#i feel like the Haitani brother's do their usual thing but keep close to Kakucho and him to them so they can assist each other if needed
tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 8 months
The Haitani brother's and Kakucho fighting together is 10/10 and I really wish we'd seen more of them fighting together as a trio/ hanging out
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cheesus-doodles · 1 year
BFF Rindou’s the kind of person that, if someone asks if he’s dating reader, will be like “Of course not. Why tf would I date that loser? I have standards.” On the other hand if someone thinks reader is dating Kakucho, Izana, or god forbid RAN he gets super defensive like “Why the HELL would they date him? They barely even know each other. I know everything about them. If they’re gonna date anyone it’s gonna be me.”
Previous Yan BFF Rindo Ask | Rindo's Valentine Day Short
Oh no ABSOLUTELY 100%, this will be such a shitshow
I would think that this baby boy has definitely considered it - dating you that is, but from a more logical point of view. You were so helpless in his eyes that he was sure you would get yourself killed, kidnapped or worse, coerced into dating some guy, that the only way to plug the gaps from the start would be just to date you. But Rindo first off, is a delinquent, one of the feared Haitani brothers, and obviously he has a reputation to keep up. And second, he's supposed to play the part of your grumpy, reluctant bestfriend who was just being dragged along by your silliness, scolding you when you do something he doesn't like or approve of. You were supposed to seem more like his playful puppy that him, as a big bad delinquent, looks after begrudgingly. He can't be caught dating you, you know? That would totally ruin his reputation. Even if everyone knows just how soft Rindo acts towards you, though no one says a thing because he will find them and beat the shit out of them.
Even still, no doubt that somewhere down the line, seeing how close you are with your bff, someone somewhere would have the balls to ask Rindo if the two of you were dating, or if he was planning to date you at some point in the future. Seems like an innocent enough question if it came from anyone else: but the highest likelihood is that Rindo would be hearing it from Ran of all people. And his face would immediately turn red, but with anger or embarrassment not even the older Haitani could tell. Embarrassment at being called out, anger at the mere idea that others thought he saw you like that. Whoever it was that asked that unfortunate question, Rindo would be sure to try his best to shut them up before they tipped you off. No way he was going to date a loser like you, was he? Not in his wildest dreams, absolutely not. Deny, deny, deny. Proceeds to go and get his regular dose of cuddles from you afterwards when he inevitably loses to Ran.
On the other hand, this baby boy will not happy in the slightest if he hears even a rumor that you might be dating anyone. Absolutely not, no way in hell were you dating anyone. Rindo doesn't understand why you had to find someone else to be with; you already had him, your bestfriend, after all. No one else was needed in your life. If it was just some random soul that took a liking to you, and you to him, no doubt that Rindo would be quick to put him out of your life permanently and painfully. A brick to the back of the head and then breaking each and every limb is usually a good start - and if that poor person had the audacity to foul your innocence by holding your hand, this baby boy didn’t know if he would be able to stop himself from killing them outright. But at least if you went after a normal civilian, Rindo could deal with it.
But if you were dating Izana or Kakucho, there was nothing he could do but be mad pissed. There was only so many times he could stand to get his ass kicked after all. Would try his best to convince you that this was a mistake behind their backs, that dating someone as dangerous and unstable as them (cough the irony) was bad for you. That only he knew everything about you. Would he actually ask you to date him instead? Depends really. Did he feel shy and embarrassed? Yes. Did he like you that way? Who’s asking? But was he sure that he was the best for you? Yes. 100% yes. So no, Rindo will not ask you to date him, but he will stew and pout and try to take up every second of your time that he possibly can to get you away from your “boyfriends” (he doesn’t believe they are anything more than ants, if you asked him, but he wouldn’t dare say that in front of those two demons).
And it'll be absolutely the apocalypse if its Ran of all people that Rindo thinks you're dating. Would actually march you straight to where Ran was and start a fight with the older Haitani, cursing and swearing at Ran that he knew you were off limits. That Ran knew he wasn’t supposed to touch you, that you belonged to him, all the while you were sat at the side, humming to yourself and maybe sipping on a cold drink. Would be even angry enough to move out from their shared apartment for a few days and take you with him, much to his older brother's amusement. Takes his frustration out on some poor souls from a rival gang because he can’t beat his older brother, and he’ll have to go back and stay there, no matter how much he wanted to just move in with you. Rindo would even continue to grumble to the unfortunate victims of his brutal beatings, whining and complaining to his captive audience about how it was so obvious that he was the best for you, and that you should date only him.
Everyone knows Rindo wouldn’t do that though, so he just has to suffer through watching you be shy and blush. Poor baby boy.
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twilightakiishi · 8 months
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summary: kakucho is shy around you, and has a very dramatic inner monologue. ft. izana, ran, rindou, and shion.
word count: 1.8k
genre: fluff. crack/comedy?
warnings: f! reader, kaku is very nervous, he refers to his scar, but it isn’t really talked about, this is really my first fic ever so let me know if i missed anything!
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“everybody shut up.” izana stares intensely into the corner of the banquet hall with a hand held out to silence ran, rindou, and shion. the trio pause mid conversation to follow their leader’s gaze. 
 “oh! they put out more punch. ima go get—”
izana swings an arm across shion’s chest, catapulting the blond back to where he was standing before, alongside rindou. “if you ruin this, i’ll put rindou in charge of ruining your joints.”
the three of them exchange a confused look, brows furrowed, then turn back to izana curiously.
 “ruin what, exactly?” ran questions.
 izana snaps his head toward the three of them, “kakucho’s moment. don’t you see who he’s speaking to?”
 with the way kakucho is carrying himself right now, if izana hadn’t pointed him out, they never would’ve spotted him. kakucho, usually headstrong and self-assured, standing tall and intimidating on a normal day, is currently fidgeting with his jewelry and looking everywhere except at the girl in front of him. it makes rindou cringe, and ran huffs out a laugh at his brother’s expression.
“and how exactly is this his…moment?”
“he looks like he’d rather be doing anything than talking to that person.”
“seriously. dude looks miserable. what’s his deal?”
izana sighs, exasperated, “can you three shut up? i’m trying to read their lips and i can’t concentrate with your yapping.”
“...doesn’t look like he’s saying much.” rindou notes.
“not with his mouth at least. man is screaming internally, by the looks of him, though.” 
kakucho senses eyes on him from afar, and takes that as an opportunity to once again avert his eyes from yours. the sight of izana and the three idiots watching him with amusement is the last thing he needs right now. if he keeps fumbling this hard, he’ll never hear the end of it from them.
“kaku-chan? you good?” your voice snaps him back to reality. 
“huh? me? yeah. yeah, i’m…” his eyes flicker back over to where his friends are standing, and shion is giving him an obnoxious double thumbs up as izana slaps both his arms down to his sides. he sighs, and looks back to you, “i’m fine. great, even,” he chuckles nervously and downs his entire cup of punch to alleviate the dryness in his mouth. except, he doesn’t swallow soon enough, and the last bits of punch dribble down his chin onto his dress shirt. you’re blowing it, kakucho, he thinks to himself.
you try to hide a giggle behind your hand, but he clocks it, and wishes he could just crawl into a hole and never emerge again. i guess it’s time to pull a haitani and completely change my hairstyle. i wonder what color would make me unrecognizable. maybe i even go bald. and i also leave japan. and i’ll bulk up so big, i’ll have to buy a whole new wardrobe. yeah, this could work…
his thoughts are interrupted when he feels your hand on his chest, dabbing the liquid away with a napkin. he freezes, and slowly looks down to see your face twisted in concentration, with that small little smile that never really leaves your lips. you’re so pretty up close. he wants to brush away the strands of hair that are sticking to your lipgloss, but he thinks if he moves even an inch, he might wake up in a cold sweat. this is a dream, right? yeah. yeah, must be. that’s why i’m so warm i feel like i could pass out, and that’s why i can’t hear her, even though her lips are moving. 
