#i feel like they had a lil' freakout in s4 after the fandom s3 exploded but then they found their way back to the show's emotional truth
dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
i like that we had grace and frankie as a series long enough that we got to go on the full journey alongside the showrunners/writers/etc. of "we are telling the gayest story ever told between these two women but we don't know it" to "oh my god, people ship this on the internet???? abort! abort! they are platonic friends!" and then back to "ah, screw it, we liked it the original way, this is still the gayest story ever told between two women, make what you will of that. they won't kiss because we never envisioned that but here's everything else. including angel dolly parton. she also ships it."
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this is why shows should have 7 seasons sometimes btw
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