#i had heard of mudd before but i wasn't expecting a gay cowboy pimp
worfs-fabulous-hair · 3 years
Series I'm currently on : TOS
Episodes watched: 01x04 - 01x06
Episode names:
The Naked Time
The Enemy Within
Mudd's Women
The Naked Time
These hazmat suits don't look very effective with the bottom of the head price being open.
Oh you dumb bitch why did you just off you hazmat glove, touch something and then rub your face under the mask, then do it another time after touching more things with your still uncovered hand.
What is this medical table, it looks pretty cool but I know from experience that being on medical tables that move like that are absolutely terrifying.
Spock has blue eyeshadow
Sulu is just trying to have a decent conversation and this guy is just losing his shit, like he just pulled a knife on everyone
Sulu is walking through the halls with a sword and chasing people with it but their just looking at him like 😕 like completely unimpressed
Ominously singing songs of death through the pa system
It's apparently really easy to over power the entire engineering crew
Bowling alley ? There's a bowling alley on this ship ?
More misogyny
More ominous death songs over the pa system as Scotty places bombs
Love confession for Spock out of left field, aight
Spock's balling his eyes out
Also they've taken out the dude that was ominously singing about death
This cut away with sulu screaming is so funny
Spock : Jim you are my friend I care for you deeply Jim : * starts slapping Spock violently *
McCoy just casually rips kirk's shirt in half to inject him with a medicine
Now their time traveling ???
They are so casual about having found the formula for time travel like Kirk really said " oh cool, any ways "
Other episodes under the cut
The Enemy Within
Unicorn dog , unicorn dog , unico-
I like the idea that there is just a whole bunch of crew members that wear kimonos all the time as a uniform .
Evil twin
Not the Debby Ryan smirk from the evil twin
Does Kirk let everyone in his room while he's shirtless straight out of the shower or is that just Spock
Evil Kirk assaults a women
The fake blood they use is such a bright magenta color
Kirk owns foundation ?
Really bad transitions lets go
Spock being really excited to learn things about humans and their behavior while still remaining emotionless is something I will always give Lenard Nemoy major prop for.
Five bros , huddled up in a parachute 0 feet apart because it's -75° and they can't be beamed back up
They killed the unicorn dog I'm so sad now
These guys were stuck in -170° weather and they only had "a bit of frost bite " like their all unconscious bones
Wing man Spock
Mudd's Women
Gay cowboy
Gay cowboy has ship with women that are very distracting to all of the men of the ship but as usual when faced with a pretty woman Spock is unamused
This guy is a pimp , like most definitely a pimp he keeps saying shit like y'all better not tell them anything or y'all better not do this and then goes haha I mean enjoy your time on the enterprise my darlings
I really like the girls' dresses
Spock and Scotty are ready to hate crime the gay cowboy
This man is on the run and didn't even change his appearance in order to hide
People keep getting called out for being horny on this show , I'm here for it
This guy keeps forgetting that he's being watch not only through cameras but by security crew members
Why is it that every time bones sees a pretty lady he becomes entirely feral
I feel like Spock knows everything that's going on but is just amused by how all of the men on the ship are going monkey brain over these women .
Oh , he's a drug dealer . Ok .
Gay cowboy makes deal with lonely miners stuck on isolated planet that he will pimp out his women to them if they negotiate his charges getting dropped
One of the women no longer wants to be a drug addict or pimped out , she decides running into a storm is the easiest way to do that
Miner finds out that gay cowboy is a con man
Woman finds out that she's taken so many drugs that she has developed super powers of her own
Bones makes a jab at Spock and Spock almost smiles and then the episode ends.
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