#i had to apologize because at one point i said 'i m eee a n ๐Ÿค”'
heart-bones ยท 10 months
absolutely reeling at the tswft saga today like I promise you don't have to defend her this much I understand but we're not gonna agree on it
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judgementofanartist ยท 7 years
Tara's Fault
(I decided to write a short horror story, and made this. Don't read if you don't like gore. If you do like gore, enjoy!) Eva White seemed pretty normal to anyone who saw her. She was plain, but attractive, with long ginger hair, brown eyes framed by long eyelashes, pale skin, and an average build. She was good natured, but a little soft-spoken at times. However, her sister, Tara, made her seem much more plain than she was. Tara was tall, with shoulder length, cherry red hair, bright green eyes, and pale, freckled skin. She was upbeat, extroverted, and usually smiling. Eva was jealous of Tara, not just because of her beauty, but because Tara unknowingly had the heart of her loved one, Aaron Blackwell, a classmate of the two girls. Eva had periodically had thoughts about forcing Tara to turn him down if he decided to confess his feelings. That'd be suspicious though, she'd think, and shake her head. However, she knew while Tara was here, Aaron wouldn't notice her. "He cares for her.. I won't be noticed while she's around.." Eva would say, her voice high and shaky. Eva grew to hate her sister by the halfway point of their second year of high school. "Tara is starting to fall for MY Aaron!" She snapped at nobody abruptly one evening in late January, while she was sitting alone in her room. She growled angrily, and clenched her fists. She opened her clenched fist, and looked afraid when she saw she had crushed a photo of Aaron she had been looking at. "I'm sorry baby..." She muttered, smoothing the crumpled photograph, and kissing the paper. "It's all Tara's fault... She made me think of you in bad ways." She apologized sweetly. She ran her fingers through her hair. "Aaron, baby, would you be proud of me if I stopped her from loving you? I could break her, I could hurt her, I could keep her away from you..." She smiled at the picture, before kissing it again, and pinned it back onto the bulletin board covered in pictures of her love. Some photos were blurry, like they had been taken quickly, others were crisp and clear. She smiled lovingly at the photographs. "Aaron likes taking photos, he's not in the photography club for no reason~" She giggled a bit. "Maybe he could teach me how to take good photos... That'd be nice, I'd get to talk to him more too!" She smiled, excited by this thought. "Tara is an idiot.. She wouldn't want to do something like that with him, it's too much for her little brain~" She grinned nastily. "I want to say theses things to her face.. She thinks I'm her innocent, boring little sister.. I'll show her I can be more than just her plain younger twin~!" She started to laugh, high and cold. "Eva, a-are you okay in there?" She heard Tara's voice worriedly calling out. "I'm fine." Eva replied, her tone dry. "O-okay.. Dinner will be ready soon.." Tara murmured, and walked away. Mom and dad must be working late again, Eva thought, and smiled. She could use it as an opportunity to eliminate her "dear" sister. She decided not to, it'd definitely get her caught. She sighed a little, and took out her cellphone, dialing Aaron's number. "Hello?" Aaron's quiet, but still calm, controlled voice rang out through the phone. Eva squeezed the phone tightly, ecstatic. "Oh.... Wow.... H-hi..." She whispered, her voice eerily shaky. She heard the boy swallow nervously. Hey, she thought, it isn't my fault it's hard to talk to him! "Um.. Eva, is that you? You sound a little sick, are you coming down with something?" Aaron asked quietly. The girl let out a small squeal. "Eee! He's worried about me!" She thought. "N-no, I'm- I'm fine." She replied, her voice still whispery. "If you're sure.." The boy responded. "I was just worried that if you were sick, Tara might get sick too, and then I wouldn't see either of you at school tomorrow!" He sounded more worried about Tara. Eva let out an angry growl. "No, both of us are fine.." She said in a monotone voice. Aaron raised an eyebrow, still worried. "I-if you say so. Anyways, what did you want to ask me?" "H-hm..? Oh, yes.. I-I wanted to know if you could... give me some photography tips tomorrow.. O-or tonight!" Eva stammered out, shaking and clutching her phone. She laughed a little. "Um.. I-I can't right now, it's too dark, the photos would turn out bad.." He laughed nervously. "Shit! I shouldn't go out so late, she might want to hurt- What am I saying?! It's Eva, she wouldn't hurt a fly!" Aaron's thoughts were racing. "I still won't go with her, just since it's way too dark." He thought. "Heyy.. You still there..?" Eva's uncannily shaky tone made him jump. "A-ah! Yeah, I'm still here. I gotta go soon, I have to make dinner." He smiled a little, trying to keep