…wait. “huh?”
you giggle again, and repeat louder, “i said, it’s a good thing your shirt is red. the punch is the same exact color,” after careful consideration, you add, “your eye, too.” 
“my… my eye?”
“yeah. your shirt and your eye are the same color.” his cheeks are now, too, but you think you might finally be getting some words out of him, so you decide to keep that to yourself. “did you do that on purpose? I didn’t know you were so detail-oriented, kaku-chan.” 
he laughs nervously at the nickname you give him. you overheard takemichi calling him that one day, and you haven’t called him anything else since. he makes a mental note to thank takemichi for that next time he sees him. 
“uh, yeah! totally.” he’s lying through his teeth. he knows damn well kokonoi helped him put his outfit together, but he’s not giving that asshole any credit right now. he’ll thank him later. this is his moment.
you don’t buy it for a second. he’s a terrible liar, and it’s kind of endearing. you play along anyway. “well, you clean up real nice. it’s nice to see you dressed up for a change. classy. and i’m a fan of the grown out hair.” he really wasn’t expecting you to go from making a simple observation to complimenting his entire appearance, and he feels like he could faint again. play it cool, kakucho. 
“oh. i really just grew it out to kinda…,” he motions to his scar, “cover this up a little bit.” he has no idea why he even pointed out the one thing he doesn’t like to bring attention to. in his head, he is chasing around a little kakucho with a mallet, calling him stupid and spouting various threats.
you furrow your brows and tilt your head, and his heart melts a little. “why, though?” you question.
he doesn’t know what you mean, or what kind of answer you’re expecting. but ran told him once that girls don’t like sob stories, and rindou told him once that girls like honest guys. 
so he shrugs. “‘cause i know it’s not the easiest on the eyes.”
you frown a bit, and then smile sweetly. “well…i like it on you. it makes you look unique. in a good way.”
he blinks a few times, and his eyes grow ten times in size, seemingly in slow motion. 
“i’m sorry, did i upset you?” your eyes flicker between his, unsure if you had crossed a boundary.
“n-no!” he clears his throat, and deepens his voice a bit, “no. i just…i was just shocked, is all.”
“oh. well, don’t be. a handsome guy like you shouldn't be shocked to receive a compliment,” you laugh.
you’re trying to kill him, he thinks. before he can even begin to think of how to respond to that, you’re walking away to the table your friends are at. he sighs. well, consider her fumbled. can’t wait to hear what spectacular advice izana has for me this time. he turns around, prepared for the walk of shame back to his own table, but when he meets their eyes, izana is wearing a knowing smile, the haitanis are mouthing words he can’t recognize from this far and shaking their heads side to side, and shion is peeking his eyes out from between his fingers. kakucho has no idea what to make from those reactions, until he feels a light tap on his shoulder, and he spins around to see you. 
“trying to get away from me already?” you raise an eyebrow at him, who’s looking at you like you grew another head.
“wha- no! you– i…uh, i thought–” he cuts himself off when he hears your laugh again, and his body goes tense for the millionth time tonight when you reach up to pat your hand against his chest. 
“i’m just messing with you. talk to me more later, yeah?”
“yeah…for sure.” it comes out more breathily than he would’ve liked, but really, he feels lucky to still be standing right now. you take your hand off his chest and start to turn to walk back to your table. 
he blurts out your name, with no plan of what he’s going to say next. you look at him expectantly, “yeah?” shit. please, for the love of god, don’t fuck this up right now.
“by the way, you know, uh, for the record…you look pretty tonight…also.” he doesn't dare make eye contact with you until a few seconds after he finishes his sentence. to his relief, the look on your face isn’t one of unease or disgust. in fact, you look…bashful. happy, even. 
“thank you, kaku. you’re too sweet.” you flash him another sweet smile before you part ways with him.
he stands there for a few seconds, unmoving, trying to process what just happened. he doesn’t have a lot of time to think about it before he hears his name being called from the opposite direction, and his boys are waving him over with proud smiles on their faces. fuck. he cringes a bit remembering that they were watching the whole ordeal. 
on his return to the table, he gets four sturdy slaps on the back and about a million rapid fire questions coming from the haitanis and shion. 
“soooo? when’s the wedding? or the restraining order. i couldn’t really tell what was going on.” izana smacks shion on the back of the head. “ow– what the hell was that for?!”
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that night, walking back to their respective homes, shion flings an arm around kakucho’s shoulder, much to his dismay. “I’m proud of you, man, i honestly thought you had, like, no rizz, and you kinda looked like a virgin out there–”
ran and rindou speak amongst themselves, “i know madarame is not talking about looking like a rizzless virgin right now.” “dude’s taken one too many hits to the cranium, brother.” 
“–eh?? what’s in your pocket?”
kakucho furrows his brow and he digs around in the pocket of his suit jacket, not recalling putting anything in there before he left. suddenly, he remembers the way your hand lingered over his chest, and he pulls out a napkin with a few blotches of red punch on the corner, unfolding it to see your name and number scribbled on it, followed by a messy little heart and a smiley face. a smirk stretches across his lips, and he turns the napkin around to the trio without a word. 
“mannnn, wipe that stupid smirk off your face, kakucho. you got no game, you just met a girl who’s charmed by losers.”
izana whips his head around. “shion. what did i tell you earlier? about rindou? hm?”  
shion’s arms flail around helplessly. “i’m not ruining shit!”
the haitanis roll their eyes and swat at him. “shut the fuck up shion!” “yeah man, at least he got her number, you’re still bitchless.” madarame mumbles something under his breath with a pout. 
kakucho can’t even pretend to care. the bickering goes right over his head as he’s typing your number into his phone with a soft smile, fully ready to redeem himself with the second chance you’ve so graciously given him.
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dividers by @bunnysrph <3
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sweet-seishu · 3 years
I Love You Still
Pairing: Bonten! Rindou Haitani x Bonten! Fem Reader
Warnings: badly written smut so minors gtfo (multiple rounds, oral (female receiving), shower sex, overstim, etc) , angst, violence(kind of?) Bad writing and editing as per usual as I am to lazy to edit rn✌ and yall idk how to insert the 'read more' on my phone IM SO SORRY OK CAUSE I WOULD IF I COULD.
A/N: I'm down so bad for this man. Probably cause I have a huge thing for men with purple mullets.
Also like, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!💜 Let's hope 2022 doesn't give me more depression ✊🏻✊🏻
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You stormed into Bonten's Headquarters, rage flowing through your body.
“Y/N!” Koko said said trying to follow you. “Please just slow down!”
Kakucho, Ran and Sanzu all sat at the meeting table, ready to watch this whole thing unfold while Takeomi and Kanji were out handling other business.
“How’d the assignment go?” Mikey asked with a raised brow, an unamused expression on his face.
“Ask Rindou.” You spat, turning around to face your ex boyfriend.
“I didn’t do anything!” He yelled at you.
“Oh really? You did everything I told you not to do. If you would have listened, nothing would have happened and I’d have that damn information Mikey wanted about the cargo. But no, you decided to go against everything I said, messing up the whole damn thing!” You yelled and turned to Mikey. "I'm sorry boss, but it was a complete failure."
You and Rindou dated for 2 years before he decided to break it off. You never understood why he did it, and it still hurt you more than you would ever admit, or show.
You were good at keeping a tough exterior.
“You weren’t listening to a word I was saying, of course I was going do the exact opposite of your stupid plan. Dammit Y/N I was trying to save you.” Rindou told you.
You two were at eachothers throats during the whole meeting, neither of you listening to the other. You did pretty well at avoiding Rindou since he broke up with you, always leaving a room when he entered, and making sure your schedules never really lined up. Even during meetings you sat as far away from him as you could, never meeting his eye.
