#i guess i'm just confused why using masterlist for fic lists would be an issue
themculibrary · 1 year
Fic lists are good and I applaud the thought but you really need to rethink MASTERLIST as your definition. A masterlist is EVERYTHING (per fanlore wiki). Not the top twelve, not the ones you like best, not the non-problematic ones, EVERYTHING. You are posting some fabulous lists, but you are most definitely not posting a masterlist of anything.
I understand what you're saying but masterlist is a term that I've been using for these fic lists since I became an admin on the phanfictioncatalogue so it transferred over to this blog when I made it. The goal is not to post everything when it comes to masterlists for these fic lists. We post 15-20 per masterlist so of course it's not going to cover everything with every masterlist. That being said we also don't pick the "best top twelve" or ones we think are best fics. We simply pick fics that fit the criteria of the specific topic we are using for the masterlist.
I've been using the term masterlist for fic lists for years now so it seems a little weird to change it now, if I'm being honest. Of course I will change it if it really bothers people. That's no problem to me.
- Tori
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