#i feel like this is horrible bUT I TRIEDD
Give me your Blyndeff sister headcanons please.
You got it, Boss!
Starting off, I think shes autistic. Look, i know this is low hanging fruit, but i mean... come on...
I have a list of all the nervous tics she has, which include:
Chewing on her hoodie strings
Clicking a pen, mechanical pencil, figit cube
Cracking her body, mostly her hands, fingers and wrists
Chewing her inner cheek
Biting herself
Shaking anything jingly
Nervous hand flappies
I also have a list of stims that i kinda projected:
Hand flaps are a big one
Same with fist shaking
Patting her thighs too
She also makes small popping noises
Ok back to ACTUAL headcannons:
Doesnt do well at amusement parks, but is cool about the scary halloweeny stuff
Quiet kid in school on the days she goes
Vocalizes what she does (aka making sounds as she does stuff) (akaaka her walking and she goes "eh eh eh eh")
I feel like she indulges in horror games, thinks the cutesy stuff is boring
Did not realize she was autistic until Trixie said "Thats neat Molly! By the way, did you ever get diagnosed for autism?" After she went on a whole rant about bear facts.
Speaking of facts, hyperfixation/special interest list:
Lethal company
Any horror game you give her, really
Horror movies
History (this is me protecting)
Actual Headcannons:
Textures are iffy for her
Shes touch seeking but will freak out if she feels or tastes a weird texture like with fleeces or fabrics
Naven triedd to help her with this, but it didn't work out and she spat out the food while apologizing
Likes Rasin Brain, its the only cereal thats not sweet
Drinks black coffee and tea
I feel like she owns a green Nokia with a bear keychain
Music taste is probably those nice music box covers or really quiet piano with rain ambiance.
Shes autistic too, but not at the same spectrum level as Molly
Abandonment Issues
If shes stressed she'll stim while talking out loud to herself
Had HORRIBLE meltdowns when she was younger, she stopped around the time Molly was born since her parents said she had to set an example
Sweet tooth, favorite flavor is Birthday Cake
I can sense she has a Dnd special intrest, most definetly has played Baldurs Gate 3 at some point
Warrior Cats kid
Bedazzles everything she owns
Horrible cook. Dont let her touch an oven
Her and Molly used to infodump together before they started hating eachother
Def a bedazzled flip phone girlie
Idk why but I feel like shes a Chai drinker, no explination I just feel it.
Also really likes Halloweeny stuff
She struggles more with school work than Molly (Proof, her spelling in PoP) but she doesnt want to ask for help cuz she feels stupid about it so she just does it wrong
Full Hyperfixation/Special Intrest List:
Dungeons and Dragons/TTRPGS
Baldurs Gate 3
Harry Potter (Fuck JKR)
Warrior Cats
Wings of Fire
Percy Jackson
Actual Headcannons:
I feel like shes an Art Kid
Specializes in Pottery and Doodles
Also has taken up plushie making! Without an Epithet, I may add
She doesnt have an issue with texture most of the time; but if she feels any slime or coldness on her hands she'll flip.
She likes the popular music; but secretly loves fantasy game soundtracks and vocaloid. DWEEB!!!! (Me too i get it Lori)
Storing money to go to a Renaissance Faire
She sometimes uses her dream bubbles for Dnd campaigns with the friends she has! Or she would if she had any
I feel like she sits alone at lunch :(
Loves Boba! Tried getting Molly to taste it but she spat out a Pearl
Theater kid. Gut feeling.
Thats all from me, anon! Enjoy!!
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Falling into Place: A Book Review
The main protagonist, Liz Emerson, is caught in a dilemma caused by her own actions. Her family background is not at all pretty. Her father died and her mother is always away. having no siblings, her friends, Julie and kennie, became the only people that she can turn to. But that did not end up well. The stillness at their house when she goes home is so defeaning that it made her so lonelyang going out is what she always wanted to do. Her loneliness, anxiety and grief turned her into a different person. She became broken inside. Being a popular girl in the school always made things easy for her but that did'nt help her divert her focus. instead, that made her easily choose a prey. She made unforgivable things to entertain herself and the people around her. She became so emotionally unstable that she started doing some things even though that register to her as unacceptable. They started to bully their schoolmates. Liz and her two friends served as puppets to each other. Her actions made a domino effect that affected not only the three of them but also a lot of people around them.
Their lessons in physics about the Laws of Motion was put in play. She then slowly understood the gravity of what she has done, that all her actions made equal and opposite reactions from the people around her. Abortion, drug abuse, pre-marital sex, bullying, rape, the list became endless. She triedd to find hope and change her ways it all became futile. She can't find an outlet to release what she really feels. People regard her highly but that complicated things more as people did not believe her when she started showing what she really feels. That's when she realized what she has done, she thought that it was all too late and the only way to stop their lives from spiralling down is to end her life. She decided to drive her car off a cliff and by doing that, she believes, that all the people she's been affected will heal their wounds and start anew. Is it too late to save Liz Emerson?
In this story, we learn that there's more of us from what others initially see and asking for help will not degrade us.
"'Please', he whispers.'Remember the sky'" When Liam found out her after she crashed her car. This part was the most enduring because you'll feel what Liam is feeling. That feeling when a loved one is in a critical situation and the thoughts and fears starts to flood but, I really enjoyed the moment when he sees her for the first time in the hospital. I thought it was a really important moment in the book.
The character i really liked was Liam Oliver. Liam wasn't that huge of character and I didn't understand how his connection to Liz was so big but I did like him. He's with Liz at the hospital the entire time she's there. partly, because he's the one who found her after she crashed her car and partly because he's always loved her. This seemed a bit cliche but he was an enjoyable character. Rather than let Liz and her friends bully him and let them get to him, he rose above it and became better than all of them in the end.
Liz is that type of character that you want to hate but you can't. Not because you like her but because you can relate to the things she's feeling. It's a horrible feeling that most of us only have to experience in little quantities only. But for Liz it's basically her whole life.
If I would be given a chance to ask a character. I would like to ask Liz. After she accepted help from her mother will it surely lead to a change of herself even though her mother doesn't change?
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