#i dont wanna make latinos looks bad
diggersofgraves · 2 years
fucking hate when someone calls out other ppl for appropriating latino culture or making fun of some aspect of it. and then in comes some random ass latino, "we dont care abt this, we're laughing with them, we're not sensitive 🙄"
bitch First of all, stand the fuck up for yourself. they made a fucking joke at ur expense and they continuously do it and u wanna laugh with them 🥺
and its not just at ur expense. its at the expense of ur parents. siblings. friends?? if as a latino you've never experienced aggressions or had ppl already decided ur not trustworthy or speak to you like a child bc they assume u dont speak english or call you names or have police target ur dad and push him around when he's just walking or claiming that ur mom had drugs on her on a random ass stop bc for what fucking reason, idk, but it fucking happens or getting referred to as "you people" constantly paired with just an awful assumption abt "you ppl" or bullied for an accent ir not speaking english.
thats great for you. im really glad you didnt have to deal with that, specifically if u grew up in the US, but honestly, anywhere else where these might present as problems.
but this whole "latinos aren't sensitive 🥺 not like other ppl" shut up shut up shut up
BC the Second thing im talking abt is the fucking rude ass implications always attached to that fucking statement. these people always bring up "being sensitive" and "other people". underhandedly undermining the progress and valid statements and concerns and violence brought up by other racial and ethnic minorities. theyre speaking out abt their experiences and the unfairness of it and in comes this fucking guy, claiming its ppl being sensitive and they can't take a joke, but he can so he's better and he's different. YOU HEAR THAT, WHITE PPL??? HE'S DIFFERENT!! YOU GOT THAT?? UR SURE??
literally fuck you dude, you'd rather laugh next to an oppressor than the black, brown, or indigenous person who's speaking abt the endless struggles that the oppressor ur standing next to causes that makes their lives difficult and, many times, dangerous. good job, ur just like them now, im pretty sure thats what u want? like genuinely, thats what u want?? did they choose u??
and yeah, Third, bc despite the fact that its not obviously there sometimes, the fucking anti-blackness/racism in these statements and occurrences and within the community as a whole. your experiences as a white latino or even as "mestizo" (i dont particularly like using that word to describe myself or others bc of its roots in the spanish caste system, but I don't have a better word, if anyone can help out there, I'd appreciate it very much <3) dont encompass all latino experience within the US OR within the country your family might have immigrated from. talk to your fellow afro latinos and indigenous members of the community. even if you're dont experience any struggles to speak abt, if ur families doesnt, listen to other people in ur community and be a fucking ally. fucking idiot
my Fourth and probably final point is documentation status within the US. if u came into the US with documents, if u were born in the US, etc etc. thats privilege baby. i guarantee you ur experiences as a documented latino is going to be different than the experiences as an undocumented latino.
there are resources you can reach when ur a citizen that are unavailable to undocumented ppl. and not just latinos in this case, i mean from all over the world, but especially if ur a racial/ethnic minority in the US.
my mom came to the US undocumented. she was getting that shit ready when my family had a fallout and we became homeless. the fucking. obstacle's she had to go through to access resources were fucking crazy. many many times they didn't want to offer these resources to her or us simply based on her undocumented status. many many assumptions were made abt her and our family. she was taken advantage of in jobs and programs.
the problems didnt exactly stop when she finally became a resident, but that weight was so so so much lighter on her after that. we finally had access to resources they refused her before and things became much easier.
I know that as someone who was born in the US, im already less likely to face such events that my mom did. that's privilege already.
if u go to or went to a majority latino school, there might be a chance that there are students who recently came from latin america, maybe within the last year or few months or weeks (my hs school had new students come in every couple of months). pay attention to how they're treated. not just by students, but by the staff. there is discrimination going on there. teachers might make little comments, call them lazy, stupid. its not funny. speak up for them. these teachers are making nasty comments in english when the students usually dont grasp the language so well yet, they JUST moved there. if you dont need to speak up for yourself, fine, speak up for others.
making jokes out of latino struggles reinforces stereotypes and its not you on the bad end of them bc ur laughing with the white man on the otherside. but there are still members from ur own community that might fit some of the stereotypes (bc ur reinforcing these stereotypes by making fun of the CULTURE, our actual way of life) and thats enough for some racist or xenophobic asshole to grasp onto and make a persons day or life a little shittier.
ur not the only person in ur community. there are actually communities out there, latino ppl who speak up on the issues ur laughing abt. in laughing with the oppressor, ur undermining ur community. fuck off dude, fr.
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prager-lover · 1 year
Recom Prager x F!Recom!Reader
I got so damn bored also this is my first time writing for a Recom, i've been obsessed with them since I saw the second movie. Feel free to send me hc or fic ideas for the recoms cuz I love them so much.
When you cant find the fanfics you want, write em yourself
Content overview: Swearing, reader is straight/bisexual(says they like men, doesnt specify if they are straight or bi), cringe fluff, Prager being dumb (i love him), Prager being a little nerd that can't talk to women, awful writing get over it this is self indulgent
Word count? Dont know. A lot. Ignore how bad my writing is
Pandora, twenty years later.
Being woken up in this new big blue body kind of threw you for a loop. Years ago, we were fighting these giants and now you were them. What the fuck. The first face you saw was Lopez and Christ Almighty he was the wrong person to see. All up in your face, the blue Latino was yelling, probably running off an adrenaline high.
Prompting you to shove him away and jump off the gurney, backing into a corner. Other large blue bodies closed in on you, yelling to calm down. You took the time to realize they were Marines. Your friends. You calmed down when one of the Na'vi that looked alot like your old friend Ja started talking. He started explaining that you guys were recoms, you'd died and now you're back.
Well Shit.
Y/N's Pov
It's been a few months since I woke up as a Recom. Thankfully, everyone seems to have adjusted. Lyle is still an idiot, flirting with every breathing thing at Hellsgate (Im pretty sure hes even tried making passes at the Colonel). Being in this new body is actually pretty cool once you get used to it. The stripes and shit look awesome. Besides, the improved strength is nothing to sneeze at. When we're not out trying to find Sully, I spend almost every free minute in the gym, or at least outside trying to do something active, any chance to be around my friends. I'm glad Ja is here, back when we were humans, he was my damn rock. Always there with a joke and a smile, it's nice to be so comfortable with someone, considering theres only a few of us recoms. Everyone else on base is either a scientist trying to probe me, or some puny human that jumps a mile high when I go in a room. Tiresome.
There is a new guy though, Prager. He was in the room when I woke up, wide eyed and ready to hold me back if it was needed. Not so good for first impressions. Ja gave us a formal introduction afterwards. Apparently him, Brown, and Ja were pretty good friends. His facial features did look kind of familiar, I probably saw him around base a few times. I can't lie, he was kind of striking. In a weird way. He looked so tired all the time. We got to talking, and eventually became friends as well. He was reallyyy into working out. It was kind of obvious, Jesus his muscles were big. Kind of muscles that you just wanna smack. It started with us running into each other at the gym, polite "Heys" and "How're you?" but after a while we started working out together. He'd spot me on the bench, making it kind of hard to concentrate when he's standing right on top of me. Almost dropped the weight a few times. We'd hang out together for a little bit, going outside on the basketball courts and watch animals flying around, and sometimes when it would be near eclipse, we'd stay and watch. We'd both be hungry, and sometimes he'd forget a snack so I'd bring extra protein bars I snuck from the mess hall. Sometimes when he'd turn away I'd look at him. He was pretty, especially in this lighting. Very soft and relaxed, unlike when we were on missions. When it was just us, no Ja or Lopez coming around the corner to tackle him, he'd let his face fall or just close his eyes. Call me delusional, but I swear he did the same to me. I'd turn my head around and catch him quickly turning, light purple blush spreading across his cheeks. Cute.
3rd person Pov
"Hey, Y/n, wait up!"
Y/n turned around, smiling when she saw Prager jogging towards her, green headband ties swaying behind him.
"Damn girly, what happened to waiting for eachother?" He said, feigning hurt while slightly out of breath.
"Sorry man, maybe you're just too slow. Pick up the pace." She joked, lightly punching his bicep, being met with pure muscle. God Damn. He wont admit it, but that touch sent butterflies right to his stomach. He'd been harbouring this crush on Y/n for months now, and everyday it seemed like it went deeper. Ja would groan loudly when Prager brought up y/n for what seemed the thousandth time that day.
"Just stop being a pussy and ask. her. OUT." He'd say, enunciating the last 3 words with smacks on Prager's head.
"I know but what if she says no, I'd rather get trampled by a direhorse." He lamented, throwing himself onto a bunk like a melodramatic Disney princess. Ja just decides to give up.
Y/n and Prager started their typical workout routine, stretching, muscle building, then cardio if they could bear to look at a treadmill or bike. They didnt talk much during their workouts, mostly shared smiles or raised eyebrows. It was late now, the workout was probably 3, 3.5 hours. Too long. They left the facility, heading out to the basketball courts to cool down.
Y/n's Pov
Fuck. Too long. Way too fuckin long for a workout. I should be used to it at this point, i'm a damn marine but it was too much weight for too many reps. I think Prager feels the same way. Everything feels too light in my hands, the dumb bells ghost weight still pulling my arms down. One upside, Prager still somehow looked good. I'm not sure how its possible but the man just looks handsome without trying. Pisses me off to a point, he probably doesnt realize how good he looks to me right now. Asshole.
We stopped in our tracks and flopped to the ground.
"Fuck almighty." He groans out, sprawled out on the concrete, tail flicking lazily next to him.
