#i dont know. people don't know how to read analog clocks‚ or how to count syllables‚ or what prepositions are and like.
I don't know if my elementary and middle school education was just leagues above some other schools or what, but sometimes I'm amazed at how much basic knowledge high-schoolers don't know
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i dont know what this post is.
It would be really cool to have a whole video game ost collection but made with analog snuff boxes (they're music boxes made out of snuff boxes, little boxes people used to store tobacco. It's kind of the professional name for the mini-music boxes, used to just mean "Music Box made out of Snuff Box" (ending up being a tiny music box) but I guess the name stuck so even when it's a box made for music, if it's a certain small size, it's a snuff box, but normal people just call them all music boxes lol) People already sometimes build music boxes to make authentic analog covers of certain songs, but I wonder how accurately you could remake the song using purely analog music box technology that could fit into a little box. Like you could have a bunch of shelves and be like "This is my collection of the Undertale OST, and this is my collection of the Faith: The Unholy Trinity OST".
It'd be too easy to make using electronic parts, it should be a self sufficient piece of analog technology for maximum "Wow!" factor, but still attempt to be accurate to the original's sounds. I've always loved hearing electronic music made without electricity, it's like watching magic to me. Still usually powered instruments, but lookin' more like a chemistry set than a synthesizer. But you could make the case that, if maybe it was like, some kind of a hand cranked copper disc that produced electricity inside, so when you spin it with your hand to a certain point it creates electricity, that'd count, but I'd say it'd only really count if the electricity itself is used to make the music rather than power a piece of technology that does, to create more "unnatural" sounds like bitzes and buzzes, but if it was used as a little generator you know I wouldn't disqualify that, that's kinda awesome and a bit of a roundabout way to make an electric hand crank music box. Wait a minute is that how hand crank music boxes work? I don't know actually. From my understanding music boxes are generally electric in the same way an analog clock or watch is electric. They kind of work off of similar principles of rotation and notation in fact, but one to display visual signs and the other audial notes. They even have big-home use and tiny-hand held versions that are basically the same save for size and therefore use case but use very different names. (I've always wanted a pocket watch. If I'd ever by myself a fancy watch, it'd have to be fancy fancy, engraved and shit, an actual piece of art worth the price. It would be cool to commission someone actually to make a custom pocket watch for me, it'd feel quite a lot more tactile than simply purchasing one that looks nice but is probably mass produced, I'd want something that's really personal to me, to know who made it to, I want to be a little more part of the process than just where it ends up. As far as aesthetics go, call me a bit of an idealizer of the old times, but the ol' bourgeois style got the new bourgeois style beat. Classical, classic, classy. If it cost the same amount I'd honestly buy an old circus themed motor carriage/go-cart over a ferrari. Like it'd be steam powered using a very new and sophisticated steam engine system, but rocking that old world sheen you know what I mean? What was I talking about?)
Anyway I think that'd be cool, so I'm putting it on the bucket list. I always admired those people who were really into watches and music boxes, like into them, on the inside of them. Never felt smart enough to make it my thing but, I'll see if there's any books on that. I used to read a lot of science encyclopedia's about phenomenon, probably time I read something about putting that phenomenon into both practical and impractical practice. Wait a minute I could just binge a bunch of videos on it too, that's a little more affordable, I'm already paying for that privilege! But it feels good to own a book so, if I got the money.
I guess the point is I do kind of like old things. Hell not just old things either. The future is unknowable really, like a fog, but the past is rich in details, tasty textured details. I love details, textures, feeling, crunch, I like what I can feel in my throat when I think about it, like oil and gravel. I want things to painted and engraved, stained and stickered, colored and noted. I want things to be personalized and worn, loved, lived. I like cracks on marble and vines on houses, things painted, and that paint chipped. Rust is a good one, it feels good.
That got out of hand...
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