#i drank a rlly good latte!
bulkhummus · 2 years
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little guy just sittin
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morganacorp · 2 months
Grace getting her facial and her phone keeps dinging because Sadie's in the middle if her bi-awakening.
Text #1: where u at?
Text #2 & #3: Grace! ?
Text #4: i thought u were coming 2 spin class!
Text #5: i gave lola3 ur latte
Text #6: r u really not coming? i'll save you Aseat just in case
Text #7: nvmnd. this class is huge. tried to fight off an old lady to keep your bike open. Ur welcome
Text #8: omg grace this place smells like wet socks
Text #9: kimberkyn says ur getting a facial. rude
Text #10 & #11: lola says hi BTW. Hi
Text #12: *picture of Sadie and Lola and Kimberlyn* bout to get sweaty!
Text #13: the instructor said we can't have our phones. so peace out! ✌️😋
*missed call*
*missed call*
Text #14: ohmygod grace answer your phone!
Text #15: ok. it's nothing. it's probably nothing. don't worry about it. it's fine. i'll tell you later.
*missed call*
Text #16: ok. so this is probably gonna get long and there will be typosz bc i don't have a lotg of time bcz i had to sneak 2 the bthrm bc i need 2 tell u something but we can't have our phones on the bikes which is so dumb bc I can multitask its not like I'm gonna
Text #17: sorry. lola scared me. o thought it was the instructor. anyway listen there is this girl. no. not just a girl. she is a woman. like a sculpted by the gods woman in this class and she has like. The most insanely perfect ripples i have ever seen and like her eyes are nice too BTW but we were changing un the same room and she just
Text #18: sorry i think the memory made me black out. God. Like. Look. I know it's not okay to objectify someone just because we're in a environment that encourages tight fitting clothing and vigorous rhythmic activity but u don't understand grace. she is gorgeous and omg she laughed when I asked if she knew where the vending machines were and i think my heart kind jumped out of my body because she sounded so sweet. and I want to talk to her again but I also can't fucking breathe because spin class is hard and i already drank all of my water and lola's too and i hate that ur not here. There I said it. I can usually be more put together when ur arounfe but
Text #19: her eyes are green btw
Text #20: not even like gross green. they are like perfect and not even the same color which is somehow even better and they have like stars in them not even lying
Text #21: and she has her hair in a braid and she got kinda sweaty so there's little wisps sticking out around her face and i never like licking sweaty ppl but like if she asked
Text #22: oh shot. i didn't mean that. idk why my mind went to licking her face instead of kissing her like a normal person
Text #23: that would b normal right? i mean iv nver rlly thought abt it b4. not really. but i watched glee. i know it usually hits in high school and obvi it didn't 4 me so this is mayb just bc i only had two donuts this morning instead of 3
Text #24: omg she asked kimberlyn if I have ibs while I was gone. I hate everythibg
Text #25: fyi i took a quiz a minute ago and turns out glee lied
Text #26: i wanted to ask lola if she has like a booklet for ppl questioning their. Preferences but i think mayb it would b easier if u asked for me
Text #27: fuck this is all so weird
Text #28: but also not. it's scary nit weird. like I thought admiring Walker got a little too intense but this is. This is something else
Text #29: ive eaten some beef jerkey and i think it's too soon to think about kissing her. it feels too invasive. so I'm just gonna keep watching her ass in class
Text #30: thnx btw 4 all ur help grace. U r rlly good 2 talk 2
Text #31: ^sarcasm fyi
Text #32: omg her name is lena. isn't that nice? i think that is the most beautiful name in the whole wide world
Text #34: i think she waved at me
Text #35: damn. it was oneof her friends walking outside the door
Text #36: her whole name is lena kieran luthor. and her birthday is October 13.
Text #37: and no she didnt tell me that i looked through her purse while pretending to have ibs and hiding in the bathroom. she uses Christian Dior perfume. i think I have a problem
Text #38: grace can u please call me so I can just leave??
Text #39: i feel like everyone knows. they keep talking about me i can feel it
Text #40: omg she helped the little old lady in front of me asjust her settings on the bike. She's so nice. i bet she saves puppies and orphans in her spare time. angel in disguise right there
Text #41: how long is this fucking spin class?!
Text #42: lola was talking about a gay show called the bold type. will u watch it with me so I can see how a normal heterosexual would react?
Text #43: lena offered me a drink from her water bottle and i didn't even worry about germs. I just went for it
Text #44: how long is ur fucking facial?! Y haven't u texted me back?!
Text #45: only 5 more minutes. I can do this
Text #46: I think lens was flirting with lola and I wish I had laser vision so I could set everything on Fire this is awful
Text #47: my heart is broken
Text #48: nvmnd. she touched my arm and said she likes my shirt.
Text #49: I'm wearing one of kimberlyns work out shirts BTW but that's not the point. She likes it on me. So kimberkyn is never getting this back
Text #50: omg! Grace! Grace!
Text #51: she recommended we get kombucha after class. Idk what that is but I would eat anything for her
Text #52: Lola says kombucha tastes like ass and kimberkyn says we have to get back ;(
Reply: lol
Text #55: ur laughing. i bear my broken soul to u and ur laughing
Text #56: Not Cool Grace
Thank you so much for this, it has made my night! There's so many gems hidden in here... I'm in tears! 😂😂😂
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