"Yeah, you're telling me." I say, sitting down next to him. "It's gonna be a pain in the ass to get up tomorrow."
We sit in silence for a while, just soaking in the fresh and cool air. Thats the beauty of Pandora, all this beautiful scenery, nature preserved and fresh air not polluted by billions of people over-populating the planet. Sometimes I don't like what we're doing here. General Ardmore, all the other humans. We're going to fuck up this planet, just like we did our original one. Prager must have noticed my shift in mood, my tail flicking around, agitated. He sat up on his elbows looking at me.
"You alright there?" He asked, big ol eyes looking up at me. I was knocked out of my trance.
"Yeah i'm good, just thinkin'."
He was about to reply when a loud laugh erupted from the side. There was Lyle, hands on his knees while Z-dog was wiping tears from her eyes. Of course. Those guys were inseparable. And insufferable. Lyle would always be giggling about some stupid shit. I love that bald bastard but when you're trying to unwind it can get on your nerves. Prager and I shared a look. Yeah, he knew. We both started laughing, somehow our two voices still overpowered by Lyle's hacking guffaw across the courtyard. We watched them walk off, Z-dog clapping his back.
"Do you think they have something going on?" Prager asks me. I was taken aback. He said it so nonchalantly, but I never would have thought he was one for gossip.
I chuckled as I answered. " I really doubt it, I think Z-dog's gay. Never seen a girl that looks like that without an ounce of fruit in her. Never knew you were a gossip queen Prag, didn't know you had it in you." I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at him. He threw his head back laughing softly, his Adam's apple withing perfect striking distance. Why did I think about that. We were quiet for a few seconds. when suddenly;
"Are you gay?" He was looking at me again. The question was so quiet I thought I misheard him for a second. Again, taken aback.
"Uh, no. No, I like guys."
He let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank god."
What the fuck. I started laughing. Loud, violent laughs as he quickly gets from his comfortable position, obviously panicking from what he just said.
"Wait wait wait no I- no no I didn't mean it- well I didn't mean it like that no no you got it all wrong." He was shaking his hands at me, cheeks blushing a deep purple. I was rolling on the fucking ground. my sides hurt from how hard I was laughing. I tried gaining composure, but his stupid handsome face was looking at me with a panicked face and I came undone again.
"did-didn't know you didn't agree with-" I hiccupped. "-that sort of lifestyle Prag." I was still giggling when he got louder.
"Wait wait NO I didn't mean it like- like that no no it's- no I have gay friends and stuff-" Again I lost it. His ears were pinned back against his skull, tail swishing adamantly behind him, pupils big.
"No no no no no no no I just meant it like I like you so I hoped you didn't like girls cuz that would suck cuz I like you and I don't want you to not like me..." He covered his face with his hands, mumbling after that sentence. What he said, I don't know but I think it was along the same lines. All that was replaying in my mind was " I like you"
Prager liked me? ME? I turn so I'm Infront of him, he's still babbling on and on, incoherent.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I asked that-"
"I know I know I'm sorry I can just go I'm sorry I don't know I just got nervous I'm sorry."
Fucking Christ he was cute. I grabbed his wrists, yanking his hands away from his still blushing face.
He looks up to me so mopey, poor kitty cat with his ears drooping. I couldn't stop myself. I kissed his nose. That shut him up.
"Prager, I like you too."
He's looking at me with his mouth half open. Idiot. His hand reached for mine, holding me tightly.
"You do?" He sounded so small and helpless, like a kitten.
"Yes, you fucking dipshit" I said with a toothy grin.
His shoulders slumped over and he leaned into me, crushing me in a hug.
"Thank god oh my god you had no idea how long I've wanted to hear that thank GOD-"
I kissed his nose again. I'm finding this to be a very effective way of shutting him up.
"Maybe ask me out now instead of rambling."
He grinned at me. We left the courts a few minutes later, I reached to hold his hand and he took mine gladly. He dropped me off at my room.
"Night y/n, see you tomorrow." He beamed down at me, his ears perked up and tail moving quickly.
"Goodnight hotshot."
Prager scampered off. He felt like singing but he knew no one around would appreciate it, so he settled with whistling. The man wanted to fucking skip. It was obvious to Ja, who was playing cards with Brown and Lopez when Prager came in, that something good had happened.
"Prager? You alright man?" they all turned to look at him, his usually tired looking eyes bright and wide open.
"This guy on meth or something?" Lopez muttered.
"No no nothing like that I'm just a happy camper fellas."
Ja figured it out.
"ohhh yes."
Loud noises, Brown whooping and Lopez hitting Prager's back filled the room. Ja tousled up Prager's hair, laughing at his scaredy-cat friend's (Long overdue) courage. They made him stay up and tell them all the details.
Is this my best work? probably not. But I am both sleep deprived and Prager content deprived so let me live my life. I'm living for the recoms right now. tell me what y'all think bye have a nice day
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Pacific.Rim f/o's x me Moodboards
Cw: suggestiveness. (Use of the petname "da.ddy" as a reference to herc)in hercs moodboard (ill leave him as the final one) also idk how to tag that so if anyone can help me out its appreciated, also anger issues mention.
Mako Mori
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"Having you as my first friend is truly an honor"
"Shut up mako!"
Trope: enemies (ish) to best Friends.
Song: Best Friend by Saweetie Ft. Doja Cat
Stacker Pentecost
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"Only you could teach me how to love the Ocean again"
"Because in its ebb and flow I see your love"
Trope: tall brooding and serious x slightly less serious smol.
Song: The Man I Love By Ella Fitzgerald
Charles (Chuck) Hansen
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"Thanks for Sticking around for so long, princess, I know I can be hard to deal with sometimes"
"I'll always be there for you,'sides, you've come a long way"
"All thanks to you, luv"
Trope: Bad boy with anger issues x opposite 'goody two shoes' who also has anger issues (And can control them)
Song: Kiss From A Rose, specifically the cover made by Super Guitar Bros
Yancy Becket
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"You're always look so beautiful, Raleigh and I might make you the poster girl for Lady Danger"
"First, in your dreams, becket, second you're such a charmer"
"If I sing that one song that reminds you of me Will you do it?"
"Dont. You. Dare...y'know my heart can handle it. Wipe that stupid grin off of your pretty face!"
Trope: Effortlessly charming with a heart of gold x tough looking softie, who gets easily flustered.
Song: Strawberry Blond by Mitski. Alternatively, Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor or Dandelions By Ruth B and My Type by Saint Motel
Raleigh Becket
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"I honestly have no clue how you can love me sometimes"
"Rals. Youre a blonde haired blue eyed golden retriever of a Man, how couldnt I love you"
Trope:Emotionally constipated Man who hopes to find love and is a golden retriever x trust issues having sunshine
Song: My Type by Saint Motel, Dandelions by Ruth B, Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor.
Hermann Gottlieb
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"And thats why this calculation should give me the exact result for-- did you understand anything?"
"Nope. But im trying my best only because its you and I love hearing you talk"
"I think I broke you"
Trope: Awkward but sweet nerd x a little less awkward but sweet nerd (who cant understand math for shit)
Song: Genius, by Labrynth
Newton Geiszler
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"Sorry I must be talking your ears off...!"
"Ramble away. You did hear me ramble about kaijus for two hours, besides I love seeing how your mind works"
"Newton you absolute charmer..!"
"Stacker I want that one" said Newton after I listened to him intently about kaijus for an hour and a half.
"Newton you cant just call dibs on people"
Trope: hyperactive adhd nerd x constantly tired (probably also has adhd) nerd.
Song: Mary On A Cross by Ghost
Tendo Choi (Quispe)
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"Thanks for teaching me some spanish, doll"
"Of course! Glad to help another latino out"
"Ya wanna know whats my favorite phrase in spanish?"
"Te Amo~"
Trope: friends/co-workers to lovers (who Bond over being/descending from the same continent)
Song: Nunca Me Faltes by Antonio Rios, or Youre The One That I Want from Grease. (Mans loves a classic)
(Quispe is not a cannon last name but I think it fits since hes chinese/peruvian).
Hercules (Herc) Hansen
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"Thanks by the way"
"For what?"
"For giving me all the love i didnt know I was missing, and for helping me get closer to my son. I love you"
"I love you too"
Trope: Tough guy who really needs a hug x Tough softie who loves giving hugs
Song: Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar, or I Was Made For Loving You by KISS
-> Only mutuals allowed to rb.
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pigeonneaux · 2 years
Wanna know about Reylo ? 👀
(Spoilers ahead)
So, in the new trilogy, the main character is Rey (no last name), an feral gremlin of an orphan who lives ona desert planet and has learned about the rebellion in ancient texts and loves them. One day she meets Finn (ex stormtrooper) and bb8 (adorable nb droid) and they both say they have to bring bb8 to The Rebellion. Rey, being an adorable nerd, absolutly beams with joy and does this, with adventures along the way. There's also Poe Dameron, super cool pilots and best bud with bb8, who keeps doing heart eyes to Finn and has helped him escape. The bad guy of the story is Kylo Ren aka Quiche Lorraine aka the poser emo son of Han and Leia, who idolizes Darth Vador and wants to rebuild the Space Nazi Dictatorship (it's not subtle : theit logo is black thing in white circle on a red background).
So what kind of ship do we have, here ? Rey(white woman) with Finn (black man), about overcoming what you're born into and being your own hero. There's Finn (black man) and Poe (latino man), about being bickering best friend and saving eachother. Or, there's the white man (Kylo Ren), and you can ship him with Rey to make the Heterosexual White Couple where the woman has to redeem the man.
