#i have a backlog of so many things ''''''''''''''''''''''''orz
idledee · 1 year
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its another pipi novels doodle roundup! i started reading can ci pin :)!
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techforevil-er · 1 year
Bleh week at work. Decent week outside with highlights of chocolate, cheese, and gaming. 💀
This week was less fun and more filled with meetings than I'd care for. Including at least two that started with 'do you have 5 minutes' and lasted for over an hour. I get that people are trying to cram stuff in before they leave on 19th and before the year end but... mercy. I'm still burnt out from 2020. 😭
I'm swinging wildly from being quite pleased about what I've done with Team 2 to being depressed about how underbaked some of the processes are, how messy the backlog is, and so on. Fortunately the new PM is helping now and my mantra of reducing WIP may actually get somewhere, and they will have a new DM joining just before the day in the office. \o/
On the bright side I made some notes from User Research for Team 1 and heard pop-up research results from the side project which has now finished. We also have an emerging solid plan for Team 1's work in the first Q and some ideas for making our programme check-ins different and more effective.
The unexpected snow that paralysed UK transport as usual got in the way of a nice dinner with a friend. I still managed to join the
If I ever find the strength to be a Lead or in the position to influence org-level roadmaps again (Doubt.) this is definitely something I'd like to try:
It seems so obivous now that I've seen it, I am bewildered why anyone bothered with the Gantt-y spreadsheet lines. 🤯
It might go well along Vaugh Tan's Boris framework as well, just to make sure the things NOT being done are super visible? https://vaughntan.org/unpacking-boris
This is a good vid:
The unexpected snow that paralysed UK transport as usual got in the way of a nice dinner with a friend. I still managed to join the chocolate tasting group this month (we did bars originating from Tanzania) and use words like 'coarse', 'sour cherry', 'fruity but without a sour note at the end, a bit like apricot or banana' and hear other people describe stuff as 'the bin', 'sick', 'horrigyingly cloying'. One of the most pressured environments I've ever been in for sure. 😂 The chocolate in those sessions ranges between 70-85% so they day after in a bout of foolhardiness I went for a 100% hot choc at Knoops* and instead of something inexplicably disgusting I got a cup of hot, watery disappointment.
I failed miserably on the cheese advent calendar/cheese tasting front and mixed all my wonderful cheeses together to create (in all fairness pretty amazing) pasta cheese bakes. Farewell pre/post make model, we hardly knew ye. :'(
*I try to use Duck Duck Go more but even with string 'hot chocolate new row' and 'hot chocolate new row covent garden' this place was unfindable and I had to go with Google again. Sorry that I'm addicted to convenience I guess. -\(-__-)/-
Puppet History made me cry.
I lost several more hours in Hades - it's way too easy to do just another run.
And of course I'm playing Witcher 3 again. I forgot just HOW MUCH empty space to run across there is in it. The writing remains gut-wrenching and I already found two new quests so overall I am having a very good time tho.
I feel like I've not watched a genuinely good film in ages. Maybe I'll try to change that. Maybe I'll just play games I've played before for 100 hours. 🙄
I might get started on a year-end personal retrospective and a personal plan. I've been asking the people I coach about theirs so it's only fair, right?
Booking things for the Interrail trip PROPERLY. Not just 2 days in Netherlands and then losing the will to live because of too many options and general anxiety. orz
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gffa · 3 years
Are you okay with pro-shippers following/interacting? Because the drama surrounding Unwhitewash The Bad Batch right now is making me nervous.
The only things I have a problem with people interacting with me for are usually: Constantly trying to draw me into bad faith arguments, constantly making snide commentary about real actual people/fans of things because they disagree with you on fictional preferences in made up stories, anyone who can't respect my boundaries, things like that. (As always, these are the big things I block for, but if someone would like to talk to me about it/ask why, I promise to have a civil conversation about it if you want to message me on mirkwoodings.) As long as we can respect each others' boundaries as real people, as long as there's consideration for the other person, then I'm generally not fussed about your opinions or preferences on made up stories. If you're pro-ship or anti or somewhere else on the gamut, I don't care, as long as you treat me civilly. (This can be a complicated topic to broach because there are fandom issues that I think are important to have conversations about, especially in regards to racism and sexism and other behaviors, but those are very much not what I'm talking about as my boundaries here.) But, like, if you're wondering if I'm going to go vet followers or people who reblog my stuff, no, I can barely make it through my dash (and sometimes not even then, I have so many backlogs orz), I don't have the energy or mental reserves to travel outside of my dash most days, so as long as you're not screaming at me in a reblog or message, I don't care! I mean, if nothing else, I ship at least one 'problematic' ship, so it's not like I'm going to judge anyone else. Ship what you want, unless we're on the same boat, it's none of my business!
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righthererightzao · 4 years
Spare time hobbies the mun does to unwind? (also I think you're super rad! I love seeing your posts!)
Oh gosh I have a few @v@. I get restless easy and I’m also really curious about stuff so I’ve picked up a few hobbies to help me unwind. For the most part gaming my main go to for when I’m too tired to do anything (which sadly has been a lot as of late) 
but! I also like to write, I often have a few short stories n’ stuff that I’ve written but.. never posted because it’s more for me than anything else, though when work isn’t trying to kill me I am in the middle of writing my own Fantasy series, with a setting I’ve build from the ground up which I’m hoping to finish some point next year @v@ I also do some cooking. Like, a lot of cooking, curries, Italian dishes, Chinese dishes, pies, Sunday roasts, (though aside from curries, I don’t do as much anymore because I’m having to tighten my belt to save money for a Mortgage so I’m not dumping a significant chunk of my paycheck into my landlords retirement fund)
I do like to draw as well, but... I take a while to get one picture out and sadly as much as I want to improve, my life as of late has been too hectic to have any energy to muster to start drawing.. which is frustrating because when I pick up my tablet pen, I have to go back to basics because I’ve not done so in such a long time :(
Also as some folks might have gathered, one hobby I have, which is an extension of the first hobby I mentioned more than anything, is screenshot taking. Gpose in FFXIV is a lifesaver, it gives me an outlet to express myself and my characters in so many ways, that some times a single set of screenshots take a good couple of hours while I tweak various things from poses, to angles to lighting.Sadly my creative output is also tied to how much work is slaughtering me and my ever growing backlog of games to play orz.
