#i have a history exam tmrw wish me luck :')
t4tbedehopmar · 2 years
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minnowtank · 1 year
i have a history exam tmrw wish me luck (1 like = 1 wish) heart emoji
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sweetkeiji · 3 years
hi hello here's what happened today and why i'm utterly exhausted and up to my neck in school work
i worked at our school's club fair today. fun right?
it was for us to introduce our clubs to incoming freshmen (current 8th graders) and get them more involved with the school
let me tell you: it was SO overwhelming
like there was a shit ton of them (it'd just occurred to me that we were doing this to the entire class of 2026) and our principal's voice was booming over the speakers to tell them how this worked
and most people were masked too so it was so hard to get them to hear us
naturally, the people, including yours truly, at the tables had to shout so that they could
as someone who does not and cannot interact with tons of people on a daily basis, to say i was overwhelmed would be an understatement
imagine me scrambling around a cheap plastic folding table, trying to tell kids why they should join science olympiad.. yes
it must've been hilarious to watch from the outside tbh
4 hours later (yes, FOUR) we finally finished and i had a splitting headache because as i said before, i don't talk to this many people in a single day much less in 4 hours
like i've probably talked to more people today than i have in the past year
oh i should probably add here that there were almost 400 of them
also idk if i established this before (i think i did but many of you weren't around in the very beginning of keijinn) but i get headaches super easily
so i went home and immediately went to bed because i could not focus on my school work with the migraine i had
slept for ~1 hour then woke up, IT WAS STILL THERE and after completely half-assing my bio hw i took an aspirin and went back to sleep
then i woke up 1.5 hours later and it went away! yay!
but y'know what's not yay? the us history exam i have tmrw and all of the hw i have yet to do
so now it's 8:40pm and i still have hours of work and studying ahead of me, wish me luck <3
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sweetkeiji · 3 years
ah i see, wish u good luck!! and whoa really? for me i just fin all my midterm exams today 😧
hehe couldn’t rlly say today since it’s already night for me — still i can tell you what i did today! so my morning starts with 2 exams but the teacher let us have free time all throughout our afternoon classes, (which i ended up spending it on making a new carrd —) wbu? any plans for today? <3
yeahh my school is actually doing midterms earlier than other schools in our area (the others pushed them back because of covid)
that sounds nice! the way our midterms work is the entire school takes the test of one subject per day (today's our english and literature day so everyone will be taking that midterm). and once exams end we can just go home hehe
like i said above, i have my english and literature exam today! unfortunately, i also have my ap euro exam after and my hand is going to fall off because they're both writing-intensive classes (we're handwriting sobs) i don't have much planned afterwards other than studying for my us history exam tmrw 😔
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