Please note that during the first film, Kylo tortured Rey (and Poe), and they fought a lot. And Kyle was like "uh maybe i can be saved... SIKE it was a ruse to kill my dad".
In large, the internet flocked to FinnPoe... or to Reylo. The Reylo stan were *unsufferable*, attacking people who were saying that the SpaceDictator was a bad man (one unironically said that people should be nicebeing seeing his dad die in frontof hiseyes surely traumatized him, forgetting that he *killed* him) and making up Tumblr Fake Stories about recieving free crepes by a fellow Reylo shipper, The Most Opressed Group Of All time. Dont get me wrong, there was definetly a large anti-reylo movement, because of the inherent mysoginy of the "she can can save him from himself" trope, the "shipping a woman with her abuser" and the obvious need to thirst on the single white man when John Boyega and Oscar Isaac here here, but the Reylo were sooo much more vocal.
The 2nd movie was super divisive for a lot of reasons, mostly that it didnt look like any other star wars film and subverted a lot of expectations. I wont get into,but i really liked it. There was this whole thing about a secret bad guy forming a mental bond between Rey and Kylo, and Kylo trying to manipulate her to come to the dark side and Rey thinking "Leia is nice, i will do all i can to bring her son back to her and save him". But at the end of the film she realizes he can't be saved if he doesn't *want* to be saved and she cuts the connection bc she's badass. She has empathy for him but she cares about *the million of people he opresses and kill* more. The reactionto the film were EXPLOSIVE, and the Reylo shipper kind of harassed everyone (to be fqire they werent the only one, Mary Tran, the only asian woman of the whole star wars universe, had to delete her social media in part bc he character kissed Finn and in partbc she dared to be an asianwomanin a star wars)
The the 3rd film arrived, and it was... a shit show. Jj abraams retconned all the interesting bits of the 2nd film, Mary Tran character basically disappeared, the latino man was revealed to be a drug dealer, palpatine (bad guy from trilogy 1 and 2) arrived out of NOWHERE, i cant emphasize enough how he was dead and not even metionned before that film, Rey was revealed to be a Super Special hereditary mc guffin and she can bring people back to life now, Finn says "Rey i have something to say to you!" and never says what it is, and Kylo Ren said "mh maybe palpatine is evil, i should repent and be a good guy now". So him and Rey join force in a (granted, impressively choreographed) fight scene, and he dies and she kisses him (which does not bring him back to life despite the tchekov's gun before) and the good guys whin. Jj abraams said later that they should have written a 3 movie scenario instead of making things up as they go. A lot of people theorize that the retcon and the reylo change of heart/redemption arc had come bc of the reylo stan outcry online.
So, there. A brief history of Reylo and why a lot of people (me included) think it sucks. I'm gonna be honest, the Reylo stans are a big part of it.
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shotorozu · 3 years
Bakugo, Shinsou, Sero, and Hawks with a fem!s/o that has galaxy eyes. She has purple-blue eyes with star patterns and constellations in them that changes when she blinks, doesn’t blush red instead her skin gets these star freckles and dust on her face and ears when flustered, and if she ever cries, her tears are hella sparkly. If she has a quirk, her quirk allows her to use Moondust which is like a sleeping powder depending on the amount but she likes to use it to help others sleep and relax (she can even make them into tea and powdered sugar for treats)
having a galactic s/o
characters : bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, hanta sero, hawks | keigo takami
legend : [Y/N = your name] f!reader at the request of anon, i don’t know what to name this quirk, so i’ll just call it moondust
fic type : headcanons [fluff]
notes : you’re very creative anon :)) i like your thinking (also im sorry if i dont know how to write sero, i’ve only wrote him 2-3 times so far)
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
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bakugou katsuki
what is this sorcery.??
the first time he sees you, he’ll be mesmerized
i mean.. you stick out. you have literal stars and constellations in your eyes
you know how he has a nickname for everyone in class 1-A? well—
he literally can’t think of a bad nickname for you, because you’re so beautiful, and your quirk is too.
so he just sticks with dumbass
when you talk to him, he’ll always be staring at your eyes because they literally change from lilac to violet everytime you blink
like.. how is that possible? excuse you, bakugou literally has red eyes
kinda thinks you’re op ngl— even though your quirk is oddly similar to midnight sensei
but when you blush,,
you’re the prettiest person alive omg, how do you look like that everyday??
so because of this, he’ll always try to make you blush
he hates seeing you cry but your tears make it hard not to hate it
they’re so sparkly
like.. they’re so pretty wtf, you’re like a renaissance painting.
will make you train with him, because he wants to beat you at least once in his life
but it doesn’t happen immediately lol
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shinsou hitoshi
again, what is this sorcery
will feel self conscious because.. how did he manage to catch such a pretty s/o?
also another person that always has his attention on your eyes since they change colors every time you blink
and the constellations, WOW (spends every moment looking at each constellation whenever you blink)
the first time he made you blush— he was in awe
wtf you’re even prettier
and that one time you ate a spicy noodle packet, and started crying— he realized that your tears sparkle
he hates seeing you cry but 😳 your tears
“do i even deserve her??”
yes you do hitoshi.
anyway— your quirk fascinates him, and if he didn’t know better, he’d assume your midnight sensei’s daughter
training with him is fun, since it’s not very combat based.
but!! since you can make tea out of your quirk, you’re practically a tea maker for shinsou
because homeboy can’t sleep, but thanks to you— he can finally catch a few hours
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hawks | takami keigo
will verbally comment on how pretty your eyes are
“woah, your eyes are pretty.” it’s not subtle at all
just accept the compliment
the first time he made you blush, he was also very amazed.
and the first time you cried your sparkly tears, he was even more amazed.
is that even possible?? wow.. how can someone look that pretty
will call you his lil stardust.
your quirk reminded him of the UA teacher, and he will ask if you guys are related
“no keigo, people can have similar quirks and not be related”
“of course i knew that!”
keigo is very stressed because of hero work, and because of that— he barely gets a wink of sleep
so when he comes back to your apartment, and you suddenly sprinkle moondust on him
he’ll be like :000 this helps with my workaholic tendencies
he doesn’t want to look like he’s using you. if you’re dating him, then that says you mean a lot to him
your moondust tea puts him to sleep right away. just don’t use it when he’s carrying you up in the sky
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hanta sero
he’s pretty chill overall
👁👁 he’ll stare at you when he sees you for the first time. like.. wow, they’re really, really pretty
the bakusquad will tease him about it for sure.
this boy will probably name all the constellations in your eyes everytime you blink
he can’t always do that but.. you get what i mean
“sero, how the hell can you see her from a far.”
he means well :))
will comfort you when you cry, but he’ll be thinking to himself “wow! she’s pretty when she cries- wait! is that a bad thing to be thinking of? i don’t want her to be sad.”
sero the latino king— will call you mi estrella
“you look beautiful as always, mi estrella”
it always makes you flustered! and speaking of flustered..
your blush makes you look extraterrestrial
and if your face gets really blushed up when you cry- it’ll knock him out
your quirk really reminds him of midnight sensei’s— so will he be amazed, yet cautious? yes.
you’re also quite op to him. and if you’re worried that he’s afraid of you— then don’t worry about that
he knows you won’t hurt him :))
the tea aspect of your quirk fills him with curiosity
“i wonder what it tastes like..”
“wanna try it out?”
“i mean- can i??”
will probably get drunk on moondust tea
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :))
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- never seen this one either. Ok I haven’t seen any war time movie so imma stop repeating myself in these reviews
- Donald having friends all around the world warms my heart so much 😭
- i have a disney Christmas movie thats basically a compilation of disney scenes where Christmas or snow are a theme. It features the ice skating scene from Bambi, the song from beauty and the beast enchanted Christmas where belle decorates a room and the scene where Arthur lifts the sword. And other scenes that i didnt know which movies they were from aka this penguin scene I’m watching right now in the three caballeros. There’s also a scene in that compilation movie where lovers go ice skating but then argue but then the ice breaks and shes in danger, her skirt might be getting destroyed idk but that scene is probably from melody time idk I’ll find out
- i always liked this penguin story 😭 the cute little city, their houses and fun activities. Poor Pablo 😭
- did the narrator just say “making love”? SIR THIS IS DISNEY 😳 kkkkkk i know Disney’s done worst but i didnt know they did it in the classics u know? 😂 but I’m joking, it’s a literally harmless scene, i just wasn’t expecting
- loving the creative gags like when Pablo literally cut through fog, when the obnoxious red bird got out of the projection and started walking on the light projected, when the flamingos appeared 1 chunk at a time, the kid on top of a rock but then a tree but then a rock, the race scene when burrito starts flying 😭
- the visual gags are so good omg i love them
- loving the burrito, kid narrator and old narrator story a lot
- disney was in love with brasil in this era
- “ a very estúpido fellow” 😂
- i just realized that they’ve been speaking English, spanish and portuguese through out the whole movie but since I understand all 3 I’m just noticing how lucky i am now 😭 cause theres no subtitles on this stream
- leva-me à baía, Zé
- this is the same book from beauty and the beast 2017 😂 i want a travel book too
- WAIT. HOLD ON. Donald’s love rival seems to be singing in EU portuguese…… 😳 (after finishing i went to hear it again on youtube and i am positive that’s eu portuguese omg TUGAS TEMOS REPRESENTAÇÃO NO FILME DISNEY 😍 O homem também so canta de tangerinas por isso se eu estiver errada nao me matem 😬)
- Why dont movies mix animation with live action like this anymore? Even if they dont wanna do 2d, they can always do 3D. But i guess people would just call it bad cgi even if the intent was for it to look like a cartoon, right’ sigh
- Kinda feeling betrayed by the disney community. Why did no one tell me the three caballeros was this fun?
