#i feel tired like i've just finished running a marathon lmao
harrenhalyuri · 10 months
ewan girlies it was an honor serving with yall
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
3rd part lmao imma be writing this shit until I die damn bro. also tw drugging, doesnt come until the end tho
running from 4 symbiotes (one of them being a god) wasnt too fun, especially considering the fact that your legs were starting to burn. but toxin never stopped for a second, he only kept on running from the fight behind the two of you.
when you tripped and fell, he picked you up and carried you, giving your legs a well deserved break.
the two of you continued on like that for a while when you were both met with the end of the large forest. it was absolute silence besides the breathe of you and toxin.
although it was faint, you both were able to see the city line, glowing like a light house in the middle of an ocean.
however, before the both of you were able to figure out what to do next, you heard a screech come from the forest. the large footsteps of someone running, their feet pounding into the ground.
"______, where the FUCK are you?!"
well, theres carnage.
toxin wasted no time, setting you down, leaning you onto a tree, and pretended to be inspecting your wounds. hes not gonna fall for that, toxin, you thought, hearing the stomping approach the two of you.
toxin wasted no time, and looked at you with a I'm sorry look before creating a sharp nail and making a small cut on the back of your lower leg. you hissed, and while it was unbearable, it wasnt a nice feeling.
carnage appeared right after, looming over the two of you, before looking at your leg and seeing that it was bleeding.
toxin was faster then carnage, however, and he quickly healed the wound faster then he made it.
carnage seemed to calm down a bit before he picked you up and motioned for toxin to follow him.
carnage carried you all the way to a little run down apartment, not the same one you remember before the wars but an apartment all the same. he set you down in front of the door before dragging you inside.
toxin followed, and saw the shitty conditions of the apartment. the walls were cracked, the countertops and floor were covered in either dust or dirt, the paint inside and outside was peeling and to top it off, it was cramped. extremely cramped.
carnage let you go before heading to the kitchen area, and came back with some water.
"here." he said, handing the glass to you. you gave a nod before gulping it down, a new thirst coming from your absolute marathon in the woods.
toxin sat on a foldable chair next to the wall watching as you handed back the glass to kasady, who had changed back to himself
cletus looked at the glass for a moment, inspecting the bottom of the glass, before smiling and going back to the other room to put the glass away.
you turned to toxin, whispering, "what are we gonna do?"
toxin replied, "we stay here. dont you remember the rule of the adoption wars?"
you smiled and had to stifle a laugh.
"you know, when I made that nickname for it, I wasnt thinking they were gonna go this far for me."
toxin was about to reply but cletus came back in and looked at the both of you, before saying, "____, you must feel really tired right now, dont you?"
you looked at him, puzzled for a second, before the confusion turned to drowsiness. you went to stand up but instead you had to hold yourself up with a nearby table.
toxin quickly went over to you, and helped you back onto the chair. he looked at you, seeing your eyelids droop, before he turned back to cletus.
cletus gave an innocent smile before he said, "is she tired or...?"
toxin turned back to you, and seeing you almost fall over made him look for a comfortable place for you to sleep. he saw a room that probably led to a bedroom and putting one arm around his shoulder, he dragged you into the somewhat nicer looking room and plopped you down onto the bed.
when he was sure that you were asleep, he turned back to the doorway, seeing cletus leaning on it. he stood up straight, puffing his chest out.
"I dont think it's a good idea to try and drug her again, cletus. wont make her trust you."
cletus' smile vanished as he walked away.
"listen here, kid, I don't like doing it anymore then you do, but I need her to be calm so te others wont find her here. besides, this place is temporary I'm getting a new place. one where itll be much more harder for any of them to find her. so calm down, relax and make sure she doesnt try to leave, will ya? I'll be back in a bit."
as cletus was enveloped by carnage, and he opened a window to swing out of, toxin was starting to wonder why he even put up with anyone's bullshit
ack I finished it and my fingers are sore. I'm thinking of just submitting these stories but then I would have to reveal my identity which makes me uncomfortable for some weird ass reason. also is his name spelt with a c or a k I've been saying cletus for all my life I dont he has another way of spelling it but I could be wrong lmao. anyway thanks for reading this, I have no idea what to do with my life - knull anon
Wow! You’re really delivering with these, Knull anon!! I get excited whenever I see you send another one in😊. And yeah Cletus is spelt with a C but Kasady is with a K.
Also, I think you can submit anonymously but if you’d like you can send a test submission in and if you’re username pops up I can just delete it but if you’re still uncomfortable with that then it’s all good😊.
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