#i feel like i've been tagging y'all in a lot lately kgfkgf i'm so sorry
NaNo Show and Tell
Week One: Act One
thanks @thewriteblrarchives for putting together this event!
Guidelines: Search your NaNo project for any words of your choice under ‘Show’  and try to share at least three excerpts containing them. Then, answer the questions under ‘Tell.’
To participate, copy and paste these questions into a separate post and tag @thewriteblrarchives in your post so we can find you! We will reblog your answers as #Show and Tell.
Begin | Over | Before | Lift | Because | Once | Surprise | Day | Night | Eyes | Suddenly | Good | Ask | Phone | Chair | Lock | Light | Look | Below | Until | Wonder | Walk | Call | Normal | Hello
She was told that when they found her, she fell out of that Void Spot completely disoriented, sputtering nonsense for a minute before passing out cold.
Even before Baby had magically turned up at a Void Spot IBIP was monitoring, Peach knew, deep in her gut, that something just wasn’t right about all this.
“Trouble, as usual,” Teejay answered, taking another sip of his coffee to keep from grimacing as he thought of Peach and Baby’s escapades from the day before. He grimaced anyway. The boiling liquid scorched his tongue.
They raced across the kitchen, dodged the collapsed dining table, tiptoed over scattered shards of ceramic, and slipped out into the night through an opening in the shredded screen door.
“You don’t need a sign to know that entering an abandoned house at night is dangerous! You just need common sense!”
He had been too busy being upset at Peach, and then too busy spending the rest of the night distracting himself from being upset at Peach, that he hadn’t had the time to come up with a reasonable story.
At the time of the Shift, she was fourteen, and her most pressing worries were the Math test next week and whether her parents were going to allow her to attend Tammi’s birthday slumber party on a school night. 
There was about a foot of floor visible from the doorway, but everything beyond that was a gaping abyss that devoured the light from Baby’s torch.
A Whisper Room, they called it, meant to block out all light and sound, leaving whoever was inside in complete and utter nothingness.
And then the Void Spot snapped shut on itself in a whirlwind, sucking the shadows back in with it, leaving nothing but a few wisps of light floating in its place. 
“There’s a shadow,” Peach hissed. “I didn’t get a good enough look at it to tell if it was an IBIP person or a garbage can.” To herself, she added, “Not that there’s that much of a difference.”
He hated the way she looked at him, like he was betraying her by leaving her with all these strangers.
Maybe he was still having trouble processing what had just happened to him, because in that moment, the only thing Teejay could think of was how much of an idiot he looked in front of Fox, with water dripping down his chin and spilling onto his shirt.
this post is getting long so i’ll do the rest under a cut~
1. “What’s your inciting incident?”
hhhhhh okay so i’m realizing as i’m getting through this draft that my inciting incident might not be as clear as it should be ??? see the thing is the story was originally gonna start with them finding Baby after she was gone for five years, but then i decided to skip straight to five months later when she first starts realizing that her time missing has given her powers. so i guess that’s my inciting incident for now? i might have to fix that but that’s a problem for Editing me.
2. “What’s the norm for your main character’s life before everything goes wrong?”
the norm at the time the story begins is that Baby is adjusting to life after being missing for five years, going to do tests at the IBIP labs, tired of being treated like a literal baby by her older siblings, just wishing life was like it was before she disappeared.
3. “What’s your favorite bit of worldbuilding so far?”
the Void Spots. there’s so ~mysterious~ and ~spooky~ and it’s really fun to like, build the mystery around them and what they really are and how they work. 
TIB taglist: 
@planets-and-prose @extra-magichours @heyabella @donovyn–nox @writing-instead-of-fighting @rhetowreck @nattletak @writablefish @skeleton-writer @writerlina @quantumlandbook @mercurystudying @tabbykatwrites @marlettwrites @ccwritesstuff @quilloftheclouds @zwritesstuff @stardustspiral @reininginthefirewriting @mycupofstarsandcoffee @morganwriteblr @hermiones-writeblrr​ @stand-inthe-rain​ @sunlight-and-starskies​ @summere21​ @hollie-writes​ @rachelswritings​ @bardicfool @sunny-with-a-chance-of-fiction @hwrfta @etheriiums @knightsofeclipse @ladywithalamp @lyssthewriter @qlpwrites @milkyway-writes @stuffaboutwriting
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