- did he sing “we are three gay caballeros”? Starting to think i dont actually understand these languages 😂 (i went to the wiki after finishing the movie AND OMG HE DOES SAY “GAY” 😭 But then the trivia said “The word "gay" was removed in later versions of the song, due to the modern popular meaning of the word.” So i went to google to discover that gay used to mean “happy” 😳 the more you know)
- wondering what latinos think of this movie. If it portrays the cultures respectfully. I’m enjoying this movie a lot but cant really speak on the culture part
- they chasing women and one literally fell to the floor omg 😭
- their bikinis and swimsuits are so lovely 🥺
- Donald acting up 🤨 where’s daisy?
- the neon scene is pretty dope
- THE WOMAN IS A FLOWER LMAO and then come the other two shooting guns omg its getting trippy
- the birds with women legs kkkkkkk
- let the woman finish the ballad 😂
- cactus dance scene is pretty cute
- this movie was such a wild ride 😂 i loved it a lot more than i thought i would. Pretty great. It’s just fun and creative
- why isn’t this on Disney+? 🤨 we know y’all love money so why you making me watch it on 123movies?
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thechangeling · 3 years
Ok im gonna make a disclaimer
I am way too attached to this character
He was my first latino character and when i first read him i saw no flaws because he was me and i didnt see that latino characters deserved better than be a walking stereotype of our cultures
With the only thing to show for it a few badly phrased spanish words
When i did, it hurt
Hurt to see how many harmful stereotypes he had and how bad rep he actually was if you analized enough
But I dont think anything hurt more than seeing how the fandom treated him.
So leo canonically has adhd, a lot of characters do have adhd but
Out of all of them
Hes one of the worse at masking
Hes hyperactive and bad at socializing even if he fakes it and makes up for feeling fundamentally flawed with jokes and manes up for not being able to fit in anywhere by degrading his value
I think he does stim in page but id need to reread i havent in so long
But he just feels like they all have better things than him
There was this short story where there was a festival in camp and his friends invited him but he said he had work and that it was totally cool, but he just didnt wanna go. And had a few phrases that even after month he just didnt feel like he fit in and prefered to work on things he knew
And is always getting people mad at him cause hes blunt and always ends up saying the wrong things
But he is endlessly loyal
And he is a genius fae
Like an actual genius
He knew how to do college level math at 7 years old
He build an entire ship ON HIS OWN
Hes is the smartest heroes of olympus characters only rival (if that) to the daughet IF THE GODESS OF WISDOM
And yes he makes some rash decision making and some mistakes BECAUSE YOU KNOW
But when you come to the fandom
They treat him like an idiot
They make jokes that he cant do things and reduce him to only being distracted and messing things up
Burning things with his fire powers
And being a comedic reliefe for the rest of the crew
They treat him like an absolute idiot
And it hurts because he is a genius and he is brilliant HE ONLY HAS ADHD
If you go through the leo tag
All you'll see are jokes about him being an idiot
Flirting with everything that moves
And reducing him only to his jokes
I hate it
I saw a meme once that was like the hands touching meme, you know like putting your hand in a pile up? Did I explain that right? With three hands pabeled Jesper Fahey, Leo Valdez, and Alex Claremont-Diaz and then the pile up (I'm explaining this horribly) was labeled "non white characters with adhd" and at the bottom there was the description "getting called stupid by the fandom when they're actually really smart in canon." And then the extra layer to that is two of those characters are bisexual and they are all POC and they get the flirts with everything that moves stereotype.
It's not a good look fandom culture!
This is why I don't like those "jokes" about the characters because they usually reflect bias.
Anyways we're off topic again yayyy. He sounds like key awesome honestly. I love the fire thing. Side note, why is that an nd thing? Fire? Like it just is and idk why.
Anyways fandoms stop calling ADHD characters stupid 2021!!
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Ok I meant to answer you're question about what I thought of the show ages ago but I forgot.
I LOVED IT OMGGGG! I got so many kitty vibes from Wilhelm and Simon! The touching! The softness! It's those vibes exactly! I want that energy in TWP.
COMRADE SIMON!! We stan! That speech he made at the very beginning about the differences in attitudes towards "tax evasion" vs. "Welfare fraud." Legend behavior.
Sara!!!! My girl!!!!!! An autistic/adhd character PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS!!!! THIS IS SO HUGE!!! I would die for my problematic queen. I made an entire post on her but the gist is, I get where she's coming from and understand why she feels the way she feels but dear God girl make better choices and stay the hell away from August.
Speaking of.... I wanna run August over several times. Vroom vroom motherfucker. The fact that he
-kissed Sara behind Felice's back when they were still dating WITHOUT HER CONSENT BTW
- Wanted to blame Simon for the drugs because he knew it would be easy because Simon's family is lower class and doesnt have the same social standing as one of the "members of the society"
- Also it didn't escape my notice that the cult like faternety type group with all the rich, mainly white boys is called The Society. This shows commentary on class is vv interesting. Especially the little things like two girls just randomly advocating for THE DEATH PENALTY. The rich people audacity.
-Anyways back to August, when he tried to excuse his actions with Wilhelm and get all teary like no bitch you can't manipulate your way out of this one. And again with Sara! When he said "Wilhelm has everything" I wanted to scream! Like he's fucking closeted and clearly suffering from panic attacks and extreme anxiety you moron.
-Anyways!! I also think that Wilhem might be autistic because he just feels autistic. Like the vibes are there.
- The girl group is so sweet? And to have the popular girl be a Black girl who isn't "stereotypically attractive" with a more medium sized body and bad acne. As someone who has really bad skin I needed that. Felice is kinda awesome imo.
Let me see what else??
-Simon and his mom speaking Spanish consistently throughout the show. It sounded pretty natural to me? But I'm not a native speaker. (Or even fluent honestly lol.)
- Simon and Wilhelm are honestly so adorable and in love and it made my heart ache. (I am so touch starved I swear..)
-My only main beef is the outing plotline and the show using an outdated medical term for Sara, aspergers. It's literally just autism. Also it's kind of offensive because Hans Asperger was a n*zi who literally killed autistic children because they weren't useful to capitalism. SOOOO yeah.
As for the outing plotline, I feel like the cishets have like three plotlines that they use for queer stories. Outing/coming out, one of them dies, or one if them bullies the other until they both fall in love. It's tired.
But overall I really loved it.
I wanted to correctly talk to you about this series so I logged in through my computer to make it easier for me :D
LOOK AT THIS POINT IVE RELATED THEM TO LITERALLY EVERY COMFORT SHIP I HAVE LIKE. I've compared this to kitty, I've compared this to Thomastair, I've compared this to my friends to ocs who she has obsessed me with (youd actually like them if you liked this tbh) IVE COMPARED ME TO MY OCS
what was the point cc??
new favorite character
SHES PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS?? Sorry I hadn't known! Haven't actually gotten to obsessively look at the cast I've been trying to get over the last episode BUT THATS SO COOL. SARA IS AMAZING AND I ADORE HER. I'll read your post after this! But of course STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM AUGUST GIRL PLEASE
Tbh I understood where she was coming from with everything with Simons image falling apart and her having to suffer when she had just started having friends , just after finding he had been lying to her. But love, AUGUST?
A U G U S T ???
Also random and stealing this from @marzzinaa i totally hc Sara as a demi girl for some reason
Im kinda sad we didnt see her speak spanish as much we did simon :(
You already said it all, I just agree
Ok I'll bring a machete you bring whatever you wish and we kill him sound good?
meanwhile they wanted to pass off to Simon who came from a lower class family the blame
Also I'd like to mention how that would also play into the stereotype latinos are all drug dealers
Which I love how they didnt make his dead beat alcoholic man the latino parent, when I first read the description I thought they might do that, but im so glad they didnt
I think it might have been a comentary idk i liked that they DIDNT make the poc parent the dead beat
I love how they didnt make her stereotypically perfect AND YES MID SIZED REP WAS AMAZING TO SEE
Also im so glad you got to see that represented!!
So I am a native speaker and him talking to his mom MADE ME CRY
pls most her phrases reminded me to my own mom
Autistic wilhelm you say?? omg tell me more (if you want)
Oh thats awful, well I'll just refer to Sara as autistic and hope the showrunners fix that next season because if they dont-
Oh yeah, thats valid critisism. But in my opinion they actually wrote it pretty well so I wont really be complaining about an overall media problem with queer stories rn. If so I'll be here all day. But yeah its an overall problem but it wasnt done bad in my opinion so!
I'll shut up, for now
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thefreshchannel · 3 years
What’re ur Courtney head canons
Oh boi are u ready for this: everyone can feel free to disagree but this is my courtney vision acting up starting with PRE TD and then going to POST TD
Long post
Courtney is definitely straight A student with advanced placement courses and part of many extracurricular activities. 
Courtney’s an only child and turned prodigy by her parents. Top of the class always no position under the first one.
Courtney’s parents took failure of any sort VERY BADLY which made courtney perceive any sort of mistake or flaw or failure as unacceptable.
Courtney (this was confirmed by dramarama) will never be absent to school she could be dying but she would not miss a day in school.
Courtney has two notebooks for each class. One for quick notes she takes in class and the second one to pass her notes over to make them look like
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Courtney can play many instruments besides violin (guitar/oboe/flute/trumpet/clarinet/french horn/harp) courtney always gets the solos in choir as well.