her from worrying. "Oh... too bad.. Hey, maybe I could... I could come over and bring you dinner, so we could talk more!" The girl smiled, and Aaron could hear her unsteady breathing in between pauses in her speech. "I-I've got a lot of homework..." "We're in the same class, and I don't have any!" Eva grinned. "W-whatever, you get it. I-I'm busy." He stammered. "He's avoiding me, isn't he..?" Eva murmured, talking to someone in the room with her. "Eva? I'm just gonna hang up now... See you tomorrow.." He quickly hung up before Eva could object. He shivered, and set his phone down on the desk, before walking into the kitchen. "I hope she doesn't show up here.. I'm worried she might be a little unstable.. She kept laughing.." He mumbled as he started making dinner. He was distracted by his thoughts, and accidentally dropped a glass bottle on his foot. "Gah! Fuck!" He yelped. "Shit, it's bleeding.." He examined his foot, which had a piece of glass stuck in it. "Ow, hell!" He winced, and limped to the bathroom to treat the wound. 'KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK' went someone on the other side of the front door. He sighed, and limped to the door, leaving a trail of blood behind him. "Please don't be Eva.." He prayed as he opened the door. Standing in the door was Eva. "Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!!" Aaron thought. "I know you didn't want me to come over.. But I really wanted to talk to you.. A-and hey, I brought you dinner!" The girl smiled, and held up a small box. He had to admit, the food smelled good, but Eva was acting so weird.. So he was scared of it. "Oh, you're bleeding! Who did this??" Eva stared at the shard of glass and the large wound in his foot. "I-I did. I dropped a bottle while I was cooking." He said quickly. "Let me bandage it up for you, then we can eat!" Eva smiled. She was acting seriously weird, and so doting, Aaron thought. Eva pulled him into the bathroom. "Where are your bandages?" She asked. Her temperament had changed from shy and quiet to loud and controlling. "U-um, they're in the cabinet above the sink." He said nervously. The girl grabbed bandages and a bottle of disinfectant, and started to clean the wound. Aaron watched nervously. She hadn't tried to hurt him at least. "All better!" Eva smiled, her expression slightly creepy, just because of how wide her grin was. "Now, how about dinner?" "Um.. Okay.. But I was going to make some food, so you don't have to stay.. You can leave.." Aaron was starting to get extremely wary of Eva's sudden affection towards him. "But... I don't wanna leave.. Y-you're all alone here, so you'll be sad if I leave!" Eva stammered. "Well... Fine, you can stay.. But I still think you should go home, Tara is gonna get worried.." The boy murmured. "I told her I was leaving to go to a friend's." She replied calmly, cracking a wide grin. "W-why are you smiling, Eva?" Aaron murmured, his voice shaking with very apparent terror. "Dear me...! Am I scaring you? O-oh, n-no... I-I'm sorry.. I-I didn't m-mean to.." Eva's tone was timid again almost instantly, her voice brittle and thin. "Wait, Eva, don't cry.. Please?" He muttered. The girl rubbed her eyes, and looked up, smiling at the boy sweetly once again. "I'm not crying, don't worry!" She giggled lightly, but there seemed to be an undertone to it, or so the boy thought. In order to keep Eva from crying, or maybe something worse, Aaron smiled reassuringly, but the girl could sense that he was afraid now. "S-so, how about dinner?" He stuttered. Eva smiled brightly. "Of course, how did I forget? Come on!" She took his hand, and pulled him to the kitchen, firmly seating him in a chair. "Say aaa~" She smiled, and opened up the box full of food. Damn, I never knew she could cook like this, Aaron thought. He noticed she was holding a fork with a piece of food on it in front of his face, and reluctantly let her feed him. She looked ecstatic, and clapped her hands together. "Okay, this is getting weird. Why is my classmate feeding me? Better question, why did she come to my house with dinner in the first place?" Aaron pondered in his head, worried. "What's wrong?" Eva asked, looking worried. "Oh, n-nothing! Thanks for dinner, y-you should go home!" The boy stuttered. Eva simply nodded with an eerie smile, and left quickly. "He still doesn't like me.." She murmured as she walked home. Her phone started to ring. The caller ID said it was Tara. Eva sighed, and answered the phone. "Sis. Mom and dad won't be home tonight, they have to stay for the week it turns out." Tara said gently. "Oh. Well, that's too bad I guess.." Eva mumbled. Perfect time to get rid of Tara, she thought. "Yeah.. You coming home?" Tara asked. "I'm almost home now. Hey, wait in my room, okay?" The younger twin smirked. "Um, alright.." The older replied quietly. Eva hung up, and skipped home, going up to her room. She grabbed a pair of scissors off the kitchen table, and went into her room to "talk" with Tara. Tara was in