#i edited the entire au.. but i don't wanna spam post so
skyephobic · 9 months
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Good evening, I'm Aira Shiratori, the snow fairy of love! My job is to give the perfect advice to everyone that still hasn't decided on a present for their loved ones!
Let's do our best!
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artsy-hobbitses · 4 years
Ok so.. I don't wanna spam your mailbox, but now that I'm done screaming about your very, very wholesome human!windscream, I must ask...
Do you have any more headcanons for them? :') Domestic windscream is my absolute weakness, so it's rlly nice to see someone else who enjoys this scenario for them too! <3<3
They deserved happiness in canon, DAMMIT!
Listen if canon won’t work for us, we take to the AUs that’s what we do in this household ✨❤️
Things I do know for human!Windscream at this point:
- It’s often said behind their backs by ppl who definitely have their reservations about Madame President and her ex-con consort that Windblade ‘married the devil’. Starscream gets playfully bapped by Windie when he suggests teasingly they’re not entirely wrong because that’s what she calls him in bed.
- Staying up to ungodly hours to finish legislation and bills and do research and passing out together on the couch.
- Starscream is a damn good cook once he actually takes the time to try it out esp since wartime is over and he needs.....other avenues to keep his scheming mind busy. Cue him quarreling with the appliances because you will not fuck up this dinner he spent three months planning. He’s usually the one making meals.
- Lots of kisses from Windblade on the ‘cold construct’ barcode at the back of Starscream’s neck he’s been self-conscious of all his life whenever they’re cuddling/she’s spooning him. Just her way of letting him know he’s so much more than the circumstances of his birth.
- This one courtesy of my friend Crow, but Starscream teaches Windblade to master high heels for Senate galas (since my version of her is distinctively an AI coder nerd when not at work). He never does tell her where he learned to glide so perfectly in them :’3 It’s his little secret shhhh.
- Tendency to do each other’s hair whenever the other is too exhausted to deal with it.
- If kids are ever in the picture, they definitely have to adopt because ‘Cold Constructs’ in this AU are sterile (for govt control reasons) which would likely become a concern for poor Starscream who doesn’t have the faintest idea of how to parent as like many Cold Constructs (except for Megatron who was somehow lucky enough to have a loving adoptive one in Terminus), he’s never had parents himself. If they do end up adopting, it will very likely be another Cold Construct child just like him after the post-war advent that the process was completely outlawed which unfortunately left many of the kids made this way who hadn’t been shipped out yet with nowhere to go.
Also you get a bonus edition conversation with Crow which may or may not be the basis for a cute short comic later.
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enaasteria · 6 years
I'm done with work for today! Apartment, here I come! ♥ // runs and hugs Ahri & Sehun :") // Also, I still feel like I annoy you all day with my asks. 😹🙊 Do I? *sad pup eyes* I'll try to hold in my emotions a little more, I promise. I don't wanna bug you LOL. 🙈 P.S. I finished my studies early today to work on my Ksoo story, and I DID IT. Finished it. 1,034 words. Edited it too. I wish I had someone to read it once and give me constructive criticism before posting it. I'm scared af please. 😔
Yay! Congrats on finishing your work and I’m so impressed!! You actually inspire me to do my work too and I did and adulted and I went straight back to writing after I was done so wooohoo!! AND NOOO. Really---you don’t annoy me at all. please don’t think that EVER. Readers with insight on chapters never, ever annoy me. I greatly appreciate them and wish I can do more than just scream back at you over your messages. I’m sorry if I take a while answering them. I usually try to answer asks in batches so I don’t spam dashboards. I got hate mail over it one time and I’ve been self conscious over it ever since.
CONGRATS ON THE KYUNGSOO STORYYY. What’s the premise? And ask one of your followers to beta read it! I usually do that with some friends or followers when I get stuck on a part and ask for their advice.
More under the cut!
// Chapter 11 - RIP my angst loving heart, you've done well // it was a lot to take in. I love how you played with the binaries of love and heartache, by having Sehun and Ahri stargaze in one scene, and then him going off to Yul in the next one. It created that perfect mosaic of human sentiments and vulnerabilities for both of them, and in fact, we saw more of Myungsoo, Soi and Sehun's mum. Even Seyong and Yul. The storytelling was such a treat, too! I cry every time Ahri hurts. :'( My heart. 💔
Yessss!!! Angst!! It’s where my heart lives and I hope you enjoyed 11. I really wanted to show their dynamic and how Sehun, as much as he wished to, still can’t move on. I find that kind of behavior very real in people and it’s what I tried to convey in my writing that these people have faults. They’re not perfect and they do stumble on their journey. I really do enjoy all of the characters I’ve created in Apartment. They all hold special pieces of me and I’m so happy you like their little appearances in the fic!!