Speaking of choir, Courtney isnt religious but as in every latino household her mom is and she would take her to church to be in the church choir. Courtney’s done her first communion but never really got into religion. I dont wanna say shes a heavy atheist altho she does kinda seem like the person who would be like “you believe in a non existent deity to solve your life problems instead of working to fix them yourself? Couldnt be me”
Courtney was a girl scout doing anything in her power to collect EVERY BADGE was a headcanon i’ve always had and was also confirmed by dramarama so idk how much this counts as a hc anymore lol
Courtney has worked as a TA and a tutor. Definitely lost the tutoring job due to short patience and blaming the kids for being idiots. Also she was mean and scary.
Courtney’s had many jobs that didn’t last long based on her attitude and the way she felt above everyone.
Courtney loves musicals. I can also see courtney being in her school’s drama club and always trying out for the lead of musicals. She obviously always got them but quit when she was given the role of someone’s understudy.
Courtney knows and studies many languages. She is fluent in spanish because her parents refused to have a yo no sabo kid, but she’s also fluent in french and portuguese. She studies italian and german.
Courtney feels like she’s mentally stronger than she actually is and feels she doesn’t need any sort of therapy because she can handle anything herself and her mental state is strong as fuck. She’s very mentally weak and worse after TD.
Has a heavy need to be validated by others but ofc she’ll never tell you about it because she is way too good to care about what others think but please tell her she’s doing a wonderful amazing job.
Courtney sent TWO audition tapes to total drama. She eventually did a redo of her audition tape and had tom fix it up for her and burn it in a CD, however gave courtney the wrong one in which she had mixed the two speeches up. Having noticed she sent the wrong one in she tried sending in her redo as well. The TD producers probably found the first one hilarious and probably found it even funnier that she had sent a correction one in.
Courtney has never had a close friend/deep relationship before total drama. Everyone had just been a rival or classmate or an acquaintance. Gwen became her very first best friend in world tour.
Courtney considers total drama one of her biggest failures because she knew she had every skill to win had she not been robbed. Absolutely believed she would win and reach the finale in tdi. Despite many firings in her job life regarding her attitude she kinda sees those as “well something better and more deserving of me awaits” so she doesnt really consider those failures. Total drama was a huge blow for her because everyone watched her fail and everyone saw her get several chances and fail again and everyone saw her relationships fail. Despite the fact she pretends it doesn’t bother her the thoughts are always sneaking in her head constantly.
Courtney managed to get herself in a really prestigious university for amazing grades and an even more amazing entry essay. She works in student life organizing events for the campus.
I feel courtney becomes a workaholic to try to keep herself busy from ever having bad thoughts or feeling vulnerable and guilty by past td stuff.
Courtney doesnt drink often unless she’s out in special occasions. She doesnt smoke at all. However because of how rarely she drinks when she does drink at a college party she is a mess after a second drink. Crying drunk. Talks about total drama constantly.
One of the things she thinks about a lot is gwen. On reunions and talkshows she always refused to admit how wrong she was for how she lost her in tdas. But it constantly eats her alive.
Courtney is a neat freak. Her room/dorm is always clean, her backpack is always organized. It probably got even worse after total drama. She is always cleaning and expecting her roommate to follow her cleaning schedule. Courtney’s roommate’s afraid of her.
Courtney’s often stopped by paparazzi and td fans asking questions about duncan but she always ignores them and avoids them.
Courtney’s very much over duncan so constantly being asked about him angers her. She hates the fact that she’s unfortunately always linked to him and would like to be seen more as her own person without duncan.
She’s not very active in social media. She tried it but it seemed like she couldnt escape being linked to total drama and constantly asked about other contestants or berated about her behavior on the show.
She’s done with chasing for fame or acknowledging fame and stays hidden. She was contacted many times about appearing in ridonculous race but she decided she was completely done with anything total drama.
The only person from total drama courtney keeps in touch with is bridgette. She lost contact with a lot of the cast, sometimes would keep in touch with heather but eventually lost communication with her.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
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So you know that song sway by Michel buble...I listened to that which led me to listen to a bunch of latin songs I used to listen to as a kid..and we'll have some latino reader trying to teach the ocs to dance
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"y-y/n this is HIGHLY sexual!" Theo stammered as he watched you play the music, he was a waltz kinda guy so this was different. "Relax theo, it's balloom dancing still just with a lot of sexual tension" you explain as you stood in position being very close to him watching the male watching you with wide nervous eyes
"just follow the music, kay? You'll do fine" you cooed out as you started off slow hoping he would take the lead but it seems he was absolutely flustered which confused you a little. "Theo, we've had sex but this makes you flustered?" You questioned out as the male kept from brushing up against you at all.
"t-this kind of dancing and mhsic was banned from my home! Though me and m-my mother played latin music and dance in secret especially when my father was away..." The memory made him sigh happily before his eyes snapped back to you who was just excited
"....theo, do you know how to dance to latin music?"
Theo twitched and sweated as he gazed away avoiding your burning stare as he turned away "l-lets take a break!" He claimed now walking away his face so red his ears burned
"wait! I have questions! Theo!"
"no. Fuck off piggy, daddy is busy"
You asked hikaru if he wanted to dance with you but his cold response made you pout before an idea sparkled into your mind. You turned away and gave a loud huff, keeping from smiling as you started to walk away
"you probably don't even know how to dance like that, rich boy" you teased before hikaru shot up a glare being sent your way before hikaru started to roll his sleeves up now aggressively unbuttoning his shirt two buttons. "Fine, wanna fucking dance? Let's do it." He hissed out feeling an urge to prove you wrong. With that you two at in the living room as latin music played
Hikaru very aggressively took the lead out you close a hand gripping your waist as you had no choice but to keep up. Your cheeks flushed as you looked at the serious gaze in his that was downright sexy before he spinned and dipped you with ease
"b-but h-huh? How?!"
"dance classes, dumbass we all had to fucking do it in my family "
With that he full on dropped you now walking away scoffing though a smile graced his lips that he fought. He hasn't danced in a long time, he forgot how fun it was. "Give me a challenge next time y/n" he scoffs out though he definitely felt giddy from that, maybe dancing with you again wouldn't be the dumbest idea.
Axis did like how it sounded, it was so different than normal japanese culture! He shuddered when you got into position and he could practically feel your heartbeat. You were so amazing, though he was pretty clumsy so a lot of times he stepped on your feet before apologizing like crazy
"i-i don't think I can do this y/n" he whined as he nervously fiddle his hands before you kissed his forehead whispering sweet praise in spanish which of course perked him up getting him excited to try again.
When you showed salem a video of latin dances he was far more interested in how sexual it was and instantly wanted to it. So here you two were trying it out, you come to realize that salem was bad following instructions and couldn't keep his hands off your ass
"salem, you're hands have to be higher than that"
"...so move them"
It was talking to a brick wall, you weren't sure he was even interested until you caught him humming the tune to the song which made you smile. He definitely loved the music a lot though dancing wasn't his thing
Prince was absolutely eager to learn cause latin dancing is like the sexist thing in the world! He was a quick learner and even took the lead making it quickly become sexual as he pulled you in for a steamy kiss
"how about we take this to the bedroom? I would love to show you what else I can do"
Damn he was cocky
You huffed at your boyfriend who was curled up in bed refusing to move even when you begged and acted all cute, so you had to pull out drastic measures. "Yuki! I'll throw away all my thigh high socks and never let you touch me!" Oh he was totally up now though he had a pouty glare on his face.
He was really..slow, like painfully slow that it was clear he wanted to go back to sleep, you were a little unsure how to motivate him but it seems he didn't like that sad expression you wore so he picked up the pace before dipping you to surprise you which gave you butterflies for sure. "Can I sleep now?" He mumbled out and you gave a shaky nod before he kissed your cheek and stood you up before walking off leaving your flustered.
This poor himbo is so damn clumsy it's almost deadly, he is trying so damn hard though. You winced when he stepoed on your foot for the 100th time that moment and you shot a glare to him only to see his sad puppy dog expression which made you sigh as you placed a hand on his chest.
"maybe cooking latin food would be more your style" he suddenly perked up at the mention of food basically drooling excitedly. "Food food food!" He chanted as you two walked to the kitchen.
The goth princess seemed to be skilled in some ballroom dancing but this was out of element though she quickly got the grasp of it. She giggled softly whole you two danced since it was very fun to her "you should have asked me to do this sooner my love, I love doing this with you" she stated before planting a sweet kiss onto your lips
What a supportive girlfriend! You'll have to marry her
You were going to strangle him, he was doing the wrong thing on purpose to rile you up. "Come on babe don't waltz away! I got more jokes! Pfft- you're not latin me have any fun here" he cheers out as you held back a laugh at his dumb jokes..no you were mad! You turned to him trying to glare at him best you could
"you're not taking this serious rin!"
"I don't take Anything serious I mean I'm still wearing the clown nose after all" he pointed out before squeezing the nose giggling at the honk sound it made.
Rin didn't get why you were taking this so serious honestly but he figured if it made you happy he'll play along..for now. You rolled your eyes before turning around to walk away but rin grabbed your hand spinning you and dipping you with a cocky grin
"dont be a sourpuss baby. You know i love when you're mad at me you're so sexy" he mumbled out as he reached out and softlt tapped your nose.
"boop~" he purred out in a low seductive tone which definitely turned you a lot more than it should. With that he let you go and happily skipped away "I'll be in the clown car if you wanna have steamy car sex" he chriped as he skipped away.