her sister's room, her back to the door. Eva giggled lightly, and stuck the scissors into the girl's back. Tara choked and gasped, falling forwards. "You know, dear sister, I really don't like having competition. Especially not in love." Eva giggled, her laugh colder now. "Eva..? Why... Why are you doing this...?" Tara choked out. The younger of the two yanked the scissors out, opened them, and begun to hack at her sister's back, making deep, gore-filled cuts. Tara started to cry softly, small noises of agony. Eva grinned nastily, and started to drag the scissors down her sister's chest, making a long, shallow cut. "Time to cut you open~! You know, I really hate it when you flirt with Aaron~ He's mine I hope you know. Mine, not for you, okay?! Ah, well, you won't be able to talk to him once you're dead!" She laughed uncontrollably until her stomach started hurting. "You did like playing doctor when we were little, didn't you sis? Well then, time for your operation~! The chance of survival is.. Well look at that, it's none!!" She cracked a massive grin, pointing the scissors at Tara's stomach, where the long cut ended. She brought the scissors down into the incision, and started to cut open Tara's stomach. She pushed aside the skin, ignoring her sister's unintelligible pleas and cries. "Mm. So that's what the inside of a human looks like!" Eva giggled, and worked her fingers in, feeling around Tara's insides. "Aww... Too bad, you look like you're bleeding out. I wanted to hurt you some more~ Oh well~!" She pretended to be sad, before grinning for a split second, and stabbing the scissors down into her sister's chest, right over her heart. Tara's eyes widened, and she twitched a bit, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth. Eva sighed, and looked down at her blood soaked clothes. "Now, won't Aaron be proud of me?" She said to nobody. She quickly dialed his phone number. "H-hello..?" Aaron asked softly. "Aaron, come over. "Tara" wants to ask you something!" She replied cheerfully. "Oh.. Really..? O-okay..." Aaron nodded, and quickly hung up. He started walking to the two girls' house. If Tara wanted to talk, why didn't she just call me? This thought sent a wave of panic through his body, and he shuddered as he walked. When he got to Eva's house, his heart was pounding in his throat, and he was getting nauseous. The front porch of Eva's house was swaying underneath him, and he shakily raised his hand to knock. Almost immediately, Eva answered the door. "Y-you.. W-why do you have blood on y-your clothes?!" Aaron stared in horror. Eva was smiling brightly, and her clothes and skin were stained with blood. It was fresh too, it reeked of metal. The same smell was coming from somewhere in the house too, upstairs maybe.. "D-did you hurt somebody?!?!" Aaron tried to take a step back, but stumbled, he was shaking, and his legs felt like jelly. "Oh.. I guess I did.. But you wanted me to, right? RIGHT?!" Eva started laughing, and pulled him forwards, slamming the front door once he was inside with her. "Come on, you're gonna love it~" Eva grinned, and dragged him upstairs. The metallic smell got stronger near her room, and there was blood on the floor. She giggled lightly, and pushed the door to her room open. There was blood all over the floor, and splattered on one wall. Leaning against the wall, was... "N-no... I-it can't be... No no no!!!" Aaron screamed, tears pouring down his face. It was Tara's dead body, cut open and partially dismembered, with the intestines hanging out in places. Her eyes were open, but they were glazed over, and she looked to have been dead for about thirty minutes, as her skin was turning a bit purple, and her lips were pale in color. "Y-you killed her!!" Aaron screamed, terrified. Eva grinned. "I know~ I knew you wouldn't love her if she was a rotting corpse, so I killed her for you! Are you proud of me?? Hm? You are, aren't you? Aren't you??" She was shaking and giggling, clinging to the boy's arm. He started backing away. He struggled away from her, backing away towards the window. "Where are you going? Where are you going? Where are you going? Where are you going? Where are you going?" Eva repeated, still trying to pull him towards her. He frantically tried to open the window, and managed to force it to open. Thunder crashed outside, and rain poured down as he wriggled desperately out of the window. Eva grabbed his leg, and he tried to struggle away. He didn't notice that below the window, was a drop straight down onto the concrete patio below. His eyes shot wide open as he plummeted down onto the hard rock. It felt like he was falling in slow motion, until the impact, which was fast, and hard. He lay on the ground, blood everywhere. "I-I'm still a-alive..." He murmured in amazement. He couldn't hear anything around him, except the beating of his heart, which was slow, and uneven. His eyes fluttered open and shut, and finally decided to close.
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