#i feel like i haven't posted something in eighty-four thousand years
treescape · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday - The Generals' Secret
This is from a oneshot I've been working on for ages in which Anakin stumbles across a book that's basically published fic of him and Obi-Wan and obviously can't help but read it. Slightly more than six sentences, but:
He knows it’s a bad idea. It would be a bad idea even if he hadn’t been in love with his former Master for years, hadn’t longed for Obi-Wan to look at him the way the man on the cover looks at his lover. For as long as Anakin can remember, Obi-Wan has been telling him that his recklessness will get him into trouble, and somehow, this feels about as reckless as it gets.
Just a peek, he tells himself. He’ll take just a peek, just to satisfy his curiosity, and then he’ll try to sleep.
His mouth inexplicably dry, he opens the file. He figures he’ll just scroll around a little, maybe pick a random page, see if anything catches his eye. He’ll—
Cheeks flushing with a suddenness that leaves him almost lightheaded, Anakin can feel his eyes widening as his eyes catch on the words before them.
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