his mind to believe he is a Soldier.
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If only Sephiroth stop disturbing Cloud's life, it will be a lot faster to fix Cloud. Tifa alone will be the main strength to get Cloud back to normal. Ah, but this is the beauty of the game. Life wont be exciting without the presence of a beautiful villain and a love triangle (Tifa-Cloud-Sephiroth). Lol Technically I see them trying to fight for Cloud's mental health. Tifa wants to help Cloud with his mental status while Sephiroth is trying to destroy it. Lolololol
My crack theory : Sephiroth says he's going to take Cloud's most precious thing, and he ends up choosing to kill Aerith, but ofc there's another reason why Aerith got killed. But if Sephiroth kills Tifa first, I think he can take over Cloud's mind faster, because then, no one will be holding Cloud back. Honestly no one can ever will, not even Aerith. So does that mean Sephiroth doesnt know about Cloud's deepest secret or is Cloud just good at hiding his weakness?
I WILL UPDATE THE NEXT POST LATER because I've reached tumblr limit images agaiiin. The next part will be focusing about his personality - Personality Disorder
If there is any part that I've mistaken, pls correct me. I'm sorry for my english. English is not my native language, so there are plenty of grammar errors.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Aw it kinda sucks that I was wrong. I made a prediction earlier this year that there would always be a Skam airing every week till June at least. Cause Druck S6 ended and France S7 had already started. But then they love to do that drop a whole episode over weekend thing. Plus I though wtfock would start 27 March back in the day. So basically for the first time in a while Skamverse will be quiet. What's 2-3 weeks right. hope I don't loose interest. I do miss the chaotic energy of wtfock airing. Skam France felt a little lighter which I kinda enjoyed. Anyways I'll still probably come to your blog every other day for the convos, tea and spoilers. Love ya
You love me.... you really really love me 🤧. Hahaha. Don't worry wtfock is coming back very soon so take a little intermission.Go get another drink some more popcorn do a bathroom run and then before you know it.... Its time again. Also funny enough someone mentioned to me that wtfock production mention the skamfr end dates. I mean we know the remakes talk but I always find it funny when the remakes clock one another and align themselves to not have cross premiere dates or concurrent watch dates. They all want their shine. Also I agree skamfr was lighter then the last two seasons but I honestly welcomed it because s6 was so damn miserable and dark.  I dont mind dark but it needs to be balance and Lola season was just brutal. Tiff felt a lot easier. There is some stuff I would have loved to delve deeper into but am ok with what we got. Fingers crossed for bilal next season. What did I say at the beginning of the year I have a funny feeling skamfr is going to gives us out MOC main and like ughhhhh why? but also I’ll take it at this point. At least I know shirley will know how to shoot a scene.
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