#i feel like i'm the looney tunes roadrunner bird leading you all to a giant wall of text lmao sorry
mgufm · 2 years
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5:30 PM  —  SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 the red and green club @ the son’s residences
the doorbell rings with the first guests of the night. jiyeon slams her drawer shut, locks it, then puts the key in her bedside table. she opens the front door and frowns at what she sees. "minjun," she greets sourly, "and the detective's kid. please, come in." 
having brought ( brainchild ) along without telling anyone, minjun motions for his uninvited guest to go in first. before minjun can take his first step past the threshold, jiyeon grabs his arm. 
"what do you think you're doing?" 
minjun frees his arm from her grasp. "whatever i want," he says, "now that jisoo's gone. place looks great, jiyeon. and look." minjun brandishes a bottle of wine from the convenience store, the same brand found in room 308 after the fire, "we brought wine."
6 PM
some time before dinner, while everyone's standing around, chatting, and waiting for mina to arrive, yua borrows miyoung's phone to make a call. she returns the phone minutes later.
"miyoung," jiyeon calls a few minutes later, waving her over, a glass of wine in hand and a gracious smile on her face.
miyoung approaches jiyeon and yua, who had been engrossed in conversation moments before.
"i have something to show you," jiyeon says. she walks ahead of yua and miyoung. yua curls her arm around miyoung's and clutches her wrist in a death grip. the three of them disappear up the stairs. jiyeon makes her way to jisoo's room, locking the door behind them.
"you were with my brother while he was with mina," jiyeon says,
"wait, jiyeon, what—"
"i found his fucking burner phone here in his room. yua saw the texts in your phone. you're lucky we're the ones who found those messages, miyoung.
"you know how bad she's going to look if she knows," jiyeon says. looking at the floor, miyoung nods. "does she know?"
"no," miyoung answers, "jisoo said she didn't."
jiyeon walks closer to miyoung, seeming to tower over her. "you better fucking make sure she doesn't find out," jiyeon points a finger at her. she pokes miyoung’s chest as if to punctuate her sentence, with so much force that miyoung finds herself out of breath after jiyeon leaves the room.
"what the fuck, miyoung?" yua whispers harshly, following in jiyeon's trail.
7 PM
the dinner goes on without incident, with wine glasses clinked jovially and friendly conversations had. after dinner, with everyone scattered around the house, drinks in hand, jiyeon and mina are never seen far apart.
8:30 PM
some time after dinner, while everyone talks to everyone else, siyeon sits by herself near the exit to the balcony. a few moments later, she sees mingze come in, appearing like he's wiping tears from his eyes. siyeon decides to leave him alone. a few moments after, ( brainchild ) walks in through the same entrance looking perfectly fine. 
siyeon goes up to ( brainchild ) and asks if they know why mingze seemed upset. "i don't know," ( brainchild ) shrugs, "he said there was something my dad should know, but he didn't tell me anything, then he left." siyeon eyes him, her expression inscrutable.  quickly, the two of them become engrossed in a comfortable conversation. after some time, siyeon leads them back out into the balcony, where they sit on a bench, away from earshot and prying eyes, and continue their conversation. siyeon wastes no time, talking quickly,
"there is something i think your dad should know."
"i'll tell you, but you have to promise this won't trace back to me. i won't admit to telling you anything. i won't come in to change my statement or anything. you have to say you found out some other way."
( brainchild ) nods. siyeon hesitates, but she goes on to tell ( brainchild ) that on the night of jisoo's birthday at his home, on june 7, 2022, he saw jisoo with mingze's girlfriend, miyoung, outside the house while the party was ongoing. siyeon claims that she ran away as soon as she saw a glimpse of jisoo and miyoung, with their hips and lips locked by a bush in a dark corner, and that she didn't tell anyone what she saw.
"but there's something else," siyeon looks around, as if checking to see that nobody can see them, "mingze saw them too. he didn't see me but i saw him. we were looking at the same thing. he was still there when i left. i know he didn't put that in his statement. if it's a... murder, like the detective thinks, it gives him motive, doesn't it?" after making ( brainchild ) promise one more time that they won't tell anyone where they learned this information, and after making them promise to tell their father, siyeon leaves, looking around consciously to ensure that no one saw her talking to the detective's kid.
9 PM
lively music plays while everyone nurses drinks and conversations. the cheery chatter is interrupted by muffled shouting from the veranda.
"what aren't you telling me? we don't keep secrets from each other, yua. what the hell?" nika says, frustrated. "i want to go home now. you're taking me home now."
yua tries to hold nika's arm, but nika jerks it away. "let's just leave when everyone else does."
"whatever. you can do what you want. i'm going," nika walks away, thinking of who to call to pick her up, as yua had driven them to the son's house.
yua sighs and walks back inside.
"hey, have you seen mingze?" minjun asks her as soon as she steps in, "i was going to ask him something..."
"he left fifteen minute ago." yua sighs in exasperation, pushing minjun out of her way, "why did you bring the detective's kid here, minjun? you have no idea the danger you put us all in. as always, you're ten steps behind."
"huh? what are you talking about?" minjun asks, but his words fall on deaf ears as yua walks away.
10:30 PM
after everyone has left, jiyeon lays in jisoo's bed. she stares at her phone, yoo minhyuk's contact name in bright white letters. her thumb hesitates over the call button. after a moment, she puts her phone away. 
a while later, she sends a text. (the following are text messages between jiyeon and minhyuk.)
son jiyeon: the whole club was here. are you sure you don't want to join? i could really use your help now. yoo minhyuk: i'll help but i'm not a part of it. no drinking everyone’s blood out of a goblet for me, thanks. son jiyeon: we don’t do that. yoo minhyuk: i’ve heard otherwise. son jiyeon: you are a part of this. you have been since the second you were born. you can keep denying that but you know it's true. yoo minhyuk: maybe. can i help you with something? son jiyeon: nothing for now. the less you know the better. yoo minhyuk: the less i know the better.
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ooc info . the dress code for the dinner is semi-formal . some characters’ choices were written directly into the text , others were not  —  you’ll find these omitted texts ( think of them as scenes happening off-screen ) in the linked portions of the text .
any character movement not mentioned here , or any time not accounted for , is for writers to fill in . if writing about scenes mentioned in the plot drop , please include the dialogue verbatim and try to make as little modifications as possible . as always , the main will monitor interactions and contact you if your character’s actions go against canon .
try not to plot too far ahead . try to keep interactions and plots centered on ongoing events + fall exhibit prep . our next and final plot drop of the month will cover the events that took place during the last two weeks of september 2022 and will reveal the lasting consequences of this night’s events .
characters’ info pages will be edited to include new information revealed in this plot drop. this will take a few days so please be patient . this is a lot of info and it’s possible i missed something , so please let me know if you think so .  if you have any questions , just ask !
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