But of course, Mikey made you two go to this meeting with another gang. He said it had to be you, Rindou and Koko to go, as your negotiation skills were some of the best.
It was supposed to be easy, make the deal, get some info about a cargo shipment, and get out.
Or so you thought.
“You’re really lucky Koko was there to get me out the way, or I would have been dead!” You were fuming.
Rindou stared at you. He knew you were pissed at him, he knew he should have listened, but he was so close to losing you that he just couldn’t stop himself.
You were flowing with rage, seeing red as you glared at him.
“I had it all under control you stupid fuck.” You scolded, clenching your fists. Rindou tried not to cringe at the name. “But then you almost got me killed!”
“You almost got yourself killed.” He muttered. “You obviously can't seem to handle big meetings like that. Maybe you should stay out of the field."
Rindou brought is hand up to his cheek, looking down at you with wide eyes.
You raised your hand again before Kakucho ran over to you, grabbing your arm and wrapping his other around you to keep you back.
You were trying really hard not to cry. You hated fighting with Rindou.
You hated feeling like a joke to him.
"Fuck you Haitani." You scowled.
“Y/N calm down.” Kakucho told you.
“I’m out of here.” You got out of Kakucho's grasp. "Mikey I will email you a report later."
Kakucho sighed, going after you as you stormed out of the room.
Ran gave his brother a look. Rindou knew he was in deep shit.
Mikey got up front his seat, looking at the younger Haitani.
"Figure your shit out Rindou. I'm putting you at fault. We can't keep having things like this happen, we will lose everything if we do."
With that Mikey walked out of the room, Sanzu and Koko following behind him.
It was just the two brothers left in the large meeting room.
“Rin.” Ran looked at his little brother. “Why are you so hard on her?”
“She could have died Ran.” Rindou told him. "I had no choice."
“Sounds like she could have died either way. You’re lucky Koko was able to get her out of the way.”
Rindou hung his head low. “I know. I just, I saw the gun in their leader's hand, I saw the signal he gave some of his men, she didn’t. I was trying so hard to be discreet but it didn’t work. We failed because of me, I'll admit that.”
“I really think you two need to talk.” Ran sighed. “I feel like this goes deeper than you two let on."
“I can’t, she deserves better than me Ran.”
“You’re honestly the biggest idiot I know.” Ran told him. “Don’t you realize how perfect you two are for eachother?”
“I’m not good for her.” Rindou scolded.
“You’re so stupid.” Ran mumbled as he walked away.
“How are you feeling now?” Kakucho asked. You both sat on the couch in his office as he let you rant to him. You were always emotionally dependent on Kakucho, he was your best friend after all.
“I don’t know Kaku.” You sighed slumping your shoulders. “I want to hate him, I want to make him hurt like he makes me hurt. But I just can’t.”
“You still miss him?” Kakucho asked. He knew how you felt, and he hated seeing you so upset. He tried all he could to get you two to talk, but you were both to stubborn to listen.
“Kaku I- I still love him, it’s been months since he ended it, and I can’t help but miss him.” You started crying, not caring anymore. You were never one to hide your emotions from Kakucho. He pulled you into his lap, his arms going around you as you sobbed into his shoulder.
You couldn’t stop thinking about that day. The day he ended things. You could barely sleep at night because of it.
“Hey baby.” You smiled, going to kiss your boyfriend. He turned his head before your lips could meet his, your smile faltering. “You okay?”
“I-we need to talk Y/N.” He said softly.
“About what?” Your heart was racing.
“I-I think we need to end this. Us.”
“Wait, what?” Tears were pooling in your eyes. “Baby, I-”
You went to put your hand on his face, but he flinched away.
“Stop it Y/N.” He told you.
“I’ll change- I’ll do whatever I have to I- Rindou please.” You sobbed. “Whatever this is we- we can work it out, please don’t- just please don’t do this. Don't throw us away..” Tears were slowing down your face as Rindou turned away from you.
“There is nothing you can do Y/N. I've been thinking about this for a while now.”
“Why Rin- please don't leave me like this.” You cried.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly before walking away.
“He makes me feel so stupid Kaku, he makes me think I’m not good enough, dammit he makes me feel like absolute shit, but I can’t help but love him.” You sobbed more.
You didn’t know Rindou was standing outside the door, his heart hurting with each sob you let out.
You still loved him.
But yet every other word you said felt like a punch to his gut.
He didn’t want to hurt you. That was the least of his intentions.
He just knew you deserved better than him. You deserved someone who would be able to keep you safe. Yes you could easily take care of yourself, but being closely associated with a Haitani gave you more trouble than you needed.
You were always so happy, and outgoing, even in the line of work you were in. You always tried to stay positive, even when things went south. You were such a breath of fresh air for him.
But he didn’t deserve you.
He knew that whole heartedly, so he ended it. After two years of being with you, he ended it.
Did he still love you? Absolutely.
To Rindou, you were his forever. He didn't want to think of a future without you in it.
He missed your touches, always so soft, gentle and caring. He missed the way you lit up the room when you walked in, the way you always listened to him when he had a bad day. You were his anchor, you kept him grounded, but he had to let you go.
He hated that he was the reason you would cry to Kakucho, he hated when you left a room when he entered.
He knew he was stupid, for ending things with you. You were one of the only good things he had, and he let you go.
He had to fix things. He needed to fix things.
After Kakucho dropped you back off at your place, you took a hot bath, washing the day away. A lot of tension was released from your body as you sat in the tub.
Now, you were sitting on your bed, favorite book in hand as the TV played in the background. Finally letting yourself relax.
You wore black pyjama shorts and one of Rindou's sweaters that he had left at your place. The one thing you kept, even though it may be crazy to do so.
Wearing his sweater made you feel safe, like a security blanket. His scent always calmed you, and helped you sleep.
A soft knock at your door pulled you from your book and thoughts. You sighed, putting your book to the side and going to the door. Only Bonten members knew where you lived, so you knew it was probably something stupid, or Kakucho checking up on you.
“Whatever it is it better be impor- What do you want?” You scowled.
“I just need you to listen love.” He told you. “Can I please come in?”
You looked at him for a while, before finally stepping to the side.
“What do you want Rindou? I was trying to-”
“Read your book.” He finished. “I know that, that’s always how you unwind after a long day.”
Rindou looked at you, and couldn’t help but notice the sweater you were wearing. A small smile tugged at his lips.
“What do you want?” You asked again, crossing your arms. He must have gone home to change, and you hated how good he looked right now. His grey sweatpants hung low on his hips, and the black shirt he wore hugged his torso so perfectly, you could basically see every ridge of his muscles.
“I came here to say I’m sorry.” He told you.
You raised your brow at him, urging him to continue.
“I’m sorry for everything I did, and everything I said. You do an amazing job on our assignments, and I shouldn’t have said what I did, you deserve to be on the field just like the rest of us. I know I should have listened to you. I just-” Rindou paused for a moment, trying to find his words.
“You just what?” You asked impatiently.
“I just, I saw how close I was to losing you and I couldn’t take it.” He looked into your Y/E/C eyes.
“Rindou” You sighed, biting your lip to keep your emotions at bay. “You lost me when you broke up with me.”
Rindou was taken back at your harsh words. But he knew he deserved them.
“I really think you should go.” You spoke softly.
His shoulders slumped. He started walking out of your place before pausing at the door.
“I love you Y/N.” He told you.
Your eyes immediately started to burn, the sting of the tears making you blink.
“What did you just say?” You asked.
“I said I love you. Don’t act like you didn’t hear me.” Rindou looked back at you, and you couldn’t help but let a tear escape and fall down your cheek.
“But you-” you started.
“Listen.” Rindou said walking closer to you, grabbing your hands in his. “I may have lost you when I ended it, but losing you for good would have torn me apart.”
