#i especially hate having to defend a point where i'm uninterested against people who only want to defend their own interests
rapha-reads · 2 years
I hate debating, I hate debating, I HATE DEBATING.
Unfortunately, my family loves arguing (my brother is loud and self-confident, my sister studies law and philosophy, my mother is a punk communist anarchist teacher, they talk TOO MUCH) about the stupidest things, and they get very aggressive about it. The problem is, in the case of my mother mostly, they argue opinion versus opinion and don't bother about the facts. Which leads to debates going in circles where they go like:
My mother: "abortion is a last recourse in extreme cases, but it should be a right."
My brother: "abortion is a recourse, and anybody can choose so, point. The end."
My mother: "abortion shouldn't be allowed for people who only want it for comfort, but it should be allowed for necessity by choice."
My brother, me: "abortion is a right for everyone no matter what the situation is, no question asked and no restrictions (only the time)."
Anyway. You see where that is going. And that's just tonight's debate. In the past week we had asexuality (no surprise here, my mom still don't understand how that could be real because it is unconceivable for her, therefore it's unconceivable for everyone else), the use and democracy of social media (that one was between my mother, brother and sister and was particularly stupid), whether modeling is a dumb job (glad I wasn't around for that one)...
Have a full family holiday, they said. We haven't been together all 6 of us in a long time, it'll be fun, they said. *deep fucking exhausted resigned sigh*
Edit: finally managed to expose my point to my mother and she let me articulate my argument, and basically hers boils down to "it's not a contraceptive and it's a hard decision to take, or at least it should require hard thinking, but I agree that it should be a right", while mine is "there are as many realities as there are people and not a single one should be judged, criticized or reduced". (for clarification, my mother is pro-choice, just a product of her education who has a hard time applying what she preaches)
I'm exhausted.
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