"of course cause having sex in the damn clown car instead of our bed is the better option" you mumbled under your breath but you were definitely following him.
Yuuji & yuuta
Yuuji pushed his older twin towards you with a devilish grin. "Yuuta always sucked during practice while I sucked during volleyball practice sooooo, I say you teach him" the red haired male stated.
"t-traitor!" Yuuta hissed out before looking your way before giving a huff, he definitely wasn't prepared for this. "Alright kitty cat, show me what you got" he said softly as he held you close and you two got started, he was pretty rusty so he made some mistakes but he couldn't help but have fun with it.
Just when the sexual tension got high and he leaned in as if he was gonna kiss you the male let go and spun you right into yuuji's arms who smiled innocently at you taking yuuta's place who slipped away to hide his flushed face and racing heart..he always hated showing you his soft side.
"you're a tough badass get it together" he whispers under his breath as he watched you and yuuji with a slight smile.
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m143ui · 4 years
so hello friends on the other side
I understand some of the major concerns regarding characters like piper and the feather and hazels description but when you bring Leo and Reyna into the fucking conversation I have lost all respect.
Reyna is not a negative stereotype, she isn't defined by being latina and neither is Leo, he isn't a stereotype simply because he’s latino and was abused. also him being called an elf was because he was short, which had nothing to do with him being latino. also the mamacita comment like y'all hide under the label “progressive” but ignore that mamacita has been a thing in Latin American communities for a fucking while. its not an insult dammit. its something that happens in our communities!!! its like saying muchacho y'all don't see men bitching about that.
also shocker I read the mamacita comment and I can proudly say I didn't go
things that actually happen in communities aren't racist
and before any of y'all come at me with the usual you’re white excuse, hello friends im Peruvian and Paraguayan.
I don't think he’s perfect but bitching about characters like Leo which gave many of my Latin American friends hope for similar characters destroys your “listening to minorities” argument
also the lol “hes Mexican taco bad” argument like I live in Mexico we eat tacos like every fucking day. its literally a fact. and Leo isn't just defined as taco man.
believe it or not us latinos respect rick because he gave us role models and characters like us. we don't define a character by one line and instantly call discrimination. like yes a asian character can be snobby it has nothing to do with ethnicity. y'all are making this about ethnicity. an asian character can be anything, just like a white character or a black character or a gay character. people are not simply defined by their labels like ya’ll think. y'all are just a bunch of easily triggered snowflakes that can't live with that. they can be influenced but in the end labels are labels we are all human and should be treated as such.
another thing Reyna was never officially a lesbian that was YOUR interpretation not riordans. IF HE DIDNT STATE IT , SORRY HONEY IT ISN’T CANON! I don't care about how she was “lesbian coded” if he didn't state it it isn't canon. 
I am so sick, as a lesbian, to see people use ALL QUEER DEATHS as a bury your gay tropes, what happened to seeing us as humans? why can't we be treated like any other character? if we die we die, it isn't always “haha gay evil boom death”. sometimes fully fledged characters have to die friends.
Nico isn't a bad gay character, he’s just a normal character who happens to be gay and has suffered major trauma. HIS TRAUMA WAS CAUSED BY HIS UPBRINGING, Nico isn't a 2000′s character, he’s from the 30′s, so obviously he woudn’t be perfect with his sexuality for gods sake it was the 30′s. the exact same thing happens with hazel, she isn't a modern black woman, she's a 30′s black woman. Nico’s coming out isn't him as a 21st century teen its from the time when the GOVERNMENT KILLED YOU FOR BEING GAY
also saying there are no lesbian characters? like wow look emmie and jo don't exist. Lavinia doesn't exist. poison doesn't exist. thanks fam you really make yourselves look smart here. simply because rick never said the word gay doesn't mean the gay characters don't exist friends. they are just labeled as what gay characters should be labeled as.... human.
im not educated in muslim or black culture so I won't mention characters like sam and hazel and piper because I respect and I am highly critical of what rick put in his books to describe these specific minorities.
HOWEVER saying rick is a lesbophobe, a homophobe, a racist a sexist cis guy is like do y’all wanna be taken seriously? use arguments don't hide behind words.
rick isn't a perfect writer but y'all really don't know how to criticise, y'all just hide behind big boy words and back it up with no evidence, just opinions.
rick doesn’t have the best minority rep out there but he is damn well trying and I respect that unlike all you fucking idiots.
now onto ships.... yay
frazel: im not gonna censor it like you pussies, believe it or not 13&16 year old relationships exist. they might not always be healthy but they exist. to deny this is to be stupid
solangelo:  another ship that is censored..the main argument I've seen is that it isn't developed and will isn't even a character... he was in last olympian and lost hero not my fault y'all have fish brains. I don't care if you dislike it but don't be like “ANYONE WHO SHIPS THIS IS AN ABUSIVE WHORE” like wow you always preach about accepting all ships and then throw this? also if you hate solangelo because of the “abuse” but ship percico like hi friends Nico is 4 years younger than Percy.. if y'all hate frazel because of the 3 year age difference y'all should hate this too.
not every character minority or otherwise is gonna be the way you want them to be, believe it or not any character can be anything, black characters can be loud, white characters can be loud. if they're only loud because “haha black” then THATS an issue not the simple existence of a loud black woman who has a loud personality.
y'all be here bitching about drew and I've never heard the asian perspective of this? just a bunch of black and white people telling asians they should be offended. was that just an uno reverse?
also last point stereotypes aren't always a negative thing and y'all need to get that in your heads.
anyway stay mad hoes <3
from a sane Peruvian <3
I saw this beauty and had to comment on it
“having LGBT characters experience abuse and violence. nicos forceful outing rubs me the wrong way, especially because hes called a coward for being in the closet. its violent and kind of disturbing to make your gay character come out of the closet by force. maybe write better. additionally, alex's abusive father and subsequent homelessness because of her being trans is badly written.”
oh noooo gay characters can't deal with homophobia anymore ! like I can tell you have never been punched for being gay. is it bad to showcase how trans and gay ppl are 40% of homeless youth? or is even mentioning that discrimination? believe it or not some of us live in countries where people try to kill us. you have an advantage and it shows. about the coward thing... 
maybe stop spewing bullshit <3
(so I get that this scene can remind people of being outed and it can hurt them however this scene was never intended to be a good thing it literally says Nico is scared of facing his emotions)
oh boy rick really pissed off the snowflakes that I share a fandom with
“give Nico to the gays” no? he would be a femboy and they would yeet his trauma like ssrsly?
also hate rick? bitch no one is forcing you to read his tweets.
death of the author is such a toxic thing like the mans is alive boo he aint going nowhere..like What the fuck 
anyway final thoughts on this :
nico insn’t Uwu gay and its an insult to his character
Reyna is not a lesbian canonically (neither is Thalia)
Leo and Reyna are not racist
none of ricks characters are  written as insults to their communities
and if I see one more “but ....phobia/ ...ism I will do very illegal things
peace lol
congratulations rick antis! you have successfully harassed a  56 year old man into leaving social media! wow so progressive!!!! this totally won't backfire or anything!!!
all jokes aside all of you who harassed rick to the point of someone else taking over his social media should feel ashamed
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season 6 thoughts
hey quick question why the FUCK did you start with that
like on the one hand i’m glad that now i know what happened right after the end of “that’s too much man!”. on the other hand… ow
the mountain bojack climbs is called “metaphor mountain” God bless Lisa Hanawalt
i LOVE the way the episodes are framed… like you get one flashback to bojack drinking and you think that was the first time then it’s like NOPE he was even younger
AND THE WAY IT HAS ALL THOSE FLASHBACK SCENES BUT IT STILL ENDS WITH HIM FALLING INTO THE POOL AND DIANE AND PEANUTBUTTER CHECKING TO SEE IF HES OK AND THEN HES JSUT LOUNGING IN HIS APPLE SHORTS;;; it’s just,, he’s going back home in the end, going back to the place where he started, as if everything will go back to the way it was before and he’ll find himself stuck in the same cycles he tried so hard to escape… all im saying is, i dont think this season is gonna end well
and how it dwells on his past, everything he did wrong, all the most heartwrenching moments, and there aren’t any changes to the intro (as far as i could tell) until episode 8… nothing changes if all you do is look back.
I am LOVING the Mr. Peanutbutter we’re getting this season. I was never really attached to him before; it’s not that I hated him, just that I liked all the other main characters better. and now that they’ve had him do something really bad and reckon with that,, he’s plumbing new depths, exploring those dark places, questioning if he’s truly as happy as he says he is
and bonding with bojack??? who would have guessed
bojack keeps giving advice that is, at best, the kind he doesn’t follow himself, and at worst, bringing others down into the well of self-pity that he’s been stuck in the whole series
Someone give Princess Carolyn a break…
Guy seems like a cool guy but I feel like they’re setting him up to seem nice so that it’s more surprising when it’s revealed he’s not. I’m probably being too suspicious, but also we don’t know much of the details about his divorce, do we? Lakeith Stanfield's great tho
The return of Queefburglar69
Oh man Pickles talking about how her subscribers will always be there for her… like… it’s not one person, it’s a cloud of people, the contents and shape of which changes, might even be completely different and unrecognizable from one year to the next, but they’re all still there as this nebulous support system. and it reminded me of what bojack said to young sarah lynn about how her fans are the only things she can count on
Todd is babey.
Also him wearing the ace colors under his hoodie!!