“Why?” You looked up into his violet eyes. “Why did you end it in the first place Rindou? What was so wrong that you had to end it?” You pulled your hands away from his, like his touch burned you.
“Nothing was wrong I just th-”
“You just what?” You yelled. “Thought I wasn’t good enough anymore? Did you find someone else? Was I too much?” You were firing questions at him, getting angrier by the second.
“Baby” Rindou said. “Calm down.”
“You can’t tell me to calm down!” You yelled again, tears were streaming down your face, you didn’t care about hiding your emotions anymore. “Yenno, you're a real piece of shit Rindou. You can’t come in here and tell me you love me after breaking up with me, that losing me would tear you apart. You’re playing with my emotions and I’m getting sick and tired of it! You couldn’t even explain why you broke up with me! You just left me without any reason. Do you realize how unfair that is to me!?"
All Rindou could do was stare at you, tears slowly forming in his own eyes. He didn’t think you would be hurting so much. He thought you would be better off without him.
“It sucks because I want to hate you.” You mumbled. “Fuck, I want to hate you so badly Rindou Haitani, but I just love you so fucking much, I can't. I’m just so tired of the bullshit."
“I ended it because I didn’t think I was good enough. You deserve better than me.” Rindou walked closer to you. “I hate myself everyday for breaking up with you.”
“For fuck sakes Rin, you’re so stupid.” You mumbled. “You need to get your head of your ass. Rindou, you’re it for me. There is no one better than you, can’t you see that?”
“I’m so sorry for hurting you y/n” Rindou slowly raised his hand, giving you time to move before resting it on your cheek. “I thought that if I distanced myself, you would be better off. There is just so much danger that follows me, I don't want you ever getting hurt because of me."
“You really are a moron.” You told him. "You think I don't understand that? I'm not stupid, I knew what I was signing up for when I said yes to dating you. Plus I am a Bonten Executive myself... dumbass."
"I just don't want you getting caught up in my problems. I'd feel terrible if you got caught up in something that was my fault."
“Rin.” You stopped him. “Stop feeling bad, I’m always going to be here for you. I love you. Your problems are mine, we share them, it doesn't always have to fall on you.” You smiled softly at him, putting your hands around his neck.
“I hated fighting with you. I was such an ass.” He told you.
“You were an ass.” Rindou let out a chuckle at your statement. “But I hated fighting with you to.”
“You slapped me.” Rindou told you. "It really took me by surprise."
“I know, and I'm really sorry. I was just so mad at you.." You told him
“I’m sorry to.” He whispered, placing his hands on your hips.
You smiled softly, bringing your hands to his cheeks pulling his face down to yours, connecting your lips. Rindou groaned at the contact, making you smile.
Rindou slowly let his hands wander to the back of your thighs. He lifted you up with ease, walking you to your bed. You giggled as he lightly threw you down onto it.
He took his place above you, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. He pulled away to look at you.
“What?” You asked softly.
“I just- I missed you y/n.” Rindou put his face into the crook of your neck, letting some tears fall. “I missed you so damn much.”
You smiled, running your hand through his hair. Rindou only ever really showed his emotions with you. He always kept a stoic persona around the other executives, but with you? He seemed like a whole other person. You never judged him for his feelings, something that made him fall for you in the first place.
Rindou started kissing your neck. You hummed in approval of his actions as he kissed his way back up to your lips. You pulled away, holding his face, brushing away his tears with your thumbs.
“I missed you to baby.” You whispered.
He looked at you with so much love in his violet eyes, so much happiness. You smiled, pulling his face back down to yours.
Your kiss was so passionate your head was spinning. Your hands were quick to find the the hem of Rindou’s shirt, lifting it over his head quickly. You paused, admiring his toned body, eyes tracing over his tattoo before you let one of your hands wander.
He groaned as your hands ghosted over his abdomen.
Rindou put his hands around you, lifting you so you were sat straddling him. You shivered as he let one of his hands make its way under your sweater.
“Rin." You said in a breath.
“I can’t believe you kept my sweater.” He told you.
“I wear it to bed every night. I feel safe in it, as wierd as that is.” You told him.
“It’s not wierd baby, It actually makes me really happy.” He said with a smile. You kissed him again, smiling against each other’s lips.
His hands were moving the sweater up painfully slow, and you were getting impatient with the slowness of Rindou’s actions. You grabbed the hem of the sweater lifting it off yourself. Rindou’s eyes widened when he saw you wore nothing underneath.
You pressed your body against his, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours causing you both to moan.
Your placed your forehead against his, looking to his beautiful eyes as his hands gently rubbed up and down your naked torso, causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin.
“What’s going on in your pretty head my love?” He asked softly.
“Just thinking about how much I missed you, missed us.” You told him. “How much I missed these moments with you.”
Rindou captured your lips in a sweet kiss, laying you back down on the bed as he hovered above you.
“Can you promise me something?”
“Anything.” You told him.
“If I ever try and leave you again, slap some sense into me, or you can even have Ran beat me with his baton.”
You laughed at his comment, making his heart flutter in his chest.
“Will do Rin.” You said with a smile. “Now can you do something for me?”
You let your hand trail down his stomach, playing with the hem of his sweats.
“What’s that?” Rindou asked. His breathing was heavier, and his heart was racing.
“Make me yours again...” You whispered, slipping your hand into his sweats, palming his length, smirking when you realized he wasn't wearing anything underneath. Rindou groaned, letting his head fall to the crook of your neck.
He wasted no time, letting his hands find your shorts, tearing them from your body causing you to gasp.
“Rin! Those were my favorite ones!”
He smirked as he let his fingers play with your folds. You moaned, pulling his face down to yours, meeting his lips.
“Jesus, your soaked.” Rindou said against your lips, letting his middle finger find your entrance, slowly pushing it in.
You moaned at the contact, bucking your hips gently. Rindou pulled away from your lips, kissing down your body. He kissed the Bonten tattoo that sat just above your left breast before lightly kissing your nipple.
You gasped as he sucked it into his mouth, adding another finger inside of you, curling them just right to hit that spot inside of you that you could never reach yourself.
"Rin." You moaned, gently pulling on his vibrant hair.
"Let me take care of you okay?" Rin told you. All you could do was nod as he continued his actions, kissing further down your body until he stopped at your clit, sucking it lightly into his mouth making you moan.
He ate you out like a starved man, it was sloppy and messy but you wouldn't have it any other way. You pulled at his purple locks, making him groan. Your breathing was heavy and sweat was forming on your skin as he brought you closer to your high.
"Baby." You breathed. "S-so close, please- don't stop Rin, oh fuck- please don't stop."
You tried so hard not to ride his face, but your hips had a mind of their own, moving in sync with his tongue.
"Come on pretty. Let go for me." Rindou said. That was all it took for you to let the coil inside you snap, releasing all over his face and fingers, but he didn't stop.
"R-Rin, s' too much." You said, trying to push him away. He removed his fingers from you and grabbed your hands, lacing your fingers together.
Your second high was fast approaching, your eyes tearing up as the pleasure overtook your body while he circled your clit perfectly with his tounge.
"Rin!" You gasped as you let go, releasing for a second time. "Fuck!" You moaned as Rindou slowly pulled away after drinking up your release.
"That's my good girl." Rindou said, kissing his way up your body before letting his lips meet yours. You moaned at the taste of yourself on him.
You let your hands wander quickly finding the hem of his sweats again, pulling them down. He kicked them the rest of the way off before you grabbed his length. He hissed when you slowly started pumping him. You kissed him as you placed him at your entrance.
You both groaned as he slowly pushed in, letting you feel every inch of him. You pulled away from his lips, head falling back to the pillow.
Fuck you missed this.
“R-Rin” You moaned. "So big.."
“You feel so good love, always so tight for me.” He told you as he stilled, letting you adjust to his length.
When you wiggled your hips, he took that as his cue to start moving.
