#i dont remember that meny kids shows i watched like....
themothermary-blog1 · 6 years
digging up bones
watch digging up bones   pulling out skeletons      listen to the song 
digging up things that are better left alone   i know you will want the truth but really if you already know what the truth is  if the truth is plane to see   its probably best to let the bones be   trying to force somebody to  admit to shit is hard as hell     and you  will stress your self out   trying to get the truth to come out          try to remember   thay your truth is not nessasarly the truth of another  and people tend to remember things the way thay want to  if all you got is words and not proof     it will mearly be a word war  that will probably never end   no sence in digging out the word war again.   also    if   the bones are from long ago   and the person has  moved on  to better behavyor    you   may  look like the ass hole       it might not seem fair but society sees   shiney and new  old is dusty old is rusty  and jenerally out dated   for the most part useless    draging people in to new litigation  over  old ass shit      the first thing i would say is  how could you remember so much from so long ago        this has very little to do with you    do you sit around and think about  things that happened   21/2  years ago your life must be so empty   are your sure you arnt hear  for something to do  a way to get attension       in the big world of things    this would be such a small thing      sombody smoaked pot 3 years ago   sombody   cheated 3 years ago  sombody   drank alcohol   3 years    ago     and    you   remember it so clearly   you can resipt  all these so called facts to me       have you been checked for a mental illness  you seem stuck in this   by now you should have had enough life to be over it    your life appears to be so  empty      so what is new with you  it seems you need a new hobby    dwelling is not a good hobby    the persons wrong doings you seem to be dwelling in    has moved on to a better pasture  you are in this  depressing dwelling your self
if the person whos wrong doings     are being dwelled apon      has move on  i would  have the explain how thay have moved past   the past   and  on to a brighter future      
dont we all like a new day 
dont we all like a new week 
dont we all like a new month 
dont we all like a new season 
dont we all like a new year
new is good                            old is useless  
for instance  i usto be sereously depressed  im not anymore
i usto drink  a lot    not  any more
i usto smoak pot   not anymore
i usto cheat on my husband  not anymore  im not even married
i tryed meth when i was depressed   it just made me stressed out  it was quite easy to quit    i  didnt  like it         
i tried being married to my ex husband   i didnt like it  so i quit 
i really like being a mother so i put more effort in to my kid and less effort into useless to me things  like being married to my ex husband  the effort i put in didnt pan out   so  i quit wasting my time and effort
now with my kids  the effort does pan out  i find relationships with my kids chalanging  and rewarding    so  i helped the husband get rid of him self   i hepled him divorce me      he was the one with money     he was pissed so he held  my relationship with my kid hostage    and  sent  his demands    it wasent money    no   i had to spend time with my ex husband    he   used the kid  for leverage         oh  he still  loves me  how sweet    unfortunatlly the feeling is not at all mutual
he wanted to force me to see what a good father he is    im not impressed
he wanted me to see how nice his house is    a house is  a house to me
he wanted to show me how clean it could be seems kinda empty unlived in and cold to me     it looks like for show to me
he wanted to show me how much better he and his family are then me   well if its how good he has done with my  kid        is he kidding me im not impressed im just the opposet   unimpressed    i do know i could do better   as far as the actual kid is concerned
 a one bedroom trailer  is  a home  even is its a rust bucket with old furniture if it works its good 
   clean water and enough of it is important you should come out of a bath tub clener then when you went in    bubble baths shouldnt be dirty  clean water   is a biggie for me a pet peve
any cook can feed a kid
any maid can clean a house   
what is a home to me     love  safty  life preperation     education   exceptance  fun  somewhere to share feelings and hardships      someone elts can do all the other   maid type  shit     ok my family usto be rich so kill me   if it wasent expensive  and a pain in the butt to go     i would go out to eat every night with my family  so  i could focus my attension on them  insted of cooking, putting stuff away    and clean up       i feel the same way about house keeping  if i could afford it  i would hire an made and spend time with my kids
once in awile cook there favorid stuff    that makes it special       and rool out the boofay on holladays   the rest  of the time leave it to  some maid
i did make one mistake   i let my ex husbands mother  take care of my son  actually he is the one who dumped him on her    he was soposto be with his father     i was informed  of the excess dumping  and her whining about it  obvously  she thought he should me with me thats why she  was complaining about me not having him    so   what  i should have done was have one of my family members   come  down from cleveland and stay with me   sombody with more energy then a depressed woman      somebody who could play with him and he could still be home with me    i bet i wouldnt have been so depressed if sombody from my family lived with me    my ex husband had so much more than me     every day  he got to see his family   my mommy and daddy  are deceased   my  brothers and sister live 180 miles from me  and i never see them    no wonder you didnt  why  i was deprssed   you  had me taking care of you   our son  wanted to hang out with  you      and  you  had  you  family and your  farm  thay made you feel  important to people who cared   the big world  call you some farmer  not even bother  with  who or where   the rest of society dont care   as long as when thay get to  the store the food is there  it could come from china  we  simply dont care      farmers can  take up all the  land   eltswhere  the citys need to spred out a bit    give up some land  the citys are crouded     people need elbo room     how meny jobs could we fit in to    a  farm  if  we built a factory where there usto be a barn     but thats just my opinon we do need some farmers    even i know that      its just where do we put them at where thay cant cause too much damage or too much trouble  most of them are religous freeks trying to force people to live  the way thay do insted of keeping up with the rest of us. now im not dissing all farmers   just the amish acting ones who try to force people to  act as retarded as thay do 
there aint no santa  clause      there aint   not    easter bunny   there aint no tooth farie      and there  aint no god     we get indoctranated into a lot of bull shit we grow out of most of it       we have books to back up all the storys   and thay  all have good guys and bad guys    just because   god is the oldest good guy bad guy story    doesent make it real
can we have a new bible story     i have heard all the other ones im boored trust me take a look there is some booring ass shit in that book    now the mormans came up with  some wild ass shit    i couldnt help it    i called and got me a free copy       a lot of the   same  old shit      the jesus part was good  it deffonetly needed   some new shit   in it     the problem   was thay made the crusifiction too good       and like  like any book worth reading      thay turned it into a movie and  several   re makes        technology is  great   i want them to really 3/d  movie the bible story    how did thay even beleave it before    today we expect so much more                   i get so easily bored
 what do we usually do with old shit once we have used it  throw it away
jenerally if you got something to prove  you   need to start with the new  because people change cercomstances change
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