I knew Diane’s rationale for going to chicago was bullshit. she said it makes her feel good, but “it doesn’t matter where you are, it’s who you are,” and she still dwells on her bad feelings and hates herself just as much in chicago as she did in LA. moving somewhere else isn’t necessarily gonna change those tendencies, she has to work on it herself.
was honestly kinda hoping that Dr Champ was just pretending he got drunk to show how bad bojack could get if he relapsed but at the end when he was like “stay…” that’s how i knew that shit was real.
todd is so fucking stupid i love him
ngl am kinda disappointed that todd’s confirmed white, cause i’ve kinda been picturing him as latino for a long time and i know rbw said he doesn’t want to alienate latino viewers who relate to todd. but it makes a  lot of sense, cause he always gets away with stupid shit and gets to the top of things without even having to try just because he knows a guy. and maybe the reason he’s so positive all the time is because it’s so easy for him to be, he never has to worry about shit bc of the privilege his whiteness affords him. also I love that we got to learn more about his backstory
THE CONTRAST BTWN “all the shitty things I did that I can barely even remember because I was high or drunk or it was thirty years ago” and “I remember everything. I’m sober now.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!
sharona sounds like a cross btwn princess carolyn and margo martindale
I have… mixed feelings about the haircut
Oh man Mr. Peanutbutter had a moment… he finally got that crossover episode… I was kinda hoping for a joke that went “Mr. Peanutbutter and BoJack Horseman in the same room? What is this, Philbert?” or “What is this, a short-lived show on a streaming network that got canceled because the star got addicted to painkillers and strangled his costar in a drugged haze?” but this is SO MUCH BETTER. I've never seen him cry before and the way he reacts to himself crying suggests that maybe he’s never cried before at all, and that’s why he just keeps laughing, almost like it’s forced, cause this is supposed to be his happiest moment and it’s not supposed to make him so sad. fucking,, character development
and the cold open of ep 8… you can forgive yourself and move on from your past wrongs but it doesn’t erase the things you did, the effects they have on people, and the trauma they’ve suffered. and then like, how can you forgive yourself if they never forgive you? how do you maintain that balance? why should you move forward if they can’t?
its weird to have an episode consisting entirely of guest stars but it also illustrates the extensive world they’ve built and i applaud that… also where the fuck is ana spanakopita
her quote about not wanting to be defined by what bojack did to her has always stuck with me, and i feel like now, that quote has sort of come true. like, her saying that made us avoid reducing her to what happened to her, and thats why i wanted to see her come back this season, hopefully moving past it. but she can’t. it traumatized her. and everyone can see the effects of it but she feels like she can’t come forward, cause if she does she’ll be punished. shit like that changes you.
and it’s another instance on the show where someone chooses to advance their career & preserve their reputation over doing the right thing (like what bojack does with herb & sharona), but bojack does it out of self-interest, and gina does it so she doesn’t have to relive her trauma every time she gets interviewed or recognized by a fan. but even when she keeps quiet about it she’s still reliving her trauma
noah fence but what a waste of the once-per-season fuck word. youre really gonna use it in an episode IN WHICH BOJACK DOES NOT EVEN APPEAR, and not only that, but RECYCLE AN OLD SENTENCE FROM A PREVIOUS EPISODE
netflix places no limits on a show’s use of the fuck word (i think), so… fingers crossed for something better in the second part?
OH MY GOD PETE REPEAT INTRODUCED HIMSELF AS PETER ITS ALMOST LIKE HES TRYING TO FORGET THAT TIME & THAT PERSON HE WAS (im probably reading into it too much, I’m sure it’s mostly so we wouldn’t figure out who it was immediately. maybe im just like the kid with the coffee cup.)
and just… ppl describe this show as “family guy or the simpsons except the protagonist faces consequences for his actions” but bojack has gotten away with everything.
you ever just like… you ever watch a scene and feel the cliffhanger vibes creeping up and you just know it’s gonna end there and leave you unsatisfied and begging for more but at the same time that’s what makes it such a good place to end it. that was me with this. (and also the ending of undone)
the thing about this show is, it illustrates what it’s like to be a toxic person. and sure, he has it hard, but the show never asserts that he has it any worse than his victims, even if bojack himself does so. and he only does it so he can feel better about himself. he deserves a reckoning, he needs to pay for his bad deeds. but then, when you know what made him this way and what goes on inside his mind and that he wants to get better, it makes you feel for him, and forces you to ask if he deserves to get better and forgive himself and move forward. but even if he does, it doesn’t change the things he did. it doesn’t fix the lives he’s ruined.
anyway sound off if you think bojack’s gonna die at the end. hopefully not by suicide
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper preference
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-„girl hurry up!“
-you had spent the last week in Amsterdam to do some research for college and to take some pictures for the magazine your class was currently designing for a project
-and now you were at the airport waiting for your plane to Italy to take off
-it was new years eve tomorrow and you had promised to come to your friends‘ huge party she wanted to celebrate in Sicily
-you were wearing a warm coat and a scarf since it was super cold out and its been snowing for the past 2 days
-„What am I supposed to do? Fly the plane myself?“ you joked over the phone
-„whatever. I cant wait!“
-you then hung up and leaned back in your seat, looking around
-there werent many people here, probably since no one is crazy enough to fly somewhere in a snowstorm
-but the airport people had told you there wouldnt be any problems due to the snow
-you noticed two girls sitting together, talking
-they looked excited about something
-and there was an older woman talking on the phone
-she was wearing a super long red fur coat and some black lace gloves
-rich bitch you thought to yourself
-you wish
-a couple of others were sitting nearby just talking to each other or scrolling through their phones
-you then decided to listen to some music because you had about 30 minutes until boarding started
-25 minutes later you headed towards the gate but a woman stopped you and spoke:“we are so sorry, the plane cannot start right now, the storm is pretty drastic and it could cause some problems.“
-you just stared at her and then asked:“And when will the next plane to Italy go?“
-she shrugged her shoulders and replied:“I‘m sorry, we dont know that yet. But of course you will get a full refund or a rescheduled flight.“
-you stumbled back a little
-they had promised the plane would go
-and now you were stuck here
-you had already cancelled your hotel because you were sure you‘d be able to get to Italy tonight
-„is there nothing you can do?“
-she shook her head and said:“I‘m sorry, we had to cancel all flights.“
-you nodded and then slowly made your way back to your seat
-the first thing you did was call your mom
-and you asked her what to do
-she just told you to either stay at the airport or go back to the hotel in hope of getting your room back
-but since you didnt have enough money with you you couldnt
-so you just stayed there
-you hung up and leaned back in your seat
-„fuck.“ you muttered to yourself
-the other passengers had found out already as well and some were leaving the airport and some just sat down and pulled out their headphones
-after sitting there thinking about what you should do, a guy made his way up to you
-looking just as pissed off as you were feeling inside
-he sat down close to you and put in his headphones as well
-over the course of the next hour you guys kept glancing at each other every now and then
-he was cute, you thought
-he was wearing a brown jacket and a black beanie to keep his ears warm
-and he had chocolate brown eyes that you caught looking at you
-at some point he pulled out his headphones and just looked at you
-so you removed your airpods too and looked back at him
-„i like the 1975.“ he simply said
-his voice was deep and raspy
-you had a thing for such voices
-you then realized you were wearing your 1975 sweatshirt under your coat and you looked down for a second
-„thanks. Really? I thought you were more of a drake kind of guy.“
-he chuckled and then replied:“Maybe i am. But id say I‘m more of a Gregory Palencia, Kanye West kind of guy. You know i like some good rap, not that basic shit.“
-you smiled and answered:“Alright makes sense. So whats your favorite song by the 1975?“
-he laughed
-then he unexpectedly grabbed his suitcase and sat down next to you
-„honestly, i dont listen to them. I just said that because i needed a reason to talk to you.“
-you couldnt believe him
-so you scoffed at him before giving him a playful grin
-„alright Mr Kanye, great first impression check. Maybe wanna continue with some bad pick up line?“
-he grinned at you
-seeing him from so close made you realize that he had some golden specs in his brown eyes
-„actually thank you for mentioning it. I got some great ones. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?“
-„oh god no!“ you exclaimed and looked at him in disgust
-he started laughing and replied:“wait i got an even better one. Do you believe in love at first sight or do you want me to come in again?“
-you started laughing in his face before answering:“thats funny though.“
-he smiled and started again:“Okay my last one, in my opinion the best thing a guy can say to a cute girl like you. Were your parents beavers? Cuz damn.“
-you hid your face behind your hands while laughing at his terrible jokes
-„so do you think im funny now?“ he laughed
-you turned back to him
-„u know what, yes i do.“
-he laughed with you
-„Arón, encantada.“ he held out his hand
-„Oh hola. I‘m Y/n.“ you answered
-„Hola.“ he just joked
-„so tell me, mr latino. Where were you going?“
-arón started laughing again and then said:“I‘m from Spain, not a Latino. And i was heading back to Madrid actually but since this wont happen tonight im here, like you. Where were you going Ms... where are you from?“
-you told him where you‘re from just to get a:“oh ya i figured.“ from him
-„right. You already knew huh?“
-he looked at you, grinning
-you looked back at him and he smiled
-in his eyes you could see something you hadn’t seen in a man‘s for so long
-passion, emotion, maybe even interest on a larger scale
-and he made you feel good even though you had just met him
-his eyes smiled with him
-„tell me something about you.“ he then spoke leaning back
-„what do you wanna know?“ you replied just as cocky
-„well we got time. Everything.“
-and it felt like suddenly it wasnt too bad you were stuck an airport on a cold December night
-because you met him
-you didnt know what would happen once you got a new flight but you sure as hell knew you wanted to see this guy again
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thisstableground · 4 years
hey! what was your first experience with in the heights/how did you discover it & how did you become so thoroughly overtaken by it? i hope you feel better soon
ooh, i like this question!