(Also thank you ;A;)
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notesonleaves · 5 years
Crunchyroll anime, cont
After awhile I hit a snag in reducing my backlog, and then I added more titles, so I am over 30 again, orz. 
However, I finished watching Jojo Part 3 (finally), which is very faithful to the manga, although it has been so long since I’ve read part 3 that I forgot a lot of the details (oddly I forgot the most in the final fights for some reason, maybe because they were so long? Or fairly complicated?) Anyway it just continued to feel weird that they portray all the gore by blacking things out, and I’m not sure if the fact that I remember these gory scenes from the manga makes it more weird or less. Also, the way many of the characters (ok, not so much Jotaro, but it seems like everyone else) likes to helpfully monologue and give the audience lengthy explanations is feels especially jarring now that the narrative has started to emphasize time as a factor, so then it makes you think about things like “uh, they fell like fifteen feet, yet had time to talk for like thirty seconds?” or “dude, you said you stopped time for five seconds, but you were clearly going on longer than that.” 
Holmes of Kyoto:  I started this series on a whim and usually I don’t really like detective shows that much, and I have been trying to avoid light novel based anime, but that didn’t work out this time, ha. I guess the problem is that I like these shows because often the writing seems better, but then I realize the story is continued in the light novel and become annoyed. Anyway, this show is about a young antiques appraiser, Yagashira Kiyotaka (nicknamed Holmes, which is sort of a pun), a high school girl, Mashiro Aoi, getting over a breakup who starts to work at the shop, and how he ends up having to solve these mostly non-murder mysteries he either is asked to solve or accidentally runs into in the course of normal business. There’s lots of interesting information about pottery, woodblock printing, painting, etc. All of this takes place in Kyoto and at times I did wonder whether they got funding from a Kyoto tourism board. Also, there’s Enshou, a master counterfeiter turned monk, who is improbably gifted in various arts and seems to have decided on his own to be Moriarty because it gives him some purpose in life. (Despite leaving the monastery once he is exposed, he continues to dress as a monk). Aoi’s issues with her ex are relatively quickly solved, and she and Kiyotaka (who first offers her a job because he suffered a similar experience where his ex left him for some Osaka guy; his ex-gf, Izumi shows up a lot to ask him for help with a lot of her problems!) soon start to have a lot of UST which is noticed by everyone but neither of them can get around to starting a relationship. (this develops in the light novel). I also was intrigued by how Holmes explains that the other reason he dislikes Enshou so much (besides the fraud and Enshou being a jerk in general) was that he envies Enshou’s artistic talent (which Enshou perversely refuses to use to create original works). 
As a detective show though, this is may not be very satisfying because most of the mysteries aren’t “fair play” and rely on a lot of knowledge that the viewer obviously won’t have. 
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isananna · 7 years
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Saw @klausgoldsteins​ answer this and it looks fun :o
Age: 27
Birthplace: Mandaluyong City
Current time: 2:05 PM
Drink you last had: Water. Which is what I mostly drink anyway lmao
Easiest person to talk to: On tumblr? @mari-ohairloop​ @klausgoldsteins​ @wolfs-dawn​ Not on tumblr? A few online friends and my really close IRL friends
Favorite song: More like I have a favorite song per band/ singer I listen to. But right now, Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy is stuck in my head
Grossest Memory: The night my grandparents brought out an old poker table, the brothers and the cousins were looking for poker chips inside the drawers and FLYING ROACHES CAME EVERYWHERE so I bawled, ran away, and hid. Note I was about 10 or so
Horror yes or horror no: ABSOLUTELY NOT I have a hyperactive imagination and get scared really easily ._.
Jealous of people: I can be? But I try not to be.
Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Attraction sure? But I honestly think love takes some getting to know.
Middle name: American standards? Margarita. My real middle name? Fernando.
Number of siblings: two *much* older brothers. One is about 10.5 years older, the other is 7.5 years older.
One wish: Money! So... I can buy all the video games, books, and makeup and add to my increasing backlog/ hoard :D
Person you called last: Mother. To fix our schedule for today lmao
Question you’re always asked: When I’m going to finish my MA and graduate....
Reason to smile: My beagles run up to me and just pounce on me because they want to play ;3;
Song you last sang - All Rise by Blue
Time you woke up: 9:45 AM But I did go to bed past 2 AM sooooo
Underwear color: black, lmao
Vacation destination: J A P A N
X-rays: A bunch of chest X-rays for medical check-ups for school and whatnot. Also got a left shoulder x-ray. Pretty sure I got a wrist x-ray when I was a kid because we were playing around in PE and someone’s knee dug into the back of my hand near my wrist? I’ve also had a brain MRI and a cervical spine MRI! orz
Your favorite food: ...I have way too many. This is why I know how to bake :D Both a good thing and a bad thing orz
Zodiac sign: Pisces
I don’t have enough tumblr friends to tag so just feel free to do this if you want to xD
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