// Chapter 12 // I'm trying to read slower now that there are barely 4 more chapters left. TRYING. // Chapter 12 has me crying buckets. Ahri, please. 😭😭 SEHUN, WILL YOU LOOK AT HOW MY GIRL IS HURTING? Please 😢. I'm not mad at Sehun, okay a lil bit, but I can obviously see where he's coming from so I can't be mad at him for too long. It's frustrating, but it's real. Love blinds us. Especially when it's out of our reach. But Sehun please, Ahri is something else. I hope you won't let her go. :")
AHHHH 12. Not my best chapter if I’m to be honest but that’s because I’m just hypercritical of whatever I write. It is frustrating, isn’t it? That’s what I wanted to show because relationships are never a straight narrow path. They are jagged, rough, and it’s never smooth sailing. But it’s also a turning point for both of them (but also my guilty pleasure of keeping Sehun wet the entire time muahahahahahahha //evil cackle//
// Chapter 13 // I was JUST THAT CLOSE to flinging my phone off the balcony, I'm not kidding. 😭 It's 12:38 am and I'm walking on the terrace because I was crying so badly so I had to get out of my room so as to not wake my roomie up (LOL). And the moment Ahri was done speaking and she started crying and running away, I just really almost flung the phone off the terrace. 😭 SEHUN, YOU BETTER DO SOMETHING GOOD AND GET HER BACK, SHE DOESN'T DESERVE SUCH MONSTROUS PAIN. Also, heyyyyy Chanyeol! ;) ♥
Don’t fling your phone!! OMGOSHHHHH. I hope your phone is safe. They’re expensive little things and NOOOO WHY ARE U STAYING UP LATE FOR THIS FIC. sdfjaklsdjf;jdfs. I SCREAMMMM. I always tell readers to please, please pleaseee get sleep. Fic will always be here. It’s not going anymore and please rest. Eat. Don’t let this fic take away from your daily life. It’s not worth ittttt. But yessss. The ending. My poor heart. I tear up sometimes over the things I have to put her through but I hope the messages and feelings were convey properly and you feel her struggles in wanting to stay with him but her mind and heart telling her it won’t be good for her to. That she needs to step away from him for the betterment of herself.
// Chapter 14 // 1:23 am, and still crying on the terrace. I wish there was a portal to go into this universe, and I'd gladly leave everything and just get to drunk Sehun, kneel beside him and talk some sense into him so that he stops to hurting himself, and hence, Ahri this way. Then I'd take Ahri and Soi's hands and walk out of LOXE. We'd go home and analyse this situation in a way that eases Ahri's pain, but we'd probably just cry and hug and fall asleep. I'd love to do all of that. Yes. :")
OMG. SDFKJSKLDFJL:KSDF IM SO SORRY THAT YOURE CRYING BUT ALSO YASSS IM GLAD YOU ARE. 14 is such a favorite of mine. I have favorite chapters and 14 is definitely one of them. The part that I really loved about this was how Ahri asked him why he would think she would return to him when she chose the same poisons as her parents and I think that part hit him so hard that it knocked sense into him. And I love how you want to take care of the characters!! It’s just so cute and adorable and HOW ARE U JUST THE SWEETEST READERS. IM SO DSDFJKSDLFJSKLFSKLDF
/ Chapter 15: 2:45 am // So much happened. But in a way, it's life. It's always unexpected and overwhelming in all possible ways. I also wanna point out, I love how every chapter starts with a little bit of Ahri's narrative on her past. It shows how our upbringing and childhood moulds us into who we are, but also that there's always scope to transform. I'm crying about how Sehun has finally come around. HE SAID HER FULL NAME! 😭 Also, CHANYEOL.♥ I'm not ready for 16 & 17. Or for 18. I CAN'T. 😭
ITS 2AM WHY ARE U AWAKEEEEEE. WHYYYY WHYYY OMGOSH. Please sleeeeepepepepepepe. OMG. YEAH. My brain hurts when I have to think about how to start the chapters because I want them to be memorable. The same can be said for how I end the chapters too. Because these are the words that you start with but also end with so I stress over them so much hahaha. AND IM NOT DONE WITH 18 yetttttttttt. HEUNNGNGNGNG. I really wanted to finish by his birthday but that’s def not gunna happen aahahaha
// REAL!!! // And here I thought I was about to go to sleep peacefully! Professor!Ahri and Professor! Hun? Lovin' it. All I want to see is them happily, blissfully in love with each other. And happy. Ahh, that's all I want in life right now. :") ♥
AYEYEEE. It’s an AU of an AU. I loved it muahahaha something light and fluffy for my angst heart. But yassss. THATS ALL I WANT TOO. I just want all the happiness for them too. I just want to write everything with them as muses tbh puahahahahha
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