so i got into hamilton around november 2016 and thats what lead me to it. first listened to in the heights must’ve been early january 2017, because i remember it was the day before i went back to my home in brighton from my mum’s where i had spent christmas  break, and i was laying on the couch in mum’s living room and eating grapes the first time i listened. i don’t remember much of my emotions towards it that first time, other than enjoying it but finding the story harder to keep track of (it was only the second musical soundtrack i’d ever listened to, after hamilton, which is a lot easier to follow because it’s sung through). i can remember unexpectedly laughing out loud at usnavi in the club and going “wait what” when abuela died and that’s about it. but i vividly remember my second listen to it the day after. i’d gone and read all the story summary on the Genius lyrics page so i understood it more, and i can remember getting on the train back home just as i was listening to It Won’t Be Long Now on headphones and getting such shivers that I nearly cried (and then i did cry on the train later, at Alabanza), and it entered frequent rotation between my near-constant relistens of hamilton.
so i really liked it from the start but i think it didn’t completely take over my heart until i started writing fic for it. fic for me is about learning who the characters are and it really took no time at all of writing some character study and dialogue for usnavi and vanessa before they just grabbed something in my heart and made a permanent home there, now that i understood them a little more.
i love the music and the originality and the skill that is in it, but i think that something that made it really stick emotionally and become my favourite is that it was about such ordinary people. it was about people who struggle and who aren’t necessarily doing anything that will make them go down in history but aren’t any less valuable or lovable for that, and it was a revelation for me at that point in my life, where i still only defined myself by my grades and intelligence and was really struggling with the fact that i could just barely get through a day functionally, never mind do anything world-changing to establish a legacy, which at the time felt very important to me and is part of what drew me to hamilton. it’s hard to explain, but in the heights just made me feel like it’s okay for your legacy to be that you work hard in the ways you are able to and support the people around you and look for help from them when you need it. it felt like permission to live an ordinary life and reassurance that you can find happiness doing that.
it’s funny because with all of that, i would’ve thought that nina would’ve been my favourite – i’m a former gifted kid university dropout who put way too much pressure on myself with grades. and i do love her but somehow it’s usnavi who i relate to most. the getting stuck, the way that his past and his grief have given him sort of tunnel vision for what he wants from his future and how he needs to think more about what he wants now, and what he wants outside of what other people think he wants. the big ADHD vibes, the nervous chatter. and relating to him in some ways made me want to be more like him in others – the positivity and kindness, which i’m 100% sure is something that i developed more in myself the more i listened to his parts in the musical and wrote stories about him. i talk a lot more now than i used to, because i’m not so self-conscious about the fact that i talk very quickly and excitably, and that sometimes i make an idiot of myself by babbling.  i like who i am much more now that i lean way more towards an usnavi than an alexander. 
it also came along like, when i wasn’t exactly mental health recovered but i had been living in brighton a while and gotten past the worst parts and even with all the problems i was still having i felt like i was in the place i was supposed to be, for the first time in my life. i remember when i was younger i used to be in my own bedroom just sobbing and thinking “i wanna go home” and not knowing what i meant because i was in the only place that i could technically consider home but still didn’t feel like it, and always feeling torn between different parts of my identities and not knowing where i belonged within those identities and communities that i’m a part of. i’d never want to claim that this means i understand what it means to be latino or an immigrant because i dont and i know i never will, but even though ITH is not my identity narrative, it comforts me to hear it anyway. it felt and still does feel so, so good to listen to finale where usnavi says i’m home and think yeah, me too, and to know that he’d been looking for so long for that certainty and finally found it just like i had.
its been the fuel for so much of my creativity, alongside other LMM fandoms. i think part of it is  because of an interview i read with lin once, where he said he wrote ITH because nobody was writing the roles he wanted to play so he had to do it himself. that attitude but turned towards my own areas of neurodiversity and mental health has since been the centre of most of my academic work and the foundation of what i did for most of my creative writing degree: the idea that if the story you want doesn’t exist it’s not because it’s not worth telling, it’s because maybe you need to write it yourself. i’d never had enough of a sense of purpose before to sustain any creativity.
 before i started writing fic and doing art prompts back in december 2016 i hadn’t made or written anything much for years and years, and even before that i’d never really done more than write a few poems and some essays and doodled some abstract art at very sporadic intervals like once or twice a year. and i started that creative journey off with hamilton but it’s ITH that stuck with me and that i’ve stuck with (and DNH, but like, i’m into that for the opposite reasons i am into ITH, where ITH is a beautiful thing that inspires me want to make more beautiful things, and DNH is a trash fire that i’m frantically trying to put out and then weave a nice rug to cover all the damage).
GOD this gave me all my big ITH feelings again. i can remember writing fic after nightmares when my PTSD was still bad. i can remember being in the phase where i was still surprised whenever i woke up and felt good about life and i’d put ITH on with headphones and turn the corner out of the street i lived on at the top of a hill and could see all the brightly coloured houses leading down to the sea and felt safe. i have such a strong memory of a day when i had been in the middle of undergraduate dissertation panic where i just went outside and went to the park which was empty because it was pouring with rain and i went on the swings and played ITH loudly and sang along because nobody was there to hear. the people i’ve met through fandom are some of my favourite people ever.   i just love this show so, so much and it has a really important place in my life and my memories.
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mentalflowers · 4 years
life is weird
i feel weird
everything feels weird
i don’t understand how it all came to this
why people can’t see and understand how wrong all this is
i feel like i’ve been set up for failure bc of the cards i was dealt...i will never have the same opportunity as everyone else. so i totally understand and stand with black lives matter. i’ve been the black sheep my whole life in school. being disabled and walking weird and not having cool clothes and for being “alternative” and openly bisexual...i was the outcast all my life. but nothing like being discriminated bc my skin color... i can only imagine how bad that hurts bc you are who you are and all of us just wanna be accepted as who we are. i wanna be able to change all the wrongs things in the world. but at the end of the day, evil will always be here. we have to fight it!! i don’t take shit from ANYONE and neither should you bc YOU MATTER EVEN IF YOURE BLACK/LATINO/ANYTHING. YOU MATTER!! IF YOURE DISABLED, TRANS, GAY YOU ALL MATTER. society and law enforcement are here to hold power over us. they don’t help anything, if anything they make the violence even worse FOR LIKE EVER. i wish i could sit here and say shit will change, who knows maybe it will...but we have to just keep fighting. they won’t listen if this dies down and everyone goes silent. we have to show them, we want change!! BUT BE PEACEFUL!! dont give into all the shit they set up to cause violence. don’t follow anyones lead who is starting shit, they are most likely there undercover to start shit and run in allll the media bullshit that people are being vicious. don’t fucking belive that, dont give them what they want. media has turned biased YEARS AGO! we need to be aware of that. i hope being white and talking about this publically now, on my ig everyday for weeks and ive been trying to educate my mom on the true facts that something needs to change for years now. bc i have seen the problem for years and years and nothing has changed, and now i’m fucking mad. i’m tired of seeing these innocent fucking people dead bc police think they’re right and judging people bc they’re black...so theyre more dangerous, fuck OUTTA HEREE!! pls if you have ANYTHING you can send me for more information that i can share and use to education myself further ESPECIALLY if i made any mistakes here in this post. i want the real info shared on my socials sooo dm me on my instagram @smokingbeautyx_ or there is a clickable link on my tumblr page if you’re on a computer!! xoxo
i hope some made sense bc i’m all flustered and upset and i wanna see change, i’m so tired of this judging people bc they look different. all of society has been pretty much feeding you shit to think that only “this” is perfect...and it’s not. we’re all human and perfect inside out. always remember that ily, and my dms are always open if you need to talk
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surprisebitch · 6 years
As an Asian living in a White country, is it easy for you to get laid? Do people always say yes to you?
in London UK, there’s an illusion that it’s easier probably for the population density so many men who message fit my standards. also everyday is a new day, new men online, new potentials and all that
in where i live in BC Canada, it’s like i live in the middle of nowhere and the next good guy is 8 km away since the good ones are all in Vancouver so i feel i’d get more action if i lived downtown
that being said, for both countries.. this experience im bout to say applies. it is probably harder as a gaysian than if i were white. cause like creeps who fetishise me exist and i’m glad the “block” button exists for that purpose. and yeah, you also get racists.. like one time i got messaged by a who asked my race after talking and him messaging me first and i said “asian” and either they’d go “nice i’m into asians,” or blocks me and stops responding or “i’m not into asians but you look latino so i’ll make an exception” and some BS so yeah, it can be annoying and difficult.. but i’m looking for a hookup so i dont let it get to me. hence, i rarely message first and just open my app and close and wait for them to come. i prefer being approached and pursued. but i have messaged guys first who worked out too and returned the “attraction” but yeah.. there are more hurdles getting laid as an asian man. i’ve had bad experiences which was a shock to me at first but i was naive then and i love myself more now so i focus on the positive experiences. but yeah it’s not all rainbows and sunshine lol
but yeah, for dating, i havent really been actively looking since i dont want a boyfriend at the moment and wanna get a stable job and finish my degree first so yeah.. but i’m sure it wont be easy so if the time happens i fall in love with a guy who’s also in love with me, then i guess it’ll happen?
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