#i had to say it irl don't worry i try not to vagueblog
k-she-rambles · 2 years
Today in "I cannot believe I actually had to say this:"
The Lord of the Rings is not divinely inspired, at least not in THAT way. It's not an elaborate and intentional metaphor for higher truth except in the way all art and creativity is either. Jrrt would fight you
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willvalor · 4 years
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Aight, folks. I need to have a serious talk with some of my mutuals on my RP blogs because I've had it up to here. It mostly happens on this one (and the old willvalor) since I have no threads on one and I just recently archived the other. This is by no means a callout post for any one person, it is meant to be strictly informative and a warning of what will happen in the future if this happens. It might also change to me venting my frustrations a bit, but I promise that I don't mean it in a malicious way by any means.
Let's start by saying that I'm a 20 year old guy with medical issues living on his own and having to provide for himself with minimal help from anyone except for an aunt of mine. I'm in college and I'm working part-time job at a book store. I also have friends that I like to hang out with. Yes, the latter isn't as prominent as it usually is because of COVID, but I still like to do calls with my friends whilst I finish any college work that I have to do, and play online games with them because I want to spend time with my IRL friends. Not to say that the friends I've made online don't mean as much to me, because they do! But sometimes I'd just like to get away from the screen and not have to worry about it.
These things take up a massive amount of my time, which means that most of my RP responses come rather late into the night when I should be sleeping. When I started RPing on Tumblr again through the Pokemon RPC, it was never meant to be anything more than a hobby. Even now, it still isn't supposed to be a hobby. I even stated in my rules that my blog is low activity due to my life being disastrously busy.
Yet, even then, some people still constantly press me about responding to threads. I'm okay with a reminder every once in a while, but when you start to do it every time I pop online, it starts to get a little irritating, and it honestly gives me really bad anxiety when people do that. I get it, you want a response to our thread. But please understand that RPing is not a priority for me, nor is it for a lot of other people. We have lives. My blog is low activity for a reason- I queue things for a reason.
With that being said, I'm not rolling over and taking it and letting myself be pressured to reply to threads anymore. If you're going to be constantly pressing me about this- I WILL block you without saying anything. This isn't going to be an argument anymore. This isn't a matter of "you need to respond to our thread and quickly" anymore. I'm tired of this. I have the right to unfollow/block at my own comfort- and being pressured to respond to threads is pushing my boundaries and my buttons, and I won't stand for it anymore. I'm setting my foot down, and if you and I are going to have a problem because of that, you're getting the big hardblock and I'll do the same to any accounts that you use to try and circumvent it.
Again, this is by no means intended to be a callout or vagueblog of any sorts, and I'm by no means mad at anyone who's done this. I'm just planting my foot down a bit with these things, since it's started to become a bit frustrating. Please respect the fact that this blog is low activity and I have a busy life where RPing is not my number one priority. Thank you.
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