He let his hands find yours, lacing your fingers together. Placing his forehead against yours as he slowly pulled out, leaving just the tip inside you before slamming his hips back against yours.
You moaned, loudly. Squeezing his hands each time his hips met yours.
Sure you guys have had sex plenty of times before, but this time was different. Rindou normally liked to be rough, tossing you around like a doll, letting his sadistic side show.
This time, it was slower, passionate. You were making love. It's like the both of you were making up for all the time you lost. Everything just felt so much more.
You gasped as Rindou hit your g spot. You closed your eyes, throwing your head back against the pillows.
“Right there Rin.” you moaned. “Right f-fucking there.”
“I got you baby, I got you.” He told you, thrusting harder into you, hitting that spot over and over, keeping a perfect rhythm.
You couldn’t stop moaning, the pleasure taking over your body. You squeezed Rindou’s hands so tightly, lifting your head to capture his lips.
You felt that coil in the pit of your stomach building again as you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
“Rin I'm- M'gonna cum.”
“I know pretty girl.” He told you. "Cum all over my cock."
You quickly let go, the wave of pleasure making you see stars.
You felt Rindou thrust a few more times before his hips stilled, groaning as he filled you with his release.
He propped himself on his forearms, his cock still inside you as he looked at you.
You looked up at him, noticing the hair that fell in his eyes. You gently tucked it behind his ear, letting your hand rest on his cheek. He smiled at you softly, eyes lingering on yours.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked him.
“Just how stupid I am.” He chuckled.
“I won’t disagree.” You told him with a smile. “But, I still love you anyways.”
“I love you Y/N.” Rindou whispered.
You didn’t realize there were tears in your eyes until you felt Rindou wipe one away.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He told you. You shook your head and kissed him softly.
“I'm just really happy Rin." You told him, kissing him harder.
You both pulled away with smiles on your faces.
Rindou pulled out of you with a hiss, letting the mixture of cum leak out of you.
"Let's go clean up pretty." He told you.
He got off the bed, picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the bathroom. He placed you on the sink before he started the shower, letting the water get to a comfortable temperature. He helped you in, making sure to support you while you stood on wobbly legs.
You giggled everytime Rindou pinched your sides, and your heart fluttered when his lips met yours under the hot water.
You gasped when you felt his hard length against your hip.
"Rin.." You said against his lips.
"I'm sorry pretty, I just can't get enough of you.." He said while picking you up. He pushed you against the wall, his length easily sliding into you again. "Just wanna take care of you, show you how much I missed you..."
His hips met yours again and again as you cried out from the pleasure. Your hands were everywhere on his back and shoulders, basically anywhere you could grab.
Your nails scratched at his skin, making him hiss. But Rindou loved the marks, the scratches you left on him, he got off on the pain. He knew he was making you feel good.
The sex was rougher this time, the steam from the shower was making your head spin. He was leaving his marks all over your body, marking what was his again, and you knew your thighs would be bruised with the way he gripped them as he fucked you.
But that was the last thing on your mind as he brought you to your climax yet again, making you cry out.
"Rin!" You screamed as you clamped down on his length, which brought him to his second orgasm of the night.
After catching your breath, he gently pulled out of you again, carefully letting your legs down.
Rindou smirked to himself as you nearly fell over, knowing it was his doing.
"Let me help you baby.." He told you with a chuckle. You only glared at him as he helped you wash off.
After you were both cleaned off, Rindou carried you back to the bed, grabbing you his sweater and a new pair of underwear before helping you change.
He slipped his sweats back on before getting into the bed beside you, immediately pulling you into his side.
You both layed there silently as you mindlessly traced the lines of Rindou's tattoos.
“So, does this mean you’ll take me back?” Rindou asked, finally breaking the silence, realizing that he had never even officially asked you.
You couldn't help but chuckle.
“I think it’s safe to say that I already have.” You told him.
He smiled, the one smile that made his eyes crinkle. A smile that was only reserved for you.
You buried your face in his neck, as Rindou held you.
“Oh but Rin?”
“What is it pretty?” He asked, his arms tightening around you as he kissed the top of your head.
“You owe me a new pair of shorts.”
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Eye for an Eye
Eye for an Eye
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
characters; Tenjiku members - Izana Kurokawa, Rindou and Ran Haitani
Prompt: Part 2 of "Baby sister gets jumped" but the reader almost got Emma Sano'ed
Requested by @eisa3342 @eisa3342. I hope you liked it.
[Rules/Guidelines] [Masterlist] [Masterlist.2]
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Izana Kurokawa
Izana has you on lockdown, to be honest. He keeps you close and out of sight from other people. The only people allowed to see you or accompany you to places are Kakucho or the Haitani brothers.
when he's informed via call by the hospital that you were attacked by someone and have serious blunt force trauma Izana is shocked and incredibly pissed. His first response is to take his anger out on the first person, object, or thing he sees. When he gets to your hospital room, he's told that you may not be responsive or be coherent enough to answer anything.
He watches over you as you fade in and out of consciousness. It pains him to see you wake up, the happiness your eyes held to see and barely able to acknowledge him by saying a weak
Before passing out cold again.
Now it may look like Izana is calm on the outside but on the inside, Izana is scared, scared he'll lose the only real family he has left in the world. He'll tightly grip your hand and kiss your forehead any time you woke up to reassure you that he's still here... taking care of you like a big brother should.
While he's with you in the hospital he has "Mr.steal your girl"- Kisaki investigating who exactly did this to you. Izana doesn't care why they did this. All he cares about is getting revenge on whoever was stupid enough to mess with Izana's only remaining family.
You are Izana's treasure in his kingdom and no one can steal or misuse said treasure away without intense physical and psychological trauma or death as a result.
whoever did this to you is very very dead.
Ran haitani and Rindou Haitani
Ran has you far far away from gang matter/life. You are the youngest of the haitani's, which means you are the most spoiled out of the 3 of you.
Ran's 18, Rindou is 16 and you were their mother's mid-life crisis baby(according to ran).
Both of your brother's childhoods were spent behind bars/juvie where you would visit them every day till they were released. One thing made Ran realize that he didn't want this life for you unless you wanted it.
He wanted you to enjoy your childhood and be the kid you were meant to be. That doesn't mean your brothers left you defenseless. Oh no little y/n Haitani was well versed in the art of baton swinging and limb breaking but you were still a baby. (Again according to Ran). Many if not all in Roppongi knew you were off-limits as the Haitani youngest. If anyone came looking for trouble or caused any trouble for you would be quickly dealt with by your brothers even by other gangs.
Now as the spoiled baby you are, you like to demand things from your older brothers anytime you can. Fighting with Rindou about what food to eat for dinner and demand Ran to chose between the two, knowing damn well your oldest brother is weak to your cute face asking him for anything.
Really Rindou should know by now that you will always win. You "ask " more like demand- from your brothers for serval things and they will gladly do them.
Like demand, they pick you up from school whenever you want or daily no matter what.
They like to see your dumb little face all happy when you see them from across the street from the school's entrance and embarrass Rindou by clinging onto him till he gives up and lets you piggyback on him while Ran holds your things.
But today wasn't the same as the others. They had arrived a little later than usual but like clockwork, you crossed the street. Everything was normal till it wasn't.
If you asked ran how the day felt or how he felt, he'd tell you everything moved in slow motion and it was the most horrifyingly feeling of helplessness washed over him as he yelled your name.
too slow for him to save you.
Rindou could probably pinpoint the exact moment where your soul left your body for a second as the bat hit you full force on your head. the look on your face as you got hit and fell haunts them till the end of time.
They honestly can't sleep for days after the incident.
Rindou remembers the blood and Ran panicking as your body was getting colder by the minute. But they both remember you trying not to cry as tears began to pool on your eyelids and your small weak little whimpers from the pain began to escape from you.
Rindou could see it in your eyes - you were scared of dying.
