#i find bullying shinichiro very funny
verityswritings · 3 years
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Yandere Kazutora Hanemiya Headcanons
⚠️Like one(?) spoiler for the anime⚠️
TW: Yandere Content
So really where to start with this mf? Well, as for meeting him, I’d think you’d would have met him a long time before the series begins. Like you two were friends in elementary school or something. Probably not like really close, but you knew each other.
So that means you know each other before he goes to jail the first time. He’d probably have a big crush on you before his time in jail and probably has slight yandere tendencies already but didn’t really try anything with you because he had more important things going on in his life at the time. He might be slightly possessive of you and jealous of other boys, but that’s really as far as it goes at the time.
So you’d probably sort of try to forgot about him during the two years he’s gone. I mean why would you want to be thinking about a murderer you were friends with, you know? Kazutora, on the other hand, would not be forgetting.
He wouldn’t be thinking of you all the time, the yandere tendencies haven’t fully hit him like he hit Shinichiro yet. (Haha I’m so funny) But anyways you would definitely be something he’d be daydreaming about. Wondering what you’re up to now, how school is for you, if you still have the same friends, etc…
Though, the intense feelings have always secretly been there, he didn’t really try to act on them until after he got out of jail and saw you again. Like he saw you again for the first time and he was like, “wow I can’t believe I didn’t realize I’ve missed them this much.” And that was when he realized he needed to have you.
He’s already missed out on two years of your life and he doesn’t want to miss anymore. So he immediately tries to weasel his way into your life. You probably wouldn’t be too keen on this because hello? Kazutora is literally a murderer who just got out of jail? Why would you want to be his new best friend?
Since you’re kind of trying to ignore him, he’d try really hard to find ways to get your attention, but he’s a very strange person so he’d do it in very bizarre ways. Does lots of things he thinks you will see as cute. Little presents consisting of things he stole off of people he beat up. Sometimes leaves them on your doorstep too. Little love notes he thinks are cute but are actually creepy. Beating up that one guy who looked at you for a little bit too long and telling you about it, just to make sure you know he did it. For you.
Kazutora would realize that inserting himself in your life like this isn’t working so he’d go to other methods. You don’t think you need him then you’ll just have to be shown that you do need him right? Obviously you’ll need him if random gang members begin to harass you. And of course he’s your knight in shining armor since he always just happens to be there to save you. There’s some guy at school who just randomly starts bullying you for no reason? Don’t worry about it, Kazutora already beat some sense into him. Just for you! <3
Don’t you see? You obviously need him to defend you. What would you have done without him hmm? And so that’s where he gets you to date him. I mean you were suspicious of the fact that all these boys are suddenly harassing you and Kazutora always comes to your aid, but Kazutora gets so defensive when you question him about it that it makes you feel bad you even considered that he set all of this up. You don’t think I’d be so cruel and set this all up, do you?, he’d ask and you’d feel too guilty to rebuttal him even if you do realize he did set it all up.
Even though he did have to force you into a relationship, he would still be really delusional about it. Like yeah you didn’t want anything to do with him right after he got out of jail, but you just had cold feet you know? Just nervous because it’s been so long since you’ve seen him. You were just a bit shy about wanting to be in a relationship with him so he just had to push you a little. Nothing wrong with that!
Definitely the wrong idea type. Of course you love him and care for him, I mean you’re dating him! Also very dependent and clingy. He has a very fragile mental state so he depends on you to try to keep it together. Wants to be with you all the time. You’re dating so why shouldn’t you be together? Will follow you every where and you gotta go where he wants to go too. Meaning you gotta go to Valhalla meetings. And you can’t go unless you join so you to become a member too.
Very possessive as well. Will beat up anyone he thinks needs to be beat up for you. The other Valhalla members look at you too long? Well they gotta learn their place now don’t they? Definitely don’t try to pay too much attention to anyone other than family and close friends. And even they won’t be totally safe from his possessiveness.
It feels like you have to walk on a wire and be very careful of what you say and do or else you might set him off. And your life is more dangerous now you’re forced to be a gang member so he’d one of the more bad yanderes to have in Tokyo revengers.But it could be worse I guess.
Should I continue this and write about after he goes to jail again/time skip! Kazutora?
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lostinthe-jojos · 3 years
❥Anon requested: Hello ! Can I have some headcanons for Draken having a biological twin sister pls ? And can you write about the manga too (since a lot of things will change) thank you ☺️
❥A/N: I loved writing this! There are no spoilers for anime watchers only, I wrote general headcanons of her and her relationship with the other founding members/the Sano family. If you want a part two, tell me!💕
Part 2
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First of all, physically, she looks a bit like Draken. She's tall too, and fit. She's strong, too, enough to keep up with her brother. She has long hair and mostly keeps her natural black hair color, except for a few highlights here and there whose color she changes whenever she feels like it. She's usually seen with bomber jackets of different colors, patterns and fabrics.
They don't really know who was born first.
Personality wise: I love opposite personalities when writing twins. So I'd say she would be a lot more chaotic and active than Draken. She doesn't really have a filter when talking, whatever she thinks she'll usually say aloud. However, she's not rude, just straightforward. She's kind, too, protective and loyal to those she loves.
Growing up, she was more shy and usually would hide behind her brother, that is until he got beat up for the first time. She had heard about those bullies wanting to beat another kid, some "Invincible Mikey", so she went out of her way to find him first and told him about the situation. Mikey was more that ready to kick those older guys asses by the time Draken found him. From then on, the three become inseparable.
She met Mitsuya the same day Draken did, when he took him to the brothel. She immediately liked him, he was so soft-spoken and kind and creative. The pair soon became close friends. She also likes hanging out with Luna and Mana, but much to his misfortune, she will join the pair in their shenanigans.
Draken had taught hid sister how to defend herself, but she lacks any technique. Mikey suggests training in Karate, with him and another friend of his. When she met Baji, she felt like she had finally met her partner in crime, much to Draken's dismay. Later, she shifts to krav maga.
Emma and her are best friends, despite how different they are. She often sleeps over at the Sano household, and have girl nights with Emma, sometimes even having Mikey join them. Mikey told her about Emma's crush on Draken, and ever since, the two have been trying to get them both together. She will scare off any guy that comes close to Emma, because that's her future sister in law.
She was just as fond of Shinichiro as the others were, and Shinichiro loved having her and Draken around. He thought they were a good influence on Mikey and Emma.
The best and worst trio, depending on who you ask, is her, Baji and Kazutora. Whatever terrible idea any of the three comes up with, the other two will follow. They have a full "ride or die" attitude with each other. Baji might have a little crush on her, while Kazutora sees her more like a sister, feelings that intensify after he got sent to juvie and both her and Baji send him letters every week.
Pah-chin likes her. A lot. He feels like she gets him, she's patient with him and both like hanging out together. She also gets along really well with Pochi, his dog, and she convinced Draken to take care of him after Pah was arrested, saying "how can you not love him? He looks like you!". Draken did not find that very funny.
She's an honorary ToMan member, everyone knows she's under their protection and that she can also throw a punch.
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