#i had to research some of these i hope they aren't messy jfjjsa
noctuascion · 5 years
Ooh I’ve got a cryptage prompt if you feel like writing c: I really love ur writing btw it’s so freaking good 💖: Mirage wants to try and impress and further understand his bf by learning some Korean, but he’s obviously not the best at it and is embarrassed by how bad he is. Crypto finds his efforts really endearing regardless, and falls even more in love with the old man 🥺
YESSSSS!!!!! This is so cute and reminds me of another one-shot I should write. *i rub my hands together like little fly* However!!! I'll focus on this ask first!!! And tysm!!!! That's so sweet of you!!!
Elliott isn't a linguist. He's never bothered to learn any other languages, despite being around so many people with foreign tongues. Hell, he's barely good at English—why would he want to work on learning an entirely new language?
Well, that was his mindset before he met Tae Joon Park (or, as he's better known, Hyeon Kim), the beautiful, enamoring, absolutely wonderful Korean-speaking man he's devoted every thought to, every moment to adoring and appreciating. Park had spoken a single word to him (well, technically two, but his statement still stands) and he had fallen for the language.
Every word was so effortlessly said, like Park's very tongue was graceful. At times, he'd hesitantly whisper some phrase in his mother tongue (something like "saran kayo," he thinks? He always says that phrase quickly and he can never quite get a read on what's exactly being said) and Elliott would ask him to say it again, receiving a fond roll of the eyes, before he gets a kiss to shut him up.
Park seemed to prefer speaking Korean at times. No one else on the drop ship spoke it, so he could mutter to himself in the language to avoid inquiry. It was where he was more comfortable speaking fondly to Elliott, too (and Elliott had to learn that by picking up the fondness in his voice and the softness in his eyes). Receiving compliments in that soft voice in that beautiful language was enough to brighten the man's day after any nightmarish event.
And now, concerning that pesky language barrier, Elliott was studying the language a bit. He couldn't learn it in a few days, but he'd definitely try to learn as much as he could and totally impress his boyfriend, make him swoon, as he usually does (because Park isn't the easiest to impress with his usual nonsense, but he's learned that showing off that beautiful brain of his was the way to his heart).
Plenty of research was put into this, hours spent on just learning little terms of endearment that could bring out those cute apple cheeks he adores so much.
At the moment, said boyfriend was seated in his lap, working on improving the performance of his drone, the little guy currently in sleep mode and plugged into his laptop. Elliott was scrolling through the page he was currently reading over. The hacker's intent focus on his programming eventually switched over to the trickster's screen, raising a brow as to what he was currently reading.
"Why are you looking up 'terms of endearment'?" he asked, relaxing against the other's chest. A "comfortable pillow," apparently. "I could have sworn you had a endless supply of pet names."
Elliott chuckled, pressing a kiss to the back of Park's head, nose buried in soft hair. "Mm. No reason… ae-in."
Park's eyes widened momentarily, pulling away from where he was resting against his chest and, instead, moving to look at the other incredulously, head tilted. "Did you just… You pronounced it wrong."
"I pronounce English wrong. You can't expect any better." Elliott chuckled, dropping his phone on his bed and arms moving to slip around Park's waist. "I'm trying to learn."
"'Cause I wanna know what you're saying whenever you say that one word—s-saran… saran-something."
"Saranghaeyo," Park corrected in that beautiful voice of his.
"Yeah! That! Reveal your secrets."
"Neoui kkum-e. You'll have to learn it yourself, old man."
"Oh? That so, kid?" Elliott's fingers were dancing along the smaller's hips now, slowly rising, nimble fingers sliding beneath the hoodie he wore. "Must I use other methods?"
And, easily, those hands were slapped away. "Do that and I'll break your hand."
"Mm. Charming." A chuckle left him before his arms returned to lazily wrapping around Park's waist, non-threateningly. "I'm sorry, my sweet, uh… yeo-bo."
Immediately, Park's cheeks colored, and a shy smile curled his lips. "Elliott, do you know what that means exactly?"
"I'd hope 'darling.' I didn't just call you fat, did I?"
Park snorted softly, shaking his head. "No. You're right. But… it's… usually meant for married couples." He paused momentarily, looking away, before smirking. "And you said it wrong."
"Worst. You're the worst. Only you'd drop an embarrassing bombshell and then insult me." Elliott huffed, sporting that famous pout he seemed to be trademarking—and he's not sure he's happy with that. "Uh… Sorry, though, if—if that's overwhelming—or bad."
"It's… nothing bad." Park shrugged, eyes unable to focus on Elliott now, simply browsing the merchandise held in the trickster's room. "I need to teach you how to pronounce it, though. Your attempts offend me."
"Ha ha. Worst boyfriend ever. I want a refund."
"The store I came from has a strict no return policy. Apologies."
"Here, I'll just give you to Renee. She'd like a buddy to bully."
"You're such a jerk."
"That may be so, but I'm also your pabo."
At that, Park snorted, falling into a laughing fit, a seldom occurrence for the other, and Elliott, frankly, nearly fell off the bed.
Park's laugh wasn't exactly the most listened to song Elliott's ever heard. His laughter always starts shy, quiet, and it usually stays that way. Park doesn't throw his head back and let loose, doesn't echo off the walls, and always has a hand covering his mouth, trying to hide that breathtaking smile of his. It was disheartening, seeing him hide something so unmistakably glorious, but he still got to see it, even if it was just harder to.
Everything about him was absolute perfection, smile included.
"You—You just called yourself an idiot," the hacker managed, voice a bit higher in pitch due to the laughter still shaking his frame.
"Oh! No! I didn't mean that! Shit! I take it back!"
"Ah. I think that's my new nickname for you. My dearest pabo."
"I finally get a pet name from you and it's an insult."
"And you still didn't pronounce it right."
"Oh, bite me, Kim."
The smaller released another bit of laughter before he returned to leaning against Elliott, feeling strong hands cup the back of his head and play with his hair. The action always helped relax him, and the smile painted upon his visage only widened.
Frankly, he thought it was sweet that Elliott had made such an effort to understand him when he spoke in his mother tongue. The man never ceased to make him fall in love all over again, make him remember why he called Elliott Witt his love, why he was willing to do everything in his power to keep that smile shining as bright as the sun.
"Thank you for trying, wang-ji-nim."
"Aw. You're welcome, tong-tong-hae."
"… And now you called me fat."
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