#i genuinely like finn's stage play actor he's so cool and cute
The musical stage play version of Mashle is starting the performance today! Here are some clips of it that I can find!
(Will be updated whenever I find more unless I hit the video post limit!)
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An entirely objective rewiew of episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Legend: red is bad (or rather: dumb shit I can't ignore), blue is objective good, black is neutral and orange is random shit I love (aka subjective good).
Okay, the exposition following the title crawl just makes me feel like I've somehow missed a movie, or two. All of this happened in the span of, what? A couple months? A year? We aren't told.
I was going to ask why Kylo Ren was even looking for Palpatine in the first place, but you know what? I don't really care. I won't complain about Ben in this movie.
Palpatine can see the future, right? That's the only way this makes sense. I mean, he's telling Kylo to "kill the girl" (and presumably become Emperor of the Galaxy?) but... why? Later, he'll want Rey to kill him and become Empress, but then he'll just want to kill her, too. Is Palpatine an idiot, or is he just insane?
"She's not who you think she is." Honey, she's not who the screenwriters thought she'd be.
I genuinely love the Finn/Poe/Chewy/Rey dinamic in this movie. They don't feel like friends yet (which they shouldn't), but there's still a camaraderie and genuine caring for one another there. It's great.
"How do we thank you?" - "Win the war."
Rey is a badass, as per usual. Also, I love how Kylo's just fucking with her here. That girl could cut him in half.
"Somehow Palpatine returned." The 'somehow' is a key word there.
Oh, good, Rose is a non-character now.
While I adore the actors' chemistry, Rey doesn't really need this big of a party to come with her. Chewy's the co-pilot, so his presence is justified, then Finn could come as well and use the blasters, Poe too, because him and Finn didn't get enough screentime in the last movie, but the droids? No. Have them stay with Leia. We don't need C-3PO explaining everything to us, thank you very much.
Oh, yeah. That reminds me.
They're foreshadowing C-3PO and Leia's deaths so hard here.
The mother-daughter dinamic between Leia and Rey is good. That's all.
That mask was left in pieces. Is it even possible to fix at this point?
Oh, cool, the Knights of Ren exist. For about three minutes of screentime.
The humor in this movie works pretty well for me. Hux's assurance that Kylo looks, in fact, great, is gold.
The New Guy.
"Serving another master?" - "No." Um, yeah? Yeah, you are. What is your plan, Kylo Ren? Because, to me, it see that y- Oh, yeah, I've promised to leave him be. Shit.
A simple conversation would have made this movie so much shorter and so, so much better. "Oh, hey, Rey. Where you off to?" - "Yo, Ben. Oh, you know, looking for Palpatine so that I can kill him." - "Oh, cool. That was my plan, too. Wanna come with?" - "Sure." - "He's your grandfather, btw." - "Cool. Wanna rule the Galaxy?" - "Sure.
Rey's over here casually cutting ships into pieces.
Also, I love how people complain that Rey is OP in this scene, while Kylo just strolls away from a burning husk of a ship, unscathed.
"The inscription that was on the dagger is in your memory?" Yeah, that's how computers works, Poe.
Also, I love how no one cares about shat C-3PO thinks/wants. These characters and this script dislike him as much as I do.
The No-Thank-You droid is adorable.
"You were a spice runner?" - "Were you a Stormtrooper?"
Babu Frik. Baby Yoda ain't got nothing on this guy.
Daisy Ridley is sooo so good in this movie.
"Does she do that to us?"
"I pushed you in the desert-" Baby, you struggled in the desert.
The directing of this scene is so good!
"I'm the spy." (I love it 'cause it makes me laugh. Hux is such a petty little shit that he'll join the Resistance just to see Kylo lose. I appreciate that."
Rey being a Palpatine bothers me about as much as the CGI Carrie Fisher, which is to say: a little bit.
"People keep telling me they know me; I'm afraid no-one does" with Kylo Ren's leitmotif playing in the background. *chef's kiss*
That blade is the most plastic-looking thing I've ever seen. (The Wayfinder)
"Babu Frik! He's one of my oldest friends." Alright, 3PO, that was pretty funny.
I have literally nothing to say about the next fifteen minutes, or so. I feel bad for these actors. Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver have gorgeous chemistry, and though they're trying their damndest, you can kind of tell that they're weary of these movies by now.
Two words: Harrison fucking Ford.
This scene.
"I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it."
Good job, honey. Now you have no weapon for the final battle. Takes after Anakin, this one.
Every ship is a Star Destroyer.
"A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect."
The reverse Kylo Ren leitmotif that's within Rey's theme playing while Rey is wondering why everyone trusts her despite her being a Palpatine is kind of cute.
As I watch the Resistance/First Order battle unfold, I can't help but wonder why they can't just- sign a peace treaty. How long has this war been going on for? Surely, they must've gotten bored of fighting.
Oh, but I do love the design of Palpatine's throne.
"I never wanted you dead. I wanted you here." I feel like you don't really know what you want, sir.
I love how confused Rey looks while Palpatine talks about how much she apparently hates him.
Ben's just been chillin' for the past 20-ish minutes. I like the redeemed theme they've made for him, though.
Why are the Knights of Ren here? They should be loyal to their Master, no? Also, Ben, honey, you have the Force. You've used it in the first movie to stop a blaster shot mid-air. Surely, levitating six people way up in the air, then letting them fall into the chasm below can't be much more difficult.
This battle. Also, I love how the Knights back the fuck up when Rey sends Ben the saber.
And now he wants to be the Emperor. WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
Ow. That's- that's a broken spine right there. Good thing our dude's indestructable.
I realize I'm quoting Sideways here, but seriously, why don't they play the Force Theme when Rey communicates with every Jedi ever?
The final scene between Ben and Rey (minus the kiss - y'all know how I feel about shoehorned romance). It's still so, so beautiful. This scene is more beautiful than this movie - nay, this franchise - deserves.
Oh, is the Stormtrooper lady Lando's daughter? That's... You know what, actually? I don't care.
The ending is so damned strange. She just returned to Jakku, disposes of Leia's and the Skywalker lightsabers (rude!), steals BB-8 and just- nothing.
I do like her new lightsaber, though. It suits her.
Yeah, there's one Skywalker missing next to Luke and Leia. I guess that Rey just didn't give a shit about him, huh? Oh, well.
This movie is odd to me. Many people hate it, some like it, but I'm in this in-betweeny stage. I like it more than The Last Jedi, but only because I don't observe these two movies as agregates, but more as collections of good and bad scenes (since they both feel scrapped together), and thus, RoS just has more elements which I like, though it's objectively the worst movie of this trilogy. Rey is the best she's ever been, Ben Solo is *chef's kiss*, Poe is awesome, Finn is... there (the underdevelopment of this character is still the worst thing they've done), but he does have some good moments, some of the side characters are pretty great (the long helmet lady and Babu Frik come to mind immediately), the music is always a highlight and... yeah.
As for the negatives, Palpatine is right up there. His plan is stupid. That's all I'm gonna say about that. Other than that and the demolition of Rose Tico, everything else are nitpicks for me. This movie could have been great only if they'd scrapped this story entirely and either:
a) made an entirely new movie and utilized some of the original concepts they had, or
b) made at least two new movies with the ideas presented here.
Overall, I've enjoyed this movie. It's one of those movies which I can watch after a long day of studying to relax my brain a bit, one that is supposed to be thought about as much as the scriptwriters have done - which is to say, a bit.
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