You don't remember much that day but you do remember seeing your brothers crying (*cough*ran*cough*).
Do you remember when I said other gangs step in when someone messes with you?
Yeah, they aren't even in your brother's division or gang but they stepped in. While Rindo and Ran were off with you said gangs got together and hunted down your assailants.
It took said gangs 3 hours to investigate, track and hunt them down but they got them before handing them over to the Hiatani's.
3 things were set to stone that no one questioned on their life
1. Never mess with the Haitani's epecially the youngest.
2. The haitani's aren't afraid of going back to jail.
3. no one and I mean no one saw or said anything about what happened that day. It's one of the seven mysteries of Roppongi.
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rindouheart · 2 years
Can I request for 100 followers drabbles event 49. with Mikey
SANO “MIKEY” MANJIRO + #49 “please don’t cry”
drabble info. little angst + fluff
notes. i don’t think I’m good at writing mikey, i tried, hope you like it! also, sorry for the long waiting!
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mikey has always been busy with gang stuff, especially since he has found the new “kanto manji gang”. you know there is a bunch of dangerous people involved, such as sanzu haruchiyo, the haitani brothers and ex black dragons members.
he knows about your concern, you’re his partner, it’s normal to be worried about your lover’s well being.
“I’ll be back at the hideout at about 9 pm, you can wait me there if you want to. i’ll come to your house later if i don’t find you at our spot” that’s what he said before leaving with his gang.
and you are sitting there, in the main hall of the abandoned building that now is used as hideout. it’s a strange feeling, almost like loneliness, walking around the room with no one there.
mikey has brought you there before, especially when he had to stay away for a long time. he usually left you with kakucho, who has became one of your best friends.
but today you’re alone, plus, the clock is already pointing at 9. “he’ll be back soon” is the only thing that keeps going around your brain, hoping that everything is okay.
you try to stay calm, hoping for the best, but time keeps going forward. it’s almost 9:30pm, and still, no one has shown up yet.
you sit on the sofa, in the same place where mikey usually sits. it makes you feel better, just a bit, but better. you just hope for mikey’s safety.
9:45pm. 10:25pm.
when the clock marks 10:40pm, you are struggling to hold back tears. something must have happened, for sure. thinking positive in a delicate situation like this is impossible. mikey has mentioned that some delinquent groups had weapons once or twice. oh god. what if… no, it can’t be, it can’t be, it can’t be.
sniffling, you lay on the couch you’re sitting on, hoping to fall asleep quickly and to see mikey’s face when you’ll wake up.
it’s 11:37pm when mikey and the other members come back. you’ve fallen asleep earlier and you haven’t heard the door unlocking.
your boyfriend immediately sees your sleeping figure on the couch, “everyone, shut up” he says. the others stop talking, someone wondering why mikey has just said that. “kakucho, go in the other room with everyone and update them about the situation, i won’t be there tonight”. kakucho just nods and politely tells the other members to leave.
mikey sits near you and starts caressing your head. he knows he has fucked up. showing up four hours later that expected without sending you a message or something else.
you turn your head towards him and slowly open your eyes. “mikey?” you ask, waking up. “i’m back, love”. you quickly start sobbing and throw your arms around his neck.
“i hate you so much, are you hurt? why did you come back this late? you made me worry, i thought something bad happened to you, or… or… i don’t know, you could have died!” he lets you talk and cry. he knows that today he hasn’t been a good boyfriend.
“hey, y/n” mikey says, patting your back and holding you close to him. “please, stop crying. i know i made you worry, i didn’t do that on purpose. i am fine, everyone is fine. nothing bad has happened. just, haruchiyo fell from his motorbike.” he explains.
“promise that you won’t be this late again” you sob, still hugging him tight. “i promise, love you”.
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rindouheart’s 100 followers drabbles event — please don’t copy or steal 062322
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naokyunnn · 3 years
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haitani rindou x gn!reader
contains: swearings, fluff, crack, modern au
in where rindou finally got the courage to tell his feelings for you— the way sanzu told him how to
inspired by minu’s confession to mia aarkrkkkr (windbreaker)
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Usually at the time like this you’re in your room doing things that could occupy you just good, but not this time— earlier, lunch time. rindou came to your table and ask you to meet him in the skating park after school because he need to discuss something with you.
To be honest it got you all nervous, because he’s so serious when he was asking— so you just agreed, feeling a bit hesitant, yes— but its rindou he has your trust.
*Earlier that day
“you’re starring at y/n too hard, they might turn into a stone if you keep on doing that” koko mocked, noticing that rindou is again not paying attention to what they’re talking about but is busy looking at you.
“shut up, im not even looking at y/n, m’lookin at the window” rin attempted to excuse— but they all know that since rin was never honest with his feelings— and thats the problem.
“thats the problem rin, you dont have the courage and you’re not that honest with the way you feel, or should i say…..you’re shy to confess or scared of rejection, there’s a lot of possibilities” izana spoke, putting his book down just to give rin a realization— but before rindou could speak— sanzu snakes his arms around rin’s shoulder “you dont need to put an effort dude, i got you, i know a way how to confess that will definitely win y/n’s heart” sanzu’s voice was a bit loud, causing all of them shushing him in unison
In honest feelings rindou want to decline the offer, because he knows this is just one if sanzu’s bullshit but he still wanted to know and it might give him an idea— so he’s all ears
“what is it” rin simply replied causing sanzu to widen his smile and sat properly beside rindou— clearing his throat like he’s really serious— “ehem- okay……first of, make a conversation, ask them how did their day go, and act like you have a big problem, take them to the cafe near and treat them and then here it goes…..mutter the words ‘i like you’ as quiet as you can and, and— make them put their thumb up like a okay sign and if y/n did, put your thumb on the opposite side and it will form a heart like this—”
Sanzu put his thumb together— in opposite sides forming a heart, and showing it to rindou’s face
“—and repeat in much stable voice, ‘I said i like you, y/n’ LIKE THAT!! AND SUCCESS!!” Sanzu, putting both of his arms in the air— while his members still looking at him, all of their mouth slightly parted. “holy shit!!! for once you said something normal and helpful haha!!” kakucho laugh out loud pointing at sanzu— while the pink haired man smiled proudly, giggling along kakucho
They’re all giggling and praising sanzu about his idea while rindou in his seat, quiet, thinking it through and ran noticed this— so he said some few words to rin
“Rindou, ill take them out of this scene, you ask y/n right now— deal? plus bell is gonna ring in 3 minutes, take the chance” the older shift his chair closer to his brothers and whispered him. Rin eyes his brother and Ran just nod in support—
Ran got up, luring the guys to go back to the classroom a bit earlier or else there’s going to be a lot of students in the hallway— ran reason not wanting to smell those people closely, the guys chucked and agree not even paying attention to rin so its a go for him.
and that’s how it goes.
now you’re here in the skating park with rindou, just exchanging updates about how both of your days go
“what happen to your cheeks by the way?” you asked, tracing the patch on his face “slip into the bathroom this morning” he replied, “you’re lying?” you mocked “yes.” he said in return causing both of you to look at each other for a sec and giggled
and for a sec rindou forgot his nervousness.
for a sec it felt right— is this the right time?? he thought.— as the laugher died down
“i like you” the wind came along with his words— you heard him but not loud enough, it made your heart jumb but its like he’s nit proud of it so you asked him again, “w-what was that rin??”
he lower his head, hair covering his eyes and only his grin being visible right now— “put you thumb up for a bit……” he demand, in which you obeyed, putting tour thumb up and showing it in front of him “okay? and……?” you stayed like that for a second— until rindou’s head rises and put his thumb together with yours, forming a heart
“y/n, i said i like you” he’s now looking at your eyes, in deep admiration, and slowly— he intertwined his hands with yours, while you’re still speechless but rindou felt it too— he knew that like him too.
“w-wow…..i- Rin, i like you too, but that is like the cutest way to confess oh my god— you have all my heart for that” you hid your burning face by lowering your head and rindou chuckled to that— thinking of how cute you’re right now, and is also mentally thanking sanzu right now.
“so…..can i take you out this weekend?” he asked, now holding both of your hands, swaying it left and right playfully as you giggled “yes, of course rin-” you sentence were cut off when a sudden flash coming from your side flashed
“sanzu your flash is on dude, what the fuck” someone behind the bushes said— until different voices joined in
Rindou cursing under his breath and stood up, going for the people behind the bushes “you punks how long are you guys watching?!!” rin shouts causing the guys to break apart and run for their life— realizing those guys are his friends
“chase them rin!!!” you pointed at sanzu specifically as rindou did— chasing all of them together while you just watch them playing like kids— made you smile.
the fun died down, and they all parted ways and only ran stayed— wanting to go home with rin but rin insisted to walk you home first and which ran agreed but let both of you walk fist while he’s a bit far behind.
then you safely arrived home, waving goodbye to them “lets do this again next time rin!! but next time lets talk okay?” you waved an he just nod, smiling to you as you entered your home.
“ah shit i forgot to ask y/n’s number!”
“oh, by the way sanzu got a vid of you doing his cheesy advice, not gnna like it looks cute”
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hi i just read your work and it is amazing!!!! Buuut, if its possible can you make a part 2 of Scraps? Like, the first one was so good... it kinda needs a sequel😂😂 if thats possible
Had to think about what I would write for a little bit, but I think I've got it.
Scraps (Part 2): Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Kakucho Hitto, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Manjiro Sano, Hajime Kokonoi, and Takeomi Akashi x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.9k
tw: NSFW
song recommendation:
A pussy clenching, breath hitching, thighs squeezing mess.
That's what you're reduced to as you're in class, the soundless, dual vibrator/clit sucking device hidden neatly in your underwear.
Ever since you'd been introduced to the Alpha boys, they'd made you their personal plaything. And you didn't really mind; it was something to do when things got boring around the sorority house. But sometimes... they'd take their experiments out of your scope of knowledge.
This was one of them.
You were given the toy and told that if you could hold off on cumming for twelve hours, you'd be rewarded with whatever you wanted. But you couldn't take it out, you couldn't tell anyone - oh, and you didn't know who had the remote to it. The device is only controlled by a discreet, white remote, and any one of the seven men could have it, changing the speed or the pattern of vibrations of the device. Right now, it's on a pulsing cycle, making you squirm slightly in your seat as the professor lectures about art history.
You're sitting in the very back of the lecture hall where no one would sit if they wanted to pass the class. But you're content with today being an off-day. You need to survive this challenge, first.
You can't help but think of the various dicks that would be yours for the choosing once you finish today's challenge. But it's only ten o'clock.
Ten more hours.
Around twelve, you're trying your best to keep yourself calm, sitting on the edge of your seat while you attempt a test. The speed changes from pulsing to a dull vibration, giving you a brief break from the jolts of pleasure that go straight to your clit.
"Ms. Y/n, can you come up to my desk, please? Bring your test." You look up at your professor, who is cooking her finger at you. For a moment, you wonder if she's caught on to your little predicament, but when you approach her desk, she takes your test and crumples it up before throwing it in the trash, much to your surprise. "I forgot to tell you that you have an A in the class, so you don't need to take this test." You sigh in relief, just as the vibration changes to a more intense sensation. You tense up, clenching your legs before thanking your professor and leaving the classroom quickly.
You can't take much more of this.
Around three pm, you're laying in the sorority house, face down in a pillow as you moan, the feeling of an orgasm building on top of the other six or seven ruined orgasms from earlier. But you stuff this one down with the others, tears decorating your pillowcase as you sob in frustration.
Five more hours.
At six o'clock, you're at your breaking point.
Dinner is at seven, but you can't even focus on anything except the buzzing between your legs. You're hazy, staring at yourself in the mirror and blinking slowly. There had been no relief, no naps, no rest from the torment, but the pink device inside of you persisted, making you want to cum over and over again. All you can do is think about algebra or something disappointing to prevent yourself from cumming all over the device and losing the challenge.
Suddenly, your phone begins to chime, and you raise it to your face, seeing "Alpha House" on the screen.
"Hello?" you breathe into the receiver, and you hear a chuckle on the other end.
"Are you okay, princess?" It's Mikey. The vibrator begins to pulse again, and you bite your lip.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. What's going on?"
"Come by the house at seven-thirty. The boys are excited to see you." Mikey hangs up the phone and you stifle a loud moan, trying to keep yourself together before you meet the boys.
One hour left.
At seven-thirty, you're standing at the door of the house, and the vibrator is going crazy. You almost didn't make it across the campus without your legs going weak, but you prop yourself up against the door with a hand, quivering at you wait for the boys to answer the door.
"Little sister..." Ran answers the door, his violet eyes observing your quaking figure. "You made it." You try to step through the door, but Ran catches you in his arms, stooping to pick you up. He holds you against his chest, cooing into your ear about how you're such a good girl, and how they're going to take good care of you before the night is over. You're deposited in the den, where the other guys are, and Ran parts your legs with tender fingers, revealing the device nestled inside of your panties.
"All day, huh?" Sanzu wonders, sitting across from you on the couch and stroking your thigh. "You're such a good girl for us. Kakucho, Rindou, and Kokonoi didn't think you would make it."
"We placed bets," Rindou explains, forking his cash over to his brother with a small sigh. "But you proved me wrong." Mikey appears, his black eyes roaming over all of those present in the room before sliding and focusing on your half-dazed self on the couch, legs spread and shaking.
"Ready to guess who had the remote today?" You nod, breath quivering as you look around the room at the men. Your first bet would be on Sanzu, but you figure guessing him would be too obvious. Your second guess would be Rindou, but he also seemed like the most obvious. So you're left with Kakucho, Kokonoi, Mikey, Takeomi, and Ran. "You get three guesses."
Three guesses. Five men.
"M-Mikey?" Various members of the frat shake their heads. Of course, Mikey wouldn't, he just comes up with the ideas. Takeomi seems almost too bored with you, so he's off the list, too. Two guesses and four men. A twenty-five percent chance of getting it right.
"Kakucho?" He shakes his head, leaning on the back of a chair and blinking slowly.
"One more guess."
Kokonoi or Ran. Fifty-percent chance of getting it right. Kokonoi had a class with you today, but you didn't see him move his hands around as you watched from the back of the class at all. But the sensation also didn't change during the class. You have to take a chance, though.
"Ran." The violet-eyed man smiles, then produces the white remote from his pants.
"Smart girl."
"But how--"
"On Wednesdays, my work-study has me all over campus. Every time I saw you or walked by the sorority house, I'd change the vibration." Sanzu chuckles then looks at his watch.
"It's time, ain't it?" Mikey pulls your underwear off, leaving the lacy thing on the floor before looking at the device, then back at you.
"You earned yourself some extra credit," he begins. "Are you ready for us, pretty girl?"
"Yes," you keen, jerking your hips up. "Yes, I am."
"Good." Mikey slides the vibrator out of you and puts it up to your lips so you can taste yourself. You suck the device slowly, fingers coming down to caress your swollen clit as you suck your juices off of it.
After this, he stands you up and bends you over the back of the couch, feeling a large, warm pair of hands on your hips. "I'm not going last this time," Takeomi mutters, pants down around his ankles. "Been waiting for this all day." You're more than prepared to take his length, your pussy squelching and sucking his cock into you. "Fuck, yeah..." The slapping sounds of your backside against Takeomi's hips begin, and you moan, feeling the relief of a cock filling you up.
The other six just watch, some with their dicks out, others palming themselves over their pants. Mikey, as usual, is standing at the back of the room, watching the scene before him with crossed arms. This is his foreplay.
He enjoys watching and listening to you squeal more than anything. He enjoys having control over six men who will bend you over and use you as a willing cum dump if necessary, like a breeder who requires his bulls to try their luck with you, the lone heifer.
And it's pleasurable enough for you to keep coming back for more.
"Why don't we record this one?" Sanzu wonders and Takeomi laughs.
"You're gonna have to ask little sister, here. She might not--"
"That-that's fine," you pant.
"Just a little POV thing," Ran adds, pulling out his phone. "Make it real nice, Takeomi." You look back and watch the man inside of you point the phone at the space between your hips, watching his cock go in and out of you with a smile on his face.
"Look at that pussy... she's creaming all over my cock..."
And each frat brother waits his turn to cum in you, with Ran's being the most you've ever felt inside of you at one time, and Sanzu's being the roughest. Kokonoi is taking his turn when you feel cum sliding down your leg, and when he's done, cum drains out of you in a small flood. Your fingers, which have been running over your clit and bringing you close to climaxing, are covered in it, and you want so desperately to stick them inside of yourself and then suck them dry.
Kakucho takes his time bringing you pleasure, tweaking your nipples, and running his tongue down your back and up again. You suppose someone else is filming you two, because both of his hands are on your body as he pumps you full of cum, ghosting his fingers over the slight bulge from his long cock.
Rindou is last, and you watch Mikey pull out his own cock, stroking it while Rin slams his hips into you, making you moan louder than you thought possible. He grips your neck from behind, choking you lightly as you let drool run past your lips and onto the couch. You hear Ran complimenting his brother on his fucking, and your raise on your tiptoes, praying his dick would stop slamming into your cervix.
"Take it," Rin whispers in your ear. "You can take it, sweet girl." You choke out a cry, then grip the couch for all it's worth as Rindou lets himself go. When he pulls out, Mikey stands, his eyes focused on your face as he walks around the couch, taking the phone from Ran and pointing it at your filled and abused pussy.
"Push it all out for me, sweetheart." You obey, feeling the cum leak out of you rapidly before Mikey stands, swiping his cockhead over your pussy lips. "You haven't cum yet?" You shake your head, breathing heavily. "Go ahead and cum on my dick." Mikey enters you and fiddles with your swollen clit, bringing you back to the edge and not relenting. You get no warning prior to the orgasm crashing over you; the feeling of release almost taking you out.
"Oh my fucking god," you cry out, and Mikey pistons his hips a little faster as you clench around him.
"That's a good pussy," he grunts, left hand gripping your hip while he cums inside of you, growling low in his throat. When he's done, he backs away, watching you push out his cum, too. "Now I want you to get on the floor and lick it up," he orders you. "Lick all of our cum up."
You get on your knees and lick the puddle off the polished wooden floor, each man watching you with slack jaws. When you're done, you show Mikey your tongue. He approaches you, grabs your throat, and spits in it, closing your mouth as you swallow that, too.
"Such a good little slut, aren't you?"
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
hello hello! 🦋
Hope you're as well as can be and looking after yourself!
Ohh dear I am very excited and nervous for acacia thorns and my heart has already sunk far in advance. One, because it's your take on Kakucho and your writing effectively pulls on my heartstrings, and two, because it's Kaku and angst which I haven't really seen until this point 😭
On Kaku and Ran, they definitely have some kind of brotherly stuff between them! When Ran closed the eyes of Kaku and Izana at the end of the tenjiku arc that confirmed to me that maybe Ran does have somewhat of a heart for those he deems worthy of respect. I definitely imagine later into Bonten Ran and Rindou are the ones giving Kakucho a headache with their antics! From their usual going off the rails to the whole 'ran slept with his brother's ex' saga Kaku needs a holiday away from them
I never thought of that point of Inupi's hair in the various timelines! And that stark difference in the version of events where he stays within Toman with Koko and dons a military style cut to the immaculate locks he has when has his friends like Draken and Takemichi! Now all those lines in wisteria and sweetpea about his hair being this sunshine that covers reader is even more poignant 😭 even for all the rowdy stuff he does in Brahman's fighting rings he has people like Draken who look out for him and want him to be happy
I always wondered if he has any idea how beautiful he is both outside and from within? (Once you win his heart of course) How underneath his cold and guarded exterior there lies someone with so much love and devotion to those closest to him, and someone who goes above and beyond to make his loved ones happy 🥺
Now Christmas presents! The bane of my existence! They're truly the one thing I struggle with, so that makes two of us 😭 it's so hard choosing what to give someone when in reality they deserve the world and more, so I try to compensate sometimes by writing really sappy things in Christmas cards! Almost like a personal letter as I'm a very wordy sort of person lol.
Who in tokrev do you think writes really sappy letters for Christmas cards?
Sending lots of love and cuddles!
hello hello <3
Yeah, I've basically gone back on my own promise to keep things fluffy and light for the last bit of the event >_< i do apologise - I have to get the big sad out somehow - i guess it turns into fics <3
Yeah, the Kaku fic has been swirling around this last week, and shall probably happen this week - actually, most of the fics should happen this week. i go to my parents' soon and i don't want to be making excuses about what I'm writing LOL
I really love the Kaku/Haitani dynamic. Ran so desperately wants to big brother Kaku, because Kaku is so young - and of course Izana was in the Haitanis' age group. So they're almost surrogate brothers.. but, theyre not Izana, and not nearly as responsible. I feel like the other members of Bonten sometimes look at the three of them and wonder who really plays the big brother role (spoiler: his surname isn't Haitani). I'm very curious about the Mikey/Kaku dynamic, or he Mikey/anyone dynamic (except Sanzu, we know that), because Mikey has either directly or indirectly beaten all of them at one stage. and some out of pure malice (or dark impulse, or whatever - just go to therapy, my dude)
Inupi! - honestly his hair was the first thing i noticed, then his eyes, then the heels. I imagine that Draken noticed Inupi's hair getting long, and instead of shooing him off to get a haircut, he just gave Inupi a hairtie instead. He always has spare hairties around his wrist (a byproduct of the Mikey and Emma days *time to cry*) and when he realised that the other Toman boys were growing their hair out, he just kept the habit. It's especially useful once he joins Brahman, because Inupi and Seishu are constantly breaking or losing theirs (cue shared disappointment from Waka and Draken - Takeomi offers them gel and they politely decline)
Inupi has no idea of his worth I think. Just remember how Koko dismissed him. if the only person who Inupi thought cared for him treated him like that, why would he have value? (Koko I'm coming for you) Are we creating an Inupi Appreciation Club? I feel like it's happening.
Somehow I managed a productive Christmas shopping expedition, even if I came home with less than I had imagined. I at least managed to figure out what not to get people, and what I should probably buy online. I also came home with a nice candle, which is currently burning near me. My Christmas cards are atrocious. The holiday isn't very meaningful for me, but I go all out on birthdays. Some of my friends and I don't even do christmas, just one big meaningful gift in a year - to say thank you for tolerating me for so long >_<
As for TR characters who write long cards/long Xmas cards, I'd categorise them like this:
LONG letters/almost novels: Shinichiro, Emma, Hina, Naoto, Hakkai, Mitsuya, Takemitchy,
Longer than you'd expect: Mucho, Kaku, Ran, Benkei, Mikey (is it legible? no. Is it understandable? no. Is it heartfelt and gut-wrenching? YES), Kisaki, Angry, Chifuyu, Izana
Average: Draken, Waka, Smiley, Taiju (he writes Bible verses for you), Kazutora,
Short 'n sweet: Rindou, Mochi, Inupi, Pah-chin, Senju, Yuzuha
The back of a receipt for your gift <3: Takeomi, Koko, Peh-yan
What card?: Sanzu, Baji (he would, but he can't spell, and he forgot) Hanma, South
Lots of love to you and I hope you've had a restful weekend! <3
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